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Spinning Casting


Spinning Casting

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<p></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Lungh.</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Manico</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Esche</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>EX-C510ML</td> <td>5'10"</td> <td>Med.Light</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>390mm</td> <td>~3 PE</td> <td>146gr</td> <td>~45gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-C65LH</td> <td>6'5"</td> <td>Lt.Heavy</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>450mm</td> <td>~8 PE</td> <td>200gr</td> <td>~85gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-C68M/2</td> <td>6'8"</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>425mm</td> <td>~3 PE</td> <td>142gr</td> <td>~45g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-C68MH/2</td> <td>6'8''</td> <td>Medium Heavy</td> <td>Mod.Fast</td> <td>425mm</td> <td>PE 1,5-4</td> <td>160gr</td> <td>~80gr</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-C67TH/2</td> <td>6'7''</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>445mm</td> <td>PE 2-5</td> <td>168gr</td> <td>~70g</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EX-C77LH/2</td> <td>7'7''</td> <td>Light Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>570mm</td> <td>PE 3-6</td> <td>208 gr</td> <td>~180gr</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p>La serie K.O.Z Expedition è stata ideata da Smith Ltd in collaborazione con il noto pescatore Giapponese Kozo Okubo, sodalizio che da anni produce serie di canne diventate famosissime per qualità e design.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6912 size-large" src="" alt="" width="1024" height="421" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Già dal nome lascia intendere l’indirizzo per cui è nata, è una serie di 4 canne 2 da spinning e 2 da casting concepite per poter fronteggiare molteplici utilizzi in particolare durante viaggi, spedizioni e battute di pesca in cui bisogna limitare l’attrezzatura ai minimi termini.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="size-medium wp-image-109 alignleft" src="" alt="koz-expedition-c65lh-smith-casting" width="300" height="215" /></a></p> <p>Le K.O.Z Expedition sono in grado di coprire le più svariate tecniche spinning e di garantire potenza e solidità durante i combattimenti con i grossi predatori. Le azioni di questa serie di canne permettono una grande pescabilità e grazie ad un’azione più dolce abbinata ad una grande potenza del blank sfiancare un grosso pesce diventà molto più semplice. L’anellatura dell’intera serie è Fuji Sic Titanium e la componentistica e le resine che compongono il Blank sono di prim’ordine, del resto come tutta la produzione Smith.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6907 size-full" src="" alt="" width="1000" height="62" /></a></p> <p><b><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><b><span style="text-decoration:underline;">KOZ EX-C510ML</span></b></span></b></p> <p>La K.O.Z EX-C510ML è una canna da casting lunga 5.10″ con un casting weight di 45 grammi circa. Possiede un’azione molto rapida che permette lanci precisissimi grazie anche alla sua impugnatura ed alla misura ridotta, Ideale per pescare dalla barca nei casi in cui servono presentazioni corte, precise. L’azione la rende ideale per l’utilizzo di hardjerkbait, spinnerbait e anche softbait.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-6906 size-full" src="" alt="" width="1000" height="70" /></a></p> <p><b><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><b><span style="text-decoration:underline;">KOZ EX-C65LH</span></b></span></b></p> <p>La K.O.Z EX-C65LH è una canna da casting lunga 6.5″ con un casting weight di 85 grammi circa. Questo attrezzo ha delle caratteristiche che la rendono una canna con un range d’azione incredibile. La potenza del grezzo ne permette la pesca dei grandi predatori, non teme catture di mole e la struttura del carbonio, è fatta per sfiancare le prede durante il combattimento. E’ perfetta per pescare in barca e non con esche voluminose, e si comporta egregiamente anche con artificiali di peso contenuto. Una canna ideale, per grossi lucci, bass, siluri, e pesci di mole.</p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 555,00 €


