Spinning XXH Tuna & GT

Spinning XXH Tuna & GT

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  • Brand: Artico
  • Brand: Palms


<p><span>Innovative MADE IN ITALY travel series RODS for Popping in 4 pieces, these extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing.The technical innovation of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows the rod to have continuity of action for longest casting distance and more control boat side during fighting with largest fish.This reduces physical effort of the fisherman of 30% because the handle put under strain increase the resistance of the fishing rod.The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of pairs of composite materials. The stem is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:</span><br /><span>•  The blank of the rod has an action equal in every respect.<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">•  In the casting action the lure travel in the desired direction.<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">•During the fight with big fish the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage to the fisherman. </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €439.00
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<table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Lungh mt</td> <td>N° Sez</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Power lbs</td> <td>Ring guides</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>The Boss Popping GT Medium</td> <td>2,32 m - 7'6" ft</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>Max Drag 60 lbs / 8 -10 PE</td> <td>Fuji BNOG or Kwag or BKwag or SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>The Boss Popping GT Monster</td> <td>2,32 m - 7'6" ft</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Monster</td> <td>Max Drag 70 lbs / 10 -12 PE</td> <td>Fuji BNOG or Kwag or BKwag or SiC<br /><br /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p>La nuova serie The Boss GT Popping è a dir poco unica e fuori dalle righe. Il progettista, Sergio Artico (in arte “The Boss”), ha voluto creare una canna da popping in grado di domare le fughe dei GT ma che al contempo facesse divertire il pescatore. Il risultato sono questi due prodotti: La Popping GT Medium e la Popping GT Monster.<br />Ma andiamo per gradi...</p> <p>Nella pesca dei GT il mercato ci ha abituati ad utilizzare canne da popping generiche, canne che vanno bene per fare un po' tutto ma che poi nella sostanza non vanno benissimo quando si scontrano contro i Giant Trevally (Caranx Ignobilis). Il carangide in questione può arrivare ad 80 Kg e tira come una “locomotiva”, di conseguenza serve una canna dedicata al “carattere” di questo pesce e non una canna da popping “qualsiasi” riadattata per la pesca dei GT. La maggior parte delle Case costruttrici, infatti, sviluppa canne da popping che necessariamente devono accontentare le esigenze di vari mercati e che quindi devono andare bene per americani, esquimesi, africani ecc. Nel fare questo, nel cercare di accontentare tutte le esigenze di tutti i pescatori di tutti questi paesi, le canne che ne derivano sono il frutto di innumerevoli compromessi tecnici, di compromessi nei materiali, di compromessi nella componentistica ecc ecc. In sostanza le canne da popping che poi troviamo nei negozi non sono veramente sviluppate per i GT, ma sono sostanzialmente i fusti da popping più potenti e robusti che la Casa ha in gamma... e queste canne potrebbero anche andare bene per i GT... ma non saranno mai canne specifiche per GT.</p> <p>The Boss GT Popping di Artico<br />1) The Boss GT Popping è realizzata con il miglior carbonio alto modulo al mondo, direttamente dai circuiti di Formula 1 questa canna viene assemblata esclusivamente con Carbonio PrePreg Ferrari. <strong>XANTU.LAYR </strong>Nella serie The Boss VS per la prima volta viene inserito nel V.AR.AM, il sistema produttivo utilizzato nella lavorazione degli unidirezionali di carbonio statificati, una fibra completamente innovativa: lo XANTU.LAYR (Continuos nanofibre performance composites). Questa è una esclusiva membrana stratificata che agisce come rinforzo migliorando le prestazioni del carbonio composito. Nello specifico mira ad eliminare le criticità e le debolezze della fibra, migliorandone la resistenza alla delaminazione ed aumentando la resistenza all'impatto. Forti di questa fibra rivoluzionaria, da oggi le canne Artico saranno ancora più resistenti e performanti.<br />2) Il fusto della The Boss GT Popping è realizzato a mano nei laboratori Artico (a Pordenone), è una canna artigianale curata in ogni minimo particolare e incarna tutto il meglio dell'eccellenza Made in Italy<br />3) La componentistica è la migliore del mercato, The Boss GT Popping può essere montata con quattro tipi di anelli per consentire al pescatore di scegliere il modello più idoneo al mulinello che userà in pesca. Tutti gli anelli sono rigorosamente Fuji e le pietre interne vanno dalle più economiche BNOG alle più robuste SiC. Il manico è ALPS, quello Pat Pending (omolagato), per i mulinelli a bobina fissa di qualsiasi dimensione.<br />4) The Boss GT Popping è una canna sviluppata solo per il popping tropicale al GT e nessun compromesso su tecnologia, materiali e componentistica è stato accettato. Questa è una canna che va bene solo per pescare a popping i mostri tropicali.