Salt Minnows Lipless

Salt Minnows Lipless

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  • Brand: Evolures
  • Brand: Little Jack


<p>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F non è un pencil bait ordinario o semplicemente un popper in quanto siamo di fronte ad un'esca innovativa con tante funzioni, per tante applicazioni. Progettato e sviluppato sia per pescare in Saltwater (Offshore o Inshore) oppure in anche Freshwater. Il profilo dell’esca richiama quello dell'Aguglia, uno dei più comuni pesce foraggio in tutto il mondo. Il nome ZARGANA letteralmente tradotto in inglese è Needlefish ovvero Aguglia. Dopo lunghi test da parte del team EVOLURES è stato reso definitivo lo ZARGANA 150F, un’ottima esca, semplice nella forma ma davvero unica! Come usare lo Zargana 150F: Il modo più semplice per utilizzare lo ZARGANA 150F è il classico recupero da popper. La posizione di riposo dell'esca sulla superficie è orizzontale. L’assetto è stato volutamente studiato in orizzontale per imitare la silhoutte del pesce foraggio in acqua. L’unica cosa che dovrà fare il pescatore sarà quella di recuperare l’esca con il classico recupero da popper anche con il solo recupero del mulinello avremo il classico effetto pop e splashing in top water. Un altro tipo di recupero possibile con lo ZARGANA 150F è quello con la jerkata lunga abbinata ad un recupero veloce del mulinello,questo simulerà un pesce in fuga dal predatore andando a creare un tunnel e una scia bolle nuotando sotto l’acqua a 5-10 cm. L’esca nuoterà con un movimento rolling ed un’azione di coda. E’ possibile utilizzare lo ZARGANA 150F a twitching ovvero lanciando l’esca in acqua al momento del recupero procederemo con delle piccole jerkate seguite da lunghi stop in modo che l’esca in top water simuli una preda facile. Lo Zargana 150 si presta bene recuperato anche in acque basse ,infatti questo artificiale è denominato anche ‘Shallow Runner’, proprio in questi casi dove abbiamo poca acqua per pescare basterà recuperare l’esca molto piano cosi facendo lo Zargana 150 andrà a creare una scia a V con la coda sulla superficie dell’acqua. Se sei un appassionato della pesca a traina sai che puoi usare Zargana per questa tecnica? E’ molto efficace su: pesci serra,tunnidi,pelagici,lampughe,etc. Basterà trainarlo ad una velocità di 3 - 4 nodi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td><td>Lunghezza/peso</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Hook</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>2292</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FIRETIGER</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2293</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FRISSA</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2294</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>GREEN MACKEREL</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2295</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>BARRA</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2296</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>ICE CREAM</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2297</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>SKIPJACK</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2298</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>SNOWHITE</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2299</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>WAHOO</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2300</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>FILEFISH</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2301</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>DAMSEL FISH</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr><tr><td>2302</td><td>EVOLURES ZARGANA 150F</td><td>ZORO REDHEAD</td><td>150cm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Surface Shallow runner</td><td>DECOY YS21 size # 3</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €17.50
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<p>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200 né il nome né la forma di questo wobbler di superficie per prodezze in acqua salata è casuale! È dotato di un lancio lungo, volo stabile e gameplay - con una planata realistica estremamente facile da ottenere, anche per i pescatori meno esperti. Il design della Walking Pencil si ispira a due predatori diversi ma preferiti dai predatori: il pesce Ballyhoo e il Pesce volante, e la lavorazione dettagliata con rilievo di squame, branchie e occhi 3D più i colori collaudati e popolari per il Mediterraneo sono più che attraenti per cattura di tonno, dorado, lefer, barracuda e altre specie di selvaggina. La forma ovale del corpo con una sorta di chiglia nella parte posteriore, dove si trovano i pesi wobbler, garantisce un equilibrio invidiabile e una posizione stabile in superficie anche in caso di maltempo e condizioni meteorologiche avverse. L'ampia area dell'addome provoca un abbagliamento aggiuntivo ad ogni movimento del deambulatore, che imita un pesce ferito che corre in modo estremamente realistico, grazie al costante cambio di direzione. È possibile utilizzare una varietà di tecniche di superficie con una sola esca, poiché cambiare direzione e velocità è facile ed efficace, il profilo che si assottiglia sulla coda fornisce un'impressionante azione Walk-the-Dog a cui i predatori non sono in grado di resistere, e durante la pausa il wobbler occupa una posizione verticale naturale, con solo una testa leggermente sporgente sulla superficie. L'intero spettacolo non ti annoierà e con l'attrezzatura giusta l'azione supererà le tue aspettative, perché Evolures Ballybird 200 è perfettamente preparato per questo! Il corpo rinforzato ha un'intera filettatura metallica all'interno e le triplette BKK Fang 63 appositamente selezionate soddisfano i requisiti del modello. L'esca da 44 grammi è una scelta efficace per qualsiasi pesce di grandi dimensioni che cattura in superficie e, cosa più importante, che puoi giocare facilmente con qualsiasi tecnica conosciuta, nonostante le dimensioni e il peso del wobbler.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td><td>Lunghezza/peso</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Hook</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>EVBB21</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#21 Sardela</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB22</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#22 Pinl Lady II</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB23</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#23 Clear Sayori</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB24</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#24 Flash White Sayori</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB25</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#25 Blue Dorado</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>EVBB26</td><td>EVOLURES BALLY BIRD 200</td><td>#26 AjimanStar</td><td>200mm</td><td>44gr</td><td>Topwater</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €27.50
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<p>Product development based on the development concept of a plug-like action with a wobbling that is more natural and smoother than a spoon. You can capture a shallow range than a tail spin and fall horizontally slowly. By connecting the alloy body and the stainless steel plate, a lure that is more natural than a spoon, more delicate than a metal jig, and shallower than a tail spin has been completed. A spoon-shaped joint is used, the upper body is made of light-weight alloy, and the lower body is made of stainless steel for more complex and natural action. In addition, after repeated trial and error such as connecting with a ring and rolling swivel and connecting two blades, the industry's first bolt welding type joint is adopted. Eliminates line troubles during cast and fall, and achieves moderate movement and horizontal fall. Furthermore, it is possible to integrate it as a lure and make it compact. ? Achieves a more natural and plug-like wobbling action than a spoon ? Compact joint between a light specific density alloy body and a stainless blade ? Achieves a complex and natural plug-like action ? Industry's first! Achieve action and line trouble-free with bolt-welded joints ? Capture from shallow to bottom. The slow horizontal fall that invites a part-time job is also attractive</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ0075</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 1</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0076</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 2</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0077</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 3</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0078</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 4</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0079</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 5</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0080</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 6</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0081</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 7</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0082</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 8</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0083</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 9</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0084</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 70 METAL JIG</td><td>70mm</td><td>11,2 gr</td><td>Col. 10</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0085</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 1</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0086</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 2</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0087</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 3</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0088</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 4</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0089</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 5</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0090</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 6</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0091</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 7</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0092</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 8</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0093</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 9</td></tr><tr><td>LJ0094</td><td>LITTLE JACK HYMIR 80 METAL JIG</td><td>85mm</td><td>20,4 gr</td><td>Col. 10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €16.99