<p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Lungh.</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Manico</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Peso</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>III/69H</td> <td>6'9"</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>548mm</td> <td>8~10PE</td> <td>225gr</td> </tr><tr><td>III/77SH</td> <td>7'7"</td> <td>Super Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>635mm</td> <td>8~12PE</td> <td>257gr</td> </tr><tr><td>III/80SH</td> <td>8'0"</td> <td>Super Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>635mm</td> <td>8~12PE</td> <td>269gr</td> </tr><tr><td>III/72XH</td> <td>7'2"</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>593mm</td> <td>8~12PE</td> <td>267g</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p>Questa nuova serie utilizza grezzi con fasce di carbonio 24t 30t abbinate in quattro direzioni diverse. Questa soluzione permette di avere grandi vantaggi, potenza e rigidità, leggerezza e potenza anche in condizioni di piega normalmente sfavorevoli. La capacità di torsione di questo materiale multiaxiale è straordinaria, in Smith sono riusciti nell’impresa di migliorare un prodotto già eccellente. La serie completa è composta da quattro canne, montate con robustissimi anelli Fuji in nitruro di silicio ed accessoriate con  l’inconfondibile manico in eva splittato camouflage di altissima qualità. La placca porta mulinello Fuji  utilizza il nuovo sistema di doppio dado LOGR basato su TCS18.</p> <p> </p> <div id="gallery-2" class="gallery galleryid-7598 gallery-columns-4 gallery-size-large"><dl class="gallery-item"><dt class="gallery-icon landscape"></dt></dl></div> <p> </p> <p><strong>MH-KOZⅢ/69H</strong></p> <p>La Magnum Husky MHKOZ69H è una canna da casting lunga 6.9″ potentissima dal peso di soli 225g. È la più corta della serie, quindi adatta ad essere utilizzata dalla barca e per tutte le tecniche dove si vuole lanciare in modo molto preciso l’esca. La riserva di potenza rimane comunque elevatissima, si ha in mano un’attrezzo in grado di combattere pesci dalle dimensioni extra large. Perfetta per pescare il luccio con grossi shad, jerk, spinnerbai e swimbait, è la canna ideale per chi ama un’attrezzo non lunghissimo ma di grande sostanza.</p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7635" src="" alt="" width="1050" height="39" /></p> <p><strong>MH-KOZⅢ/72XH</strong></p> <p>La MHKOZ72XH è la più potente della serie, una canna mostruosamente potente. Adatta per chi necessita di un’attrezzo in grado di garantire una pronta risposta durante i combattimenti con grossi siluri o grossi lucci. La proprietà di resistenza alla torsione di questo grezzo, consente alla canna di sollevare dal fondo, o di estrarre dalle cover le nostre prede. Lunga 7.2″ ha un peso di 267g. che se viene paragonato alla potenza dell’attrezzo ha dell’incredibile! Ottime per le tecnice in cui bisogna conficcare in ferrata l’amo nelle fauci delle nostre prede giganti.</p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7632" src="" alt="" width="1200" height="46" /></p> <p><strong>MH-KOZⅢ/77SH</strong></p> <p>La MHKOZ77SH è la canna ideale per chi vuole insidiare il luccio con un attrezzo che sia nello stesso tempo, leggero, potente e dalle gradi qualità tecniche al suo interno. h an’azione meno estrema della 7.2″, garantisce lanci a grande distanza ed una risposta pronta in fase di ferrata. Le tecniche consigliate sono la pesca con jerk, spinnerbai, bucktail, gomma e swimbait. Pesa solamente 257g., praticamente si lancia tutta la giornata senza sentire la minima fatica, un gioiello!</p> <p><img class="aligncenter wp-image-7634" src="" alt="" width="1150" height="40" /></p> <p><strong>MH-KOZⅢ/80SH </strong></p> <p>La MHKOZ80SH è la più lunga della serie, ed è la canna ideale per chi utilizza la 8.0″. Il peso di soli 269g. ne permette l’utilizzo per svariate ore senza affaticare il polso. Notevoli le distanze che si possono raggiungere con quest’attrezzo perfetto per pescare con grosse swimbait. La pesca al luccio negli ultimi anni ha preso la direzione verso attrezzi sempre più leggeri e potenti, questa canna è l’emblema di questo concetto. La rigidità torsionale di questo grezzo accompagna le fughe del pesce durante il combattimento, diminuendo drasticamente le slamature.</p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7633" src="" alt="" width="1200" height="38" /></p> <p><br /><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 589,00 €


