Softbaits Freshwater

Softbaits Freshwater

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<p>8 PIECES / BOX The Paca Craw and Baby Paca Craw are tubes that can be fished by buzzing the surface like a buzz bait, by swimming it just under the surface, by flipping it in heavy cover, or by Carolina rigging it for fishing deep water. I feel this is the most versatile soft-plastic bait on the market, and it can not be fished wrong.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>COLORE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>014340</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>WATERMELON JELLY</td> </tr><tr><td>014146</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>JUNEBUG</td> </tr><tr><td>014339</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>WATERMELON PEPPER</td> </tr><tr><td>010078</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr><tr><td>010085</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BAMA BUG</td> </tr><tr><td>010081</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BLACK NEON</td> </tr><tr><td>010087</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>PEARL</td> </tr><tr><td>010082</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BLACK BLUE</td> </tr><tr><td>017282</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BROWN ORANGE</td> </tr><tr><td>019067</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>WATERMELON SPICE</td> </tr><tr><td>010080</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>ALABAMA CRAW</td> </tr><tr><td>014450</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>SUMMER CRAW</td> </tr><tr><td>014449</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>RED BUG</td> </tr><tr><td>014463</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BLACK BLUE FLAKE</td> </tr><tr><td>019066</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>CRAWFISH</td> </tr><tr><td>014464</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN RED</td> </tr><tr><td>010088</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>DELTA NEON</td> </tr><tr><td>018554</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td> </tr><tr><td>014145</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>BAMA BUG RED</td> </tr><tr><td>017283</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>KENTUCKY SPECIAL</td> </tr><tr><td>010086</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>FLIPPIN BROWN</td> </tr><tr><td>010089</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>TOLEDO SPECIAL</td> </tr><tr><td>014451</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>COOSA SPECIAL</td> </tr><tr><td>010084</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY PACA CRAW</td> <td>WATERM.CRAW</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 8,90 €


<p>HOG GRUB The Lunkerhunt Hog Grub™ catches big fish. Gamefish cannot resist the Hog Grub when it is fished around and over structure. The Hog Grub has a high profile body and a narrow width that enable anglers to cover a lot of water with it. The Hog Grub also has a small paddle tail that draws attention with limited movement. The Hog Grub has been designed to be fished on a ball head, darter head, or mushroom head jig. It has been designed to be rigged like a traditional grub shape. Unlike traditional grubs, the design of the Lunkerhunt Hog Grub causes the body to become the primary target. Traditional grubs tend to short-strike and get their tails bit off as too much focus is generated on the tail. The Lunkerhunt Hog Grub improves from the traditional grub by presenting a bigger, meatier target which results in bigger fish and better hook ups. The Hog Grub has thick ribs, soft texture and is impregnated with fish protein. When fish bite, they do not let go!</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LUHG000000001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.01</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.02</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.03</td> <td>3”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUHG000000004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT HOG GRUP</td> <td>COL.04</td> <td>3”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Hog Grub</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5452 size-large" src="" alt="hog2" width="1024" height="463" /></a></p> <p>Lunkerhunt Hog Grub™ è per pesci di taglia. Irresistibile ai grossi bass quando lavorato intorno e sopra a strutture. Hog Grub ha un corpo con profilo molto alto ed una dimensione ridotta che permette di coprire molti strati d’acqua. La piccola coda produce un movimento anche a velocità ridotta di recupero attirando l’attenzione anche dei predatori più apatici.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5451 size-large" src="" alt="hog" width="1024" height="471" /></a></p> <p>Hog Grub è stato progettato per jig head  del tipo ball head, darter head, o mushroom head. A differenza dei grub tradizionali, che tendono a focalizzare l’attenzione della preda sulla coda, il design degli Hog Grub mette in evidenza il corpo rendendolo l’obiettivo principale dell’attacco. In questo modo l’esca sembrerà di dimensioni maggiori, procurando grande interesse verso pesci di grossa taglia.</p> <p>Hog Grub è formato da anelli molto spessi, morbidi, ed impregnati di aroma a base di proteinie di pesce. Quando la preda lo attacca non lo vorrà mollare più!!</p> <p><strong>Misura: 3″</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5448 size-full" src="" alt="hug" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p> </p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-5449 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5447">Brown Pumpkin</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5446">Black Blue Flack</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5445">Chartreuse</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5444">Smoke</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="92" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl></div>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione
Fiiish Black Minnow 140 / Corpi di ricambio Fiiish Black Minnow 140 / Corpi di ricambio