<br />5) The Boss GT Popping è una canna che non viene prodotta in serie ma solo su richiesta e quindi ad Artico non interessa venderla a tutto il mondo ma solo a chi fa la pesca dei GT. Ha infatti prodotto due modelli una GT Medium con Max drag 60 lbs 8-10 PE e una GT Monster con Max drag 70 lbs 10-12 PE.<br />6) The Boss GT Popping è una canna specializzata e come con una macchina da formula 1 non puoi girarci in città, non puoi farci fuoristrada, non puoi metterci la spesa nel baule, non puoi portarci a spasso la famiglia, non puoi fare nient'altro che quello per cui è stata progettata... The Boss GT Popping è stata progettata pescare i GT. Non è una canna semplice da usare perché: tutti sono capaci di guidare una utilitaria, solo alcuni possono guidare una Ferrari da strada ma in pochissimi riescono a guidare una Ferrari da Formula 1 in pista. The Boss GT Popping è una macchina da Formula 1: quando tiri lei tira, quando pompi lei pompa, quando forzi lei spinge, quando sbagli: ti schianti... perdi il pesce. La GT è una canna dove tutto è portato all'estremo e devi saperla "guidare". Non è una canna facile perché non è una canna tutto fare che alla fine se sbagli ti aiuta, questa è una canna specializzata che fa bene il suo lavoro ma chi la usa deve sapere quello che sta facendo.</p>
Price €555.00
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<p align="justify">L’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca è stata progettata e realizzata specificatamente per la pesca a spinning del tonno. E’ una canna leggera e maneggevole ma al contempo letale per il pelagico più potente del Mediterraneo. La serie Testa Bianca va ad ampliare la gamma Aquila Marina aggiungendo 4 modelli di libraggio e lunghezza differenti.</p> <p align="justify">I fusti dell’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca sono tutti prodotti artigianalmente in Italia… nei laboratori Artico. I fusti vengono “rollati” singolarmente a mano utilizzando il pregiatissimo Carbonio Alto Modulo Premium Ferrari (quello utilizzato nella F1) al fine di conferire all’attrezzo prestazioni ottimali in termini di potenza e reattività pur mantenendo pesi contenuti.</p> <p align="justify">Il sistema costruttivo si basa sull’utilizzo di tre tipi di carbonio alto modulo aventi tre differenti grammature: a diminuire dal calcio verso la vetta. Questa scelta costruttiva ci ha permesso di conferire alla canna: <br />1) un’azione di punta estremamente efficace, che la rende attiva e precisa in fase di ferrata<br />2) un’eccellente manovrabilità delle esche, indifferentemente dalla loro dimensione e peso<br />3) una parabolicità adeguata ad ottenere lanci lunghi e precisi<br />4) la capacità di contrastare le fughe dei grossi predatori riducendo al minimo lo sforzo fisico del pescatore<br />5) una riserva di potenza insuperabile che permette di oltrepassare i limiti standard di massima flessione del fusto e di contrastare pesci di grossa mole anche a modeste profondità.</p> <p align="justify">Impareggiabile il manico, con il nuovo sistema di innesto “off-set”, che rende la canna ben bilanciata e garantisce la continuità d’azione del fusto. Il taglio della canna, per ridurre l’ingombro, appositamente studiato all’altezza del calcio, è uno dei punti di forza di questo attrezzo. Così facendo il fusto lavora in maniera omogenea e in combattimento la Testa Bianca garantisce prestazioni da monofusto.</p> <p align="justify">Benché sia una canna specializzata, il sistema di progettazione che la contraddistingue la rende adeguata sia al principiante sia al pescatore esperto.  Queste canne associano la più avveniristica tecnologia costruttiva con i migliori materiali al mondo e l’ineguagliabile esperienza artigianale italiana. A richiesta è possibile abbellire l’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca con una greca alla base del fusto.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Su richiesta è possibile realizzare la greca</strong></p> <p></p>
Price €699.00
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<p><span>Innovative MADE IN ITALY travel series RODS for Popping in 4 pieces, these extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing.The technical innovation of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows the rod to have continuity of action for longest casting distance and more control boat side during fighting with largest fish.This reduces physical effort of the fisherman of 30% because the handle put under strain increase the resistance of the fishing rod.The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of pairs of composite materials. The stem is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:</span><br /><span>•  The blank of the rod has an action equal in every respect.<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">•  In the casting action the lure travel in the desired direction.<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">•During the fight with big fish the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage to the fisherman. </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p><br /><br />
Price €445.00