<p>Shore / offshore wire penetration sinking pencil in response to Angler's technique A swimming sinking pencil that responds to Angler's technique is the FormaHeads. Grab the water with a flat head, adjust the weight balance, a certain swimming action and a flat strike action with jerk, It responds firmly to angler operations such as offshore skipping actions. In addition, the inverted triangle body realizes a beautiful horizontal fall vibe action when falling. It has high standard performance that can be used in various fields such as shore, offshore and rockshore. In addition, it is possible to mount a large hook with a reliable action and body shape, and a wire penetration specification realizes a safe fight with monsters.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Azione</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ3192</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.01</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3193</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.02</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3194</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.03</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3195</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.04</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3196</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.06</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3197</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.07</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3198</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.08</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ3199</td> <td>LITTLE JACK FORMA HEADS</td> <td>105mm</td> <td>52g</td> <td>COL.09</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Price €23.80
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<p>Shallow with super dead throw. Dead throw slalom action that misleads monsters The dead tune slalom is a high-tuned model that realizes "super dead throw &amp; slalom action" that captured many monsters at the test stage. The shallow can be wound with a super dead throw of 2 to 3 seconds per rotation of the reel handle to create a bait that can be reliably eaten by a crisp slalom action. The flat berry and fine weight settings that enable a real form that doesn't warn you and a captivating action will surely attract monsters. Slurries and weights are placed at the rear to achieve a comfortable flight distance without stress. In addition, it has a strong factor for wire penetration, large hook specification and monster capture. The color is a real print that sticks to all colors. A special holo is used for the natural color and a laser holo is used for the glow color. A real lure with the product name of the action that misleads monsters. That is dead slow slalom.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Azione</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ1843</td> <td>LITTLE JACK DEAD SLOW SLALOM</td> <td>86mm</td> <td>15,6g</td> <td>COL.01</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ1844</td> <td>LITTLE JACK DEAD SLOW SLALOM</td> <td>86mm</td> <td>15,6g</td> <td>COL.02</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ1845</td> <td>LITTLE JACK DEAD SLOW SLALOM</td> <td>86mm</td> <td>15,6g</td> <td>COL.03</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ1846</td> <td>LITTLE JACK DEAD SLOW SLALOM</td> <td>86mm</td> <td>15,6g</td> <td>COL.04</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr><tr><td>LJ1847</td> <td>LITTLE JACK DEAD SLOW SLALOM</td> <td>86mm</td> <td>15,6g</td> <td>COL.05</td> <td>Sinking</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Price €20.80
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<p>Began developing a floating lipless minnow with a realistic shad shape that is not bound by the conventional lipless minnow design. The head and open mouth &amp; water duct grab the water and are designed to keep the range even in a dead throw. While swimming the shallow in a rolling-based action, the rod work, such as the tucci, creates a bait with a sense of life of stillness and movement by flushing with a beautiful hirauchi. Change weight balance and release two types of models. Adjusted to be able to capture night game shallows with dead throw as a model for salt. "Ayukawa Port (-KOU), which has increased the flight distance by moving the double center of gravity. Ayukawa Lake (-KOH), which is designed to respond instantly to light rod work, is available. Body line that changes the ideal action by receiving water flow, water duct that penetrates from open mouth to gill, long casting by moving the center of gravity, Head shape that responds immediately to retrieve, high balance design that swims slow or fast despite its unique real form Try the action and fishing results created by unparalleled shapes.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td><td>Azione</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ1941</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>8,4g</td><td>COL.01</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1942</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.02</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1943</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.03</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1944</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.04</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1945</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.05</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1946</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.06</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1947</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.07</td><td>Floating</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1948</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE AYUKAWA KOU</td><td>80mm</td><td>7,3gr</td><td>COL.08</td><td>Floating</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €20.80