Fiiish Black Minnow 140 / Corpi di ricambio

<p>I Black Minnow sono artificiali siliconici estremamente innovativi, micidiali per la pesca alla spigola da riva o dalla barca, ma che stanno spopolando nelle nostre acque ad insidiare ogni tipo di predatore, in freshwater come in saltwater. I principi alla base della progettazione di questi artificiali sono essenzialmente 3: PESCARE DOVE ALTRI ARTIFICIALI NON POSSONO. La particolare forma dell’amo wide gap KROG®, sviluppato appositamente per adattarsi alle singole misure dei Black Minnow, dotato di curvatura pronunciata, permette di nascondersi perfettamente nel profilo dello shad in silicone, facilitandone l’impiego anche in fondali particolarmente impervi, senza rischio di incaglio, equilibrando, allo stesso tempo, l’assetto per una presentazione estremamente naturale ed efficace. SFRUTTARE UN’ARMATURA PIU’ EFFICACE grazie al sistema brevettato PH2S inserito nella testa piombata, che assicura la miglior aderenza tra testa piombata e shad, assicurando allo stesso tempo uno snodo perfetto con l’amo nascosto. Risultato, movimento più naturale e massima lungimiranza dell’artificiale PRESENTARE UN MOVIMENTO NATURALE. Grazie alla speciale composizione siliconica del corpo ed alla testina snodata brevettata, la presentazione di quest’esca risulta estremamente naturale e catturante. I Black Minnow sono disponibili in 6 diverse taglie (7 – 9 – 12 – 14 – 16 – 20 cm.) ogni taglia è abbinata ad una serie di teste piombate studiate appositamente per ogni tipo di impiego: SHALLOW Per tutti gli approcci spinning light ed ultra light - SHORE: Per lo spinning da riva medio - SEARCH: La testa da ricerca. Per la perfetta presentazione dell’esca a 45° a sondare ogni fondale - OFFSHORE: Per lo spinning da barca o per gli approcci in verticale modio leggeri - DEEP: Per tutte le tecniche verticali dalla barca - EXTRA DEEP: Per sondare le profondità più estreme e reggere alla fortissime correnti.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Confezione</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BM033</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Kaki</td> </tr><tr><td>BM031</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Blue</td> </tr><tr><td>BM354</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Vert/Orange</td> </tr><tr><td>BM355</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Kaki Pailleté</td> </tr><tr><td>BM356</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Jaune Fluo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM353</td> <td>Black Minnow 140</td> <td>14 cm</td> <td>3 corpi Rose Fluo</td> </tr></tbody></table><p><img src="" alt="4-3-1024x675.jpg" /></p> <p></p> <p><iframe width="1020" height="604" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>NetBait Dagger è la nuova creatura della casa americana per il bass fishing. La sua prima caratteristica sono le ali flessibili che corrono lungo tutto il corpo e questo la fa scivolare nell'acqua in modo unico. Le vele sono intervallate dalle ribs che fuoriescono dal corpo angolate verso dietro, con lo scopo di conferire un nuoto naturale all'esca. Il corpo centrale è compatto ed è stato disegnato per ospitare un texas flippin' hook di buone dimensioni agevolandone la presentazione. La parte anteriore è contraddistinta da una grossa chela centrale che può essere utilizzata unita o separata in due a seconda delle necessità. È il tipico artificiale estivo da flippare dentro le cover innescandolo Texas rig, Jika rig e anche Tokio rig. È interessante sapere che i tester dell'azienda hanno vinto ben tre gare usando il prototipo di questo artificiale in Florida nel 2019. Misura 4,5 pollici e ogni busta contiene 8 pezzi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>MISURA</td><td>COLORE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>026392</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67009 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>4.5”</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>4.5”|GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>026393</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67010 BUMA BUG</td><td>4.5”</td><td>BUMA BUG</td><td>4.5”|BUMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>026394</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67131 ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>4.5”|ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>026395</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67259 BLACK SHADOW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>BLACK SHADOW</td><td>4.5”|BLACK SHADOW</td></tr><tr><td>026396</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67266 OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td><td>4.5”|OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>026397</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67410 PLUM MAGIC</td><td>4.5”</td><td>PLUM MAGIC</td><td>4.5”|PLUM MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>026398</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67412 SUN GILL</td><td>4.5”</td><td>SUN GILL</td><td>4.5”|SUN GILL</td></tr><tr><td>026399</td><td>NET BAIT DAGGER 4.5" N67413 DELTA CRAW</td><td>4.5”</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td><td>4.5”|DELTA CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>NetBait Flex Worm deriva dallo storico e blasonato Contour Worm di NetBait che tutti abbiamo imparato ad amare. Dedicato alla pesca finesse sugli scalini o vicino alle cover, è ideale nelle acque trasparenti come Bolsena o il Garda e nelle cave molto calcaree. Il suo corpo presenta un maggior spessore per il primo inch e mezzo, ovvero 3,8 centimetri. Questo consente un corretto posizionamento dell'amo. A seguire troviamo l'innovativa ''ball &amp; joint '' ovvero una giunzione tra il tratto più spesso e quello più mobile fatta a pallina. Questo sistema garantisce il ''flex'' da cui prende il nome questo verme. Anche i nuovi sistemi di laminazione dell'esca hanno permesso di creare colori e riflessi lungo tutto il corpo quasi impossibili prima su un’esca da finesse. Come inneschi, oltre al solito Texas rig ottimo anche con testine tipo Nail Bomb Decoy, si presta molto bene al Neko rig e alle Shakey Head. In questa taglia da 5'' ovvero 12,7 centimetri la confezione contiene 8 pezzi.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>MISURA</td><td>COLORE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>026380</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66009 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>5.0”</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>5.0”|GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>026382</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66230 KEY LIME PIE</td><td>5.0”</td><td>KEY LIME PIE</td><td>5.0”|KEY LIME PIE</td></tr><tr><td>026383</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66259 BLACK SHADOW</td><td>5.0”</td><td>BLACK SHADOW</td><td>5.0”|BLACK SHADOW</td></tr><tr><td>026384</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66410 PLUM MAGIC</td><td>5.0”</td><td>PLUM MAGIC</td><td>5.0”|PLUM MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>026385</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66411 TILAPIA MAGIC</td><td>5.0”</td><td>TILAPIA MAGIC</td><td>5.0”|TILAPIA MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>026386</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 5" N66412 SUN GILL</td><td>5.0”</td><td>SUN GILL</td><td>5.0”|SUN GILL</td></tr><tr><td>026387</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68009 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>7.0”</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td>7.0”|GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>026388</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68131 ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>7.0”</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td><td>7.0”|ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>030665</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68224 RED BUG</td><td>7.0”</td><td>RED BUG</td><td>7.0”|RED BUG</td></tr><tr><td>026389</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68259 BLACK SHADOW</td><td>7.0”</td><td>BLACK SHADOW</td><td>7.0”|BLACK SHADOW</td></tr><tr><td>026390</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68412 SUN GILL</td><td>7.0”</td><td>SUN GILL</td><td>7.0”|SUN GILL</td></tr><tr><td>026391</td><td>NET BAIT FLEX WORM 7" N68413 DELTA CRAW</td><td>7.0”</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td><td>7.0”|DELTA CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>The Netbait Spanky Swimbait is a great addition to the already outstanding line of soft plastics that NetBait offers. It features a ribbed mid-section and a 5/8-inch paddle on the tail. These two features work together to create a vibration and movement that bass will search out and gobble up. Offered in a wide variety of colors, the Netbait Spanky works wonders as a swim jig trailer, on an A-rig or even on a drop shot. Next time you feel like spankin’ the competition, rig up Netbait Spanky Swimbait. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>MISURA</td><td>COLORE</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>019083</td><td>NET BAIT BIG SPANKY N60008 WATERMELON RED</td><td>5.0”</td><td>WATERMELON RED</td><td>5.0”|WATERMELON RED</td></tr><tr><td>019080</td><td>NET BAIT BIG SPANKY N60310 SMOKIN' SHAD</td><td>5.0”</td><td>SMOKIN' SHAD</td><td>5.0”|SMOKIN' SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>019081</td><td>NET BAIT BIG SPANKY N60311 SEXY SHAD</td><td>5.0”</td><td>SEXY SHAD</td><td>5.0”|SEXY SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>019082</td><td>NET BAIT BIG SPANKY N60321 TRASH</td><td>5.0”</td><td>TRASH</td><td>5.0”|TRASH</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p><p>Il PENTA SHAD è un soft lure della famiglia Adusta, ha un corpo molto compatto ed è stato progettato e sviluppato per combinare nel nuoto un’azione realistica con molte oscillazioni, rendendo eccezionalmente reale. La sezione del corpo e a “V” come la chiglia di una nave, questo rende l’esca molto stabile durante il nuoto. Grazie alla progettazione sottile e affusolata della coda l’oscillazione della stessa è molto ampia. Il tutto per stimolare i predatori più apatici. Tutte le dimensioni sono composte da silicone dall’aroma salato. Ideale per la pesca in acque dolci.</p> <p><iframe width="660" height="371" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <div class="--reading-ruler-ruler"></div><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice di riferimento</td><td>Colore</td><td>Nome del prodotto</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Lunghezza mm</td><td>Azione</td><td>DEPTH</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>PS2-117</td><td>CHART WHITE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-013</td><td>CLEAR SILVER GLITTER S</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-118</td><td>GHOST AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-100</td><td>GREEN CHART GLITTER ORANGE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-114</td><td>GREEN CHART SEED SHINER</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-104</td><td>HAZE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-112</td><td>IZASA</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-004</td><td>MOTOR OIL</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-116</td><td>RED GOLDEN SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-110</td><td>SUJIEBI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-102</td><td>TENNESSEE SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-109</td><td>WAKASAGI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-001</td><td>WHITE GLOW</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS2-106</td><td>AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>2”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-117</td><td>CHART WHITE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-013</td><td>CLEAR SILVER GLITTER S</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-118</td><td>GHOST AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-100</td><td>GREEN CHART GLITTER ORANGE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-114</td><td>GREEN CHART SEED SHINER</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-104</td><td>HAZE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-108</td><td>HIUO</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-112</td><td>IZASA</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-004</td><td>MOTOR OIL</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-116</td><td>RED GOLDEN SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-110</td><td>SUJIEBI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-102</td><td>TENNESSEE SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-109</td><td>WAKASAGI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-001</td><td>WHITE GLOW</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS3-106</td><td>AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>3”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-117</td><td>CHART WHITE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-013</td><td>CLEAR SILVER GLITTER S</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-118</td><td>GHOST AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-100</td><td>GREEN CHART GLITTER ORANGE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-114</td><td>GREEN CHART SEED SHINER</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-104</td><td>HAZE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-108</td><td>HIUO</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-112</td><td>IZASA</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-004</td><td>MOTOR OIL</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-116</td><td>RED GOLDEN SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-110</td><td>SUJIEBI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-102</td><td>TENNESSEE SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-109</td><td>WAKASAGI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-001</td><td>WHITE GLOW</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS4-106</td><td>AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>4”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-117</td><td>CHART WHITE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-013</td><td>CLEAR SILVER GLITTER S</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-118</td><td>GHOST AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-100</td><td>GREEN CHART GLITTER ORANGE</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-114</td><td>GREEN CHART SEED SHINER</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-004</td><td>MOTOR OIL</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-116</td><td>RED GOLDEN SHAD</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-110</td><td>SUJIEBI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-109</td><td>WAKASAGI</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PS5-106</td><td>AYU</td><td>ADUSTA PENTA SHAD</td><td></td><td>5”</td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 8,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>LUNKER STICKS With its wide range of uses, Lunker Stick style baits have quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. As versatile as they are productive, Lunker Sticks feature a 5 inch long salt impregnated body. Lunker Sticks have a steady sink rate that is fast enough to allow anglers to cover water but slow enough to create a subtle fish triggering flutter action on the fall. Lunker Sticks come in a variety of color patterns that have been formulated to create both feeding as well as reaction strikes.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPSTS50037</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LUNKER STICK</td> <td>COL. 37</td> <td>5”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Lunker Stick</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2795 size-full" src="" alt="LunkerSticks" width="1080" height="436" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Grazie alla incredibile versatilità, Lunker Stick è diventato presto uno degli stickbait più utilizzati tra i bass angler di tutto il mondo. Realizzato in morbida gomma impregnata con sale. Grazie alla particolare densità della mescola Lunker Stick garantisce un affondamento lento e regolare che permette di sondare perfettamente ogni livello d’acqua assicurando allo stesso tempo un movimento estremamente catturante e realistico.</p> <p><strong>Misura 5″ in confezione da 10 pezzi</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2796 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs 12" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2794 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2804">Watermelon Seed</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2802">Pearl Sparkle</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2801">Leech</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2800">Coffee Red Black Fleck</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2799">Cigar</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2803">Pumpkin Nitro Tip</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2798">Baby Bass</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2797">Albino Shad</dd></dl><p></p> </div>
Prezzo 9,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Small tail creates a weak wave motion, which entices fish to bite. PORTIO creates a weak wave motion which is very similar to those by natural fish or shrimp.It can be used on a Drop shot rig or can be used as a small rubber jig trailer.Perfect for lightweight rigs. Geecrack original S.A.F material is used in making PORTIO.The scent and taste of the material will cause the fish to hold the lure in its mouth longer. * S.A.F = Salt + Amino acid + Flavor</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>021598</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 034</td> </tr><tr><td>021599</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 202</td> </tr><tr><td>021600</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 203</td> </tr><tr><td>021601</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 278</td> </tr><tr><td>021602</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 279</td> </tr><tr><td>021603</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 280</td> </tr><tr><td>021604</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 281</td> </tr><tr><td>021605</td> <td>GEECRACK PORTIO</td> <td>2.8 7.8CM</td> <td>COL. 283</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,20 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Perfect for fineness fishing.It is a great soft bait for flick shaking, steady swimming retrieve, drop shotting and etc. It looks like a small prawn or baitfish fleeing.It's not too bulky, just the right size.Simple straight body with ringed body end.The thin curled tail moves with very little bit of current.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>021714</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 220</td></tr><tr><td>021715</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 261</td></tr><tr><td>021716</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 262</td></tr><tr><td>021717</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 264</td></tr><tr><td>021718</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>3"</td><td>COL. 266</td></tr><tr><td>021719</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 220</td></tr><tr><td>021720</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 261</td></tr><tr><td>021721</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 262</td></tr><tr><td>021722</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 264</td></tr><tr><td>021723</td><td>GEECRACK MOON CURLY</td><td>4"</td><td>COL. 266</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,20 €
rating 0 recensione