<p>Bassista Jerk Stiff, lightweight jerk rods, made of Japanese high-performance carbon, with a fast and hard rod tip. Perfect for the controlled, speeded-up retrieve of small and large jerk baits. The stiff backbone provides sufficient power to get the better of the biggest pike. Components include FUJI F-type KW guides, FUJI ACS-17 baitcast reel seats and durable Duplon handles.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modell</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pcs.</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Rod weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>2725198</td><td>SPORTEX BASSISTA JERK CAST</td><td>BS1905</td><td>155195</td><td>1,90 metri</td><td>6,2</td><td>2</td><td>154</td><td>100 gr</td><td>191</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>2725202</td><td>SPORTEX BASSISTA JERK CAST</td><td>BS2006</td><td>155206</td><td>2,05 metri</td><td>6,5</td><td>2</td><td>170</td><td>120 gr</td><td>209</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 245,00 €
rating 0 recensione
BONE Black River BONE Black River

BONE Black River

<p>The Black River series was originally designed for the tightest and narrowest rivers which hold monster fish. The shorter lengths ranging from 6" to 6'6" enables the angler to make the most accurate of casts, and the medium fast action provides the versatility of casting both lighter and heaveir lures. The rod has a slightly softer backbone which allows for downsized lures, cross axis 'TORAY' blank wrapping with a medium fast action, FUJI K-Alconite Guides, and FUJI ACS Reel Seats.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Action</td> <td>Peso</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BRC60H</td> <td>BONE Black River</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6’0"</td> <td>PE 1-2</td> <td>5-35g</td> <td>MEDIUM FAST</td> <td>123g</td> </tr><tr><td>BRC62XH</td> <td>BONE Black River</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6’2"</td> <td>PE 1.5-3</td> <td>8-50g</td> <td>MEDIUM FAST</td> <td>126g</td> </tr><tr><td>BRC65XXH</td> <td>BONE Black River</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6'5"</td> <td>PE 2-4</td> <td>10-65g</td> <td>MEDIUM FAST</td> <td>139g</td> </tr><tr><td>BRC701XH</td> <td>BONE Black River</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>7’0’’</td> <td>PE 1.5-3</td> <td>14-70g</td> <td>MEDIUM FAST</td> <td>172g</td> </tr><tr><td>BRS701XH</td> <td>BONE Black River</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>1</td> <td>7’0’’</td> <td>PE 1.5-3</td> <td>14-70g</td> <td>MEDIUM FAST</td> <td>166g</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 285,00 €
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BONE Combat Beast BONE Combat Beast

BONE Combat Beast

<p>The Combat Beast series was specifically designed to take on giant finned beasts with ease. With the extra fast action blank and 4-axis cross 'TORAY' carbon wrapping, it maintains its super stiff backbone and prevents blank twists. Fitted with FUJI K-SIC Guides and FUJI ECS Reel Seats for optimum sensitivity.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Action</td> <td>Peso</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>CBB731H</td> <td>BONE Combat Beast</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>7'31</td> <td>PE1,5-2</td> <td>45gr Max</td> <td>Extra fast</td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>CBB631XH</td> <td>BONE Combat Beast</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6’3’’</td> <td>PE1.5-3</td> <td>70gr Max</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>157g</td> </tr><tr><td>CBB661XXH</td> <td>BONE Combat Beast</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6’6’’</td> <td>PE2-4</td> <td>100g Max</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>171g</td> </tr><tr><td>CBB664RXH</td> <td>BONE Combat Beast</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>4</td> <td>6’6’’</td> <td>PE1-4</td> <td>70gr Max</td> <td>Regular Baitcast</td> <td>181g</td> </tr><tr><td>CBB681XXXH</td> <td>BONE Combat Beast</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>1</td> <td>6’8’’</td> <td>PE3-6</td> <td>140g Max</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>181g</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 445,00 €
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Smith Be Sticky Trout Smith Be Sticky Trout

