
Per facilitare la ricerca abbiamo diviso i mulinelli da pesca in due macro categorie:

Mulinelli Acque interne e Mulinelli Mare. Se i mulinelli specifici per la pesca in mare possono essere utilizzati anche per alcune tecniche di pesca in fiume o in lago, difficilmente i mulinelli che nascono per la pesca in acque interne vanno bene anche per il mare. La differenza sta nei materiali e nelle guarnizioni, la salsedine è un agente corrosivo e se i componenti esterni dei mulinelli non sono anodizzati o se le guarnizioni non sono “stagne”, si rischia di rovinare il mulinello dopo poche uscite di pesca. Inoltre i mulinelli per la pesca in mare dispongono di ingranaggi più robusti, frizioni più potenti perché il loro “lavoro” sarà sicuramente più duro rispetto ad una pescata in fiume o in lago.

I mulinelli da acque interne sono divisi in:

Frizione anteriore => preferibili per le tecniche basate sul lancio a lunga e media distanza come spinning, trout area e pesca all’inglese

Frizione posteriore => consigliati per tecniche dove bisogna stancare il pesce prima di recuperarlo come pesca alla bolognese e feeder

Baitrunner e Long Cast => prevalentemente per carpfishing, pesca al siluro o storione

Baitcasting => rotanti round o low profile per la pesca al black bass, al luccio, al siluro e allo storione.

I mulinelli da mare invece, li abbiamo divisi così:

Rotanti traina => per il Big Game, la traina classica, la piccola traina costiera e il live bait. I più grandi predatori marini si devono confrontare con i mulinelli di questa categoria.

Eging e Light Game => sono tecniche di pesca da terra che richiedono mulinelli leggeri e con frizione micrometrica super precisa. Sembrano mulinelli tradizionali ma sono tutti anodizzati e predisposti per la pesca in mare

Slow e Vertical => sono mulinelli rotanti disponibili nella versione low profile o round. Frizione stagna, ingranaggi e frizione potenziati, sono progettati per controllare la fuga di di grossi predatori.

Big Pit & Surf => sono i mulinelli per la pesca a surfcasting caratterizzati da bobine lunghe e coniche che servono per raggiungere la massima distanza di lancio.

Boat & Spinning pesante => abbiamo riunito in questa categoria mulinelli che vanno bene sia per la esca da riva sia per la pesca dalla barca. Sono modelli a bobina fissa che hanno in comune sia la potenza della meccanica e sia quella della frizione. Ci sono in gamma i taglia 10000 e 20000 per la pesca dei tonni e i 6000 o gli 8000 per la pesca a spinning da riva o a bolentino dalla barca. La parola d’ordine di questa categoria è affidabilità

Mulinelli elettrici => qui abbiamo i prodotti per la pesca di profondità, dove servono strumenti automatizzati che ti portino di misura alla profondità di pesca desiderata e ti aiutino nella risalita. Oltre alla meccanica qui c’è anche tanta elettronica e si richiede una connessione alla batteria della barca quindi il problema della sicurezza e dell’affidabilità è ancora più importante. Noi selezioniamo solo il meglio del mercato.


Filtri attivi



<p>Its performance, monster class BIG MONSTER. One of the strongest machines in the Seaborg series, which was born with the latest technology by repeating rigorous tests in order to catch the dream big game. The standard performance of the SEABORG 1200MJ is the same as the standard single gear model. PE8-1000m abundant line capacity supports a wide range of areas from large fish such as yellowfin, amberjack, and ara to full-fledged deep-sea targeting red sea bream and mutsu. DAIWA TECHNOLOGY image ■JOG power lever A new shape JOG power lever that allows instant operation, assuming standing and winch fighting. When holding the rod with your right arm, use your left thumb to operate JOG. When holding with the left arm, pinch with the right thumb and forefinger to operate the power lever. Comfortable operation with good response that does not give the target room to fight back. image ■Magnet Shield Ball Bearing Daiwa's unique waterproof and durable structure that shuts out intrusion of seawater and dust by creating a magnetic oil wall and maintains a light and smooth initial rotation performance for a long time. This technology is applied to the ball bearing itself, which is the cornerstone of rotational performance, and the mag shield ball bearing is adopted for the spool shaft bearing that is the most prone to salt damage and difficult to maintain. Spool-free performance ・Continues the winding power and maintains comfortable initial performance for a long time. image ■ MEGATORQUE (Megatorque) motor Tuning the motor of the same class as Marine Power 3000. Daiwa's original custom motor, which emphasizes torque but has a smooth start-up due to the brush motor and has excellent durability. Delivers approximately 1.3 times the power and speed at the same size ratio. With a quiet driving sound and a strong heart for catching, head to the ocean where big things hide. image ■ ATD [Automatic Drag System] + Drag Radiator A tough drag system that operates smoothly according to the pull of fish and continues to work smoothly. Uses 7 large carbon washers to significantly increase drag force. The handle bearing is equipped with a drag radiator to improve the heat dissipation effect of the drag. A strong ally who controls the drop in drag force during fighting and allows large fish to fall down. Also equipped with a drag sound function that informs you when the line is pulled out.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Product name</td><td>MANOVELLA</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>weight g</td><td>drag force (kg)</td><td>PE Braided (No.-m)</td><td>PE Nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Maximum Force KG</td><td>Regular hoisting speed 1kg load (m/min)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting force (kg)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting speed (m/min)</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DAIWA 18 SEABORG 1200J</td><td>1200J</td><td>Manovella Destra</td><td>2.8</td><td>1930</td><td>33</td><td>8-1000 10-800</td><td>12-800 16-550</td><td>290 (321)</td><td>120 (130)</td><td>27</td><td>140</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.231,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>21 DAIWA SEABORG 600MJ PE8-300m capacity that you can aim for the big dream of a hand-held size. Although it has a 500 size body of 970g, it has a line capacity of PE8-300m, and is a monster machine that can catch dream big fish such as yellowfin tuna and amberjack.</p> <p>In terms of maneuverability, it boasts a 28kg "MAGMAX motor" that combines torque and instantaneous power, a comfortable shift mega power and mega speed "Mega Twin Pro", and a smooth and continuous tough drag "ATD".</p> <p>In terms of operability, even when changing rod grips while standing, you can JOG with your left thumb and the power lever with your right hand. Equipped with an ``aluminum JOG power lever'' that allows you to follow the lead without giving up control, and a ``fall brake dial'' that instantly sets the falling speed. .</p> <p>In terms of durability, the motor housing is made of aluminum and has a tough setting with excellent heat dissipation and durability. In addition, waterproof and durable technology ``MAGSEALED ball bearing'' is installed on the spool shaft axis that is most prone to tide damage, maintaining spool-free and initial winding performance.</p> <p>The counter panel features large dot liquid crystal display with large letters that are highly visible and clearly visible even when wearing polarized glasses. "MEGA MONSTER MEGATWIN" continues to evolve in order to comfortably catch big fish.</p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup span="12" width="85"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="77" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Model</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Standard weight (g)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">gear ratio</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Standard winding thread amount nylon (No. m)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Standard winding thread amount PE (No. m)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Bearing (ball/roller)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Maximum drag force (kg)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Maximum hoisting force (kg)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Normal hoisting speed 1kg load (m/min)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">JAFS standard hoisting force (kg)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">JAFS standard hoisting speed (m/min)</span></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="32" align="left"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Seaborg 600MJ</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">970</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">57</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3.6</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-450_7-400_8-360</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5-500_6-400_8-300</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">21/0</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">28</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">101 (112)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Hi165 (180) Lo115 (125)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">twenty two</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Hi210_Lo140</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 1.268,00 €
rating 0 recensione

