<p>l Saltiga 2023 della Daiwa è la nuova serie di mulinelli Saltiga che comprende le misure 4000, 5000 e 6000! Finalmente Daiwa presenta il suo mulinello da spinning da mare top di gamma anche nelle misure più piccole, andando a corprire tutte quelle tecniche medie e medio/pesanti quali lo Spinning Inshore e Offshore, lo Shore Jigging, il Jigging, il Light Jigging e il Super Light Jigging. "MQ" incontra "AIRDRIVE DESIGN": ciò vuol dire che il corpo monoscocca incontra le ultime tecnologie di Daiwa che riguarda la riprogettazione e il miglioramento dei 3 elementi fondamentali del mulinello: rotore,archetto e albero principale. Il nuovo Saltiga 2023, infatti, è dotato di un resistente ingranaggio digitale MC (Machine Cut) in duralluminio G1 di grande diametro all'interno di un corpo monoscocca (MQ) interamente in metallo (realizzato in AL), che raggiunge un'eccezionale potenza e resistenza. Tutto questo ha consentito di fare un bel salto in avanti rispetto ai mulinelli precedenti della stessa dimensioni. Il nuovo Saltiga 2023 nelle misure 4000, 5000 e 6000 è la scelta ideale per tutti colori che pretendono solo il meglio da un mulinello per la pesca in mare! AIRDRIVE ROTOR (prodotto in AL) Un nuovo rotore in alluminio, completamente ridisegnato e riprogettato per offrire una scorrevolezza eccezionale: il nuovo design permette infatti di ridurre il peso del rotore e di abbassare ulteriormente il grado di inerzia nella rotazione. AIRDRIVE SHAFT Un sistema ridisegnato che garantisce la completa assenza di contatto tra alberino principale e pignone. Quest'ultimo è ora supportato alle estremità da cuscinetti a sfera per un trasferimento della potenza al rotore ancora più efficiente e, inoltre, è stato possibile ridurre notevolmente il rumore durante la rotazione. AIRDRIVE BAIL Il nuovo archetto monopezzo del Saltiga ha un diametro ridotto che permette di limitarne il peso pur mantenendo grande resistenza e solidità. È stato inoltre studiato un nuovo angolo di inclinazione per ottimizzare ulteriormente lo scorrimento del filo all'interno del rullino guidafilo, anch'esso ridisegnato per massimizzare la scorrevolezza. La dimensione 4000 e 5000 ha un diametro da 2.4mm, mentre il 6000 da 3.0mm. Inoltre è stata prestata molta attenzione all'apertura e alla chiusura dell'archetto, in modo che si apra saldamente quando è aperto e si chiuda saldamente quando è chiuso. ALTRE CARATTERISTICHE - Corpo Monoscocca (MQ = Monocoque) in alluminio, - 12 cuscinetti di cui 7 anticorrosione CRBB e 2 Magsealed, - Tecnologia Magsealed a protezione del corpo e del rullino guidafilo, - Meccanica Tough Digigear in Duralluminio G1, - Infinite Anti-Reverse, - Imbobinamento Cross Wrap, - Bobina ABS Long Cast forgiata in Alluminio, - Frizione ATD in carbonio, - Manovella da 65mm (misure 4000/5000) e 70mm (misura 6000), - Pomello tondo in alluminio da 39mm (misura 4000) e da 42mm (misure 5000/6000), - Archetto con scatto manuale. "Overwhelming power and toughness" and "rotation and operability" to capture "largest class trophies" and "personal records" in "fighting areas" (fields with high human pressure) where the value of one fish is high. The birth of a new era high-spec reel with Equipped with a large-diameter G1 duralumin MC (machine cut) tough digital gear on a full metal (made by AL) monocoque body, it achieves exceptional "strength of winding" and "strength of gear". And the AL AIRDRIVE ROTOR, which combines "strength" and "low inertia" at a high level, brings about an increase in the amount of underwater information such as changes in the tide of the water and changes in the behavior of the lure due to fish tracking. It gives anglers a great advantage. “BREAK YOUR RECORD” The completely new SALTIGA 4000/5000/6000 opens up a new era of SW games! TOUGH TECHNOLOGY TOUGH TECHNOLOGY MQ (MONOCOQUE BODY) This shape is proof of strength MQ (MONOCOQUE BODY) This shape is proof of strength Full metal (made of AL) monocoque body 23 SALTIGA 4000/5000/6000 "winding strength" has made a big leap compared to previous reels of the same size. The technology that contributes the most to achieving that performance is the "full metal (made of AL) monocoque body (MQ)". Conventional spinning reels generally support both ends of the drive gear with the body and body cover and fix them with screws at several locations. From this structure, aiming to further improve accuracy and rigidity, the body cover was abolished and a high-precision plate was directly screwed into the body to fix it to the monocoque body. This increases the gear support accuracy, and also improves rigidity and airtightness. Furthermore, by utilizing the space previously taken up by the screw, we succeeded in maximizing the size of the drive gear. Large diameter G1 duralumin MC (machine cut) tough digital gear Large diameter G1 duralumin MC (machine cut) tough digital gear In addition to high rigidity, the monocoque body (MQ) that can expand the drive gear to the limit is equipped with G1 duralumin MC (machine cut) tough digital gear that boasts 1.3 times the strength of extra super duralumin. Realize TOUGH. With the MQ body large caliber gear, we have obtained exceptional "strength of winding" and "strength of gear". TECHNICAL TECHNOLOGY TECHNICAL TECHNOLOGY AIRDRIVE DESIGN Turn, stop, at will. AIRDRIVE DESIGN Turn, stop, at will. AIRDRIVE ROTOR AIRDRIVE ROTOR ( AL製) air drive rotor Adopted AL AIRDRIVE ROTOR that achieves both "toughness" and "low inertia" at a high level. Jigging leads to more underwater information such as changes in underwater tides and changes in lure behavior due to fish tracking, giving anglers an overwhelming advantage in technically aiming for big game. DAIWA continues to work on improving the rotation response of the spinning reel rotor. Based on its own theory, DAIWA has derived a new shape that looks as if it were cut out of a sphere. By thoroughly scraping off unnecessary meat from there, we succeeded in significantly reducing weight while maintaining rigidity. As a result, the lightness of unwinding, which leads to improved operability and sensitivity, has been