Smith Be Sticky Trout

<p>Be Sticky Trout Hiro Motoyama Model Mountain stream bait finesse exclusive model advocated by Hiroyuki Motoyama Mountain stream bait finesse style advocated by Hiroyuki Motoyama. In addition to the reel that is the core of the style, the BST (Be Sticky Trout) bait finesse model is a rod dedicated to mountain stream bait finesse that Hiroyuki Motoyama felt the need and created in pursuit of the ideal. We pursued the ability to cast lightweight lures such as spinners without feeling uncomfortable or fear of trouble. We also sought the ideal action to comfortably operate even the heavy sinking minnows that are often used in recent years. Spec list BST-HM is 2 pieces, BST-EXS is irregular 3 pieces Blank is made of carbon, unsanded finish Guide: All models are equipped with Fuji titanium frame SIC guide. Small caliber original setting What is mountain stream bait finesse? With the establishment of the bait finesse style that originated in bass fishing, the dedicated bait reel has evolved dramatically. We have obtained the ability to cast lightweight lures without trouble, which was not possible with conventional bait reels, and the retrieve speed comparable to spinning reels due to the high gear. Dramatic improvement in accuracy performance enabled by bait tackle. It enables an approach that accurately shoots pinpoints under fallen trees at the reeds, which was difficult with spinning tackles. And an ultra-low trajectory cast that can only be achieved with bait tackle. This realizes a soft presentation that is not wary of even vigilant gorgeous fish. Furthermore, compared to spinning tackles, it has improved rework by more than 30%. Naturally, as a result, it also leads to fishing results. "Mountain bait finesse" that dramatically evolves the style of mountain stream lure fishing. Not to mention those who aim to evolve their own mountain stream lure fishing, those who have been frustrated by bait reels and anglers who have not yet used bait tackles should also get it. Characteristic The action BST series, which pursues usability in mountain stream bait finesse, is a UL power moderate taper. A tip section where you can feel the weight of the lure even a little when casting a lightweight lure. In addition, the release point at the time of casting can be easily grasped, and the twitch of the sinking minnow is finished in a tapered design that can be done lightly without stress. In the high-visible color thread &amp; site top bait tackle, which also has visibility as a weapon, the release point at the time of casting is located behind the spinning tackle, making it difficult for the angler to see. Especially if it becomes a dim mountain stream where the light is blocked by trees. Therefore, by adopting High Visible Color Thread Site Top, threads with high visibility gradually come into view, making it easy for beginners to grasp the timing of the cast. The site top, which uses a highly visible blank color, promotes more accurate rod work by visually confirming that the tip is reciprocating regularly without violence during twitching. The site top has the effect of correcting blurring and habits of rod operation.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Codice</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Casting Weight</td> <td>Line</td> <td>Tipo</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Lung. Impugnatura</td> <td>Ingombro</td> <td>Materiale del Grezzo</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Smith Be Sticky Trout Hiro Motoyama</td> <td>BST- HM45UL / C</td> <td>1,4 metri</td> <td>73g</td> <td>1-7g</td> <td>2-6lb.</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>248mm</td> <td>57.5cm</td> <td>30t + 24t Graphite</td> </tr><tr><td>Smith Be Sticky Trout Hiro Motoyama</td> <td>BST- HM53UL / C</td> <td>1,60 metri</td> <td>78g</td> <td>1-7g</td> <td>2-6lb.</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>238mm</td> <td>82.5cm</td> <td>30t + 24t Graphite</td> </tr><tr><td>Smith Be Sticky Trout Hiro Motoyama</td> <td>BST- HM55UL / C</td> <td>1,65 metri</td> <td>80g</td> <td>1-7g</td> <td>2-6lb.</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>248mm</td> <td>85cm</td> <td>30t + 24t Graphite</td> </tr><tr><td>Smith Be Sticky Trout Hiro Motoyama</td> <td>BST- HM57UL / C</td> <td>1,70 metri</td> <td>82g</td> <td>1-7g</td> <td>2-6lb.</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>258mm</td> <td>87.5cm</td> <td>30t + 24t Graphite</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 499,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Valley Hill Raison Odessa Valley Hill Raison Odessa