EVEROL DOPPIA VELOCITA' 18/0 - Unlimited Lbs

<p><span>I migliori pescatori al mondo utilizzano mulinelli Made in Italy e nello specifico gli Everol. Everol è la prima azienda a livello mondiale ad aver prodotto modelli con frizione a leva. Nel libro di Ken Fraser (record del mondo sul tonno rosso) i mulinelli Everol sono in bella mostra (vedi filmato). Gli Everol sono vere e proprie macchine da combattimento, dalla robustezza senza pari, facili da smontare e da rimontare perché sviluppati su meccaniche semplici ed efficienti. Sono mulinelli belli ed affidabili, vengono utilizzati in tutto il mondo nelle condizioni climatiche più avverse e non danno mai problemi. Però, come spesso accade: "Nessuno è profeta nella propria patria", ed ecco che il meglio dell'artigianato e della tecnologia italiana finisce in mani straniere mentre noi italiani compriamo prodotti esteri, spesso delle cinesate. </span></p> <p><span>Il modello Everol a doppia velocità è dotato di cambio di velocità con ingranaggi di acciaio inox, 7 cuscinetti in acciaio inox a doppia schermatura e due boccole autolubrificanti. Il cambio è di tipo ad ingranaggi sempre in presa con innesti frontali e scatola cambio separata dal resto del mulinello. Everol TWO SPEED è maneggevole, sicuro, senza punti di folle. Il sistema di cambio è montato su supporti elastici che consentono il passaggio da un rapporto di recupero lento (1:1,6) ad uno più veloce (1:3) semplicemente premendo un pulsante di ampia superficie e spostando la leva di recupero. Il tutto in una frazione di secondo anche nelle situazioni più critiche.</span></p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col width="73" /><col width="133" /><col width="94" /><col width="78" /></colgroup><tbody><tr><td class="xl63" style="text-align:center;" width="73" height="20"><strong>Size</strong></td> <td class="xl64" style="text-align:center;" width="133"><strong>Line capacity (Yards)</strong></td> <td class="xl64" style="text-align:center;" width="94"><strong>Ratios</strong></td> <td class="xl65" style="text-align:center;" width="78"><strong>Weight (Kg)</strong></td> </tr><tr><td class="xl67" style="text-align:center;" height="19">2.5/0</td> <td class="xl68" style="text-align:center;">1100/12 700/20</td> <td class="xl68" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3,7</td> <td class="xl69" style="text-align:center;">1,6</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">4/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">800/20 650/30</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3,7</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">1,65</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">6/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/30 650/50</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">2,15</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">6/0W</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1100/50 620/80</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">2,3</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">9/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">700/80 500/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">3,6</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">9/0W</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">900/80 650/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">3,9</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">12/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/80 700/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">4,2</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">14/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">4,8</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl72" style="text-align:center;" height="20">18/0</td> <td class="xl73" style="text-align:center;">1350/130</td> <td class="xl73" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl74" style="text-align:center;">5</td> </tr></tbody></table><p><span> </span></p> <p>Il quadrante indica la potenza della frizione (espressa in libbre) rispetto alle varieposizioni della leva. Le tre scale concentriche fanno riferimento alla condizione di bobina piena (scala esterna), bobina con meta carica di lenza (scala centrale), bobina con lenza in prossimità del nocciolo (scala interna) come indicato dalle tre tacche sul fianco sinistro della bobina. Usando l'arresto della leva è possibile limitarne la corsa ad una posizione precisa. E' possibile spostare rapidamente durante la pesca, l'arresto della leva per avere un carico maggiore. Sulla parte sinistra del mulinello è posto il selettore di allarme. Ruotandolo in senso antiorario si inserisce l'allarme, in senso orario si disinserisce. Nei doppia velocità, il pulsante consente all'asse del cambio di ingranare una delle due ruote dentate. Premendolo e spostando la leva di recupero all‘interno si ottiene un recupero lento, verso l‘esterno un recupero veloce. L‘operazione può essere effettuata in qualsiasi condizione perché il sistema e senza punti folle. Inoltre il meccanismo di cambio e montato su supporti elastici che consentono di inserire una qualsiasi delle due velocità con estrema precisione. Gli Ingranaggi sono di tipo sempre in presa, costituendo così un sistema di piena affidabilità.</p> <p><span> </span></p> <p></p><video width="425" height="350" controls=""><source src=""></source></video><br /><br /><br /><br />
Prezzo 1.339,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>22 SHIMANO BEAST MASTER 9000 Let it swim, yellowfin, deep water. multi-strength. Excellent hoisting performance and durability are essential conditions for swimming fishing and aiming for large yellowfin tuna. The Beastmaster 9000, which combines the GIGA-MAX MOTOR, which is installed only on the Beast, with a highly durable reinforced gear system, demonstrates unwavering hoisting power and speed in serious competition with amberjack, longue, and yellowfin tuna. In addition, the line capacity of PE8 No. 900m, which can be made to swim in the southern waters and can cope with the recent increase in size of yellowfin tuna, is also active in deep-sea fishing such as alfonsino, mutsu, red sea bream, and abra bows. Realize its own weight that allows you to fight while holding the reel in your hand. In addition, the Search Maru screen displays information on the Search Maru in real time on the liquid crystal of the reel. The Beast Master 9000 can be used in multiple ways as a powerful electric reel that is rich in power performance, information power, and utility. *The Search Maru Screen/Scale can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru base unit. The ACCU-FISH® function and fish school water depth display can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible master units. [About power supply] The product does not contain a lithium battery. In order to fully demonstrate the performance of the reel, we recommend using a large capacity battery (manufactured by our company: BT Master 11AH). KEY FEATURE key feature Overwhelming power &amp; durability and information power. A multi-large beast that can handle big and deep areas. Power and durability, as well as sufficient line capacity, are required not only for swimming fishing for big things such as amberjack and longtooth grouper, but also for large yellowfin tuna. Equipped with GIGA-MAX MOTOR, the Beastmaster 9000 is an electric reel that can handle not only big fish and yellowfin tuna but also deep-sea fishing with its overwhelming power, toughness performance, and line capacity. The Beast Master 9000's own weight with overwhelming driving force, sufficient line capacity, and information power allows you to fight with large fish and hand-held. It is a multi-large beast master that supports big game and deep water. Corresponds to amberjack, longtooth grouper, yellowfin tuna, and deep water. GIGA-MAX MOTOR &amp; enhanced gear system. The GIGA-MAX MOTOR is a brushless motor installed only in the Beast Master, which demonstrates overwhelming power and speed not only in swimming fishing for amberjack and longtooth grouper, but also in fighting large yellowfin tuna. As its name suggests, it is a brushless motor that exhibits strong power even at high temperatures, has a long structural life, and is highly durable. The Beastmaster 9000 is equipped with a reinforced gear system in which the deceleration gear of the gear system that transmits the power of the GIGA-MAX MOTOR is supported by bearings, realizing amazing durability. It supports high load and long distance hoisting, such as targeting large fish and deep water. Never miss an encounter with a big game. See the "now" in the sea at hand. In swimming fishing, changes in seabed shape and reaction of bait as well as depth of water, yellowfin tuna in komase fishing, movement of yellowfin tuna and yellowfin tuna alone, change and reaction of the seabed (size of flock and swimming layer) and trajectory of gimmicks in deep-sea fishing. All of these underwater information are important keys that influence fishing. The Detective Maru screen, which displays the Detective Maru information in color on the LCD screen of the reel, allows you to know the latest information in real time with minimal line of sight movement. Look at the tip of the rod, look at the movement of Michiito, look at the reel. Adding “obtaining information” to the series of fishing actions makes it possible to predict and confirm the next development, which not only expands the depth of fishing but also improves fishing skills. The combination of excellent power performance and the latest information power brings new expansion to big game fishing and deep-sea fishing. *The Search Maru screen can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru. *The AccuFish function can only be used on ships equipped with AccuFish-compatible base units. Electric reel usage explanation diagramElectric reel usage explanation diagram FEATURE Features HAGANE_RL HAGANE Shimano's design concept is to create products that can be truly