Salt Minnows Lipless

Salt Minnows Lipless

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  • Brand: Evolures
  • Brand: Ocean’s Legacy


<p>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F non è un pencil bait ordinario o semplicemente un popper in quanto siamo di fronte ad un'esca innovativa con tante funzioni, per tante applicazioni. Progettato e sviluppato sia per pescare in Saltwater (Offshore o Inshore) oppure in anche Freshwater. Il profilo dell’esca richiama quello dell'Aguglia, uno dei più comuni pesce foraggio in tutto il mondo. Il nome ZARGANA letteralmente tradotto in inglese è Needlefish ovvero Aguglia. Dopo lunghi test da parte del team EVOLURES è stato reso definitivo lo ZARGANA 150F, un’ottima esca, semplice nella forma ma davvero unica! Come usare lo Zargana 150F: Il modo più semplice per utilizzare lo ZARGANA 150F è il classico recupero da popper. La posizione di riposo dell'esca sulla superficie è orizzontale. L’assetto è stato volutamente studiato in orizzontale per imitare la silhoutte del pesce foraggio in acqua. L’unica cosa che dovrà fare il pescatore sarà quella di recuperare l’esca con il classico recupero da popper anche con il solo recupero del mulinello avremo il classico effetto pop e splashing in top water. Un altro tipo di recupero possibile con lo ZARGANA 150F è quello con la jerkata lunga abbinata ad un recupero veloce del mulinello,questo simulerà un pesce in fuga dal predatore andando a creare un tunnel e una scia bolle nuotando sotto l’acqua a 5-10 cm. L’esca nuoterà con un movimento rolling ed un’azione di coda. E’ possibile utilizzare lo ZARGANA 150F a twitching ovvero lanciando l’esca in acqua al momento del recupero procederemo con delle piccole jerkate seguite da lunghi stop in modo che l’esca in top water simuli una preda facile. Lo Zargana 150 si presta bene recuperato anche in acque basse ,infatti questo artificiale è denominato anche ‘Shallow Runner’, proprio in questi casi dove abbiamo poca acqua per pescare basterà recuperare l’esca molto piano cosi facendo lo Zargana 150 andrà a creare una scia a V con la coda sulla superficie dell’acqua. Se sei un appassionato della pesca a traina sai che puoi usare Zargana per questa tecnica? E’ molto efficace su: pesci serra,tunnidi,pelagici,lampughe,etc. Basterà trainarlo ad una velocità di 3 - 4 nodi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td><td>Lunghezza/peso</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Hook</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>2292</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FIRETIGER</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2293</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FRISSA</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2294</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>GREEN MACKEREL</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2295</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>BARRA</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2296</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>ICE CREAM</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2297</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>SKIPJACK</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2298</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>SNOWHITE</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2299</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>WAHOO</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2300</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FILEFISH</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2301</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>DAMSEL FISH</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2302</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>ZORO REDHEAD</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €17.50
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<p>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200 né il nome né la forma di questo wobbler di superficie per prodezze in acqua salata è casuale! È dotato di un lancio lungo, volo stabile e gameplay - con una planata realistica estremamente facile da ottenere, anche per i pescatori meno esperti. Il design della Walking Pencil si ispira a due predatori diversi ma preferiti dai predatori: il pesce Ballyhoo e il Pesce volante, e la lavorazione dettagliata con rilievo di squame, branchie e occhi 3D più i colori collaudati e popolari per il Mediterraneo sono più che attraenti per cattura di tonno, dorado, lefer, barracuda e altre specie di selvaggina. La forma ovale del corpo con una sorta di chiglia nella parte posteriore, dove si trovano i pesi wobbler, garantisce un equilibrio invidiabile e una posizione stabile in superficie anche in caso di maltempo e condizioni meteorologiche avverse. L'ampia area dell'addome provoca un abbagliamento aggiuntivo ad ogni movimento del deambulatore, che imita un pesce ferito che corre in modo estremamente realistico, grazie al costante cambio di direzione. È possibile utilizzare una varietà di tecniche di superficie con una sola esca, poiché cambiare direzione e velocità è facile ed efficace, il profilo che si assottiglia sulla coda fornisce un'impressionante azione Walk-the-Dog a cui i predatori non sono in grado di resistere, e durante la pausa il wobbler occupa una posizione verticale naturale, con solo una testa leggermente sporgente sulla superficie. L'intero spettacolo non ti annoierà e con l'attrezzatura giusta l'azione supererà le tue aspettative, perché Evolures Ballybird 200 è perfettamente preparato per questo! Il corpo rinforzato ha un'intera filettatura metallica all'interno e le triplette BKK Fang 63 appositamente selezionate soddisfano i requisiti del modello. L'esca da 44 grammi è una scelta efficace per qualsiasi pesce di grandi dimensioni che cattura in superficie e, cosa più importante, che puoi giocare facilmente con qualsiasi tecnica conosciuta, nonostante le dimensioni e il peso del wobbler.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td><td>Lunghezza/peso</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Hook</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>EVBB21</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#21 Sardela</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB22</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#22 Pinl Lady II</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB23</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#23 Clear Sayori</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB24</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#24 Flash White Sayori</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB25</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#25 Blue Dorado</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB26</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#26 AjimanStar</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €27.50
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Ocean’s Legacy Keeling... Ocean’s Legacy Keeling Heavy Sink