dramatically improved. AIRDRIVE BAIL AIRDRIVE BAIL air drive bale For many years, the air veil mounted on DAIWA spinning reels has adopted a hollow pipe structure that brings lightness and rigidity. In addition, the unique shape smoothly guided the line to the line roller, enabling trouble-free unwinding. The air drive bail has been made thinner while maintaining the required strength to achieve further weight reduction. In addition, the line is inclined to the optimum bale angle that allows a smoother transition from the bale to the line roller. In addition to supporting the performance of the air drive rotor, it became even lighter and trouble-free. 23 SALTIGA selects the optimum bale diameter for each size. The 6000 size is Φ3.0mm with an emphasis on strength and rigidity. The 4000/5000 size is designed with a diameter of 2.4mm, with an emphasis on low inertia of the rotor unit so that more underwater information can be obtained. We also paid attention to the opening and closing of the veil, so that it opens firmly when it is opened and closes firmly when it is closed. AIRDRIVE SHAFT AIRDRIVE SHAFT air drive shaft The linear shaft that DAIWA has installed in the spinning reel is a system that eliminates frictional resistance by making the main shaft non-contact with the pinion. By supporting both ends of the pinion with ball bearings, the air drive shaft can connect the power input from the handle to the maximum rotational force of the rotor. In addition, by supporting the main shaft with a high-precision collar, it is possible to thoroughly reduce rotation noise. OTHER TECHNOLOG This reel may change the offshore jigging scene greatly in the future. Because I used the 6000-H and 6000-XH in my testing and it was such a big surprise. To put it simply, this number, this torque, and the good reeling response were more than surprising and impressive. First, let's talk about torque. The benefits of the aluminum monocoque body and the large diameter G1 duralumin machine cut tough digital gear are great, and I was able to fish without stress in the Hirado/Kamigoto area where I go, where the water depth is about 60m, and sometimes over 100m. The deeper the water, the heavier the jig. Reel power is also required to control heavy jigs with the intended action. The combination of an aluminum monocoque body, a large diameter G1 duralumin machine cut tough digital gear, a 70mm handle, and a round knob that makes palming easier, creates torque that has never been seen before in the 6000 class, allowing you to fish as intended even in deep water. I was able to expand. And what I want to convey most with this reel is the reeling response. Jigging needs to detect information from underwater during the day and make use of it for the next development. When the water is deep, the amount of line that comes out is large, and the sensitivity to information in the water becomes ambiguous, but it boasts smooth and powerful winding and high rigidity after suppressing the inertia of the rotor rotation. The aluminum air drive rotor increased the winding sensitivity and provided more information from underwater. In addition, the reeling response has also been improved, making it possible to develop from powerful fishing to technical fishing that responds to fine changes in hand. Tomoya Suenaga As for the drag, an ATD with a carbon washer is adopted, and the smooth start of the drag makes it possible to unexpectedly pull a large object on a light line. Jigging for cold amberjack in the winter of the Genkai Sea is doTERRA sinking in an area with a depth of over 100m. It is best to use a light line to control the resistance of the tide while fishing. However, the yellowtail that hits may exceed 10 kg, and ATD is essential for such fish. Conversely, when you want to tighten the drag, you can tighten the drag up to 15kg, so if you want to fight large fish without pulling out the line in complex shallows or fish reefs, you can tighten the drag firmly. . Furthermore, the power after hitting the fish is also excellent. Aluminum monocoque body, large diameter G1 duralumin machine cut tough digital gear, 70mm handle, aluminum air drive rotor, all technologies are combined to create power comparable to large counts. I got the impression that it was smooth from the start, and that I could take the initiative from the moment it hit, and that I could get closer and closer to the landing. This reel not only makes the fishing that has been developed with 6000-class reels more comfortable, but also develops new fishing in areas where fishing was not possible without large-number reels. I think that it is a reel that opens up a new era, where you can enjoy bargaining with fish in various approaches.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>MODEL</td><td>Model</td><td>(cm/handle 1 rotation)</td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Standard winding amount PE (No. -m)</td><td>Bearing (ball/roller)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 4000-H</td><td>4000-H</td><td>90</td><td>5.7</td><td>345</td><td>12</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-260</td><td>12 1</td><td>65</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 4000-XH</td><td>4000-XH</td><td>98</td><td>6.2</td><td>345</td><td>12</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-260</td><td>12 1</td><td>65</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 5000-H</td><td>5000-H</td><td>96</td><td>5.7</td><td>365</td><td>15</td><td>2.5-300 / 3-210</td><td>12 1</td><td>65</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 5000-XH</td><td>5000-XH</td><td>104</td><td>6.2</td><td>365</td><td>15</td><td>2.5-300 / 3-210</td><td>12 1</td><td>65</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 6000-H</td><td>6000-H</td><td>101</td><td>5.7</td><td>400</td><td>15</td><td>3-300 / 4-220</td><td>12 1</td><td>70</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIGA 6000-XH</td><td>6000-XH</td><td>110</td><td>6.2</td><td>400</td><td>15</td><td>3-300 / 4-220</td><td>12 1</td><td>70</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €965.00