used by making the most of metal processing technology. Robustness that can be used safely even in harsh conditions. Precise winding comfort and reliable operation that stimulate sensibility. And the hoisting power beyond imagination. By honestly pursuing a reel that can be used by anglers, that activity creates HAGANE gears and HAGANE bodies, and becomes Shimano's belief. All for anglers. HAGANEBODY_RL_EL body By using lightweight and highly rigid metals such as aluminum and magnesium, the deflection, distortion, and twisting of the reel are firmly suppressed. It protects the meshing of delicate gears and enables smooth reeling. GIGAMAXMOTOR_RL_EL gigamax motor A high-performance motor installed only in "Beast". Not only is it powerful at high temperatures, but it is also highly durable. It is a brushless motor that can demonstrate strong power even at high temperatures where motor performance tends to decline. A brushless motor is a motor that does not have a “brush,” which is a powdered solid substance such as carbon or copper, which is one of the parts that conducts current. Brushes wear out, so their absence also extends the life of the motor. You can imagine the high quality performance of "power", "speed" and "durability" from the fact that it is also used in racing cars and bullet trains. For reels equipped with GIGA-MAX MOTOR, we recommend using a large-capacity battery (BT Master 11AH) in order to fully demonstrate its performance. TankenmaruSCREEN_RL_EL Tankenmaru screen The electric reel is equipped with a color fish finder display function. The Tankenmaru screen displays the depth of the seabed, the shape of the seabed, the size of the school, the fish's body length = ACCU-FISH®, and the trajectory of the tackle on the electric reel. Without moving your eyes to the Search Maruko machine or smartphone on the side of the ship, you can see it in vivid colors on the reel counter at hand. A function that motivates you just by looking at the detailed changes in the seabed and the reactions of the fish, and is directly linked to actual fishing. Please experience the fusion of the electric reel and the search circle. *The Search Maru screen can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru. *The ACCU-FISH® function can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible base units. TankenmaruScale-Color_RL_EL Tankenmaru scale Seabed water depth, seabed shape, and fish school information are displayed on the reel. Search Maru scale of simple fish finder function. The ever-changing three types of seabed change, "Flat", "Dropped down" and "Dropped up", are displayed in easy-to-read pictograms, making it easier to visualize the shape of the seabed. In addition, the seabed water depth display next to the pictogram is displayed in real time, so you can predict bottom picking, trace the seabed, and increase your fishing results without worrying about rooting. In addition, when a school of fish is detected, an alarm sounds and the depth of the school of fish display is switched to display the depth of the school of fish. *Seafloor water depth display can be used on all vessels equipped with Tankenmaru. * Fish school water depth display can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible master units. TankenmaruSystem_RL_EL Takkimaru correspondence It is an electric reel compatible with the Tankenmaru system that allows you to see the fish finder at the edge of the boat. Since it can be connected to the sub-machine of the Search Maru, there is no doubt that the fun of boat fishing will be upgraded. THERMOADJUSTDRAG_RL_EL Thermo-adjust drag control A control function that suppresses abnormal heat generation in the drag part to maintain stable drag performance. If the drag slips while the motor of the electric reel is on, the gear will idle and the drag will generate abnormal heat. To suppress this heat generation, the motor speed is automatically lowered when the drag is slipping. e-EXCITINGDRAGSOUND_RL_EL e-exciting drag sound The exciting drag sound has become an electronic sound. A sound that heats up the angler resounds. SA-RB_RL_EL S A-RB By applying a special anti-rust treatment to the bearing itself, the durability against rust has been greatly improved. S A-RB further seals the sides with anti-corrosion material, greatly reducing salt deposits due to salt recrystallization inside the bearing. RAKUSOKUMODE_RL_EL Rakuraku Mode/Constant Speed ​​Mode Rakuraku mode always winds up while maintaining a constant tension according to the load on the reel. It detects and adjusts sudden load fluctuations to prevent dislodgement and is also effective for eating fish. The constant speed mode maintains a constant speed regardless of the load on the reel. It is effective for slow winding at a constant speed or when you want to increase the winding power. FINEDOTLCD_RL_EL Fine dot LCD Dot LCD with excellent visibility and operability. KAISUIOK_RL_EL Sea water OK IDV_FEATURE_a075F00003zdNA8QAM_01 Enhanced gear system A gear system that uses ball bearings to achieve amazing durability. The system has been greatly strengthened, such as the reduction gear being supported by ball bearings, to achieve amazing durability. The synergistic effect with GIGA-MAX MOTOR realizes unprecedented winding strength, speed, and stability. Along with the highly durable brushless structure motor, it is a reinforced gear system to fight for a long time. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>MODEL</td><td>Product name</td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount Fluoro (No. -m)</td><td>Yarn amount PE (No.-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td><td>Practical winding endurance (Kg)</td><td>Maximum hoisting speed (m/min)</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 1kg load</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 3kg load</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 5kg load</td><td>Electric cable total length (m)</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>22 BEAST MASTER 9000</td><td>9000</td><td>3.1</td><td>25</td><td>1485</td><td>90/62</td><td>12-700, 14-550, 16-500</td><td>6-1100, 8-900, 10-650, 12-550</td><td>88</td><td>75</td><td>14</td><td>20</td><td>170</td><td>150</td><td>119</td><td>96</td><td>2.5</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.406,00 €
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<p>20 SHIMANO BEAST MASTER MD 3000 New GIGA-MAX MOTOR increases motor torque by 40%*1. A monster drive that combines overwhelming strength and speed. The Beastmaster MD3000 equipped with NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR has both the strength of 3000XP and the speed of 3000XS, and also achieves a maximum drag force of 25kg. By improving the rigidity of the HAGANE body and upgrading to a reinforced gear system, it has evolved into a non-standard monster electric reel. In addition, the counter screen is equipped with a color liquid crystal "Takenmaru Screen". From the shape of the seabed to the reaction of the fish, it is now possible to put the Search Maru in your hands and respond instantly to ever-changing conditions. In addition, it has an S compact body that is easy to palm, and is equipped with advanced features such as a large mechanical brake knob that supports fall fishing. We will win the heavy mode battle, such as a large amberjack that thrusts strongly, amberjack and yellowtail in the drop, and a large flying squid that is exposed to an ultra-high load for a long time. *1: Compared to 16 Beastmaster 3000XP *The Searchmaru screen/Searchmaru scale can be used on all ships equipped with the Searchmaru main unit. The ACCU-FISH® function and fish school water depth display can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible master units. [About power supply] The product does not contain a lithium battery. In order to fully demonstrate the performance of the reel, we recommend using a large capacity battery (manufactured by our company: BT Master 11AH). CONCEPT MOVIE concept movie Genkai Sea Drop × Tetsuya Takahashi &amp; Hidenobu Shoyama Beastmaster MD 3000 in Miyakojima [Experiment video] Beastmaster MD3000 vs Beastmaster 3000XP 10kg load, 100m hoisting speed comparison experiment KEY FEATURE key feature Overturn the common sense of electric reels. Detailed usage instructions such as how to learn how to wind a thread are explained in the video! ! Please see here . strong. fast. and toughness. Under high load, the power is obvious. Motor torque increased by 40%*1. The Heart of Horror is the Proof of a Monster GIGA-MAX MOTOR installed only in Shimano electric reel and Beastmaster. The biggest feature is that there is no brush made of carbon or copper that is used as a part to pass the current. Since there are no brushes, there are no parts to wear and the motor life is longer. Another notable advantage of GIGA-MAX MOTOR is that it can exert powerful power even at high temperatures where motor performance tends to decline. And with the NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR installed in the Beastmaster MD3000, the motor torque has been improved by 40% *1 . We have achieved overwhelming driving force that combines the speed of 3000XS and the power of 3000XP. Strength and speed that can be drawn out at will of the angler. And with durability, we will open up the world of electric big games like never before. *1: Compared to 16 Beastmaster 3000XP *For reels equipped with GIGA-MAX MOTOR, we recommend using a large-capacity battery (Dendoumaru 10Ah) in order to fully demonstrate its performance. NEW GIGAMAX MOTOR: Brushless motor brushed motor Unwavering toughness performance that confronts the wildness of the majestic sea. The high-rigidity aluminum skeleton catches the monster's dynamism. HAGANE body In order to receive the dramatically improved motor power and keep larger fish within range, we adopted a HAGANE body that uses high-rigidity aluminum for the frame, which is the first in the 3000 size. It continues strong