<p><span>La somiglianza con gamberi e piccole aragoste lo rendono perfetto per razzolare con una testa sabot  o un montaggio tipo texas.</span><br /><span>I grossi anelli sul dorso, le larghe “code”, le sottili zampe si muovono alla minima sollecitazione.</span></p> <p><span>Use the Crazy Craw with: </span></p> <h6>-Hook H1 or H2/0 Pro JH<br />-Hook H2, H1/0, H2/0, H3/0 on a micro JH </h6> <p><img src="" alt="" width="800" height="533" /></p> <p></p> <p><span><iframe width="425" height="350" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe><br /></span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 9,20 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Tutta la linea KASAGO di ECOGEAR nasce con una selezione di colori e modelli studiata per il Light Game sia di Mare che di acqua dolce. Il ROCK CLAW 2” è l’imitazione di un piccolo gambero adatto ad essere presentato nei più vari tipi di inneschi. Piccolo e compatto ha nelle sue chele molto mobili il massimo potere attrattivo.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>EGS-06206</td><td>ECOGEAR KASAGO SHOKUNIN ROCK CLAW</td><td>2”</td><td>005 Pump Red+Cop+Black Fk</td></tr><tr><td>EGS-06211</td><td>ECOGEAR KASAGO SHOKUNIN ROCK CLAW</td><td>2”</td><td>249 Pearl White Float</td></tr><tr><td>EGS-06212</td><td>ECOGEAR KASAGO SHOKUNIN ROCK CLAW</td><td>2”</td><td>250 Reac SP Float</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,30 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Lunkerhunt Dragonfly è un artificiale topwater da finesse unico ed innovativo. Il corpo in plastica è realizzato con una particolare miscela esclusiva che lo rende molto più resistente rispetto ad altri artificiali impiegati per lo stesso approccio di pesca, pur mantenendo una incredibile galleggiabilità. Perfetto per utilizzi weedless senza piombo. Le ali in morbido skirt colorato ed il corpo estremamente realistico rendono quest’esca irresistibile per la maggior parte dei predatori. Misura: 3″ – Peso: 1/4 Oz.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>MISURA</td><td>PESO</td><td>COLORE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DRGF01</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>DASHER</td></tr><tr><td>DRGF02</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>CARDINAL</td></tr><tr><td>DRGF03</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>MEADOWHAWK</td></tr><tr><td>DRGF04</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>PONDHAWK</td></tr><tr><td>DRGF05</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>SKIMMER</td></tr><tr><td>DRGF06</td><td>LUNKERHUNT DRAGONFLY</td><td>7,62cm</td><td>7,09gr</td><td>DARNER</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,30 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>GOBY GRUB With lifelike eyes, defined gills and scales, the 4" Goby Grub is so realistic it fools fish in the clearest of water conditions. The Goby Grub is made with a special floating plastic that makes it the perfect bait to both Drop Shot, and Jig with.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPGG000404</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 404</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000422</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 422</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000425</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 425</td> <td>4”</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPGG000454</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT GOBY GRUB</td> <td>COL. 454</td> <td>4”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Goby Grub</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2787 size-large" src="" alt="3" width="1024" height="565" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Grazie all’aspetto incredibilmente realistico, Goby Grub risulta particolarmente catturante quando impiegato in acque particolarmente limpide.</p> <p><strong>Misura 4″ in confezione da 8 pezzi</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2788 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs11" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2786 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2793">Salmon</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2792">Pearl</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2791">Ice</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2790">Copper</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2789">Algae</dd></dl></div>
Prezzo 9,40 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Designed to perfection, the Lunkerhunt Swim Bento™ is one of the most realistic baitfish imitators on the market. The Swim Bento™ features a lively keeled tail, holographic core, and biologically correct detailing. All of these elements are incorporated into a soft yet durable body construction that enables the Swim Bento™ to come to life with the slightest movement.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPBS300004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS300005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS400001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 1</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS400002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS400003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 3</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS400004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPBS400005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT SWIM BENTO</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr></tbody></table><p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Swim Bento</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2729 size-full" src="" alt="SwimBento_Mix" width="1080" height="436" /></a>Una tra le esche più realistiche attualmente disponibili sul mercato. La coda estremamente morbida produce un movimento sinuoso in acqua anche con recuperi molto lenti. Le finiture olografiche producono dei riflessi di luce irresistibile per la maggior parte delle prede d’acqua dolce e salata. I dettagli sono estremamente realistici e sofisticati. Tutto questo in un artificiale siliconico molto morbido ed allo stesso tempo resistente.</p> <p><strong>Misura: 3″ in confezione da 6 pz.</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2730 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs5" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2728 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="70" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="70" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="70" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="70" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="70" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt></dl><p></p> </div>
Prezzo 9,40 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Designed to perfection, the Lunkerhunt Bento is one of the most realistic baitfish imitators on the market. The Bento features a lively tapered split tail, holographic core, and biologically correct detailing. All of these elements are incorporated into a soft yet durable body construction that enables the Bento to come to life with the slightest movement.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LULHPB3000002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB3000003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 3</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB3000004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB3000005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB3000006</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 6</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB3000007</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>3"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 1</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000003</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 3</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000006</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 6</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr><tr><td>LULHPB4000007</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT BENTO</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>4,5"</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Bento 3″</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2748 size-full" src="" alt="3inch_BentoBait" width="1080" height="436" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Progettati alla ricerca della perfezione. I Lunkerhunt Bento sono eccezionalmente realistici grazie all’incredibile movimento della coda a V, agli inserti olografici ed alle finiture estremamente dettagliate. Tutto questo integrato in una struttura estremamente morbida e resistente, in grado di entrare in azione anche con recupero molto lento.</p> <p><strong>Misure: 3″ in confezione da 6 pz.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-2749 size-full" src="" alt="productspecs 7" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <p><strong>COLOR CHART</strong></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-2747 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-medium"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2757">Dace</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2759">Ghost</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2760">Golden Shiner</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2761">Parrot</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2762">Perch</dd></dl><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2763">Sassy Shad</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="300" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-2758">Emerald Shiner</dd></dl><p></p> </div>
Prezzo 9,40 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>NIKKO FLEX TAIL The Nikko FlexTail baitfish style bait comes pre-rigged with Owner hooks and ready to be fished.Nikko’s proprietary high strength plastic enables the design of a long thin tail to create a unique and dynamic swimming action that invites strikes and will also stand up to heavy abuse from biting fish.With built-in scent and a variety of colors, the Nikko FlexTail is suitable for a wide variety of conditions and can be used almost anywhere.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>Modello</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>027745</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#281 COL. C01 GLOW RED CLEAR</td></tr><tr><td>027746</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#282 COL. C02 UV BLACK BLUE GLITTER</td></tr><tr><td>027747</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#283 COL. C03 PURPLE CLEAR</td></tr><tr><td>027748</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#284 COL. C04 BLUE WHITE</td></tr><tr><td>027749</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#285 COL. C05 PEARL WHITE</td></tr><tr><td>027750</td><td>NIKKO FLEX TAIL 8.5CM.</td><td>#286 COL. C06 AURORA</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,49 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Body Size: 0.75″ (19mm). 4 baits per pack. Nikko’s regular stonefly nymphs produce so well, they are used by professional panfish guides. Now available in Nikko’s innovative DAPPY Series. Naturally scented. UV fluorescent. Will not harden or dry out. Will not harm fish or animals if ingested. Biodegradable. Phthalate and toxin free. Store in the provided plastic case and away from other plastic baits.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Dimensione</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>022933</td><td>NIKKO DAPPY STONEFLY </td><td></td><td>805 COL. BROWN GLITTER</td></tr><tr><td>022934</td><td>NIKKO DAPPY STONEFLY </td><td></td><td>806 COL. BROWN</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>REVIVAL SHAD is designed for medium depth swimming. It is great on a jig head.Let it swim at the mid-depth in the water.It is an effective technique for catching nice largemouth bass. Salt-impregnated shad shaped pintail worm. It maintains a stable swimming posture in the water and creates a natural swimming action. 4 inch / Weight:4g 5 inch / Weight:7g 8 per pack</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>021106</td> <td>GEECRACK REVIVAL</td> <td>SHAD 4"</td> <td>COL. 203 GHOST-GILL</td> </tr><tr><td>021107</td> <td>GEECRACK REVIVAL</td> <td>SHAD 4"</td> <td>COL. 249 CHIAYU</td> </tr><tr><td>021108</td> <td>GEECRACK REVIVAL</td> <td>SHAD 4"</td> <td>COL. 268 ELECTRIC-SHAD</td> </tr><tr><td>021109</td> <td>GEECRACK REVIVAL</td> <td>SHAD 4"</td> <td>COL. 272 CHART-PEARL-SH.</td> </tr><tr><td>021110</td> <td>GEECRACK REVIVAL</td> <td>SHAD 4"</td> <td>COL. 273 KOHOKU-HIUO</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione
NET BAIT C-MAC Curly Tail Worm NET BAIT C-MAC Curly Tail Worm

