Slow & Vertical Jigging Baitcasting Reels

Slow & Vertical Jigging Baitcasting Reels

Active filters



    <p>Mulinello rotante BANAX CHAMP KOIKA specifico per la pesca a calamari sia a tataki che a traina. Telaio realizzato un ultra lega resistente alla corrosione. Dotato di cuscinetti ACB realizzati con materiali non corrosivi, freno meccanico a regolazione fine e nuovo freno centrifugo applicato. Inoltre, la bobina, è facile da attaccare e rimuovere, copertura laterale del palmo della struttura di separazione one-touch. L'ingranaggio di trasmissione in ottone ad alta resistenza. Dotato di pomello ergonomico antiscivolo</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>Modello</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Drag Max</td><td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Recupero per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>105110</td><td>BANAX CHAMP KOIKA</td><td>LEFT</td><td>5.3:1</td><td>220 gr</td><td>9 KG</td><td>PE1.5 – 150 metri</td><td>7</td><td>57</td></tr></tbody></table>
    Price €155.00

      BANAX LJ 200PL

      <p>BANAX LJ 200PL mulinello con corpo e guance in robusto alluminio. Specifico per tecniche verticali leggere e medio leggere. Grazie al sistema frenante della bobina di tipo centrifugo si può controllare alla perfezione la discesa dell’esca ma si può utilizzare anche a lancio. E’ dotato di una frizione molto potente e fluida che emette un suono quando si attiva. Recupero potente e generosa capacità della bobina , manovella e pomello in alluminio completano le eccezionali caratteristiche di questo affidabile mulinello adatto ad un ampio range di prede. Made in Korea. Struttura guance e manovella in alluminio Clicker drag attivo quando lavora la frizione Max drag 12 kg Guidafilo in alluminio Cuscinetti anticorrosione Made in korea Manovella a sinistra</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Size</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Recupero</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Cm per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BANAX LJ 200PL</td><td>200PL</td><td>325</td><td>8</td><td>12</td><td>5.1.1</td><td>3/290 - 4/230</td><td>63</td></tr></tbody></table>
      Price €165.00

        BANAX LJ 200XL

        <p>Mulinello BANAX LJ 200XL struttura in alluminio per tecniche verticali leggere e baitcasting dotato di guidafilo e centrifugo per un perfetto controllo durante l’espulsione. Frizione molto potente e manovella in carbonio con pomello in alluminio per un mulinello dal rapporto qualità/prezzo elevatissimo. Made in Korea. Struttura e guance laterali in alluminio Max drag 12 kg Cuscinetti anticorrosione Made in korea Manovella a sinistra</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Size</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Recupero</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Cm per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BANAX LJ 200XL</td><td>200XL</td><td>330</td><td>8</td><td>12</td><td>5.1.1</td><td>3/290 - 4/230</td><td>62</td></tr></tbody></table>
        Price €135.00

          BANAX BIG TIDE 200L

          <p>BANAX BIG TIDE 200L un vero gioiello dotato di tutti gli accorgimenti per praticare al meglio le tecniche verticali medie e pesanti. Corpo monoblocco e componenti completamente in alluminio anticorrosione. Frizione a stella di 12 kg fluida e potente, rapporto di recupero ottimale, sblocco della bobina con pratica leva che si disinnesta sia manualmente che girando la manovella in modo da entrare immediatamente in pesca appena occorre. Made in Korea. Struttura monoblocco e cuscinetti anticorrosione Star drag di ben 12 kg Sistema di sblocco/blocco bobina tramite leva laterale Rapporto di recupero 6:1  (95 cm) Clicker drag disinseribile Bobina e manovella a sinistra in duralluminio Pomello in eva ad alta densità</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Size</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Recupero</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Cm per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BANAX BIG TIDE 200L</td><td>200L</td><td>460</td><td>7</td><td>12</td><td>6.0:1</td><td>3/400 - 4/33 - 5/220</td><td>95</td></tr></tbody></table>
          Price €285.00


            <p>Mulinello rotante BANAX CHAMP KOIKA specifico per la pesca a calamari sia a tataki che a traina. Telaio realizzato un ultra lega resistente alla corrosione. Dotato di cuscinetti ACB realizzati con materiali non corrosivi, freno meccanico a regolazione fine e nuovo freno centrifugo applicato. Inoltre, la bobina, è facile da attaccare e rimuovere, copertura laterale del palmo della struttura di separazione one-touch. L'ingranaggio di trasmissione in ottone ad alta resistenza. Dotato di pomello ergonomico antiscivolo.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Size</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Recupero</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Cm per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BANAX CHAMP KOIKA</td><td>107 OL</td><td>220</td><td>7</td><td>9</td><td>5.3.1</td><td>1.5/150</td><td>57</td></tr></tbody></table>
            Price €155.00

              MULINELLO BANAX GT 305L TD

              <p>Banax GT 305L TD è un mulinello costruito in lega metallica resistente alla corrosione, incorpora macchinario in acciaio inox con 5 cuscinetti a sfera e trattamento anticorrosione. È dotato di dischi in carbonio sovradimensionati che gli conferiscono precisione e scorrevolezza per lavorare con le esche in autunno. Presentato con 2 tipi di manovella: manovella da combattimento in neoprene e doppia manovella standard. Banax GT 305L TD è capace di combattere con i più forti della sua categoria. Consigliato per la pesca dalla barca, Slow Jigging, Light Jigging, Jigging e Baitcasting. Corpo in alluminio Bobine in Lega di Alluminio Guidafilo in acciaio inox Trattamento Anti-Salsedine 2 manovelle in dotazione</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Misura</td><td>Line Capacity</td><td>Ratio</td><td>Bearings</td><td>Max Drag Kg</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>105029</td><td>MULINELLO GT 305L TD</td><td>290</td><td>305L</td><td>0.35/210</td><td>8.1</td><td>5</td><td>12</td></tr></tbody></table>
              Price €129.00

