<p>MK4 PEDANA EXTRIM Costruita interamente in alluminio saldato a tig e verniciata a polvere epossidica, una pedana molto robusta e stabile ma nel contesto estremamente leggera. Misure esterne 940x750 mm - Misure interne 900x710 mm Gambe anteriori Ø 30 mm h. 800 mm telescopiche con piede in alluminio a coppetta. Gambe posteriori Ø 30 mm h 500 mm sse con piede in alluminio a coppetta La pedana è costruita in modo da poter utilizzare il traino. EXTREME PLATFORM: It is built entirely of tig-welded aluminium and characterised by epoxy powder coating. This platform is really strong and stable, remaining at the same time very light-weighting. External dimensions: 940x750 mm - Internal dimensions: 900x710 mm Front legs are telescopic and they end with an aluminium cup foots. Legs' dimensions: 30 mm Ø and 800 mm lenght Back legs also end with aluminium cup foots, they are xed and characterised by 30 mm Ø and 500 mm lenght The platform structure allows the towing handling</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td></td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 PEDANA EXTRIM</td> <td></td> </tr></tbody></table>
Price €335.00