  • -30%

Valley Hill Raison Odessa

<p>Valley Hill Raison Odessa is a Made in Japan rod If a rod with excellent total balance is called Raison Jaburo , Raison Odessa will further refine sensitivity which is one factor required for rod performance by changing the balance ratio. It is a series. Of course, in rod development, adding a large ratio change to a well-balanced rod has the potential to cause an extreme imbalance if one step is mistaken. Therefore, by repeating the field test and verifying it, we derived an exquisite ratio change that leads to sensitivity UP . As a result, we succeeded in significantly improving the sensitivity while achieving operability, casting performance, and landing performance comparable to Jaburo . Please experience Odessa of Sensitivity which is another form created to capture Lake Biwa. ROC-66MMH This model features a tapered design that can be used not only for fast-moving lures such as spinner baits, but also for light Texas rigs. The tip section that follows when operating the lure is also ideal for minnow jerking. ROC-67MMM This model features butt power that allows you to easily land in the 60 class while maintaining the performance as a bait finesse rod. Also, by adopting a regular first taper instead of an extreme first taper, it is possible to correspond to various rigs. ROC-69H It is an all-round model that can be used for all middleweight lures. It supports not only fast moving lures such as spinner baits, deep cranks and vibrations, but also Texas rigs. It is a rod that can maximize the effectiveness of sensitivity. ROC-70H This is a model exclusively for fast moving lures that uses medium elastic carbon as the main material. By realizing high sensitivity while emphasizing the goodness of the glue, it is possible to capture both the soft touch to the weed and the inhalation of the following bass. ROS-67ML A versatile spinning model that has both operability and casting performance. It can handle not only jig head rigs but also minnows of about 9 cm. The overall tension action also allows for quick operation of the shad plug</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Code</td> <td>Length (ft)</td> <td>Sections (pcs)</td> <td>Closed (cm)</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>top dia (mm)</td> <td>butt dia (mm)</td> <td>lure weight (gr)</td> <td>line weight (lb)</td> <td>power</td> <td>Montaggio</td> <td>carbon(%)</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Raison Odessa</td> <td>ROC-66MMH</td> <td>6'6 ”</td> <td>1</td> <td>198</td> <td>123</td> <td>1.9</td> <td>10.9</td> <td>7 – 18 gr</td> <td>6-16</td> <td>MH</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>83</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Raison Odessa</td> <td>ROC-67MMM</td> <td>6'7 ”</td> <td>1</td> <td>201</td> <td>118</td> <td>1.9</td> <td>10.6</td> <td>2 – 18 gr</td> <td>5-14</td> <td>M</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>82</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Raison Odessa</td> <td>ROC-69H</td> <td>6'9 ”</td> <td>1</td> <td>206</td> <td>134</td> <td>2.0</td> <td>11.9</td> <td>10 - 28 gr</td> <td>10-25</td> <td>H</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>84</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Raison Odessa</td> <td>ROC-70H</td> <td>7'0 ”</td> <td>1</td> <td>213</td> <td>140</td> <td>2.2</td> <td>12.3</td> <td>7 – 18 gr</td> <td>10-25</td> <td>H</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>84</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Raison Odessa</td> <td>ROS-67ML</td> <td>6'7 ”</td> <td>1</td> <td>201</td> <td>100</td> <td>1.8</td> <td>9.0</td> <td>3 – 14 gr</td> <td>4-12</td> <td>ML</td> <td>SPINNING</td> <td>91</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 238,84 € -30% Prezzo base 341,20 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>LUCKY JOHN ROD BLACK SENSE BBS CASTING canne casting sviluppate per la pesca in acque interne di grossi predatori realizzate con carbonio alto modulo Toray. Azione extra fast, ottitmo rapporto qualitprezzo</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lunghezza ft/m</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Classe</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Casting