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<p><span>Innovative MADE IN iTALY travel series RODS for Popping in 4 pieces, these extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing.The technical innovation of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows the rod to have continuity of action for longest casting distance and more control boat side during fighting with largest fish.This reduces physical effort of the fisherman of 30% because the handle put under strain increase the resistance of the fishing rod.The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of pairs of composite materials. The stem is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:</span><br /><span>• the blank of the rod has an action equal in every respect.<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">• In the casting action the lure travel in the desired direction. <br />• During the fight with big fish the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage to the fisherman. </span></p> <p></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p><br /><br />
Price €435.00
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<p>These extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">An innovative series for ‘popping’, the technical advancement of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows it to have continuity of action for distance casts and more control boat-side during fights with large fish. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">These properties can reduce the physical effort of the fisherman by 30%. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of composite materials. <br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The blank is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- blank of the rod has an equal consistent action<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- In the casting action, the lure travels in the desired direction. During the fight with big fish, the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage.<br /></span></p> <p>The Aquila Marina poppers are entirely made in Italy and available in 10 different models for all requirements: from tuna to dorado. All models have different assembly possibilities of the famous K Fuji series. Strengthened “put-in” handle, EVA grip and Fuji graphite glass. The rods are light, strong and quick for launching incredibly long distances and easy to handle in the boat. These rods associate the latest construction technologies in the materials used with all the craftsmanship experience of a great company. Essential look and well balanced launching action.</p> <p>An example of Aquila Marina customization:<br /><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%201.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="157" /> </p> <p><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%202.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="164" /></p> <p><br /><br /></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p><br />
Price €405.00
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<p>These extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">An innovative series for ‘popping’, the technical advancement of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows it to have continuity of action for distance casts and more control boat-side during fights with large fish. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">These properties can reduce the physical effort of the fisherman by 30%. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of composite materials. <br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The blank is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- blank of the rod has an equal consistent action<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- In the casting action, the lure travels in the desired direction. During the fight with big fish, the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage.<br /></span></p> <p>The Aquila Marina poppers are entirely made in Italy and available in 10 different models for all requirements: from tuna to dorado. All models have different assembly possibilities of the famous K Fuji series. Strengthened “put-in” handle, EVA grip and Fuji graphite glass. The rods are light, strong and quick for launching incredibly long distances and easy to handle in the boat. These rods associate the latest construction technologies in the materials used with all the craftsmanship experience of a great company. Essential look and well balanced launching action.</p> <p>An example of Aquila Marina customization:<br /><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%201.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="157" /> </p> <p><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%202.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="164" /></p> <p><br /><br /></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p><br />
Price €389.00