and fast hoisting without yielding even if it is a strong fight with a large fish or a high-load multi-point hook from deep water. You can experience the essence of the machine that receives the title of Monster Drive. Uses bearings for amazing durability Enhanced gear system The gear system has been greatly strengthened, such as bearing support for the reduction gear, achieving amazing durability. The synergistic effect with the NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR realizes unprecedented winding strength, speed, and stability. It is a reinforced gear system to fight for a long time with a brushless structure motor that boasts high durability. Astonishing specs comparable to size 9000 The maximum drag force achieved by the drag system installed in the Beastmaster MD3000 is 25kg. 16 Beastmaster 3000XP/XS is greatly enhanced from 20kg, and has amazing specs comparable to Beastmaster 9000. You should be able to get a sense of the area that Monster Drive aimed at just from this number alone. Electric reel usage explanation diagramElectric reel usage explanation diagram FEATURE Features HAGANEBODY_RL_EL body By using lightweight and highly rigid metals such as aluminum and magnesium, the deflection, distortion, and twisting of the reel are firmly suppressed. It protects the meshing of delicate gears and enables smooth reeling. GIGAMAXMOTOR_RL_EL gigamax motor A high-performance motor installed only in "Beast". Not only is it powerful at high temperatures, but it is also highly durable. It is a brushless motor that can demonstrate strong power even at high temperatures where motor performance tends to decline. A brushless motor is a motor that does not have a “brush,” which is a powdered solid substance such as carbon or copper, which is one of the parts that conducts current. Brushes wear out, so their absence also extends the life of the motor. You can imagine the high quality performance of "power", "speed" and "durability" from the fact that it is also used in racing cars and bullet trains. For reels equipped with GIGA-MAX MOTOR, we recommend using a large-capacity battery (BT Master 11AH) in order to fully demonstrate its performance. TankenmaruSCREEN_RL_EL Tankenmaru screen The electric reel is equipped with a color fish finder display function. The Tankenmaru screen displays the depth of the seabed, the shape of the seabed, the size of the school, the fish's body length = ACCU-FISH®, and the trajectory of the tackle on the electric reel. Without moving your eyes to the Search Maruko machine or smartphone on the side of the ship, you can see it in vivid colors on the reel counter at hand. A function that motivates you just by looking at the detailed changes in the seabed and the reactions of the fish, and is directly linked to actual fishing. Please experience the fusion of the electric reel and the search circle. *The Search Maru screen can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru. *The ACCU-FISH® function can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible base units. TankenmaruScale-Color_RL_EL Tankenmaru scale Seabed water depth, seabed shape, and fish school information are displayed on the reel. Search Maru scale of simple fish finder function. The ever-changing three types of seabed change, "Flat", "Dropped down" and "Dropped up", are displayed in easy-to-read pictograms, making it easier to visualize the shape of the seabed. In addition, the seabed water depth display next to the pictogram is displayed in real time, so you can predict bottom picking, trace the seabed, and increase your fishing results without worrying about rooting. In addition, when a school of fish is detected, an alarm sounds and the depth of the school of fish display is switched to display the depth of the school of fish. *Seafloor water depth display can be used on all vessels equipped with Tankenmaru. * Fish school water depth display can only be used on ships equipped with ACCU-FISH® compatible master units. TankenmaruSystem_RL_EL Takkimaru correspondence It is an electric reel compatible with the Tankenmaru system that allows you to see the fish finder at the edge of the boat. Since it can be connected to the sub-machine of the Search Maru, there is no doubt that the fun of boat fishing will be upgraded. SCOMPACTBODY_RL_EL S Compact body In addition to making the reel body more compact, the power cable connector is placed on the handle side, which is the opposite of the conventional product. Body shape design that can hold the reel firmly. Palming performance is improved and it can be operated comfortably. FIREMACHSYSTEM_RL_EL fire mach system High-speed drop performance opens up aggressive fishing. Many S A-RB (ball bearings) are placed on the main rotating shaft to smoothly reverse the large diameter spool. The high-speed drop performance that starts reversing with a low load ensures the same drop performance as the super free spool used for small electric reels. You can fish with light gimmicks and quickly reach the target shelf. THERMOADJUSTDRAG_RL_EL Thermo-adjust drag control A control function that suppresses abnormal heat generation in the drag part to maintain stable drag performance. If the drag slips while the motor of the electric reel is on, the gear will idle and the drag will generate abnormal heat. To suppress this heat generation, the motor speed is automatically lowered when the drag is slipping. e-EXCITINGDRAGSOUND_RL_EL e-exciting drag sound The exciting drag sound has become an electronic sound. A sound that heats up the angler resounds. SA-RB_RL_EL S A-RB By applying a special anti-rust treatment to the bearing itself, the durability against rust has been greatly improved. S A-RB further seals the sides with anti-corrosion material, greatly reducing salt deposits due to salt recrystallization inside the bearing. RAKUSOKUMODE_RL_EL Rakuraku Mode/Constant Speed ​​Mode Rakuraku mode always winds up while maintaining a constant tension according to the load on the reel. It detects and adjusts sudden load fluctuations to prevent dislodgement and is also effective for eating fish. The constant speed mode maintains a constant speed regardless of the load on the reel. It is effective for slow winding at a constant speed or when you want to increase the winding power. FINEDOTLCD_RL_EL Fine dot LCD Dot LCD with excellent visibility and operability. KAISUIOK_RL_EL Sea water OK IDV_FEATURE_a075F00003u1BmWQAU_02 NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR GIGA-MAX MOTOR installed only in Shimano electric reel and Beastmaster. The biggest feature is that there is no brush made of carbon or copper that is used as a part to pass the current. Since there are no brushes, there are no parts to wear and the motor life is longer. Another notable advantage of GIGA-MAX MOTOR is that it can exert powerful power even at high temperatures where motor performance tends to decline. And with the NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR installed in the Beastmaster MD3000, the motor torque has been improved by 40%*1. We have achieved overwhelming driving force that combines the speed of 3000XS and the power of 3000XP. Strength and speed that can be drawn out at will of the angler. And with durability, we will open up the world of electric big games like never before. *1: Compared to 16 Beastmaster 3000XP *For reels equipped with GIGA-MAX MOTOR, we recommend using a large-capacity battery (Dendoumaru 10Ah) in order to fully demonstrate its performance. IDV_FEATURE_a075F00003u1BmWQAU_03 Large mechanical brake knob In order to expand the possibility of fall fishing method with electric reel, the size of the brake knob is made larger than before. It is now possible to make quick adjustments with your thumb. Braking power is also significantly improved. This function is especially effective when fishing to catch bites during a fall with Japanese flying squid, spear squid, and red trout, or when baiting by dropping. IDV_FEATURE_a075F00003u1BmWQAU_04 drag system The maximum drag force achieved by the drag system installed in the Beastmaster MD3000 is 25kg. 16 Beastmaster 3000XP/XS 20kg has been greatly strengthened, and it has a threatening spec comparable to Beastmaster 9000. You should be able to get a sense of the area that Monster Drive aimed at just from this number alone. IDV_FEATURE_a075F00003u1BmWQAU_05 Enhanced gear system The gear system has been greatly strengthened, such as by supporting the reduction gears with bearings, to achieve incredible durability. The synergistic effect with the NEW GIGA-MAX MOTOR realizes unprecedented winding strength, speed, and stability. It is a reinforced gear system to fight for a long time with a brushless structure motor that boasts high durability. <iframe width="1499" height="843" src="" title="玄界灘 落とし込み×高橋哲也&庄山英伸" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="1499" height="843" src="" title="ビーストマスター MD 3000 in 宮古島" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>MODEL</td><td>Product name</td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount Fluoro (No. -m)</td><td>Yarn amount PE (No.-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td><td>Practical winding endurance (Kg)</td><td>Maximum hoisting speed (m/min)</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 1kg load</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 3kg load</td><td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 5kg load</td><td>Electric cable total length (m)</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20 BEAST MASTER MD 3000</td><td>3000</td><td>4.6</td><td>25</td><td>1090</td><td>48/47</td><td>5-370, 6-310, 7-290, 8-220</td><td>4-470, 5-350, 6-300, 8-200</td><td>70</td><td>75</td><td>15+1</td><td>14</td><td>215</td><td>185</td><td>173</td><td>110</td><td>2.5</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.438,00 €
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EVEROL SERIE SPECIAL 20/0 -... EVEROL SERIE SPECIAL 20/0 - Libraggio Illimitato