                MULINELLO BANAX CAMION 406L TD

                <p>BANAX CAMION 406L TD Il miglior mulinello del mercato per la pesca a slow pitch. Attrezzo indistruttibile con parti in alluminio e frizione in carbonio, munito di 6 cuscinetti a sfera e guidafilo in acciaio inox. Camion 406L è dotato di dischi in carbonio sovradimensionati che gli conferiscono precisione e scorrevolezza per lavorare con le esche in autunno. Dotato di due tipi di manovella: 1 singola da combattimento extra lunga con pomello in neoprene ed 1 doppia di grandi dimensioni per una presa migliore. Camion 406L è capace di combattere con i più forti della sua categoria. Consigliato per la pesca dalla barca, Slow Jigging, Light Jigging, Jigging e Baitcasting.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Misura</td><td>Line Capacity</td><td>Ratio</td><td>Bearings</td><td>Max Drag Kg</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>105028</td><td>MULINELLO CAMION 406L TD</td><td>453</td><td>406L</td><td>0.40/230</td><td>7.1</td><td>6</td><td>14</td></tr></tbody></table>
                Price €149.00

                  MULINELLO BANAX CAMION 305L TD

                  <p>BANAX CAMION 305L TD Banax Lexima Camion 305L è costruito in leghe metalliche resistenti alla corrosione, con una potenza frenante senza eguali nel suo genere. Assemblato 5 cuscinetti a sfera e guidafilo in acciaio inox. Il suo freno è dotato di dischi in carbonio sovradimensionati che garantiscono lanci lunghi e fluidi. Dotato di due tipi di manovella: 1 singola da combattimento extra lunga con pomello in neoprene ed 1 doppia di grandi dimensioni per una presa migliore. Camion 305L è indicato per la pesca dalla barca, Slow Jigging, Light Jigging, Jigging e Baitcasting.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Misura</td><td>Line Capacity</td><td>Ratio</td><td>Bearings</td><td>Max Drag Kg</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>105027</td><td>MULINELLO CAMION 305L TD</td><td>310</td><td>305L</td><td>0.33/255-0.37/210-0.42/155</td><td>7.1</td><td>5</td><td>12</td></tr></tbody></table>
                  Price €149.00

                    23 DAIWA IM Z LIMIT BREAKER TW HD-C

                    <p>DAIWA IM Z LIMIT BREAKER TW HD-C Introducing a next-generation bait reel that offers new experiences and values, equipped with "HYPERDRIVE DESIGN", "TWS", "DAIWA CONNECTING-SYSTEM", and "INTELLIGENT MAGFORCE". INTELLIGENT MAGFORCE realizes a comfortable casting feel with a digitally controlled brake, and by connecting it to the DAIWA app, it has expandable functions and excellent situational adaptability. As a heavy-duty and long-cast model, it is ideal for ultra-long-distance casting of medium-weight lures such as heavy caro and jigs, big bait games that require delicate and speedy lure operation, and strong salt games such as sea bass and bluefish. The φ38mm G1 duralumin spool is stocked with 20lb fluoro and 100m PE No. 4. It also has a maximum drag force of 7kg. It has a gear ratio of 8.4, which boasts a winding length of 100cm, which is excellent for high-speed reeling and line slack control. Regardless of freshwater or saltwater or the type of fish, you can take on monster fish without flinching. It embodies a new era of bait reels that will continue to grow together with the user's daily fishing style. That is the IM Z LIMITBREAKER TW HD-C. *Salt compatible</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>item</td><td>Standard weight (g)</td><td>Winding length (cm/1 turn of handle)</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Standard winding amount of nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Standard winding amount of PE (No.-m)</td><td>Handle arm length (mm)</td><td>Bearings (ball/roller)</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Handle knob specifications</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>23 IM Z LIMITBREAKER XH TW HD-C</td><td>250</td><td>100</td><td>8.4</td><td>16-125_20-100</td><td>4-100_5-80</td><td>95</td><td>12+1</td><td>7</td><td>G1 duralumin</td></tr><tr><td>23 IM Z LIMITBREAKER XHL TW HD-C</td><td>250</td><td>100</td><td>8.4</td><td>16-125_20-100</td><td>4-100_5-80</td><td>95</td><td>12+1</td><td>7</td><td>G1 duralumin</td></tr></tbody></table>
                    Price €1,192.00
                    23 DAIWA SALTIST 23 DAIWA SALTIST