Ocean’s Legacy Keeling Heavy Sink

<p>Keeling Lures Our newly designed sinking stickbait is designed for ultimate versatility and fishing in the most demanding conditions. Tested and proven in the harshest fishing situations – from the flats of the Cocos Keeling Islands, the coral reefs of the Montebello Islands and the Great Barrier Reef, and numerous beaches, rocks and headlands in between. The sleek body makes the Keeling lure easy to use and allows anglers to impart a realistic life-like baitfish action to entice the fussiest of predators. Actions such as Straight wind – Straight swimming action Twitch and pause – Imitates a struggling baitfish, with a seductive flutter on the drop Traditional slow/fast sweeping – Recreates fleeing prey behaviour A moderate sinking rate (approx 3sec/M) allows for presentation at various depths to target predators throughout the water column. The Keeling lure is weighted and balanced to retain exceptional lure action and maximum casting distance, even in windy conditions. It comes with Ocean’s Legacy own custom designed hardware, with super strong split rings and single hooks. Anglers can choose to replace these with single or treble hooks as required. All models feature wire-through construction so anglers can pull hard when extracting fish from rough ground. Additionally, the lighter range of lures can be presented with confidence during situations when larger predators are honed in on smaller baitfish. range features 11 attractive options featuring UV-reactive paint, including glow properties on select options. High quality Japanese 3D foil and glitter with a multilayer tough coating are used to complete the finish.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>SINK RATE</td> <td>WEIGHT</td> <td>COLOR</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>KLL105G4-HS</td> <td>Keeling Heavy Sink 105</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>42 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G5-HS</td> <td>Keeling Heavy Sink 105</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>42 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G6-HS</td> <td>Keeling Heavy Sink 105</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>42 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G7-HS</td> <td>Keeling Heavy Sink 105</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>42 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G8-HS</td> <td>Keeling Heavy Sink 105</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>42 gr</td> <td>#8 Red Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Price €23.50
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Ocean’s Legacy Keeling Lure Ocean’s Legacy Keeling Lure

Ocean’s Legacy Keeling Lure

<p>Keeling Lures Our newly designed sinking stickbait is designed for ultimate versatility and fishing in the most demanding conditions. Tested and proven in the harshest fishing situations – from the flats of the Cocos Keeling Islands, the coral reefs of the Montebello Islands and the Great Barrier Reef, and numerous beaches, rocks and headlands in between. The sleek body makes the Keeling lure easy to use and allows anglers to impart a realistic life-like baitfish action to entice the fussiest of predators. Actions such as Straight wind – Straight swimming action Twitch and pause – Imitates a struggling baitfish, with a seductive flutter on the drop Traditional slow/fast sweeping – Recreates fleeing prey behaviour A moderate sinking rate (approx 3sec/M) allows for presentation at various depths to target predators throughout the water column. The Keeling lure is weighted and balanced to retain exceptional lure action and maximum casting distance, even in windy conditions. It comes with Ocean’s Legacy own custom designed hardware, with super strong split rings and single hooks. Anglers can choose to replace these with single or treble hooks as required. All models feature wire-through construction so anglers can pull hard when extracting fish from rough ground. Additionally, the lighter range of lures can be presented with confidence during situations when larger predators are honed in on smaller baitfish. range features 11 attractive options featuring UV-reactive paint, including glow properties on select options. High quality Japanese 3D foil and glitter with a multilayer tough coating are used to complete the finish.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>SINK RATE</td> <td>WEIGHT</td> <td>COLOR</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>KLL88G4</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 88</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>21 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL88G5</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 88</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>21 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL88G6</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 88</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>21 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL88G7</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 88</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>21 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL88G8</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 88</td> <td>2.8 sec/M</td> <td>21 gr</td> <td>#8 Red Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G1</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#1 Nuclear Lumo Mackerel</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G10</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#10 Red Wrasse</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G11</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#11 Crystal Lumo Anchovy</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G2</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#2 Yellow Fin Tuna</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G3</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#3 White Lumo Bait</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G4</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G5</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G6</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G7</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G8</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#8 Red Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL105G9</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 105</td> <td>3.0 sec/M</td> <td>30 gr</td> <td>#9 Mahi Speckled Lumo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL123G4</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 123</td> <td>3.2 sec/M</td> <td>45 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL123G5</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 123</td> <td>3.2 sec/M</td> <td>45 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL123G6</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 123</td> <td>3.2 sec/M</td> <td>45 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL123G7</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 123</td> <td>3.2 sec/M</td> <td>45 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL123G8</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 123</td> <td>3.2 sec/M</td> <td>45 gr</td> <td>#8 Red Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL160G4</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 160</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>82 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL160G5</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 160</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>82 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL160G6</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 160</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>82 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL160G7</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 160</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>82 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL160G8</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 160</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>82 gr</td> <td>#8 Red Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL200G4</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 200</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>125 gr</td> <td>#4 Double Lined Fusilier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL200G5</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 200</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>125 gr</td> <td>#5 Silver Mullet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL200G6</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 200</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>125 gr</td> <td>#6 Pacific Flying Fish</td> </tr> <tr> <td>KLL200G7</td> <td>Keeling Lure - Size 200</td> <td>3.5 sec/M</td> <td>125 gr</td> <td>#7 Blue Pink Silver</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Price €23.50
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