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<p>These extreme rods use premium quality Ferrari-Artico graphite blanks engineered for heavy-duty performance while staying lightweight for comfortable all-day fishing. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">An innovative series for ‘popping’, the technical advancement of this rod is in the handle, constructed against taper with different materials, which allows it to have continuity of action for distance casts and more control boat-side during fights with large fish. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">These properties can reduce the physical effort of the fisherman by 30%. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The second technical innovation is in the drum, constructed with a system of composite materials. <br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The blank is devoid of a spine with the following advantages:<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- blank of the rod has an equal consistent action<br /></span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">- In the casting action, the lure travels in the desired direction. During the fight with big fish, the rod always maintains precise bending, reducing the risk of breakage and damage.<br /></span></p> <p>The Aquila Marina poppers are entirely  made in Italy and available in 10 different models for all requirements: from tuna to dorado. All models have different assembly possibilities of the famous K Fuji series. Strengthened “put-in” handle, EVA grip and Fuji graphite glass. The rods are light, strong and quick for launching incredibly long distances and easy to handle in the boat. These rods associate the latest construction technologies in the materials used with all the craftsmanship experience of a great company. Essential look and well balanced launching action.</p> <p>An example of Aquila Marina customization:<br /><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%201.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="157" /> </p> <p><img src="http://www.pescare.it/img/cms/Canne%20big%20game/Artico%20Aquila%20marina%202.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="164" /></p> <p><br /><br /></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"> </span></p> <p></p>
Price €369.00
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<p>Sea rupture Extensive lineup for offshore big games Newly designed blanks with nanocarbon further expand the world Sea rupture will continue to change for the ever-evolving offshore game scene. It has been reborn as a blank that emphasizes balancing seemingly contradictory factors, such as approaching with a delicate approach and requiring forcibleness. The tuna game compatible model demonstrates exciting power. In the dolphin game, we have acquired the operability that even the threaded fish in the latter half of the season can be technically eaten. In the jigging model that supports jig control as well as the feeling of fingertips to imagine underwater, by giving more power, it becomes a lineup suitable for a wider field. The beautiful bend curve that makes you forget the joint while gaining portability with an irregular joint can be said to be functional beauty. The nanocarbon placed in the right place makes it possible to play the game with even higher reliability. STJC-511M + MAX200g bait model that captures the tide This model, which is a fusion of blank material, taper, and rod length at a high level, not only manipulates the MAX200g jig at will, but also understands that the movement of the jig in the water can be picked up. You can bring it to. After the bite, the butt section that follows the sudden behavior of Aomono will lead you to the target catch. It can be said that it is a model that has many opportunities to play an active part in inshore jigging. 5ft.11inc. Offset Handle Power: M plus 80-200g Lures PE1.5-4.0 Rod Wt.216g STJS-62M + Manipulate 200g. Attack the depths. M + power model that can slide jigs up to 200g each without stress to capture the tide . A blank with nanomaterials will sublimate into "fun" when fighting with a large target with a water depth of around 100m as an active field. In addition, the high operability created by the short length of 6ft.2 inc. enables more technical rod operation and supports the production of various jig actions. 6ft.2inc. Offset Handle Power: M plus 80-200g Lures PE1.5-4.0 Rod Wt.222g </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza Ft</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Ingombro</td><td>Peso</td><td>Peso esca</td><td>PE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>25708</td><td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE JIGGING</td><td>STJC-511M +</td><td>5ft.11inc.</td><td>2 Offset Handle</td><td></td><td>216 gr</td><td>80-200g</td><td>No. 1.5-4.0</td></tr><tr><td>25707</td><td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE JIGGING</td><td>STJS-62M +</td><td>6ft.2inc.</td><td>2 Offset Handle</td><td></td><td>222 gr</td><td>80-200g</td><td>No. 1.5-4.0</td></tr></tbody></table>
Price €326.00