                      23 DAIWA SALTIST

                      <p>The DAIWA SALTIST TW PE SP is designed for trouble-free use by specializing it for PE bait casting in saltwater. Even anglers who have been reluctant to use PE lines on baitcasting reels can now cast them with confidence. This is made possible by the "TWS" with extremely high line release and the "PE-only spool" with a PE-only setting that has significantly improved the line winding condition. Furthermore, the basic performance has been refined with the "HYPERDRIVE DESIGN" to handle a wide range of saltwater situations. Available in BF/80/100/150/300/400 sizes, it can handle a wider range of fish species in the saltwater. The new standard for SW baitcasting reels for users who want to enjoy PE baitcasting and those who want PE compatibility.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>item</td><td>Standard weight (g)</td><td>Winding length (cm/1 turn of handle)</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Standard winding amount of nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Standard winding amount of PE (No.-m)</td><td>Handle arm length (mm)</td><td>Bearings (ball/roller)</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Handle knob specifications</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>23 SALTIST BF TW 8.1L PE SP</td><td>180</td><td>76</td><td>8.1</td><td>0.6:50-100_0.8:50-100</td><td></td><td>80</td><td>7+1</td><td>3.5</td><td>High grip I-type light knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST BF TW 8.1R PE SP</td><td>180</td><td>76</td><td>8.1</td><td>0.6:50-100_0.8:50-100</td><td></td><td>80</td><td>7+1</td><td>3.5</td><td>High grip I-type light knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST SV TW 80XH PE SPECIAL</td><td>185</td><td>81</td><td>8.1</td><td>0.8-150_1-120</td><td></td><td>85</td><td>7+1</td><td>4.5</td><td>High grip I-type light knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST SV TW 80XHL PE SPECIAL</td><td>185</td><td>81</td><td>8.1</td><td>0.8-150_1-120</td><td></td><td>85</td><td>7+1</td><td>4.5</td><td>High grip I-type light knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 100XH PE SPECIAL</td><td>200</td><td>86</td><td>8.1</td><td>1-200_1.5-150_2-100</td><td></td><td>100</td><td>7+1</td><td>5.5</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 100XHL PE SPECIAL</td><td>200</td><td>86</td><td>8.1</td><td>1-200_1.5-150_2-100</td><td></td><td>100</td><td>7+1</td><td>5.5</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 150XH PE SP</td><td>220</td><td>94</td><td>8.4</td><td>2-200_3-130</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>6.0</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 150XHL PE SP</td><td>220</td><td>94</td><td>8.4</td><td>2-200_3-130</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>6.0</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 300XH PE SPECIAL</td><td>300</td><td>109</td><td>8.1</td><td>3-200_4-150_5-120</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>8</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 300XHL PE SPECIAL</td><td>300</td><td>109</td><td>8.1</td><td>3-200_4-150_5-120</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>8</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 400XH PE SP</td><td>310</td><td>109</td><td>8.1</td><td>3-330_4-250_6-180</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>8</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr><tr><td>23 SALTIST TW 400XHL PE SP</td><td>310</td><td>109</td><td>8.1</td><td>3-330_4-250_6-180</td><td></td><td>110</td><td>7+1</td><td>8</td><td>Power Round EVA Knob (S)</td></tr></tbody></table>
                      Price €316.00
                      24 DAIWA ADMIRA A 24 DAIWA ADMIRA A

                        24 DAIWA ADMIRA A

                        <p>The DAIWA ADMIRA A series combines rigidity and lightness with a design concept that maintains high initial performance for a long time. Equipped with a hyper drive design. It also has a large line capacity and a drag pull click that enhances the angler's excitement. A tough reel that can handle a variety of targets such as filefish, squid, hairtail, flatfish, red sea bream, and octopus.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>item</td> <td>Standard weight (g)</td> <td>Winding length (cm/1 turn of handle)</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Standard winding amount of nylon (No.-m)</td> <td>Standard winding amount of PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Handle arm length (mm)</td> <td>Bearings (ball/roller)</td> <td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td> <td>Handle knob specifications</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150H</td> <td>175</td> <td>71</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150HL</td> <td>175</td> <td>71</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150P</td> <td>175</td> <td>54</td> <td>5.5</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150PL</td> <td>175</td> <td>54</td> <td>5.5</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150XH</td> <td>175</td> <td>81</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> <tr> <td>24 ADMIRA A150XHL</td> <td>175</td> <td>81</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>3-140/4-105</td> <td>1.5-200/2-150</td> <td>110</td> <td>4+1</td> <td>5</td> <td>EVA</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><iframe width="300" height="150" style="background-image:url(&quot;img/object.gif&quot;);" src="//"></iframe><iframe width="300" height="150" style="background-image:url(&quot;img/object.gif&quot;);" src="//"></iframe><iframe width="300" height="150" style="background-image:url(&quot;img/object.gif&quot;);" src="//"></iframe></p>
                        Price €308.00
                        23 DAIWA ADMIRA 23 DAIWA ADMIRA