<p>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS is a sinking pencil of rolling live action like a weekened bait real form, orijinal left-right asymmetry body, wire through body </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td><td>Azione</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ1922</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.01</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1923</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.02</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1924</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.03</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1925</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.04</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1926</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.05</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1927</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.06</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1928</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.07</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1929</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>70mm</td><td>7gr</td><td>COL.08</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1930</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>86mm</td><td>16g</td><td>COL.01</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1931</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>86mm</td><td>16g</td><td>COL.02</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1932</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>86mm</td><td>16g</td><td>COL.05</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1933</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>86mm</td><td>16g</td><td>COL.06</td><td>Rolling</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1934</td><td>LITTLE JACK LIKE BLINKS</td><td>86mm</td><td>16g</td><td>COL.07</td><td>Rolling</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €17.60
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<p>The long-awaited large size appears! One of the indispensable to capture the Sayori pattern! Sayori pattern is one of the inevitable unbalanced eating patterns. The most common feature of the SAYORIS series, which boasts an overwhelming track record in the Sayori pattern since its release in 2007, is its realism. The form that misleads not only fish but also humans is still alive at 182. While the previous SAYORIS-Z is good at suppressing buoyancy and attacking a range deeper than the surface, the 182 has a sinking speed slower due to the adoption of a hollow body. It is possible to capture a wide range from the surface layer to the deep area. Thanks to its buoyancy and low air resistance, the flight distance is perfect. ACTION Action is simply delicate and natural. Thoroughly removing the unnatural action makes it easy to pass through the target course mainly for rolling, and exhibits an outstanding effect in the slick field. Swiming dirt by attaching a rod action will definitely increase your expectation of catch. In the initial setting, it is a 3-hook specification, but a shimmy fall (swaying fall) that appears by changing to a 2-hook specification is also effective. DETAIL</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td><td>Azione</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ2487</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.1</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2488</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.2</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2489</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.3</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2490</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.4</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2491</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.5</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2492</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.6</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2493</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>54gr</td><td>COL.7</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2494</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.1</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2495</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.2</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2496</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.3</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2497</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.4</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2498</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.5</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2499</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.6</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2500</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS 182</td><td>182mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>COL.7</td><td>sinking</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €26.90


