List of products by brand Hart

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Hart Hart 25S BCAST 71H

    Hart 25S BCAST 71H

    <p>Extra fast action rod, built for the most demanding anglers. Powerful, with a highly sensitive and pronounced tip action. As well as being perfect for jig fishing, thanks to its exquisite blank, it can equally be used to fish with Texas and Krank rigs. Mounted with FUJI K SIC guides, offering special protection for braided lines. FUJI PULS reel seat for improved hand stability, allowing you to place four fingers under the trigger for increased feel on the blank and improved bite detection. Featuring a BACK STOP™ mechanism for the lock nut. Padded mesh rod bag.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Azione</td><td>Casting</td><td>Peso canna</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DH25SBC71</td><td>Hart 25S Bcast 71C - 7´1´´- 2.15M/ 1Sec</td><td>7´1´´ - 2.15 m</td><td>1</td><td>Extra-Fast</td><td>14/38g</td><td>139</td></tr></tbody></table>
    Price €332.00
    Hart Hart 25S IKA 83

      Hart 25S IKA 83

      <p>Canna da pesca per i pescatori più esigenti. La grande potenza e l'azione progressiva del suo blank in carbonio ad alto modulo, aggiunto alla punta sensibilissima, rendono questa canna una vera gioia per gli appassionati di eging. Capace di catapultare 3,5 Egis pesanti in qualsiasi condizione di pesca, ma può anche rilevare anche il minimo morso di calamaro. Montato con guide fuji k sic. Vero portamulinello Fuji tvstk con maniglia in carbonio. Borsa per canna in mesh imbottita. specifiche tecniche: Peso: 8 / 25gr. Eging rod for even the most demanding anglers. The great power and progressive action of its high modulus carbon blank, added to its spliced-in tip, make this rod a real joy for eging enthusiasts. Capable of catapulting heavy 3.5 Egis in any fishing conditions while it can also detect even the slightest squid bites. Mounted with fuji k sic guides. Fuji tvstk real seat with customised carbon handle. Padded mesh rod bag.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Azione</td><td>Casting</td><td>Peso canna</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DH25SIK83</td><td>Hart 25S IKA-8´3"-2.51m/2sec</td><td>8´3´´ - 2.51m</td><td>2</td><td>Fast</td><td>Egi 2.0 – 3.5 / 8-25g / PE 0,6 – 1,5</td><td>150</td></tr></tbody></table>
      Price €230.00
      Hart HART 25S OFFSHORE 9.0

        HART 25S OFFSHORE 9.0

        <p>The wolves in the Cantabrian Sea have everything to fear! Ideal for on-shore technical spinning. Extra-long, high-precision and extremely light casting. Ultra-progressive action with complete versatility. Built with FUJI K SIC guides with an ion-plated frame (E) offering special protection against braided lines and rust. FUJI TVS reel seat with a BACK STOP™ mechanism for the locking thread. Padded mesh rod bag.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Peso canna</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>DH25SO9</td> <td>HART 25S OFFSHORE - 9´ - 2.70m</td> <td>9´0´´ - 2.70 m</td> <td>2</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>15/60 g</td> <td>177</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
        Price €250.00
        Hart HART 25S POPPING 7.10

          HART 25S POPPING 7.10

          <p>Fighting tuna is child’s play! This popping rod is ideal for on-board spinning anglers, for fighting tuna. Being compact and lightweight, thanks to the use of carbons of up to 40 Tn, it’s perfect for tough fishing. With its sensitive tip and Fuji K SIC guides, it’s possible to cast small 20 to 30 gram spinners, when the fish are eating small anchovies. Yet, it can easily cast large poppers or stickbaits on those days when the water’s boiling... Impressive power reserve in the butt, something which is essential for tackling powerful tuna. Mounted with FUJI K SIC guides. FUJI DPS reel seat with a BACK STOP™ mechanism for the locking thread. Padded mesh rod bag</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Azione</td><td>Casting</td><td>Peso canna</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DH25SP710</td><td>HART 25S POPPING - 7´10´´ - 2.39m</td><td>7´10´´- 2.39 m</td><td>1+1</td><td>R-Fast</td><td>70/190 g</td><td>255</td></tr></tbody></table>
          Price €381.00
          Hart Hart ACID