EVEROL SERIE SPECIAL 20/0 - Libraggio Illimitato

<p><span><span>I migliori pescatori al mondo utilizzano mulinelli Made in Italy e nello specifico gli Everol. Everol è la prima azienda a livello mondiale ad aver prodotto modelli con frizione a leva. Nel libro di Ken Fraser (record del mondo sul tonno rosso) i mulinelli Everol sono in bella mostra (vedi filmato). Gli Everol sono vere e proprie macchine da combattimento, dalla robustezza senza pari, facili da smontare e da rimontare perché sviluppati su meccaniche semplici ed efficienti. Sono mulinelli belli ed affidabili, vengono utilizzati in tutto il mondo nelle condizioni climatiche più avverse e non danno mai problemi. Però, come spesso accade: "Nessuno è profeta nella propria patria", ed ecco che il meglio dell'artigianato e della tecnologia italiana finisce in mani straniere mentre noi italiani compriamo prodotti esteri, spesso delle cinesate.</span></span></p> <p><span>L'Everol Special Serie è un classico. In tutte le foto dove compare un tonno da record, c'è sempre un Everol in zona! La Special Series è famoso in tutto il mondo ed è sinonimo di potenza ed affidabilità. Frizione multidisco a dischi flottanti, autoventilata con raffreddamento ad aria forzata; comando a leva preciso e graduale; fermo di arresto della leva per il massimo di potenza di frizione. 5 cuscinetti di acciaio inox a doppia schermatura che gli consentono un movimento preciso e bilanciato e la massima affidabilità in qualsiasi situazione... tutto quello che vi serve per affrontare i più potenti predatori di mare, niente di più niente di meno. Un made in Italy tra le mani è sempre una garanzia.</span></p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col width="109" /><col width="134" /><col width="68" /><col width="73" /></colgroup><tbody><tr><td class="xl63" width="109" height="19"><strong>Size</strong></td> <td class="xl63" width="134"><strong>Max Drag</strong></td> <td class="xl63" width="134"><strong>Capacity Line (Yards)</strong></td> <td class="xl63" width="68"><strong>Ratios</strong></td> <td class="xl63" width="73"><strong>Weight (Gr)</strong></td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">2.5/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>20 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">1100/12 700/20</td> <td class="xl64">3,7:1</td> <td class="xl64">1350</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">4/0 </td> <td class="xl64"><span>30 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">800/20 650/30</td> <td class="xl64">3,7:1</td> <td class="xl64">1450</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">6/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>50 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">1000/30 650/50</td> <td class="xl64">2,9:1</td> <td class="xl64">1900</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">6/0Wide</td> <td class="xl64"><span>50 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">1100/50 620/80</td> <td class="xl64">2,9:1</td> <td class="xl64">2050</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">7.5/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>50/80 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">850/50 500/80</td> <td class="xl64">2,9:1</td> <td class="xl64">2900</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">9/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>80 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">700/80 500/130</td> <td class="xl64">2,9:1</td> <td class="xl64">3000</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">9/0Wide</td> <td class="xl64"><span>80 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">900/80 650/130</td> <td class="xl64">2,9:1</td> <td class="xl64">3300</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">12/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>130 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">1000/80 700/130</td> <td class="xl64">2,0:1</td> <td class="xl64">3800</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">14/0</td> <td class="xl64"><span>130 Lbs</span></td> <td class="xl64">1000/130</td> <td class="xl64">2,0:1</td> <td class="xl64">4500</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19"><span>18/0</span></td> <td class="xl64"><span><span>No Limiti</span></span></td> <td class="xl64"><span>1000/200</span></td> <td class="xl64"><span>2,0:1</span></td> <td class="xl64"><span>4700</span></td> </tr><tr><td class="xl64" height="19">20/0 </td> <td class="xl64"><span>No Limiti</span></td> <td class="xl64">1000/250</td> <td class="xl64">2,0:1</td> <td class="xl64">5500</td> </tr></tbody></table><p> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p><video width="425" height="350" controls=""><source src=""></source></video><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Prezzo 1.449,00 €
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<p>Equipped with automatic transmission MEGA TWIN-SPEED KING MONSTER- Mega Power &amp; Mega Speed ​​Automatic shift MEGA TWIN * Function to automatically switch to power mode before speed mode MAX load The fastest in the class Speed-oriented model 220m/min *SEABORG 800MJ: 170m/min Comfortable standing JOG power lever Powerful MEGATORQUE motor Tough drag ATD that keeps working smoothly ※Drag sound (electronic sound) Commitment to durability for catching Magshield Ball Bearing Strong enough to be impossible. ■ MEGATORQUE motor Excellent durability Durability SB750MT comparison: Demonstrate about 1.3 times the output. ・Although the torque is important, the brush motor provides quick start-up and good response. -Aluminum material is applied to the motor housing for high heat dissipation. ■MEGA TWIN setting You can select either automatic switching (automatic) or manual switching (manual) for mega twin (power/speed) switching. *Automatic switching Automatic mode (A) ⇒ Speed ​​mode Before load limit ⇒ Power mode is automatically changed. Power ⇒ speed is a manual operation with a switch. * Manual switching Manual mode (M) ⇒ Similar to 800MJ, the speed and power can be switched by the user's initiative. ■ ATD + drag radiator Handle bearing ⇒ Made of aluminum 1. Increased drag heat dissipation effect * Increased drag endurance/durability 2. Strengthened around handle shaft/drag * Large fish is also safe ■ ATD (Automatic Drag System) A new generation drag system that operates smoothly according to the pull of fish and continues to work smoothly. For small spinning and electric reels, we pursue start-out and followability. For large spinning such as Saltiga, it is set to suppress the drag force reduction during fighting. Both were developed with the goal of being able to concentrate on fighting without worrying about drag settings. As freely as possible. ■ JOG POWER LEVER By moving the position of the power lever to the center of the body and changing the shape from the lever to the jog dial style, you can wind up and turn the clutch on and off with one thumb of the hand holding the rod, and the empty hand is completely operated from the lever operation. It was released. If you hold the rod, your thumb will naturally be attached to the upper part of the body, so it is ergonomically comfortable. The Jog Power Lever enables you to operate it freely with one thumb (150-300 series). The 500J series is laid out in a shape and position that allows you to operate the right hand, left hand, and holding rod as you wish, as well as the angler. The Seaborg 800/1200 series can be operated with the left thumb. Comfortable operation by standing ・JOG lever operation with left thumb ・ Power lever operation by pinching with right thumb/index finger *Instant operation does not yield initiative. ■ DENDO &amp; RYOJIKU REE _MAGSEALED BALL BEARING (Electric &amp; double shaft reel mag shield ball bearing) DAIWA's unique technology Magshield has evolved further. By suppressing the ingress of water and foreign substances into the ball bearings, rust, salt damage, and noise are largely eliminated while maintaining the original performance. We have succeeded in dramatically improving waterproofness and durability. For electric reels, it is used on the side plate side spool shaft axis that is the most prone to salt damage and difficult to maintain. Realizes further waterproofness and durability to maintain initial performance. ■Automatic switching mode: Counter A is displayed ■Manual switching mode: Counter M is displayed ■ Appearance when wearing polarized glasses Even when using polarized glass in a rainy dark field, you can see clearly. [Dot liquid crystal] -Deca characters that are easy to see in the field- D-beck notation when the power is turned on-Visibility from top to bottom is also deca characters for the counter notation ○ -Japanese (m)/English (ft) notation switchable</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Product name</td><td>MANOVELLA</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>weight g</td><td>drag force (kg)</td><td>PE Braided (No.