Weight</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Ingombro</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Lucky John BLACK SENSE BBS CAST</td> <td>LJBSBBS-802XHEFC</td> <td>8,0/2,44</td> <td>235</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>25-110 gr</td> <td>2</td> <td>126</td> </tr><tr><td>Lucky John BLACK SENSE BBS CAST</td> <td>LJBSBBS-842XHEFC</td> <td>8,4/2,54</td> <td>275</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>35-150 gr</td> <td>2</td> <td>132</td> </tr><tr><td>Lucky John BLACK SENSE BBS CAST</td> <td>LJBSBBS-862XHEFC</td> <td>8,6/2,59</td> <td>310</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>Extra Fast</td> <td>45-220 gr</td> <td>2</td> <td>134</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 152,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>SPORTEX Black Arrow G-3 Hits the bullseye every time. Enormous speed, precise long casts and immense power – this innovative spinning rod with its unique carbon blank leaves nothing to be desired when you’re hunting for large pike, zander and perch. And it looks great too. The fully upgraded Black Arrow rod series makes a real impression with its pure elegance. Thanks to the use of our high-tech T800 Carbon blank, with special epoxy resin and nano-materials, we have been able to improve speed and sensitivity even further in comparison with its predecessor. What’s more, the handle has been reinforced with the help of innovative 4X Cross technology. This gives the new Black Arrow enormous power when the fish is being played, and brings even hard-fighting specimens well under control. The increased reset capacity of the blank allows for long casts with absolute precision, and without major effort. In addition to the already famous spin and ultralight models, there are now two Musky Baitcast models available. These have been developed especially for the needs of modern musky and pike fishing using large lures. Thanks to the powerful backbone, even big heavy lures such as Bull Dawgs can be cast for hour after hour. The two new street fishing models are intended for use in urban settings, such as harbours, canals, narrow rivers and so on, where there is no room for compromise. For better handling they come with a telescopic, adjustable rear handle. The special Uptide models allow for continuous action with uninterrupted power transfer when playing the fish. It’s the perfect rod for modern finesse techniques when going after trout, perch and similar species.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Metri</td><td>Model</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>146254</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK ARROW G3 BAIT BA2434 CM.240 GR. 80 CASTING</td><td> BA2434 </td><td>2,40 metri</td><td>2</td><td>124</td><td>80 gr</td><td>21 - 95</td><td>191</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>146255</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK ARROW G3 BAIT BA2435 CM.255 GR.100 CASTING</td><td> BA2435 </td><td>2,55 metri</td><td>2</td><td>132</td><td>100 gr</td><td>63 - 119</td><td>203</td><td>9</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 265,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>SPORTEX Black Arrow G-3 Hits the bullseye every time. Enormous speed, precise long casts and immense power – this innovative spinning rod with its unique carbon blank leaves nothing to be desired when you’re hunting for large pike, zander and perch. And it looks great too. The fully upgraded Black Arrow rod series makes a real impression with its pure elegance. Thanks to the use of our high-tech T800 Carbon blank, with special epoxy resin and nano-materials, we have been able to improve speed and sensitivity even further in comparison with its predecessor. What’s more, the handle has been reinforced with the help of innovative 4X Cross technology. This gives the new Black Arrow enormous power when the fish is being played, and brings even hard-fighting specimens well under control. The increased reset capacity of the blank allows for long casts with absolute precision, and without major effort. In addition to the already famous spin and ultralight models, there are now two Musky Baitcast models available. These have been developed especially for the needs of modern musky and pike fishing using large lures. Thanks to the powerful backbone, even big heavy lures such as Bull Dawgs can be cast for hour after hour. The two new street fishing models are intended for use in urban settings, such as harbours, canals, narrow rivers and so on, where there is no room for compromise. For better handling they come with a telescopic, adjustable rear handle. The special Uptide models allow for continuous action with uninterrupted power transfer when playing the fish. It’s the perfect rod for modern finesse techniques when going after trout, perch and similar species.