            Hart ACID

            <p>Powerful, high capacity reel for fishing catfish, large pike and slow-jigging at sea. One piece aluminium body with built-in support arm and extra-strong graphite sideplates. High capacity machined aluminium spool, with stainless precision bearings. Carbon multi-disc drag system. 6 bearing technology: 1 infinite anti-reverse bearing and 5 stainless steel bearings. High quality stainless steel gearing and shafts. Over-sized EVA combat grip with offset handle for greater comfort and power transfer during retrieve</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>recupero giro di manovella</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Rapporto di recupero</td><td>Drag</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>QHA1263</td><td>Reel Hart ACID-10+1bb - 6.3:1</td><td></td><td>0,25/250 – 0,30/200</td><td>282 gr</td><td></td><td>6,3:1</td><td>10 Kg</td></tr></tbody></table>
            Price €129.00
            Hart Hart Automatic Inflatable Lifevest

              Hart Automatic Inflatable Lifevest

              <p>Hart Automatic Inflatable Lifevest Salvagente autogonfiante per belly boat</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>XHIAV</td> <td>Automatic Inflatable Lifevest</td> </tr></tbody></table>
              Price €89.90
              Hart Hart Belly Boat Catamaran VI Pontoon

                Hart Belly Boat Catamaran VI Pontoon

                <p>Hart VI Pontoon. Piccolo catamarano, costruito su una base in tubolare d’acciaio rimovibile con un pieghevole quasi “tascabile”. Molto facile da trasportare e ideale per i pescatori che vogliono qualcosa di più di un belly boat, ma senza il fastidio di trasportare grandi catamarani. Posizione di pesca molto comoda per combattere grossi pesci, tra cui il potente siluro. E' costruito su una forte cordura 420 denari, e servito in confezione con pompa, custodia per il trasporto e 2 remi smontabili. Assicura una posizione di pesca più alta di qualsiasi belly boat. Small catamaran, constructed on a practically pocket-folding, dismountable steel frame. Extremely easy to carry and perfect for those fishermen who want more than a standard float tube, but without the complications of having to transport a large catamaran. Exceedingly comfortable fishing position for tackling even the largest specimens, including powerful catfish. Made from tough 420 denier Cordura. Supplied with pump and carry bag.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>YHFTCP</td><td>Catamarán Float HART Vi-Pontoon</td></tr></tbody></table>
                Price €369.00
                Hart HART belly boat SIKKARIO X-BLACK

                  HART belly boat SIKKARIO X-BLACK

                  <p>HART belly boat SIKKARIO X-BLACK Terza generazione del mitico Sikkario, con diversi miglioramenti .Realizzato in PVC ad alta resistenza con giunti rinforzati e termosaldati Latecnologia HART PVC-BYLAYER incorpora un rivestimento interno in poliestere 1.000 D, che ne migliora la resistenza e la durata .Seduta e fusione ad alta pressione.Dotato di 2 valvole situate nella parte posteriore delle calze, che lasciano la parte anteriore libera per installare comodamente l'Ecoscandaglio e altri accessori, così come 1valvola di sede e 1 valvola di fondo.Include remi e una barra distanziatrice nella parte anteriore, fatta di alluminio nero dialta qualità . Dotato di 2 grandi e belle tasche laterali con velcro, per posizionarle come si vuole .I nuovi supporti del remo si adattano facilmente alla taglia e al gusto del pescatore, per un maggiore comfort .Dotato di 3 maniglie rinforzate per un facile trasporto: 2 sulle calze e 1 suldavanti .Così come le cinghie imbottite tipo zaino , per portarlo comodamente sulla schiena durante i lunghi viaggi . Viene venduto con una pompa a pedale ad alto flusso e una borsa per il trasporto Carico massimo: 200 chili. Third generation of the mythical Sikkario, which includes a number of improvements. Constructed from high strength PVC with reinforced, heat-sealed seams. The HART PVC-BYLAYER technology incorporates a 1000 dernier polyester interior coating that improves its strength and durability. High-pressure seat and floor. 2 valves located in the rear of the tubes, freeing-up the front part to easily mount the probe and other accessories. 1 valve for the seat and 1 valve for the floor. It includes oars and a front stabilizer bar now in black aluminium, bringing a touch of quality to the design. 2 improved large velcro-positionable side pockets and new oar lock position, to be easily adapted to the size and taste of each user so that rowing is always comfortable. It features 3 reinforced handles for ease of transport: 2 on the tubes and 1 on the bow. It also includes padded backpacking shoulder straps to comfortably carry it on your back for longer journeys. Supplied with a high volume foot pump and carrying bag.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>YHKXB</td> <td>HART SIKKARIO X-BLACK Float Tube</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                  Price €589.00
                  Hart HART Belly Boat SIKKARIO X-TUBE