NET BAIT C-MAC Curly Tail Worm

<p>The Netbait C-Mac is an ideal worm when a larger presentation is needed. The C-Mac is dynamite when Texas or Carolina Rigged. Large ribbon tailed plastics have always been a favorite for catching big lethargic summertime bass and the Netbait C-Mac is a great choice to entice bites from these big fish. Like all Netbait products, this bait is super soft, heavy salted, scented and made with pork fat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>COLORE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>010184</td><td>NETBAIT C-MAC</td><td>7" - BAMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>010182</td><td>NETBAIT C-MAC</td><td>7" - BLACK RED/SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>010181</td><td>NETBAIT C-MAC</td><td>7" - GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>010183</td><td>NETBAIT C-MAC</td><td>7" - JUNEBUG</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>COLORE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>010220</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY MAD PACA</td> <td>JUNEBUG</td> </tr><tr><td>010252</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY MAD PACA</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr><tr><td>015808</td> <td>NETBAIT BABY MAD PACA</td> <td>WATERMELON CRAWFISH</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>10 PIECES / BOX Available in a variety of proven colors and loaded with scent, salt and pork fat for added fish attraction, the NetBait B-Bug has quickly become a popular choice for anglers across the country.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>COLORE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>010260</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>BAMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>010261</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>BLACK NEON</td></tr><tr><td>018558</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>019072</td><td>NETBAIT B BUG</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione
Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo

Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo

<p>I principi alla base della progettazione di questi artificiali sono essenzialmente tre:PESCARE DOVE ALTRI ARTIFICIALI NON POSSONO. La particolare forma dell’amo wide gap KROG®, sviluppato appositamente per adattarsi alle singole misure dei Black Minnow, dotato di curvatura pronunciata, permette di nascondersi perfettamente nel profilo dello shad in silicone, facilitandone l’impiego anche in fondali particolarmente impervi, senza rischio di incaglio, equilibrando, allo stesso tempo, l’assetto per una presentazione estremamente naturale ed efficace. SFRUTTARE UN’ARMATURA PIU’ EFFICACE grazie al sistema brevettato PH2S inserito nella testa piombata, che assicura la miglior aderenza tra testa piombata e shad, assicurando allo stesso tempo uno snodo perfetto con l’amo nascosto. Risultato, movimento più naturale e massima lungimiranza dell’artificiale. PRESENTARE UN MOVIMENTO NATURALE. Grazie alla speciale composizione siliconica del corpo ed alla testina snodata brevettata, la presentazione di quest’esca risulta estremamente naturale e catturante.I Black Minnow sono disponibili in 6 diverse taglie (7 – 9 – 12 – 14 – 16 – 20 cm.) ogni taglia è abbinata ad una serie di teste piombate studiate appositamente per ogni tipo di impiego. Tutti i BLACK MINNOW sono personalizzabili… infatti oltre alle confezioni già assemblate (composte da un artificiale assemblato + 1 corpo di ricambio) è possibile acquistare teste, ami e corpi separatamente… per poter sbizzarrire la fantasia ed adattare il proprio Black Minnow al proprio uso. Tutti i BLACK MINNOW sono personalizzabili… infatti oltre alle confezioni già assemblate (composte da un artificiale assemblato + 1 corpo di ricambio) è possibile acquistare teste, ami e corpi separatamente… per poter sbizzarrire la fantasia ed adattare il proprio Black Minnow al proprio uso. Tutti i BLACK MINNOW sono personalizzabili… infatti oltre alle confezioni già assemblate (composte da un artificiale assemblato + 1 corpo di ricambio) è possibile acquistare teste, ami e corpi separatamente… per poter sbizzarrire la fantasia ed adattare il proprio Black Minnow al proprio uso. Questi sono i combo base composti da una testa piombata, due corpi siliconici intercambiabili e una amo.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Modello Jiig Head / Peso</td> <td>Confezione</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BM189</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Shore 5g Kaki + corpo Kaki</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM498</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Shore 5g - Orange/Jaune</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM499</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Shore 5g - Noir + corpo Noir</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM187</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Off Shore 10g - Kaki + corpo Kaki</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM188</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Off Shore 10g - Bleu Pailleté + corpo Bleu Pailleté</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM497</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Off Shore 10g - Blanc + corpo Blanc /Testa P. Rouge</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM588</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Combo Off Shore 10g - LIMITED EDITION FLUO</td> <td>2 corpi + 1 testina + 1 amo</td> </tr><tr><td>BM500</td> <td>Fiiish Black Minnow 90 Combo</td> <td>Double Combo Off Shore - 10g + corpo Vert/Orange - Rose Fluo</td> <td>2 corpi + 2 testine + 2 ami</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p><p>Swimbait siliconica dal nuoto particolarmente realistico, ondeggia generando vortici e turbolenze. Adusta con quest’esca riesce ad alzare a livelli mai raggiunti la categoria delle swimbaits in materiale morbido. Infatti il corpo oltre ad essere estremamente dettagliato possiede un nuoto super realistico. I predatori più svogliati non riusciranno a resistergli. In oltre la particolare coda che possiede è studiata per spostare durante il recupero moltissima acqua e generare vortici che letteralmente fanno impazzire i predatori.</p> <p><iframe width="660" height="371" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice di riferimento</td><td>Colore</td><td>Nome del prodotto</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Lunghezza mm</td><td>Azione</td><td>DEPTH</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>PTS5-201</td><td>COL. 201</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-202</td><td>COL. 202</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-203</td><td>COL. 203</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-204</td><td>COL. 204</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-205</td><td>COL. 205</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-206</td><td>COL. 206</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-207</td><td>COL. 207</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-208</td><td>COL. 208</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-209</td><td>COL. 209</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-210</td><td>COL. 210</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-211</td><td>COL. 211</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS5-212</td><td>COL. 212</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>27 gr</td><td>120 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-201</td><td>COL. 201</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-202</td><td>COL. 202</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-203</td><td>COL. 203</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-204</td><td>COL. 204</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-205</td><td>COL. 205</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-206</td><td>COL. 206</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-207</td><td>COL. 207</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-208</td><td>COL. 208</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-209</td><td>COL. 209</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-210</td><td>COL. 210</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-211</td><td>COL. 211</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS6-212</td><td>COL. 212</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>43 gr</td><td>150 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-201</td><td>COL. 201</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-202</td><td>COL. 202</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-203</td><td>COL. 203</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-204</td><td>COL. 204</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-205</td><td>COL. 205</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-206</td><td>COL. 206</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-207</td><td>COL. 207</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-208</td><td>COL. 208</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-209</td><td>COL. 209</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-210</td><td>COL. 210</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-211</td><td>COL. 211</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>PTS7-212</td><td>COL. 212</td><td>ADUSTA PICK TAIL SWIMMER</td><td>70 gr</td><td>180 mm</td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,50 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Quantity: 9</p> <p>Designed with our patented Paca Technology and hollow body design the Baby Paca™ Craw is an extremely versatile bait. When flipped or pitched the claws of the Baby Paca™ Craw have a helicopter effect which slows the fall rate of this bait.</p> <p>The hollow body can accommodate a large rattle or can be used to add more BaitFuel Gel for added scent dispersion. The first half inch of the butt end is solid plastic which will help the from sliding down the hook. The NetBait Baby Paca™ Craw is by far one of the most versatile soft plastic baits on the market.</p> <p>BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS</p> <p>Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait.</p> <p>BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance!</p> <p>BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p>
Prezzo 9,55 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>10 PIECES / BOX</p> <p>SIZE 4,3''</p> <p>The B Bug is a versatile and legendary bait. It can be fished weightless in pads or on shallow weed lines to give an ultra slow fall rate and swimming action or on the back of a jig. Also try it on a Carolina-rig or even give it some chatterbait love. The bigger profile, texture and movement catch attention every cast.</p> <p></p> <p>You can also texas-rig the B Bug with a Freedom Tackle Tungsten Weight to change your fall-rate and dial-in to what the fish are looking for...right up to a punch-weight for heavy cover action.</p> <p></p> <p>The B Bug is a compact bait. and the body has large rings that create a disturbance and the center of the body is recessed for better hookups. Guaranteed fish catching performance!</p> <p>Available in a variety of proven colors and loaded with scent, salt and pork fat for added fish attraction, the NetBait B-Bug has quickly become a popular choice for anglers across the country.</p> <p></p>
Prezzo 9,55 €
rating 0 recensione
Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait
  • -25%

Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait

<p>Fish the LIVETARGET Pinfish Swimbait near pilings, rocks, mangroves, docks, grass flats or other structure where fish hide. This swimbait is factory rigged with a heavy-duty hook, be ready to heave big fish out of cover with confidence. Saltwater.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Colore</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Peso</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>PFS93MS718</td><td>Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait</td><td>Silver/Violet</td><td>93mm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Silver/Violet - 21gr</td></tr><tr><td>PFS105MS718</td><td>Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait</td><td>Silver/Violet</td><td>105mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>Silver/Violet - 28gr</td></tr><tr><td>PFS93MS719</td><td>Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait</td><td>Silver/Green</td><td>93mm</td><td>21gr</td><td>Silver/Green - 21gr</td></tr><tr><td>PFS105MS719</td><td>Livetarget Pinfish Swimbait</td><td>Silver/Green</td><td>105mm</td><td>28gr</td><td>Silver/Green - 28gr</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,68 € -25% Prezzo base 12,90 €


<p>The Ecogear Grass Minnow is one of the most well known and versatile soft plastics on the market today. Being the first choice for both recreational and tournament anglers alike. It has a unique wiggle swimming action due to the shape of the lure. Grass Minnows can be used with jig head rig, split shot rig and even down shot rig or no sinker rig. Perfect for a range of species including Bream, Flathead, Tailor, Salmon, Trout, Redfin etc.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>EGS-05733</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>073 Mebaru GLOW Chart</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05735</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>158</td> </tr><tr><td>16281</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>288</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-09425</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>294</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-01794</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>010 Pearl GLOW (Lum Colour</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-01798</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>019 Pink GLOW</td> </tr><tr><td>5736</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>SS 1-1/8"</td> <td>166</td> </tr><tr><td>5710</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>1</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02701</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>010 Pearl GLOW (Lum Colour)</td> </tr><tr><td>3569</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>84</td> </tr><tr><td>2702</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>101</td> </tr><tr><td>2703</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>102 Glow (Lum Colour) / Pink B</td> </tr><tr><td>2866</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>090 Super Glow H</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05206</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>032 Midnight GLOW (Lumin.) *White G</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02707</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>111</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05712</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>115 Pearl/Smoke Silver Glitter Bk</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05713</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>117</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05714</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>119</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05207</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>158</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05208</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>159</td> </tr><tr><td>5209</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>160</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05128</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>161</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-03570</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>163</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02867</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>166 Midnight Orange</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02869</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>228</td> </tr><tr><td>2805</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>168</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02808</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>171 Natural Gold</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02809</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>172</td> </tr><tr><td>9431</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>294</td> </tr><tr><td>9432</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>295</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-09433</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>296 Natural Pink Glow</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-09434</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>297</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-09435</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>298</td> </tr><tr><td>11327</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>288</td> </tr><tr><td>11328</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>345 Hokuriku UV Purple Holo</td> </tr><tr><td>11330</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>S 1-3/4"</td> <td>377</td> </tr><tr><td>2741</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>5</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02743</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>010 Pearl GLOW (Lum Colour)</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05217</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>032 Midnight GLOW (Lumin.) *White G</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02745</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>101 PurpleWhite/BluePearlBack</td> </tr><tr><td>2749</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>111</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02751</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>115 Pearl/Smoke Silver Glitter Bk</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02754</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>119 Okiami (Lum Colour)</td> </tr><tr><td>3573</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>84</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05157</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>158 Super Holo/Pink Glow</td> </tr><tr><td>5158</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>159</td> </tr><tr><td>2815</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>168</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05218</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>161</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-09080</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>277 Green Glitter</td> </tr><tr><td>12625</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>323</td> </tr><tr><td>12505</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>412</td> </tr><tr><td>12507</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>414</td> </tr><tr><td>16049</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>440</td> </tr><tr><td>16609</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>478</td> </tr><tr><td>16610</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>M 2-1/2"</td> <td>479</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02763</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>010 Dayglo White</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-02765</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>101 Blue/Silver</td> </tr><tr><td>2771</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>115</td> </tr><tr><td>5075</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>168</td> </tr><tr><td>5076</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>169</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05150</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>032 White</td> </tr><tr><td>EGS-05154</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>160 Chartreuse</td> </tr><tr><td>9081</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>266</td> </tr><tr><td>9082</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>276</td> </tr><tr><td>10491</td> <td>ECOGEAR GRASS MINNOW</td> <td>L 3-1/4"</td> <td>323</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €


<p>Size: 5" Quantity/Pack: 9 A versatile soft jerk bait, the Netbait Super Twitch features a supple, soft plastic composition and split tail design that generates a tremendous action. Available in a variety of colors to match the forage in your local waters, your imagination is the only limitation when it comes to the NetBait Super Twitch. The Super Twitch is also Supercharged with BaitFuel to get even those finicky bass that nose up to your bait to go. BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait. BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance! BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033140</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>SILVER SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>033141</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>COPPERFIELD</td></tr><tr><td>033142</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>GREEN SHAD MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033143</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>ALBINO MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033144</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>GREY GHOST MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033145</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL SUPER TWITCH</td><td>5.5</td><td>MERTHIOLATE</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Length: 3.5" Quantity: 10 Pro Secret Alert!!! Pro Secret Alert!!! The Netbait Kickin’ B is built on the body of the popular Netbait B-Bug, and features its own frog-like appendages. Originally designed to be a punch bait, it works extremely well as a frog worked over the top of the mats, and Major League Fishing Pro, Greg Vinson, even loves to throw the Kickin’ B on a swim jig. The Mini Kickin B is a great choice on a football head or finesse jig, and it’s also an excellent punch bait because of its smaller profile. BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait. BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance! BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033135</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MINI KICKIN' B</td><td>4</td><td>BAMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>033136</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MINI KICKIN' B</td><td>4</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033137</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MINI KICKIN' B</td><td>4</td><td>BLACK BLUE FLAKE</td></tr><tr><td>033138</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MINI KICKIN' B</td><td>4</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033139</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MINI KICKIN' B</td><td>4</td><td>SUN GILL</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Versatile and effective, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm has what it takes to put fish in the boat when others worms fall short. Built with a long, slender profile and fitted with a sharp, U-shape tail, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm delivers a strong vibration that works well on Carolina-rigs, Texas-rigs, or weightless. Available in all core colors, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm is a shoe-in to become your new secret weapon. BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait. BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance! BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033190</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MEGA BOPPER</td><td>7</td><td>BAMA BUG</td></tr><tr><td>033191</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MEGA BOPPER</td><td>7</td><td>RED BUG</td></tr><tr><td>033192</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MEGA BOPPER</td><td>7</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN RED</td></tr><tr><td>033193</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MEGA BOPPER</td><td>7</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033194</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL MEGA BOPPER</td><td>7</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN TX RED</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Length: 3.25" Quantity/Pack: 9 The Netbait Spanky Swimbait is a great addition to the already outstanding line of soft plastics that NetBait offers. It features a ribbed mid-section and a 5/8-inch paddle on the tail. These two features work together to create a vibration and movement that bass will search out and gobble up. Offered in a wide variety of colors, the Netbait Spanky works wonders as a swim jig trailer, on an A-rig or even on a drop shot. Next time you feel like spankin’ the competition, rig up Netbait Spanky Swimbait. BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait. BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance! BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033146</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>PEARL</td></tr><tr><td>033147</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>SMOKIN' SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>033148</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>SEXY SHAD</td></tr><tr><td>033149</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>GREEN SHAD MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033150</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>ALBINO MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033151</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL LITTLE SPANKY</td><td>3.25</td><td>GREY GHOST MAGIC</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>With its subtle natural action and perfect fall rate, The NetBait ION Supercharged with BaitFuel will positively catch more fish! The secret to the ION’s performance is the amount of BaitFuel infused in the body which creates a perfect fall rate with a subtle side-to-side wiggle releasing a powerful scent cloud around your bait to trigger a predatory response in fish. Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud around your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait. BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel’s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to infuse directly into traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel supercharges all the go-to color patterns and shapes that anglers demand, for optimal performance! BaitFuel-powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat. Qty in Pack: 8 Size 4"</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033063</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL ION</td><td>5</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>033064</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL ION</td><td>5</td><td>WATERMELON CANDY</td></tr><tr><td>033065</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL ION</td><td>5</td><td>TILAPIA MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033066</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL ION</td><td>5</td><td>WATERMELON RED MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033067</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL ION</td><td>5</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN TX RED</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>The Dagger delivers an innovative flex-wing design to give the bait a unique gliding action. The 4.5" Dagger relies on a compact body core to easily allow for a large Texas-rig flippin’ hook while the thin, flex-wing design compresses quickly to improve hook penetration. The flex-wing also integrates forward-facing angled ribs into the design to improve water displacement and a natural swimming action that fish love. Note: Prototype testing in Florida by NetBait pro and field staff resulted in 3 tournament wins in 2019! Length: 4.5" Count: 8 per pack Flex-wing design Subtle leg action <iframe width="1288" height="725" src="" title="JT Kenney Unveils the NetBait Dagger" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033152</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>ALABAMA CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033153</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>BLACK SHADDOW</td></tr><tr><td>033154</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td></tr><tr><td>033155</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>PLUM MAGIC</td></tr><tr><td>033156</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL DAGGER</td><td>4.5</td><td>DELTA CRAW</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Buzzing the BF Toad across the water’s surface will produce jarring strikes on its own or add it on to the back of a buzz bait for the ultimate vibrating/kicking trailer. The BF Toad is the ultimate search bait that will bring the bass to you with the perfect amount of action and noise. Rigged weedless the bait will come through any cover with ease from slop and cheese to lilies and grass. Fish it at varying speeds to alter what the fish hears and sees as the BF Toad swims by or try burning it across the surface to search and find bass, then pick your area apart with a NetBait worm or creature bait. The BF in the name stands for BaitFuel which is SUPERCHARGED throughout the body of the bait. BaitFuel is scientifically proven to trigger a predatory response in fish and will keep them holding on longer when they erupt on the NetBait BF Toad from American Baitworks.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Dimensioni</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033068</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL BF TOAD</td><td>4</td><td>BLACK</td></tr><tr><td>033069</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL BF TOAD</td><td>4</td><td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>033070</td><td>NET BAIT BAITFUEL BF TOAD</td><td>4</td><td>TRASH</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Paca Slim è il nuovo gambero di casa NetBait, e come il celebre Craw presenta le tipiche chele della linea Paca, profilo ampio e spessore ridotto per fluttuare e vibrare durante il movimento. Il corpo è massiccio, affusolato e dotato di quattro esteroflessioni a mo' di zampe, per massimizzare l'effetto vibratorio.</p><p>Another great addition to the famed Paca™ line of baits, the NetBait Paca™ Slim delivers a thinned-down profile that really shines in-terms of raw attraction and versatility. Fitted with NetBait’s patented claw design, the NetBait Paca™ Slim features a solid, round-ribbed body, which can easily be applied to light Texas-rigs and all sorts of jigs to produce a fluttering enticement. Scented and salted to perfection, the NetBait Paca™ Slim provides a slender, more active profile that will be a major player around craw-hungry bass.</p>
Prezzo 9,90 €
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<p>Quantity: 9</p> <p>Designed with our patented Paca Technology and hollow body design the Baby Paca™ Craw is an extremely versatile bait. When flipped or pitched the claws of the Baby Paca™ Craw have a helicopter effect which slows the fall rate of this bait.</p> <p>The hollow body can accommodate a large rattle or can be used to add more BaitFuel Gel for added scent dispersion. The first half inch of the butt end is solid plastic which will help the from sliding down the hook. The NetBait Baby Paca™ Craw is by far one of the most versatile soft plastic baits on the market.</p> <p>BAITFUEL SUPERCHARGED SOFT PLASTICS</p> <p>Developed in a Lab – Proven on the water, BaitFuel is SUPERCHARGED with F.A.S.T. – Fish Active Scent Technology –scientifically engineered to stimulate a fish’s predator instinct. BaitFuel provokes key predator aggression habits in fish stimulating more bites and longer hold times for your bait. BaitFuel keeps fish biting, cast after cast, even on pressured bass by creating a scent cloud behind your bait. BaitFuel expands your strike zone and brings more fish to your bait.</p> <p>BaitFuel is the next generation of scent technology. BaitFuel ‘s X55 Formula is injected directly into the bait with powerful attractants and taste enhancers that fish bite – cast after cast after cast. Using a revolutionary manufacturing process to supercharge traditional soft plastic baits, BaitFuel enhances all the go-to color patterns, shapes and shimmer anglers demand for optimal performance!</p> <p></p> <p>BaitFuel powered baits deliver a true TRIPLE threat.</p> <p></p>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Lucky John Kubira is the hottest new lure from Lucky John. Kubira has an extremely attractive swimming action at both slow and fast speeds. We also recommend trying the familiar stop-and-go technique. Kubira is good for zander or as a downsizer for pike. Use with a large jig head or offset hook. The colorways are excellently suited for nordic pike and zander fishing.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Colore</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>JL0001</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG01</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG01</td> </tr><tr><td></td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG06</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG06</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0002</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG08</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG08</td> </tr><tr><td></td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG014</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG014</td> </tr><tr><td></td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG015</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG015</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0003</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG017</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG017</td> </tr><tr><td></td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG018</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG018</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0004</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>7"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG019</td> <td></td> <td>7" / COL. PG019</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0005</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG01</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG01</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0006</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG014</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG014</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0007</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG017</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG017</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0008</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG018</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG018</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0009</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG021</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG021</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0010</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG022</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG022</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0011</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG023</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG023</td> </tr><tr><td>JL0012</td> <td>Lucky John KUBIRA SWIM SHAD</td> <td></td> <td>9"</td> <td></td> <td>COL. PG028</td> <td></td> <td>9" / COL. PG028</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>NIKKO KASEI FRESHWATER FISHING SCENTED SOFT BAIT LURE ZAZA TADPOLE 2.9” Bass tournament pro's secret weapon!!! There's nothing on the market quite like this unique,award winning bait. These tadpole baits have the “Wow!” factor. A fantastic finesse bait with phenomenal tail action. This is a bait of passion. Floating. Scented. Super stretchy and long lasting. You’ll go through a lot of fish before the bait gives out. Like all our baits, completely free of plastisols, environmental hormones and other toxins. Largemouth Bass,Smallmouth Bass,Perch,Pike,Crappie and Sunfish all love this bait…and even trout, too. A fantastic drop shot bait.Also great on jig heads, TX rigged or simply hooked through the lip with a split shot added for weight, and you’re good to go! Fish don’t seem to mind how this bait is rigged. They just like it. Note: New tadpoles have a powder coating to make handling easier. The powder will come off in use and the color will become more vivid. Made in JAPAN. Lure length:2.9"/73mm Action:Floating 5 pcs in package. FEATURES: DURABLE: Super soft and stretchy, Nikko’s baits may be the most durable bait on the market.Last 6-30 time longer,giving you great cost performance compared with both live and plastic baits.Many of Nikko’s baits have lasted over 100 catches per bait. SCENTED: Nikko's all natural scent formulas have proven themselves across the world in both fresh and saltwater. EFFECTIVE: Nikko’s super soft material, incredible detail, design and natural scent mean more fish. FLOATING: All Nikko baits float, allowing greater flexibility in your approach and presentation to fish. CONVENIENT No liquids. No mess. No drying out in the sun. Just stretch the bait to recharge the scent. ENVIROMENTALLY FRIENDLY: No plastisols, phthalates or environmental hormones. No toxic chemicals of any kind. SWALLOW SAFE: Remains super soft if ingested causing little or no discomfort or hindrance. More easily passed or disgorged. BIODEGRADABLE: Nikko’s baits don't just disintegrate, they biodegrade under real life conditions. Designed and manufactured in Japan by craftsmen who fish.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura amo</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>024238</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C01 #531 GREEN PUMPKIN</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024239</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C02 #532 WATERMELON RED FLAKE</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024240</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C03 #533 PEARL WHITE</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024241</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C04 #534 CLEAR YELLOW</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024242</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C05 #535 CLEAR PINK</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>024243</td><td>NIKKO ZAZA TADPOLES</td><td>2.9INCH</td><td></td><td>C06 #536 NATURAL</td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>LIMIT WORM The Lunkerhunt Limit Worm™ is an addition to our Core Strength line up. It has a lot of great features that will help you catch fish. Available in 4 inch and 6 inch sizes, the Limit Worm is infused with fish protein and comes in a wide range of proven fish catching patterns. Starting with its Core Strength foundation, the Limit Worm is formed around a mylar fabric core which prevents the bait from tearing easily, thereby increases the bait’s lifespan. This translates into more fishing time and less maintenance for the bait.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>LUDW000000001</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 1</td> <td>6”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUDW000000002</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 2</td> <td>6”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUDW000000004</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 4</td> <td>6”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUDW000000005</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 5</td> <td>6”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUDW000000006</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 6</td> <td>6”</td> </tr><tr><td>LUDW000000007</td> <td>LUNKERHUNT LIMIT WORM</td> <td>COL. 7</td> <td>6”</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p id="breadcrumbs"><span><span><span><span><strong class="breadcrumb_last">Limit Worm</strong></span></span></span></span></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5493 size-full" src="" alt="Limit Worm1" width="1000" height="320" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Lunkerhunt Limit Worm™ fa sempre parte del progetto Core Strength e come ogni altro prodotto di questo progetto è rinforzato nel suo interno da un esoscheletro in mylar che prolunga la resistenza dell’artificiale prevenendo il veloce logorio anche in caso di utilizzo molto intenso e prolungato. Ciò si traduce in una maggior efficacia in pesca ed in una minor necessità di manutenzione dell’esca.</p> <p>La pancia piatta assicura un affondamento molto lento mentre la coda molto appesantita nella parte finale produce incredibili turbolenza in fase di recupero, irresistibili alla maggior parte delle prede d’acqua dolce.</p> <p>Ogni verme è impregnato con proteine di pesce. La gamma colori è molto ampia per adattarsi ad ogni condizione e ad ogni periodo di pesca.</p> <p><strong>Misura: 6″</strong></p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5497 size-full" src="" alt="Limit Worm pecs" width="1000" height="170" /></a></p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-5485 gallery-columns-1 gallery-size-full"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5491">Ruby</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5490">Obsession</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5489">Morning Bite</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5488">Meat Locker</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5487">Watermelon</dd></dl><p></p> <dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"><a href=""><img width="1000" height="100" src="" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" /></a></dt><dd class="wp-caption-text gallery-caption" id="gallery-2-5486">Green Pumpkin</dd></dl><p></p> </div> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-5495 size-full" src="" alt="Limit Worm3" width="990" height="372" /></a></p>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Spiron è UNA famiglia di strane ma molto efficaci softbait da Bassfishing. Come le maggiori, il corpo piatto ne suggerisce immediatamente la predisposizione per skippare agilmente nelle cover alla ricerca di grossi bass, ma le sue risorse non si esauriscono certo qui. Se un innesco texas spiombato, suggeriamo un amo 1/0 come il Decoy KG Worm, o con jig head offset come il Decoy Nail Bomb sempre taglia 1/0 sono la scelta più canonica, specialmente nei mesi caldi, ci sono inneschi che possono rendere lo Spiron 2.8 micidiale anche in pieno inverno. Primo fra tutti il Carolina Rig molto leggero, tipo 1/4oz, con almeno 40cm di terminale. Infatti il corpo piatto dello Spiron 2.8 tenderà naturalmente a sollevarsi dal fondo, adattandosi a richiami anche molto lenti per bass con il metabolismo estremamente rallentato. Lo scent SAF (salt aminoacid flavour) di cui è intrisa la gomma gli da poi quella spinta in più a scatenare l’attacco. Con lo stesso concetto, ma meno aderente al fondo, anche una presentazione split shot può risolverci una fredda giornata di gennaio. Ricordiamo comunque che il nome Spiron deriva dalla tendenza a nuotare a spirale durante la caduta e che in questa fase si abbinano le vibrazioni molto adescanti della sua piccola codina. L’efficacia in caduta lo rendono quindi molto valido, uscendo dai confini del bassfishing, anche sui lucioperca! SPIRON 3.8″ is a flat shaped worm which has a spiral fall.The flat body is designed to mimic bluegill. It wiggles its tail and will entice fish into striking.It can be rigged on a Jika style, Texas style, No sinker style, or Carolina style. S.A.F material is used in making SPIRON It is a Geecrack original material for worms. The scent and taste of the material will cause the fish to hold the lure in its mouth longer. S.A.F = Salt + Amino acid + Flavor <iframe width="465" height="273" src="" title="GEECRACK ギル型フラット系ワーム『スパイロン3.8inch』水中映像" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>023347</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.048 SEXY SHAD</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 048</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 048</td></tr><tr><td>023348</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.051 FLASH-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 051</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 051</td></tr><tr><td>023349</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.054 SPRAYED-GRASS</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 054</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 054</td></tr><tr><td>023350</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.202 WATERMELON-BLUE</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 202</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 202</td></tr><tr><td>023351</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.203 GHOST-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 203</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 203</td></tr><tr><td>023352</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.220 GREENPUMPKIN-CHART</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 220</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 220</td></tr><tr><td>023353</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.226 MUDDY-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 226</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 226</td></tr><tr><td>023355</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.263 NOIKE-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 263</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 263</td></tr><tr><td>023356</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>2.8"</td><td>COL.271 CHI-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 271</td><td></td><td>2.8"|COL. 271</td></tr><tr><td>021101</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.005 GREENPUMPKIN</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 005</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 005</td></tr><tr><td>021102</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.023 GREENPUMPKIN BL-FL.</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 023</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 023</td></tr><tr><td>021103</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.034 SCUPPERNONG BL-FL.</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 034</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 034</td></tr><tr><td>023339</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.048 SEXY-SHAD</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 048</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 048</td></tr><tr><td>023340</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.051 FLASH-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 051</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 051</td></tr><tr><td>023341</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.054 SPRAYED-GRASS</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 054</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 054</td></tr><tr><td>023342</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.202 WATERMELON-BLUE</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 202</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 202</td></tr><tr><td>021104</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.203 GHOST-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 203</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 203</td></tr><tr><td>023343</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.220 GREENPUMPKIN-CHART</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 220</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 220</td></tr><tr><td>023344</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.226 MUDDY-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 226</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 226</td></tr><tr><td>021105</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.263 NOIKE-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 263</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 263</td></tr><tr><td>023346</td><td>GEECRACK SPIRON</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL.271 CHI-GILL</td><td></td><td></td><td>COL. 271</td><td></td><td>3.8"|COL. 271</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione
Sico Big Paddle Sico Big Paddle