                          23 DAIWA ADMIRA

                          <p>DAIWA ADMIRA The next-generation design concept for baitcasting (double-axis) reels, which significantly improves the standard of all basic performance with the aim of maintaining high initial performance for a long time. The Hyper Drive design is composed of up to four technologies. The Hyper Drive Digigear, which maintains smooth rotation for a long time, is a prerequisite, and the Hyper Double Support assists the gear drive to provide strong and light winding. The Hyper Armed Housing strongly supports the internal structure and is resistant to bending and distortion. The Hyper Tough Clutch with an insulating structure continues to operate even in harsh locations and drastically reduces adhesion due to salt. The synergistic effect of these technologies continues to provide stable performance in any field. <iframe src="//"></iframe> <iframe src="//"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>item</td><td>Standard weight (g)</td><td>Winding length (cm/1 turn of handle)</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Standard winding amount of nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Standard winding amount of PE (No.-m)</td><td>Handle arm length (mm)</td><td>Bearings (ball/roller)</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Handle knob specifications</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>23 ADMIRA 100XH</td><td>155</td><td>76</td><td>8.1</td><td>2-125_3-85</td><td>0.8-250_1-200</td><td>100</td><td>8+1</td><td>4.5</td><td>EVA</td></tr><tr><td>23 ADMIRA 100XHL</td><td>155</td><td>76</td><td>8.1</td><td>2-125_3-85</td><td>0.8-250_1-200</td><td>100</td><td>8+1</td><td>4.5</td><td>EVA</td></tr></tbody></table>
                          Price €582.00
                          23 DAIWA KOHGA LIGHT GAME 23 DAIWA KOHGA LIGHT GAME

                            23 DAIWA KOHGA LIGHT GAME

                            <p>Nuovo modello 2023 Daiwa Kohga Full aluminum body Hyper Drive Design (Hyper Armed Housing, Hyper Drive Digigear, Hyper Tough Clutch) ATD drag system 32mm aluminum spool 130mm double handle <iframe width="896" height="504" src="" title="【紅牙】&amp;quot,巻き&amp;quot,を徹底追求。高剛性・コンパクトなタイラバ用リールのニュースタンダード" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="896" height="504" src="" title="[タイラバ]紅牙100!ロープロタイラバリールの決定版を徹底解説!" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Model</td> <td>(cm/handle 1 rotation)</td> <td>gear ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td> <td>Standard winding amount PE (No. -m)</td> <td>Bearing (ball/roller)</td> <td>Handle length (mm)</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>23 KOHGA LIGHT GAME 100</td> <td>100</td> <td>63</td> <td>6.3:1</td> <td>205</td> <td>5,5</td> <td>0.8-400 / 1-300</td> <td>5+1</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>23 KOHGA LIGHT GAME 100L</td> <td>100L</td> <td>63</td> <td>6.3:1</td> <td>205</td> <td>5,5</td> <td>0.8-400 / 1-300</td> <td>5+1</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>23 KOHGA LIGHT GAME 100XH</td> <td>100XH</td> <td>63</td> <td>8.1:1</td> <td>205</td> <td>5,5</td> <td>0.8-400 / 1-300</td> <td>5+1</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>23 KOHGA LIGHT GAME 100XHL</td> <td>100XHL</td> <td>63</td> <td>8.1:1</td> <td>205</td> <td>5,5</td> <td>0.8-400 / 1-300</td> <td>5+1</td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
                            Price €248.00
                            Daiwa SALTIGA 15 2022 Daiwa SALTIGA 15 2022

                              Daiwa SALTIGA 15 2022

                              <p>New Daiwa Saltiga 15 and 15SJ (Slow Jigger) I am being told daiwa will run 2 batches of the famous Saltiga 15 reel in 2022 and there will be more demand than they can supply. This will be a highly sought after model in the SPJ Market as it has a special Carbon Fiber Exaggered length handle arm and an updated handle - in addition to other improvements. Another big improvement is the manufacturing of this reel is all done in Japan not Korea so we might expect an added level of smoothness over the current non JDM Saltiga. To further depth. All to "catch" the target fish. SALTIGA continues to evolve with extreme rotation, operation, and durability. Daiwa's jigging bait reel invites anglers to "go deeper". 22 SALTIGA 15 / 15-SJ will make its debut with various technologies after polishing with "HYPER DRIVE DESIGN". His aim was to raise the bar for all basic performance and make jigging easier and more comfortable. The moment you turn the handle, jerk, and the moment the fish hangs, you should be able to experience outstanding performance! <iframe width="1180" height="664" src="" title="22 SALTIGA 15 / 15-SJ DEBUT" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="1180" height="664" src="" title="【ONLINE SHOW 2022】SALTIGA 15/15-SJ impression for JIGGING 清水一成" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Winding length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Own weight (g)</td> <td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td> <td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15H</td> <td>15H</td> <td>115</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>485</td> <td>8</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15HL</td> <td>15HL</td> <td>115</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>485</td> <td>8</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15-SJ</td> <td>15-SJ</td> <td>103</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>480</td> <td>10</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15L-SJ</td> <td>15L-SJ</td> <td>103</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>480</td> <td>10</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15H-SJ</td> <td>15H-SJ</td> <td>115</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>480</td> <td>8</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15HL-SJ</td> <td>15HL-SJ</td> <td>115</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>480</td> <td>8</td> <td>2-600 / 3-400 / 4-300</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15S</td> <td>15S</td> <td>103</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>485</td> <td>10</td> <td>1.5-400 / 2-300 / 3-200</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>22 SALTIGA 15SL</td> <td>15SL</td> <td>103</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>485</td> <td>10</td> <td>1.5-400 / 2-300 / 3-200</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p>
                              Price €599.00
                              Daiwa 20 TATULA TW Daiwa 20 TATULA TW

