<p>Il blank semplice e sottile realizzato col migliore alto modulo in commercio, regala emozioni incredibili a chi lo usa. Velocità e capacità di caricamento, sono le sue caratteristiche principali, in quanto è una serie studiata per pescare a lunghe distanze e con precisione millimetrica. Quando il pesce è ferrato, il blank reagirà assorbendo ogni tipo di shock, salvando ami e finali ed evitando slamate. Perfetta per pescare con galleggiante o a fondo con esche vive per barbi e carpe o con pesce morto alla ricerca di perca.</p> <p>The slim blank design of top quality high-modulus carbon material makes a great impression with its speed and loading capacity. The excellent loading properties of the Xclusive Float allow the float to be pitched at long distances and precisely on target. When the fish is being played, the blank reliably absorbs any wild thrashing movements from the fish, which makes for far fewer lost fish. The rod is very effective for trout fishing with Spirolinos, Bombardas etc. And when going after zander with bait fish, the rod cuts a very fine figure. The guide diameters have been selected in such a way that even rubber stoppers can slide through without any problem.</p> <p>The Xclusive Float is available in lengths of 3.60m, 3.90m and 4.20m with a casting weight of 20-40g</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Descrizione</td> <td>modello</td> <td>No.</td> <td>Lunghezza cm</td> <td>Lunghezza ft</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Ingombri cm</td> <td>Classe Tr.</td> <td>Peso gr.</td> <td>anelli</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>SPORTEX XCLUSIVE FLOAT XT</td> <td>PF3633</td> <td>137366</td> <td>360</td> <td>12</td> <td>3</td> <td>125</td> <td>20-40</td> <td>204</td> <td>12</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SPORTEX XCLUSIVE FLOAT XT</td> <td>PF3933</td> <td>137396</td> <td>390</td> <td>13</td> <td>3</td> <td>135</td> <td>20-40</td> <td>227</td> <td>13</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SPORTEX XCLUSIVE FLOAT XT</td> <td>PF4233</td> <td>137426</td> <td>420</td> <td>14</td> <td>3</td> <td>145</td> <td>20-40</td> <td>246</td> <td>14</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 245,00 €