-m)</td><td>PE Nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Maximum Force KG</td><td>Regular hoisting speed 1kg load (m/min)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting force (kg)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting speed (m/min)</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DAIWA 19 SEABORG 800MJS</td><td>800MJS</td><td>Manovella Destra</td><td>3.0</td><td>1770</td><td>33</td><td>8-600 10-500</td><td>12-500 16-350</td><td>540 (598)</td><td>H170 (188) / L75 (83)</td><td>42</td><td></td><td>H220/L90</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.470,00 €
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<p>Its performance, monster class KING MONSTER Innovative technology that transcends common sense and supreme joy that no one has experienced. The tough KING MONSTER landed here. One of the strongest machines in the Seaborg series, which was born with the latest technology by repeating rigorous tests in order to catch the dream big game. Boasting PE8-600m winding amount while ensuring operability in standing. It is possible to target a wide range of areas from large-scale deep fields such as large fish such as yellowfin, amberjack, and quay (ara), and deep-sea to deep-sea mud and mutsu. Strong enough to be impossible. image ■ MEGATORQUE (Megatorque) motor Tuning the motor of the same class as Marine Power 3000. Daiwa's original custom motor, which emphasizes torque but has a smooth start-up due to the brush motor and has excellent durability. Delivers approximately 1.3 times the power and speed at the same size ratio. With a quiet driving sound and a strong heart for catching, head to the ocean where big things hide. image ■ ATD (Automatic Drag System) A tough drag system that operates smoothly in line with the pulling of fish and continues to work smoothly. The drag force is greatly improved (33kg) by using 7 large carbon washers. The handle bearing is equipped with a drag radiator to improve the heat dissipation effect of the drag. A strong ally who controls the drop in drag force during fighting and allows large fish to fall down. It also has an electronic drag sound function that informs you when the line is pulled out. image ■Aluminum motor housing FF structure with a low profile reel design by placing the motor in front of the spool. This motor housing, which is easy to hold and has a high cooling effect, is made of aluminum to improve heat dissipation. As freely as possible. image image ■JOG power lever A new shape JOG power lever that allows instant operation, assuming fighting with standing. When holding the rod with your right arm, use your left thumb to operate JOG. When exchanging with the left arm, pinch with the right thumb and forefinger and operate the power lever. Comfortable operation with good response that does not give the target room to fight back. image ■Magnet Shield Ball Bearing Daiwa's unique waterproof and durable structure that shuts out intrusion of seawater and dust by creating a magnetic oil wall and maintains a light and smooth initial rotation performance for a long time. This technology is applied to the ball bearing itself, which is the cornerstone of rotational performance, and the mag shield ball bearing is adopted for the spool shaft bearing that is the most prone to salt damage and difficult to maintain. Spool-free performance ・Continues the winding power and maintains comfortable initial performance for a long time. image ■ Dot liquid crystal The large character screen with excellent visibility in the field uses dot liquid crystal that can be clearly seen even when using polarized glass in direct sunlight. Equipped with convenient functions such as line input procedure and Japanese/English switching. Large buttons that are easy to push further support a comfortable operating feeling. Seaborg 800J x Miyakojima Amberjack/Kihada-Field Tester Reiko Kojima image  Take the King Monster Seaborg 800J to Miyakojima  This is a water area that I've been accustomed to, but I'm longing for the big ones I've never seen. What kind of fishing will be this time?  The aim is amberjack and yellowtail. Both are migratory fish that grow large and are popular targets.  Amberjack on the first day. Attach the No. 250 weight to the No. 50 device and submerge it to a depth of 300 meters. Since the No. 8 600 meter is put in the reel, it is possible to cope with more deep water with a margin.  The amberjack lives near the roots of the sea floor, so as soon as the weight reaches the bottom, float the 3-4 meter mechanism and wait for the fish's atari.  The nice vibration of the Japanese horse mackerel is transmitted. A signal that a predatory fish appeared near this when this was an unsettling movement that caused the tip of the rod to flutter. I will remove it from the holder to match it immediately and wait for Atari by hand.  The movement of the rod tip stops for a moment. At this time, a signal that Muroazi was caught. If you don't match it right away and you feel a strong attack, start fighting with the rod at once. Since it is hung on the needle near the seabed, in the case of amberjack, the best point is to pull it 10 meters away from the root. Therefore, the drag is strengthened from the beginning and the fish resists with strong power to bring it to the root with a strong pull at the moment it is combined, but when you lower the tip of the rod that upset your eyes, before putting on the JOG power lever, you can fight back. I will play the game. Even a little forcibly, first roll up 10 meters from the bottom of the sea with the power of the reel, and after adjusting the posture, operate the JOG power lever according to the pumping and raise it.  If you are amberjack of this size, the fish will rise to the surface of the sea faster than you can breathe, and you will feel more reserve. image  The next day is Kihada. Disengage the clutch of the reel and pour the device with the Muroazi under the tide. When Muroaji, who swims leisurely, is eaten by Kihada, he pulls out the line at once and runs straight. After running enough, put a clutch and hook. When the load is high, Kihada runs in all directions. A large migratory fish that exceeds a maximum of 100 kg. The size is immeasurable at the moment of hooking. After starting the fight, estimate your power and the power of the fish and tighten the drag.  When it gets quite large, you will have to fight for a long time. There is no need to worry that you will be cut off due to a root gap because you are fishing in a water area that exceeds 1000 meters in depth, but in the endurance battle, you will lose your physical strength as it takes more time. So when you can roll it, roll it all at once, and when the fish runs, endure it. It will be a fight.  When starting a game, raise the JOG power lever as fast as you can. When running, let the smooth ATD run. If you raise it to a depth of 60 meters, you will dive all at once, whether you dislike tidal currents and water temperature.  