                                Daiwa 20 TATULA TW

                                <p>Il Tatula TW della Daiwa è il mulinello più piccolo e leggero della serie, con un peso piuma di soli 195 grammi, il più leggero mai prodotto da Daiwa. L'impostazione del cursore di regolazione dello zero e il livello del sistema T-Wing producono un lancio più lungo e più preciso. Il comfort è migliorato dalle manopole Soft Touch ridisegnate. Il mulinello è adatto anche per i pescatori junior con mani più piccole. La struttura della bobina è forte con un telaio in alluminio che offre rigidità e prestazioni. - Dimensioni compatte: 38mm, - Peso piuma: 195g, - Controllo del lancio: Magforce®-Z, - Zero Adjuster, - Sistema T-Wing (TWS), - Frizione UTD (Ultimate Tournament Drag), - Air Rotation, - Manopole con impugnatura Soft Touch ridisegnata, - Telaio in alluminio per robustezza e prestazioni uniformi, - Finitura nera opaca con grafica personalizzata Spider.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td><td>MODEL</td><td>RATIO/CRANK </td><td>B/BEARINGS</td><td>LINE CAPACITY</td><td>WGT.</td><td>DRAG</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 300L-LEFT</td><td>300L</td><td>6.3:1 / 85 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 3-285 # 5-160</td><td>325g</td><td>13Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 300XH-RIGHT</td><td>300XH</td><td>8.1:1 / 109 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 3-285 # 5-160</td><td>325g</td><td>11Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 300XHL-LEFT</td><td>300XHL</td><td>8.1:1 / 109 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 3-285 # 5-160</td><td>325g</td><td>11Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 400-RIGHT</td><td>400</td><td>6.3:1 / 85 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>13Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 400L-LEFT</td><td>400L</td><td>6.3:1 / 85 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>13Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 400H-RIGHT</td><td>400H</td><td>7.1:1 / 95 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>13Kg</td></tr><tr><td>20 TATULA TW 400HL-LEFT</td><td>400HL</td><td>7.1:1 / 95 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>13Kg</td></tr><tr><td>21 TATULA TW 400XH</td><td>400XH</td><td>8.1:1 / 109 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>11Kg</td></tr><tr><td>21 TATULA TW 400XHL</td><td>400XHL</td><td>8.1:1 / 109 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td># 5-215 # 6-180</td><td>335g</td><td>11Kg</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                Price €309.00
                                Daiwa 21 STEEZ A TW HLC Daiwa 21 STEEZ A TW HLC

                                  Daiwa 21 STEEZ A TW HLC

                                  <p>Steez A TW HLC is the modified Daiwa Steez A (aluminum alloy body model) with Hyper Long Cast (HLC) system. Steez A TW HLC is specifically designed to cast 14g 1/2oz or heavier up to 2oz Calolina rigs the longest, using long 7-8' rods. Due to the brake profile best suite the described usage, it is not the reel to cast light rigs like 1/8oz. Its spool is enlarged from 34mm to 36mm dia to cast longer. It has new Magforce Z Boost brake system, in which brake rotor will be popped-up by 2 steps by different spring rates. Rotor pops out by far at the beginning of strong cast, and then it retract to the middle position to emit the least brake force to control to cast the longest. It features Hyper Armed Housing system, where the main frame, gear side cup and spool holder on the palming plate are made of sturdy aluminum alloy. G1 air craft grade extra strong duralumin spool accelerates quite fast and casts great distance. TWS T shaped level winder system let lines move more freely in casting to add about 5% more casting distance. Very solid aluminum alloy mian frame, gear side plate and spool holder in palming cup Magforce Z Boost brake system, with 20 level adjustable from outside 36mm dia Machined G1 air craft grade extra strong duralumin spool TWS T shaped level winder ATD automatic tournament drag system offers upgraded smooth drag Zaion carbon palming cup Swayed handle 90mm long Salt resistant ball bearings Mag-sealed ball bearing at pinion for more durability Clicking drag Line alarm clicks when lines are pulled out Saltwater fine Made in Japan</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>RATIO/CRANK </td> <td>B/BEARINGS</td> <td>LINE CAPACITY</td> <td>WGT.</td> <td>DRAG</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 6.3L-LEFT</td> <td>6.3L-LEFT</td> <td>6.3:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 6.3R-RIGHT</td> <td>6.3R-RIGHT</td> <td>6.3:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 7.1L-LEFT</td> <td>7.1L-LEFT</td> <td>7.1:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 7.1R-RIGHT</td> <td>7.1R-RIGHT</td> <td>7.1:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 8.1L</td> <td>8.1L</td> <td>8.1:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 STEEZ A TW HLC 8.1R</td> <td>8.1R</td> <td>8.1:1 / 90 cm</td> <td>8+1</td> <td>0.330mm(JP16lb)-100m(110yds</td> <td>190g</td> <td>6Kg</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                  Price €533.00
                                  DAIWA 18 BLAST BJ TW DAIWA 18 BLAST BJ TW

                                    DAIWA 18 BLAST BJ TW

                                    <p>The Daiwa Blast BJ TWS is a baitcasting reel for vertical lure fishing. It has a sturdy aluminum frame and a UTD Drag technology brake (A more powerful combat brake system with new resistance brake discs that eliminate jerks to bring robustness and precision.) The Blast BJ is suitable for the fishing for marine predators with a jig such as bass, pollack, lean, dentex, and even drifting cephalopods. The TWS roller oscillates on a worm screw with ball bearings on both sides. The fluidity and precision of rotation provide real comfort which also allows fine to moderate fishing with bait (Tenya, Kabura, etc.). The 55 mm off-axis round EVA handle accentuates the pleasure of use, it is particularly suitable for fishing directly above the boat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td><td>MODEL</td><td>RATIO/CRANK </td><td>B/BEARINGS</td><td>LINE CAPACITY</td><td>WGT.</td><td>DRAG</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>18 BLAST BJ TW 150SH</td><td>150SH</td><td>7,3:1 / 77 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td>PE 1 – 400 metri</td><td>230 g</td><td>5 Kg</td></tr><tr><td>18 BLAST BJ TW 150SHL</td><td>150SHL</td><td>7,3:1 / 77 cm</td><td>7+1</td><td>PE 1 – 400 metri</td><td>230 g</td><td>5 Kg</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                    Price €213.00
                                    Daiwa 21 BASARA Daiwa 21 BASARA