<p>CONCEPT Since the release of the first model in 2007, with the slogan `` Say the bee pattern '' SAYORIS is the one and only sailor type lure that has the overwhelming support of anglers who pursue fishing results in Japan and overseas. SAYORIS-Z has further evolved while pursuing form action while inheriting that DNA. The increased strength of the solid body makes it easy to use offshore, creating an amazing distance comparable to a metal jig. Here is the culmination of a series that controls not only Sayori / Bachi pattern but also all fields. ACTION Just rolling creates a natural roll action. Twitch and jerk By adding, it is also possible to produce a bait that escapes. The role-based action clarifies the trace line and allows you to capture light and dark areas reliably. In addition, the range can be used properly by setting up a rod, and it boasts high versatility from the surface layer to the bottom of the group.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td><td>Azione</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ1892</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.5</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1893</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.6</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1894</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.7</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2238</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.1</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2239</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.2</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2240</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.3</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2241</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.4</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2242</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.9</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2243</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.10</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1895</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 133</td><td>133mm</td><td>29gr</td><td>COL.11</td><td>sinking</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €22.00
rating 0 review


<p>CONCEPT Since the release of the first model in 2007, with the slogan `` Say the bee pattern '' SAYORIS is the one and only sailor type lure that has the overwhelming support of anglers who pursue fishing results in Japan and overseas. SAYORIS-Z has further evolved while pursuing form action while inheriting that DNA. The increased strength of the solid body makes it easy to use offshore, creating an amazing distance comparable to a metal jig. Here is the culmination of a series that controls not only Sayori / Bachi pattern but also all fields. ACTION Just rolling creates a natural roll action. Twitch and jerk By adding, it is also possible to produce a bait that escapes. The role-based action clarifies the trace line and allows you to capture light and dark areas reliably. In addition, the range can be used properly by setting up a rod, and it boasts high versatility from the surface layer to the bottom of the group.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Colore</td><td>Azione</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LJ1889</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.5</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1890</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.6</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ1891</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.7</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2232</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.1</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2233</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.2</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2234</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.3</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2235</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.4</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2236</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.9</td><td>sinking</td></tr><tr><td>LJ2237</td><td>LITTLE JACK SAYORIS-Z 99</td><td>99mm</td><td>13gr</td><td>COL.10</td><td>sinking</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €20.50
rating 0 review