Sico Big Paddle

<p>Sico Big Paddle è la nuova generazione di softbaits espressamente studiate per avere una presentazione super realistica ed un nuoto molto stabile e sinuoso. Questi artificiali sono in grado di emettere forti vibrazioni anche zavorrate con pesi leggeri, grazie alla disposizione del paddle termina di dimensioni generose, l’orientamento rovesciato permette un recupero strisciato sul fondale senza alterazione del nuoto stesso, evitando che l’appendice di coda faccia freno al movimento. Molte sono le misure disponibili: 52/75/110/155 mm che possono essere impiegate per una miriade di utilizzi negli spot più vari alla ricerca di tanti predatori. 52/75 mm Ottimi alla ricerca di persici, perca di canale e altri pesci per lo street fishing. Anche in acque veloci sulla trota utilizzando teste piombate di peso adeguato. Nel bass fishing specie nei mesi con temperature più rigide, con piccole jig head a ridosso del fondale. 110 mm la classica misura molto utilizzata dai pescatori di Lucioperca in lago su grandi profondità, può essere adottata anche nella pesca al bass in tutte le stagioni e nelle acque dei fiumi di fondovalle per la ricerca di grossi esemplari di trota. Alcuni colori possono adattarsi bene anche ad un uso marino. 155 mm Al momento la taglia più grande di Sico Big Paddle espressamente pensata per il luccio o il grosso perca, da usare su jighead o con armatura con vite e spike per il montaggio con ancorette.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Dimensione</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>SIBIGP052PERC</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>52 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Perche</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP052FLAS</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>52 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Flashy</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP052NATU</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>52 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Naturel</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP052WHIT</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>52 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>White -</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP075PERC</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>75 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Perche</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP075FLAS</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>75 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Flashy</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP075NATU</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>75 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Naturel</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP075WHIT</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>75 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>White</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP155PERC</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>155 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Perche</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP155FLAS</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>155 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Flashy</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP155NATU</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>155 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Nature</td></tr><tr><td>SIBIGP155WHIT</td><td>SICO Big Paddle</td><td>155 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>White</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione
Sico Truite Insect Sico Truite Insect