                                      Daiwa 21 BASARA

                                      <p>21 BASARA mulinello da vertical jigging super strutturato</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>RATIO/CRANK </td> <td>B/BEARINGS</td> <td>LINE CAPACITY</td> <td>WGT.</td> <td>DRAG</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>21 BASARA 100L-LEFT</td> <td>100L</td> <td>6,3:1 / 71 cm</td> <td>6+1</td> <td>1.5-200 2-150</td> <td>285g</td> <td>7KG</td> </tr><tr><td>21 BASARA 150L-LEFT</td> <td>150L</td> <td>6,3:1 / 71 cm</td> <td>6+1</td> <td>1.5-250 2-200</td> <td>305g</td> <td>7KG</td> </tr><tr><td>21 BASARA 200L-LEFT</td> <td>200L</td> <td>6,3:1 / 71 cm</td> <td>6+1</td> <td>2-250 3-180</td> <td>310g</td> <td>7KG</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                      Price €434.00
                                      Daiwa 20 ALPHAS SV TW Daiwa 20 ALPHAS SV TW

                                        Daiwa 20 ALPHAS SV TW

                                        <p>ALPHAS SV TW Few baitcast reels carry the kind of reputation as Alphas. Daiwa’s first real foray into the finesse baitcast realm, Alphas quickly established itself in Scandinavia as one of the go-to light tackle baitcast reel. Fast-forward over a decade and the first true redesign of the Alphas platform is here! The brand-new ALPHAS SV TW 800 equipped with T-Wing System for the first time. Staying true to the original, the distinctive top angled frame is the only part that looks familiar. Redesigned from the ground up to equip ALPHAS SV TW with T-Wing for the first time, the brand-new ALPHAS flat-out performs. ALPHAS SV TW also features SV spool system, a super versatile system capable of both light and heavy weight lures for maximum versatility. Also featuring our brand new HYPER DRIVE DESIGN for an ultra-smooth retrieve and powerful winding performance. Our HYPER DRIVE DESIGN is comprised of four key technologies: HYPERDRIVE DIGIGEAR- a brand-new gear design makes the teeth of the gears more efficient at transferring power, therefore making the gear set feel smoother, more powerful and also reducing gear noise. HYPER DOUBLE SUPPORT- a two bearing support system for the reel's pinion gear means no flex and an ultra smooth retrieve/ gear rotation. HYPER ARMED HOUSING-the reel features an magnesium frame for maximum rigidity and precision performance of the internal components. HYPER TOUGH CLUTCH- a redesigned and reinforced clutch mechanism increases durability and performance. FEATURES SV-Spool (Dura-aluminium) Magforce AIR HYPER DRIVE DESING HYPER DRIVE DIGIGEAR, brass HYPER DOUBLE SUPPORT HYPER ARMED HOUSING, aluminium HYPER TOUGH CLUTCH T-Wing System (TWS) i-shape handle knobs UTD Drag, max power 4,5kg 85mm aluminium handle</p> <p>NEW MODEL 2022 WITH SHALLOW SPOON</p> <p>This 800S, super shallow version Alpahs SV in slightly bluish silver targets BFS, bait-casting finesse system. Alphas SV TW 800S is a compact bait casting reel best suitable for finesse tactics. This 800S sized small super shallow spool accelerate fast with light rigs to cast great for 2-5g, 1/16-3/16oz rigs. Sturdy, but light-weight aluminum alloy construction offers solid performance for long life. SV (stress-free versatile) brake system allows you to cast light rigs without backlash. Hyper Drive Design systems is employed to keep the initial smooth gearing and friction-less performance for long life. This is a small but working horse.</p> <p>It features Hyper Armed Housing system, where the main frame, gear side cup and spool holder on the palming plate are made of sturdy aluminum alloy. G1 air craft grade extra strong duralumin spool accelerates quite fast and casts great distance. TWS T shaped level winder system let lines move more freely in casting to add about 5% more casting distance.</p> <p></p> <p>Sturdy aluminum alloy frame construction</p> <p>SV brake system, with 20 level adjustable from outside</p> <p>Machined G1 air craft grade extra strong duralumin spool</p> <p>TWS T shaped level winder, narrow version</p> <p>UTD ultimate tournament drag system offers smooth, non-sticking drag</p> <p>Swayed handle</p> <p>High-grip I finesse knobs</p> <p>Saltwater fine</p> <p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>RATIO/CRANK </td> <td>B/BEARINGS</td> <td>LINE CAPACITY</td> <td>WGT.</td> <td>DRAG</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20 ALPHAS SV TW 800H-RIGHT</td> <td>7,1:1 / 71CM</td> <td>7+1 CRBB</td> <td>0.28MM / 90M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS SV TW 800HL-LEFT</td> <td>7,1:1 / 71CM</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7+1 CRBB</span></td> <td>0.28MM / 90M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS SV TW 800XH-RIGHT</td> <td>8,1:1 / 81CM</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7+1 CRBB</span></td> <td>0.28MM / 90M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS SV TW 800XHL-LEFT</td> <td>8,1:1 / 81CM</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7+1 CRBB</span></td> <td>0.28MM / 90M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr><tr><td>22 ALPHAS SV TW 800SHL-LEFT</td> <td>7,1:1 / 71CM</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7+1 CRBB</span></td> <td>0.23MM / 80M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr><tr><td>22 ALPHAS SV TW 800SXHL-LEFT</td> <td>8,5:1 / 85CM</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7+1 CRBB</span></td> <td>0.23MM / 80M</td> <td>175G</td> <td>4,5KG</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                        Price €263.00
                                        Daiwa 20 ALPHAS AIR TW Daiwa 20 ALPHAS AIR TW