                    HART Belly Boat SIKKARIO X-TUBE

                    <p>HART Belly Boat SIKKARIO X-TUBE Costruito in PVC ad alta resistenza con cuciture rinforzate e termosaldate. La tecnologia HART PVC-BYLAYER incorpora un rivestimento interno in poliestere da 1000 denari che ne migliora la resistenza e la durata. Sedile e pavimento ad alta pressione. 2 valvole posizionate nella parte posteriore dei tubi, liberando la parte anteriore per montare facilmente la sonda e altri accessori. 1 valvola per la sede e 1 valvola per il pavimento. Viene fornito con 3 tasche impermeabili in PVC. Due tasche laterali 500x230x150 mm e una terza tasca rastremata 380x230x240 mm che viene montata nella parte anteriore del tubo galleggiante. Questa tasca è pensata per riporre oggetti ingombranti che non vengono utilizzati durante la pesca. Il tubo galleggiante è dotato di un supporto motore elettrico sul fondo. È dotato di tre maniglie rinforzate per facilitare il trasporto: 2 sui tubi e 1 sulla parte anteriore. Include anche spallacci imbottiti da zaino per portarlo comodamente sulla schiena per i viaggi più lunghi. Comprende remi rifiniti in alluminio nero, così come la barra stabilizzatrice anteriore. Fornito con pompa a pedale ad alto volume e borsa per il trasporto. HART Belly Boat SIKKARIO X-TUBE Constructed from high strength PVC with reinforced, heat-sealed seams. The HART PVC-BYLAYER technology incorporates a 1000 denier polyester interior coating that enhances its strength and durability. High-pressure seat and floor. 2 valves located in the rear of the tubes, freeing-up the front part to easily mount the probe and other accessories. 1 valve for the seat and 1 valve for the floor. It comes with 3 waterproof pockets made from PVC. Two 500x230x150 mm side pockets and a third 380x230x240 mm tapered pocket that is mounted in the front part of the float tube. This pocket is intended to store bulky items that are not used when fishing. The float tube is equipped with a torpedo electric motor support on the bottom. It features three reinforced handles for ease of transport: 2 on the tubes and 1 on the front. It also includes padded backpacking shoulder straps to comfortably carry it on your back for longer journeys. It includes oars finished in black aluminium, as is the front stabilizer bar. Supplied with a high volume foot pump and carrying bag. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>YHKXT</td><td>HART SIKKARIO X-TUBE float tube</td></tr></tbody></table>
                    Price €599.00
                    Hart HART Belly Boat SLIDER

                      HART Belly Boat SLIDER

                      <p>HART Belly Boat SLIDER Nuova generazione ibrida di un belly boat realizzato con robusto e resistente pvc da 1000 denari e dotato di rinforzi nella parte superiore e inferiore. La parte interna di questo ibrido è realizzata in poliestere rigido che conferisce maggiore robustezza al corpo</p>
                      Price €919.00
                      Hart HART Belly Boat THE GUARDIAN

                        HART Belly Boat THE GUARDIAN

                        <p>HART Belly Boat THE GUARDIAN realizzato interamente in poliestere spalmato in PVC 1000 dernier. Lo spessore del suo rivestimento è sovradimensionato, fino a 1,1 mm (rispetto agli 0,7 mm dei modelli standard) e viene “tatuato” con un bel mimetismo. Questa pelle spessa offre un'eccellente protezione contro strappi e forature. I tubi sono stati sovradimensionati nella parte anteriore, fino a 35 cm in diametro, impedendo così alle “punte” di affondare. Questo garantisce maggiore galleggiabilità a questa parte del belly, quando ci si piega in avanti durante l'azione di pesca. Le sue ampie tasche laterali sono abbastanza spaziose da caricare facilmente esche ed accessori. Viene fornito con un pavimento ad alta pressione per una maggiore galleggiabilità, remi e una barra anteriore in alluminio per una migliore gestione di pesci di grandi dimensioni. Fornito con pompa a pedale ad alta presione, borsa per il trasporto e fascia. Float tube made entirely of 1000 dernier PVC coated polyester. The thickness of its covering is over-sized, up to 1.1mm (compared to the 0.7 mm of standard float tubes) and it comes “tattooed” with a nice camouflage. This thick skin affords excellent protection against snags, tears and punctures. The tubes have been over-sized at the front, up to 35 cm in diameter, thereby preventing the “tips” from sinking. This achieves greater floatability to this part of the float, when leaning forward during the fishing action. Its large side pockets are spacious enough to easily load all your bait and accessories. It comes with a high pressure floor for enhanced floatability, oars and a front aluminium bar for improved handling of large fish. Supplied with a high volume foot pump, carrying bag and front ne</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Y780</td><td>HART THE GUARDIAN Float Tube</td></tr></tbody></table>
                        Price €609.00
                        Hart Hart Belly Boat The Mosquitto