Sico Truite Insect

<p>Sico Truite Insect è una softbait concepita per essere l’imitazione di tutte quelle piccole che popolano i fondali di fiumi, laghi e bacini stagnanti. Nasce dall’esigenza di avere un artificiale discreto nelle dimensioni e nell’impatto in acqua nella pesca alla trota. Ha presto ritagliato un posto d’onore nelle cassette dei pescatori francesi che praticano lo spinning a 360° gradi. Questo artificiale si presenta con un corpo compatto, uno skirt anteriore che dona movimento. Zampe laterali simili a quelle delle stonefly e 2 code che terminano con un pallino che fa da contrappeso alle code e genera movimento. Sico Truite Insect disponibile anche in Italia dalla primavera 2023. I 4 colorazioni essenziali è costituita da una mescola galleggiante e scentata che potrà favorire la fantasia del pescatore nelle più svariate presentazioni: Innescata su jighead sarà un grande classico per la pesca della trota native in tutte le situazioni dove si richiede un approccio naturale per pesci sospettosi, allo stesso modo potrà essere un’esca importante per lo street fishing in tutti i canali italiani. Con un amo appena puntato in stile drop shot potrà essere sfruttata per la pesca a galla su pesci che sono intenti a bollare grossi insetti, comportamento tipico di trote e cavedani estivi Interessante l’uso Sico Truite Insect con un amo texas per ricreare un carolina rig o uno split shot più leggero per la pesca in lago di black bass e persici reali. Lunghezza 59 mm Contiene scent e aromi Contenuto per confezione 8 pz.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Dimensione</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>SIINSECTEGREN</td><td>SICO Insecte</td><td>59 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Grenouille</td></tr><tr><td>SIINSECTEBROW</td><td>SICO Insecte</td><td>59 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Brown</td></tr><tr><td>SIINSECTENATU</td><td>SICO Insecte</td><td>59 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Naturel</td></tr><tr><td>SIINSECTEECRE</td><td>SICO Insecte</td><td>59 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Ecrevisse</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione
Sico Mini Paddle 58 Sico Mini Paddle 58

Sico Mini Paddle 58

<p>Sico Mini Paddle 58, una soft bait eccezionale sotto tanti punti di vista. Il suo realismo è garantito da una forma che riproduce fedelmente le fattezza di un piccolo percide. Livree e colorazioni che imitano molto bele quelle dei pesci presenti nelle acque italiane e occhi inseriti direttamente nella fusione completano questo piccolo gioiello siliconico. Il paddle è davvero ridotto per creare micro vibrazioni che possano attrarre ma non insospettire il pesce predatore. Questa caratteristica lo rende perfetto anche per l’uso con la tecnica del dropshot nei grandi laghi per la pesca del persico, il paddle non andrà dunque ad incastrarsi con la montatura stessa e il piccolo artificiale mantiene un assetto naturale e sempre performante. Sico Mini Paddle 58 ha dato ottimi risultati anche montato su testina ed utilizzato in posti molto pressati da gli streetfisher di tutta italia (esempio navigli lombardi e i canali di Adria). Con una colorazione molto naturale e una testa che permettesse di avere accuratezza nel lancio siamo riusciti a smuovere pesci molto sospettosi in condizioni di piena luce non certo favorevoli alla pesca. Un dettaglio molto importante è lo snodo di coda che rende la parte finale molto flessibile, questo permette di far nuotare la nostra esca anche con pesi minimi, ricordatevi che con un paddle molto ridotto, la resistenza dell’acqua sarà minima e sarà facile restare a contatto con il fondo anche con testine molto leggere. Misura 58 mm</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODEL</td><td>Dimensione</td><td>Peso</td><td>Azione</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>SIMINIPADNATU</td><td>SICO Mini Paddle</td><td>58 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Naturel</td></tr><tr><td>SIMINIPADFARI</td><td>SICO Mini Paddle</td><td>58 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Fario</td></tr><tr><td>SIMINIPADFLAS</td><td>SICO Mini Paddle</td><td>58 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Flashy</td></tr><tr><td>SIMINIPADBROW</td><td>SICO Mini Paddle</td><td>58 mm</td><td></td><td></td><td>Brown</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Versatile and effective, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm has what it takes to put fish in the boat when others worms fall short. Built with a long, slender profile and fitted with a sharp, U-shape tail, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm delivers a strong vibration that works well on Carolina-rigs, Texas-rigs, or weightless. Infused with a combination of pork fat, salt, and scent, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm offers a smell and a taste that will have big bass begging for a bite. Offered in a number of appetizing colors, the Netbait Big Bopper Worm is a shoe-in to become your new secret weapon.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>COD</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>COLORE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>019092</td> <td>NETBAIT BIG BOPPER</td> <td>GREEN PUMPKIN</td> </tr><tr><td>019093</td> <td>NETBAIT BIG BOPPER</td> <td>WATERMELON CANDY</td> </tr><tr><td>019094</td> <td>NETBAIT BIG BOPPER</td> <td>OKEECHOBEE CRAW</td> </tr><tr><td>019083</td> <td>NETBAIT BIG BOPPER</td> <td>WATERMELON RED</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Geniale, una calamita che blocca il secondo amo tenendolo sotto la pancia dell’esca fino a quando il predatore non attacca. Il magnet keeper aumenta in modo esponenziale il numero delle catture. Facile da usare, basta avvitare la spirale all’interno della pancia dell’esca, indifferentemente che sia di gomma, di legno o di plastica. Disponibile nelle versioni S (piccola) e L (grande)</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Modello</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>14531</td> <td>ECOGEAR MAGNET KEEPER</td> <td>S - MK03</td> </tr><tr><td>14534</td> <td>ECOGEAR MAGNET KEEPER</td> <td>L - MK03</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 9,90 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>G-CRAWLER has a thicker end, and it is easy to insert a nail sinker into it.It will not easily be damaged when you insert a nail sinker.25 lures per pack.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Misura</td><td>Colore</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>19686</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 005 GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>19687</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 009 OGOUNTOU</td></tr><tr><td>19688</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 023 GREEN PAM. BLUE F</td></tr><tr><td>19689</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 034 SCUPPERNONG BL.</td></tr><tr><td>19690</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 202 WATER MELON BLUE</td></tr><tr><td>19691</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>3.8"</td><td>COL. 203 GHOST GILL</td></tr><tr><td>19692</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 005 GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>19693</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 009 OGOUNTOU</td></tr><tr><td>19694</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 023 GREEN PAM. BLUE F</td></tr><tr><td>19695</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 034 SCUPPERNONG BL.</td></tr><tr><td>19696</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 202 WATER MELON BLUE</td></tr><tr><td>19697</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>4.8"</td><td>COL. 203 GHOST GILL</td></tr><tr><td>19698</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 005 GREEN PUMPKIN</td></tr><tr><td>19699</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 009 OGOUNTOU</td></tr><tr><td>19700</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 023 GREEN PUMP. BLUE</td></tr><tr><td>19701</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 034 SCUPPERNONG BLUE</td></tr><tr><td>19702</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 202 WATERMELON BLUE</td></tr><tr><td>19703</td><td>GEECRACK GCRAWLER</td><td>5.8"</td><td>COL. 203 GHOST GILL</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 10,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Mini Shad imita un piccolo pesce la codina a timone lo rende adescante anche in caduta oltre che nel recupero. Ll Ma Worm action fish della Yamashita Maria è un artificilale in gomma per il Light Rock Fishing ma anche utilizzato con successo per Black, Trote, Leccie stella, Aguglie, Occhiate e Sugheri. Differentemente dalle gomme Ma Worm classiche , questa versione è denominata Soft per la particolare mescola morbidache incrementa il movimento dell'esca.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Colore</td> <td>Peso</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>008379</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/CR</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008380</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/G</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>015153</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/GK</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008381</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/K</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008382</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/OCRG</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008384</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/PK</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>014118</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/PWBG</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008385</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/PWG</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008387</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>S/YCRG</td> <td>3,2CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008330</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/CR</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008331</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/G</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008332</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/K</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008333</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/OCRG</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008378</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/PCRG</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008335</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/PK</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008336</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/PWG</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008337</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/SMK</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr><tr><td>008338</td> <td>MA WORM ACTION FISH SOFT</td> <td>1,8</td> <td>S/YCRG</td> <td>4,5CM</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 10,00 €
rating 0 recensione