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<p>New Sea Rupture Extensive lineup for offshore big games Newly designed blanks with nanocarbon further expand the world Sea ruptures will continue to change for the ever-evolving offshore game scene. It has been reborn as a blank that emphasizes balancing seemingly contradictory factors, such as approaching with a delicate approach and requiring forcibleness. The tuna game compatible model demonstrates exciting power. In the dolphin game, we have acquired the operability that even the threaded fish in the latter half of the season can be technically eaten. In the jigging model that supports jig control as well as the fingertip sensation for imagining underwater, by giving more power, it becomes a lineup suitable for a wider field. The beautiful bend curve that makes you forget the joint while gaining portability with an irregular joint can be said to be functional beauty. The nanocarbon placed in the right place makes it possible to play the game with even higher reliability. Nano Alloy® material adopted By adopting the whole body Nano Alloy® material that enhances reliability in all models and creating overwhelming stickiness, it is also highly reliable in games against large fish. Furthermore, the bat was tightened with X carbonology. Insist on the potential by decorating the accent with diamond wrapping. Reliable lock nut and butt end Reliable lock nut and butt end LOGR / AN, a backstop mechanism for all models, is used to prevent the reel seats from loosening in big games. Spinning models STGS-66ML, 76ML, 76M, STJS-62ML, 62M + adopt the up-lock method, and STGS-78MH, 81H, 83H + adopt the down-lock method. STGS-78MH, 81H, 83H + uses BRC for the grip end. Portability is also a rod spec Portability is also a rod spec I think that the sea rupture is also a rod spec for portability. The jigging rod is an offset handle with a removable grip. The casting rod is a two-piece unequal length that keeps the pack length within 140 cm for all models. Sea rupture frees anglers from the hassle of carrying. STGS-76ML One for manipulating light weight lures offshore In offshore casting games, this one is aimed at casting relatively light lures farther and more accurately. Regardless of the type of fish, you can drive a lure from a longer distance before sinking a fast-sinking nabla and bring it to a bite. After the hit, the tough butt power that does not seem to be in the ML class does not give the target an advantage. 7ft.6inc. Unequal length 2pc. Power: ML 15-60g Lures PE1.5-3 Rod Wt.220g STGS-76M Standard model for offshore casting This rod is also suitable as an introductory rod that has a wide range of cast performance and the power to twist the target in the diversified offshore casting games such as dolphin fish, Spanish mackerel, and bonito. It's versatile, but its specs are by no means mediocre. 7ft.6inc. Unequal length 2pc. Power: M 20-80g Lures PE 2.0-4.0 Rod Wt.225g STGS-78MH Compatible with large dolphin fish and yellowtail top games, including inshore tuna This model, which can cast up to 100g, has a delicate tip section that makes the diving pencil dive glossy, but can also confront the fight with Aomono and Tuna, which can be said to be violent. It is one that has power. In addition, the rod length of 7ft.8 inc. Is a model that enables underhand casting of large plugs. 7ft.8inc. Unequal length 2pc. Power: MH 30-100g Lures PE3.0-5.0 Rod Wt.324g STGS-81H The load applied when casting a large plug, which is the central axis of anti- Yellowfin and amberjack, allows the rod to be smoothly vented from the tip to the bat, and the power is stored. Then the restoring force of the bent rod will support the angler who floats the target. 8ft.1inc. Unequal length 2pc. Power: H Max120g Lures Max PE6.0 Rod Wt.340g STGS-83H + The strongest power model in the series. It is a model that has the castability of not only flying one heavy weight plug for tuna games far away but also pinpointing it to the target nabla. This model, which is the strongest in the series, is equipped with BRC at the rod end, and it is a model that realizes exactly power VS power that is particular about catching large fish in every detail. 8ft.3inc. Unequal length 2pc. Power: H plus Max150g Lures Max PE8.0 Rod Wt.342g</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td></td> <td>Model No.</td> <td>Length</td> <td>Piece</td> <td>Power</td> <td>Lure</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Rod Wt.</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>025703</td> <td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE STGS</td> <td>STGS-76M</td> <td>7ft.6inc.</td> <td>Unequal length 2</td> <td>M</td> <td>20-80g</td> <td>2.0-4.0</td> <td>225g</td> </tr><tr><td>025702</td> <td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE STGS</td> <td>STGS-76ML</td> <td>7ft.6inc.</td> <td>Unequal length 2</td> <td>ML</td> <td>15-60g</td> <td>No. 1.5-3</td> <td>220g</td> </tr><tr><td>025704</td> <td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE STGS</td> <td>STGS-78MH</td> <td>7ft.8inc.</td> <td>Unequal length 2</td> <td>MH</td> <td>30-100g</td> <td>No. 3.0-5.0</td> <td>324g</td> </tr><tr><td>025705</td> <td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE STGS</td> <td>STGS-81H Tuna class</td> <td>8ft.1 inc.</td> <td>Unequal length 2</td> <td>H</td> <td>Max120g</td> <td>Max PE 6.0</td> <td>340g</td> </tr><tr><td>025706</td> <td>PALMS SEA RAPTURE STGS</td> <td>STGS-83H + Tuna class</td> <td>8ft.3 inc.</td> <td>Unequal length 2</td> <td>H plus</td> <td>Max150g</td> <td>Max PE 8.0</td> <td>342g</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Price €359.00
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