A heavy and strong pull that repeats many times, another game until you pull it all the way up, tighten the drag further, and slowly raise it in accordance with the rising swim of Kihada while drawing a large circle. It was 45 kilometers that came up.  Although it is a large-capacity reel containing 600 meters of No. 8, I can enjoy interacting with fish aggressively by holding it because it is a handheld size and I can easily use the JOG power lever etc. In terms of power, honestly, it has more than my power, so if you close the drag and fully open the lever, it will be worn depending on the size of the fish. If you make a mistake in the target fish or how to use it, I honestly think that it has power up to a slightly dangerous level. In this Kihada, I was not particularly concerned about the load on the reel, I fully opened the lever when I wanted to wind it, and in the exchange in the middle layer I always put the lever at a medium speed or higher, but during the fight for about 20 minutes the reel It didn't stop or get hot. Of course, it is still a big fish, but there is no problem with the average size of Kihada in Sagami Bay, which will open from now on, and if it exceeds 50 kg, it will take a long time to fight, so at that time it is necessary to deal with slow fighting. Is recommended.  The power of the tackle, which makes you feel more relaxed, makes you feel the expectation for a bigger game.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Product name</td><td>MANOVELLA</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>weight g</td><td>drag force (kg)</td><td>PE Braided (No.-m)</td><td>PE Nylon (No.-m)</td><td>Maximum Force KG</td><td>Regular hoisting speed 1kg load (m/min)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting force (kg)</td><td>JAFS standard hoisting speed (m/min)</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DAIWA 17 SEABORG 800MJ</td><td>800J</td><td>Manovella Destra</td><td>2.8</td><td>1720</td><td>33</td><td>8-600 10-500</td><td>12-500 16-350</td><td>290 (321)</td><td>120 (130)</td><td>27</td><td>140</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.470,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>THE MONSTER. ― Its performance, monster class. Innovative technology that transcends common sense and supreme joy that no one has experienced. The tough BIG MONSTER landed here. One of the strongest machines in the Seaborg series, which was born with the latest technology by repeating rigorous tests in order to catch the dream big game. PE8-1000m with abundant winding amount, reachable to the deep sea. It is possible to target a wide range of areas from large-scale deep fields such as large fish such as yellowfin, amberjack, and quay (ara), and deep-sea to deep-sea mud and mutsu. Strong enough to be impossible. ■ MEGATORQUE motor Tuning a motor of the same class as the Marine Power 3000. Daiwa's original custom motor that emphasizes torque but has a smooth start-up due to the brush motor and has excellent durability. Power and speed are approximately 1.3 times higher than the conventional size ratio. With a quiet driving sound and a strong heart for catching, head to the ocean where big things hide. ■MEGA TWIN Daiwa Electric Reel's unique switching mechanism that has two gear ratios that instantly switch between mega power and mega speed with a single switch. Uses a manual switch that can be switched by the angler depending on the situation. ■ ATD (Automatic Drag System) A tough drag system that operates smoothly according to the pull of fish and continues to work smoothly. Adopts 7 large carbon washers to greatly improve drag force. The handle bearing is equipped with a drag radiator to improve the heat dissipation effect of the drag. A strong ally that controls the drag force drop during fighting and can even overwhelm large fish. Also equipped with a drag sound function that informs you when the line is pulled out. ■Aluminum motor housing FF structure with a low profile reel designed by placing the motor in front of the spool. This motor housing, which is easy to hold and has a high cooling effect, is given an aluminum member to further improve heat dissipation performance. As freely as possible. ■ JOG power lever A new shape JOG power lever that allows instant operation, assuming a standing fight. When holding the rod with your right arm, use your left thumb to operate JOG. When exchanging with the left arm, pinch with the right thumb and forefinger and operate the power lever. Comfortable operation with good response that does not give the target room to fight back. ■ Mag Shield Ball Bearing Daiwa's unique waterproof and durable structure shuts out the intrusion of seawater and dust by creating a magnetic oil wall and maintains a light and smooth initial rotation performance for a long time. This technology is applied to the ball bearing itself, which is the cornerstone of rotational performance, and the mag shield ball bearing is adopted for the spool shaft bearing that is the most prone to salt damage and difficult to maintain. Spool-free performance ・Continues winding power and maintains comfortable initial performance for a long time. Dot liquid crystal The large character screen with excellent visibility in the field uses dot liquid crystal that can be clearly seen even when using polarized glass in direct sunlight. Equipped with convenient functions such as line input procedure and Japanese/English switching. Large buttons that are easy to push further support a comfortable operation feeling. (*The picture of the function explanation is using Seaborg 800MJ) AM3:30 Aim at Niijima Kimme from quiet Inatori Port. At that moment, Seaborg 1200MJ comes to life. ― Masao Tabuchi At 5:30 AM, when the sky began to turn white, we aim for a depth of more than 350 m from the first shot. A device with a 2kg rebar weight falls smoothly. Soon after, you will hear a fish sword that hits the peculiar tip of Kimme. Loosen the drag and send the line thread by the shaking of the ship to aim for multiple points. The line capacity of PE8×1000m is still enough even if it is sent over 500m. Start winding slowly in the speed mode. The good-looking fishery is clearly transmitted to the rod. The rod bent from the root when it was wound up about 50m. It's rooted. Switch to power mode and raise the JOG power lever to MAX at once with full drag. MEGA TORQUE motor, the heart of BIG MONSTER, shows off its power and instantly roots and completes. This is a work that can be done only by the JOG power lever that delivers maximum power all at once with a comfortable response. Uoshinobu is transmitted to the middle of the pole. I am convinced of the considerable weight and the multiple points. After that, just wind it up with a certain tension. The smoothness of the ATD (Automatic Drag System) covers the sway of the ship and reduces the looseness caused by mouth cuts. It's a really reliable ally, and an indispensable function. When you start gimmicking on the surface of the water, a lustrous fish body of Kimme shining in pink and white silver emerges. The appearance of climbing up and down is exactly what the deep sea dancer is all about.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>MANOVELLA</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>weight g</td> <td>drag force (kg)</td> <td>PE Braided (No.-m)</td> <td>PE Nylon (No.-m)</td> <td>Maximum Force KG</td> <td>Regular hoisting speed 1kg load (m/min)</td> <td>JAFS standard hoisting force (kg)</td> <td>JAFS standard hoisting speed (m/min)</td> <td></td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DAIWA 17 SEABORG 1200MJ</td> <td>1200MJ</td> <td>Manovella Destra</td> <td>2.9</td> <td>2000</td> <td>33</td> <td>8-1000 10-800</td> <td>12-800 16-550</td> <td>622 (689)</td> <td>Hi 140 (155) Lo 60 (65)</td> <td>48</td> <td>Hi 170 Lo 70</td> <td></td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 1.635,00 €
rating 0 recensione