                                          Daiwa 20 ALPHAS AIR TW

                                          <p>The Alphas Air 2020 TW is an ideal tool for so-called bait finesse or light baitcasting setups. Fitted with a magnetic Air Brake System and a TWS line guide to control the release of the line and minimize the chances of tangles around the reel. This leaves you free to enjoy the smooth rotation of the 28mm G1 duraluminium spool with a small capacity of just 45m of 0.23mm. Weighing in at 160g, this true featherweight boasts a progressive UTD drag taking all the stress out of the fight. FEATURES Sturdy aluminum alloy body Magforce AIR brake system Machined Super shallow 28mm AIR Spool TWS UTD™ drag system 80mm handle Hi-Grip finesse handle knob Saltwater fine</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>RATIO/CRANK </td> <td>B/BEARINGS</td> <td>LINE CAPACITY</td> <td>WGT.</td> <td>DRAG</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20 ALPHAS AIR TW 8.6L-LEFT</td> <td>20ALPHASAIRTW8.6L</td> <td>8.6:1/75cm</td> <td>7</td> <td>0.23mm/45m</td> <td>160g</td> <td>3,5kg</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS AIR TW 8.6R-RIGHT</td> <td>20ALPHASAIRTW8.6R</td> <td>8.6:1/75cm</td> <td>7</td> <td>0.23mm/45m</td> <td>160g</td> <td>3,5kg</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS AIR TW 7.1L-LEFT</td> <td></td> <td>7.1:1/62cm</td> <td>7</td> <td>0.23mm/45m</td> <td>160g</td> <td>3,5kg</td> </tr><tr><td>20 ALPHAS AIR TW 7.1R-RIGHT</td> <td></td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">7.1:1/62cm</span></td> <td>7</td> <td>0.23mm/45m</td> <td>160g</td> <td>3,5kg</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                          Price €355.00
                                          DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW

                                            DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW

                                            <p>Next-generation world standard. The world changes, DAIWA changes. This season, 2020, the final phase of the second generation of TATULA, 20TATULA SV TW, will be fully released. While wearing the compact body of 19 TATULA TW, which can be said to be Phase 1 of last season, the SV concept is loaded in the engine part, and the synergistic effect with TWS pursues further versatile performance. It's time for the headquarters of the world strategic bomber to fly. Its own weight is really 190g. Marked the lightest number in TATULA history. It has also succeeded in making it 0.5 mm long and 3.4 mm wide compared to its predecessor, the 17 TATULA SV TW. While adopting a tough super metal frame made of aluminum, it breaks the established theory of "tough machine = 200g over" and achieves a feeling of size that is no longer comparable to high-end models that advocate lightweight compactness. The palming feeling that fits firmly in the palm of your hand, combined with its lightness, greatly improves operability and lightness. In addition, coupled with the offset 85mm AL press handle, the rotational movement near the central axis does not shake and is directly connected to reliable winding. The biggest feature of the internal structure is the φ32mm extra super duralumin SV spool. As an SV versatile machine that has stepped into the area of ​​bait finesse, it is equipped with a spool of the same diameter as the SV LIGHT LTD, which was a hot topic last season. Detuned to the bobbin surface of the deep groove, catching 2g of smoraba in the range, the maximum weight shows a wide range corresponding to big bait, and it is excellently compatible with the PE line. I have acquired a full range of specifications suitable for the name of Versatile. The first generation is a global strategic machine called TATULA, which has been developed with a view to the global market. While maintaining the tough concept pedigree that has been passed down from the first generation, the breakthrough of the predecessor 17 TATULA SV TW, which has sharpened its versatile performance, changed the eyes of the world. The ability to handle lightweight lures and the compactness were not the merits that only domestic users wanted. Japan is one of the most fierce battlefields for bass fishing in the world. Polished by anglers with solid eyes, usability continues to improve dramatically. The reborn 20 TATULA SVTW, so to speak, a new chapter in the genealogy of famous machines. Bait Reel THE World Standard, this time it's the turn to send from Japan to the world.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Manovella</td> <td>Winding length cm</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Standard own weight gr</td> <td>Maximum drag force KG</td> <td>Standard spool amount Nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Bearings / rollers</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4960652310499</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103H</td> <td>Manovella destra</td> <td>63</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr><tr><td>4960652310543</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103HL</td> <td>Manovella sinistra</td> <td>63</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr><tr><td>4960652310550</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103SH</td> <td>Manovella destra</td> <td>71</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr><tr><td>4960652310758</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103SHL</td> <td>Manovella sinistra</td> <td>71</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr><tr><td>4960652310765</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103XH</td> <td>Manovella destra</td> <td>81</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr><tr><td>4960652310772</td> <td>DAIWA 20 TATULA SV TW</td> <td>103XHL</td> <td>Manovella sinistra</td> <td>81</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>190</td> <td>Five</td> <td>16-40-80 14-45-90</td> <td>7 1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                            Price €215.00
                                            DAIWA 17 DYNASTAR DAIWA 17 DYNASTAR