                          Hart Belly Boat The Mosquitto

                          <p>Belly boat con ottimo rapporto rapporto qualità/prezzo ideale per chi vuole iniziare a pescare con il belly boat spendendo una cifra giusta ma senza rinunciare alla qualità e alla sicurezza. Realizzato in robusta cordura di 420 denari che ne garantisce ottima robustezza. Grazie al sedile e allo schienale con foam ad alta densità e indipendenti si ha un elevato comfort, rendendo la pesca piacevole. Dotato di ampie tasche laterali ideali per contenere accessori ed artificiali, due camere d’aria indipendenti che danno al belly una forma a V aumentandone la stabilità e facilitando gli spostamenti e di pompa per il gonfiaggio. Comfortable, stable and easy-to-handle V-shaped float tube for anyone interested in getting started in this type of fishing. Independent seat and back rest of high density foam for greater comfort. Constructed with 420 Dernier Cordura nylon. Independent floats with safety valve. Side pockets and front net for holding your equipment. Equipped with an inflatable hand pump. Carrying bag not included.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Y280NA</td> <td>Hart Mosquito Float Tube Y280 orange</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                          Price €149.00
                          Hart HART Belly Boat VENDETTA

                            HART Belly Boat VENDETTA

                            <p>HART Belly Boat VENDETTA The ideal float for anglers looking for a small PVC bladderless float tube. Constructed from high strength PVC with reinforced, heat-sealed seams. The HART PVC-BYLAYER technology incorporates a 1000 dernier polyester interior coating that improves its strength and durability. 2 valves located in the rear of the tubes, freeing-up the front part to easily mount the probe and other accessories. Seat and back rest of high density foam, both with 900 denier polyester covers. With a useful seat width of 50 cm and a thickness of 16 cm, this gives a raised position to perfectly control the water during the fishing action. With a length of 145 cm and a width of 110 cm, this “toy” is really easy to handle. The 30 cm diameter tubes give it great floatability and stability. You will find it really easy to load all your things thanks to its two enormous 50 cm side storage pockets and wtih vislon plastic zips. It features 3 reinforced handles for ease of transport: 2 on the tubes and 1 on the bow. Supplied with a high volume foot pump and carrying bag. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>YHT</td><td>HART VENDETTA Float Tube YHT</td></tr></tbody></table>
                            Price €359.00
                            Hart HART Belly Boat VENDETTA PRO

                              HART Belly Boat VENDETTA PRO

                              <p>Hart Belly Boat Vendetta Pro The perfect float for those who want a compact float tube together with the convenience of oars to cover long distances. Constructed from high strength PVC with reinforced, heat-sealed seams. The HART PVC-BYLAYER technology incorporates a 1000 dernier polyester interior coating that improves its strength and durability. High pressure 50 cm wide and 16 cm thick seat, for maximum comfort and perfect view during the fishing action. 2 valves located in the rear of the tubes, freeing-up the front part to easily mount the probe and other accessories. 1 valve for the seat. With a length of 145 cm and a width of 110 cm, this “toy” is really easy to handle. The 30 cm diameter tubes give it great floatability and stability. You will find it really easy to load all your things thanks to its two enormous 50 cm side storage pockets and wtih vislon plastic zips. It features 3 reinforced handles for ease of transport: 2 on the tubes and 1 on the bow. Supplied with oars, a high volume foot pump and carrying bag. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>YHTP</td><td>HART VENDETTA PRO Float Tube YHTP</td></tr></tbody></table>
                              Price €435.00
                              Hart HART Belly Boat VI Defender

                                HART Belly Boat VI Defender

                                <p>Belly boat da pesca Hart VI Defender. Confortevole profilo a V per grande manovrabilità e stabilità. Schienale regolabile, per evitare ogni problema di stanchezza. Il rivestimento esterno è basato su 420 denari di nylon Cordura, extra resistente, ricoperto in PVC antistrappo. Dotato di amplie tasche per riporre un gran numero di scatole ed accessori e di anelli per collocazione eventuali nasse e portacanna. Questa ciambella da pesca è già fornita con pompa e sacche. Comfortable V-shaped float tube, for added stability and manoeuvrability. Seat above water level with adjustable reclining backrest. Comfortable and convenient for all types of fishermen, allowing for hours of tireless fishing. The float tube is constructed with 420 Dernier Cordura nylon, with 900 Dernier Cordura reinforcements and a PVC covering in the water contact zone. This layer gives it exceptional leak tightness and puncture resistance. It is equipped with two large side storage pockets, an adjustable front cargo deck and many D-rings for attaching accessories. It is supplied with a double effect pump and a carrying bag</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Y380</td> <td>HART Vi-Defender Float Tube Y380</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                Price €245.00