EVEROL DOPPIA VELOCITA' 20/0 - Unlimited Lbs

<p><span>I migliori pescatori al mondo utilizzano mulinelli Made in Italy e nello specifico gli Everol. Everol è la prima azienda a livello mondiale ad aver prodotto modelli con frizione a leva. Nel libro di Ken Fraser (record del mondo sul tonno rosso) i mulinelli Everol sono in bella mostra (vedi filmato). Gli Everol sono vere e proprie macchine da combattimento, dalla robustezza senza pari, facili da smontare e da rimontare perché sviluppati su meccaniche semplici ed efficienti. Sono mulinelli belli ed affidabili, vengono utilizzati in tutto il mondo nelle condizioni climatiche più avverse e non danno mai problemi. Però, come spesso accade: "Nessuno è profeta nella propria patria", ed ecco che il meglio dell'artigianato e della tecnologia italiana finisce in mani straniere mentre noi italiani compriamo prodotti esteri, spesso delle cinesate. </span></p> <p><span>Il modello Everol a doppia velocità è dotato di cambio di velocità con ingranaggi di acciaio inox, 7 cuscinetti in acciaio inox a doppia schermatura e due boccole autolubrificanti. Il cambio è di tipo ad ingranaggi sempre in presa con innesti frontali e scatola cambio separata dal resto del mulinello. Everol TWO SPEED è maneggevole, sicuro, senza punti di folle. Il sistema di cambio è montato su supporti elastici che consentono il passaggio da un rapporto di recupero lento (1:1,6) ad uno più veloce (1:3) semplicemente premendo un pulsante di ampia superficie e spostando la leva di recupero. Il tutto in una frazione di secondo anche nelle situazioni più critiche.</span></p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col width="73" /><col width="133" /><col width="94" /><col width="78" /></colgroup><tbody><tr><td class="xl63" style="text-align:center;" width="73" height="20"><strong>Size</strong></td> <td class="xl64" style="text-align:center;" width="133"><strong>Line capacity (Yards)</strong></td> <td class="xl64" style="text-align:center;" width="94"><strong>Ratios</strong></td> <td class="xl65" style="text-align:center;" width="78"><strong>Weight (Kg)</strong></td> </tr><tr><td class="xl67" style="text-align:center;" height="19">2.5/0</td> <td class="xl68" style="text-align:center;">1100/12 700/20</td> <td class="xl68" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3,7</td> <td class="xl69" style="text-align:center;">1,6</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">4/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">800/20 650/30</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3,7</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">1,65</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">6/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/30 650/50</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">2,15</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">6/0W</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1100/50 620/80</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">2,3</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">9/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">700/80 500/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">3,6</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">9/0W</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">900/80 650/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">3,9</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">12/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/80 700/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">4,2</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl70" style="text-align:center;" height="19">14/0</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1000/130</td> <td class="xl66" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl71" style="text-align:center;">4,8</td> </tr><tr><td class="xl72" style="text-align:center;" height="20">18/0</td> <td class="xl73" style="text-align:center;">1350/130</td> <td class="xl73" style="text-align:center;">1:1,6 - 1:3</td> <td class="xl74" style="text-align:center;">5</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p>Il quadrante indica la potenza della frizione (espressa in libbre) rispetto alle varieposizioni della leva. Le tre scale concentriche fanno riferimento alla condizione di bobina piena (scala esterna), bobina con meta carica di lenza (scala centrale), bobina con lenza in prossimità del nocciolo (scala interna) come indicato dalle tre tacche sul fianco sinistro della bobina. Usando l'arresto della leva è possibile limitarne la corsa ad una posizione precisa. E' possibile spostare rapidamente durante la pesca, l'arresto della leva per avere un carico maggiore. Sulla parte sinistra del mulinello è posto il selettore di allarme. Ruotandolo in senso antiorario si inserisce l'allarme, in senso orario si disinserisce. Nei doppia velocità, il pulsante consente all'asse del cambio di ingranare una delle due ruote dentate. Premendolo e spostando la leva di recupero all‘interno si ottiene un recupero lento, verso l‘esterno un recupero veloce. L‘operazione può essere effettuata in qualsiasi condizione perché il sistema e senza punti folle. Inoltre il meccanismo di cambio e montato su supporti elastici che consentono di inserire una qualsiasi delle due velocità con estrema precisione. Gli Ingranaggi sono di tipo sempre in presa, costituendo così un sistema di piena affidabilità.</p> <p></p> <p><iframe width="425" height="350" style="line-height:1.5em;" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <p><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 1.655,00 €
rating 0 recensione