                                              DAIWA 17 DYNASTAR

                                              <p>Dynastar Round hand-wound reel that can be wound powerfully with a super metal frame and a large handle knob The rigidity unique to a super metal frame realizes silky and powerful winding. You can play an active part in almighty all over the country regardless of the area and fishing method. Recommended for those who want a reel that can be reused for fishing inside and outside the ship. The 150 size is a Hi-speed take-up specification with a gear ratio of 5.8 that emphasizes rework. A convenient one that can be widely used for hand-wound fishing from Kawahagi to red sea bream with a double handle equipped with an EVA knob that has excellent technical operability and return speed. The 250 and 300 have a power-oriented gear ratio of 5.1, assuming that both the mechanism and the target will be large. In addition to the generous line capacity, the long handle with balancer and large knob specifications make it an excellent product that can handle a wide range of targets.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Product name</td><td>Winding length cm</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>Standard own weight gr</td><td>Maximum drag force KG</td><td>Standard spool amount Nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Standard spool amount PE (No.-m)</td><td>Bearings / rollers</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>104357</td><td>17 DYNASTAR 150 </td><td>150</td><td>61</td><td>5.8</td><td>260</td><td>3</td><td>2-200 3-150</td><td>3-180 4-130</td><td>2 1</td></tr><tr><td>104364</td><td>17 DYNASTAR 150L </td><td>150L</td><td>61</td><td>5.8</td><td>260</td><td>3</td><td>2-200 3-150</td><td>3-180 4-130</td><td>2 1</td></tr><tr><td>104371</td><td>17 DYNASTAR 250 </td><td>250</td><td>62</td><td>5.1</td><td>305</td><td>5</td><td>3-230 4-170</td><td>4-195 5-155</td><td>2 1</td></tr><tr><td>104388</td><td>17 DYNASTAR 300 </td><td>300</td><td>62</td><td>5.1</td><td>325</td><td>5</td><td>4-250 5-190</td><td>5-225 6-185</td><td>2 1</td></tr></tbody></table>
                                              Price €130.00
                                              DAIWA STEEZ SV TW DAIWA STEEZ SV TW

                                                DAIWA STEEZ SV TW

                                                <p>Daiwa Steez SV TW Steez SV TW sono mulinelli da casting di Daiwa eccellenti, dedicati agli amanti del bass fishing. Grazie alla tecnologia SV Stress-Free Versatile Concept si possono lanciare con facilità artificiali finesse come artificiali più pesanti senza ingrovigliare il filo in fase di lancio. SV regola la velocità della bobina durante il lancio in base al peso dell'artificiale. Steez SV TW è incredibilmente leggero, pesando solo 160 grammi, ed ha una notevole potenza grazie a un freno di 5 kg. I 12 cuscinetti sono tutti del tipo CRBB anticorrosione, garantendo così resistenza e fluidità. La tecnologia TWS permette di raggiungere distanze eccezionali. I colori del modello variano in base al rapporto di recupero. Potente, ergonomico, resistente, leggero: Steez SV TW di Daiwa è un mulinello da casting in grado di soddisfare tutti i bisogni degli amanti della pesca al black bass. Specifiche Mulinello Daiwa Steez SV TW Corpo Air Metal Disegno Super Low Profile Super Versatile Concept Bobina in Duralluminio Ruota comando in Duralluminio TWS (T-Wing System) Manovella Sweept Handle 12 cuscinetti CRBB (Saltwater Friendly) Frizione UTD Tecnologia Magforce-Z Infinity Anti Reverse</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td></td> <td>Winding length (cm/one rotation of handle)</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Own weight (g)</td> <td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td> <td>Nylon lb-m</td> <td>Spool diameter mm</td> <td>Handle lenght mm</td> <td>Ball Bearing</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1012SV-XH</td> <td>Manovella Destra</td> <td>86</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-35 ~ 70 12-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>90</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1012SV-XHL</td> <td>Manovella Sinistra</td> <td>86</td> <td>8.1</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-35 ~ 70 12-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>90</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1016SV-H</td> <td>Manovella Destra</td> <td>67</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-45 ~ 90 16-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>80</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1016SV-HL</td> <td>Manovella Sinistra</td> <td>67</td> <td>6.3</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-45 ~ 90 16-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>80</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1016SV-SH</td> <td>Manovella Destra</td> <td>75</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-45 ~ 90 16-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>80</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr><tr><td>DAIWA STEEZ SV TW</td> <td>1016SV-SHL</td> <td>Manovella Sinistra</td> <td>75</td> <td>7.1</td> <td>160</td> <td>Five</td> <td>14-45 ~ 90 16-40 ~ 80</td> <td>34</td> <td>80</td> <td>12 1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                                Price €608.00