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Metri</td><td>Model</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>146238</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK ARROW G3 MUSKY BA2308 CM.230 GR.220 CASTING</td><td> BA2308 </td><td>2,30 metri</td><td>2</td><td>177</td><td>220 gr</td><td>160 - 269</td><td>237</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>146259</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK ARROW G3 MUSKY BA2509 CM.255 GR.260 CASTING</td><td> BA2509 </td><td>2,55 metri</td><td>2</td><td>199</td><td>260 gr</td><td>200 - 309</td><td>283</td><td>9</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 276,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>PORTEX MAGNIFIC FINESSE Enormous power and resilience! Very light and, above all, very sensitive rods for the widest range of finesse techniques. To make them we use our very latest Helicore blank, with T1100 carbon fibres and special epoxy resin (with the very latest in modern nano-materials). The action of the sensitive tip allows for very fine lines to be used, without any risk of snapping on a strike. The fish can take the bait without any noticeable resistance, which means they suspect nothing. The butt section comes with extra reinforcement in the shape of 4X-Cross technology, which gives the rods enormous power and resilience. The fittings of the Magnific Finesse are pretty spectacular too: FUJI SIC guides, FUJI VSS or ACS reel seats (Baitcast), the very latest D-Style hook keepers from Seaguide, and handles of high quality Duplon material.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td><td>Metri</td><td>Model</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>155202</td><td>SPORTEX MAGNIFIC FINESSE MG1912 CM.195 GR.9-28 M CASTING</td><td> MG1912 Baitcast </td><td>1,95 metri</td><td>2</td><td>102</td><td>9 - 28 gr</td><td>-</td><td>117</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>155211</td><td>SPORTEX MAGNIFIC FINESSE MG2111 CM.215 GR.3-15 ML CASTING</td><td> MG2111 Baitcast </td><td>2,15 metri</td><td>2</td><td>111</td><td>3 - 15 gr</td><td>-</td><td>112</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 349,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p><span style="color:#3e3e3e;font-family:Roboto, sans-serif;font-size:14px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;">Tailwalk – Fullrange C75XXH fa parte della splendida serie di canne dedicate al bass fishing e al pike fishing che questo brand giapponese ha creato oltre che usate e amate da Luca Quintavalla. Come sempre, anche questa canna risponde a un’esigenza specifica ma con la versatilità che contraddistingue tutte le Fullrange. Nello specifico la Fullrange C75XXH è la canna ideale per chi ama il gioco pesante! Stiamo parlando di una vera canna da big bait in grado di lanciare e manovrare in modo eccellente grosse swim o Alabama rig fino a 5oz. Gli sviluppatori hanno lavorato molto per riuscire a mescolare una grande potenza con una notevole sensibilità in modo da percepire alla perfezione il nuoto dell’artificiale o le mangiate meno aggressive. La Fullrange C75XXH, lunga 229cm è realizzata in 2 pezzi offset con un ingombro di 190cm e un peso di 175g. Può gestire pesi da 3/8ozfino a 5.5oz con una classe di potenza da 12lb a 30lb. Monta anelli doppio ponte fuji alconite.</span></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Length</td> <td>Piece</td> <td>Closed Length (cm)</td> <td>Rod Weight (g)</td> <td>Lure Weight (g)</td> <td>Line Weight (PE)</td> <td>L1 (mm)</td> <td>L2 (mm)</td> <td>Grip Type</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>14753</td> <td>TAILWALK FULLRANGE</td> <td>C75XXH</td> <td>7ft5in</td> <td>2(B)</td> <td>190</td> <td>175</td> <td>3/8-5.5</td> <td>12-30</td> <td>415</td> <td>290</td> <td>CASTING</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="rod_left"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup width="189"></colgroup> <colgroup width="110"></colgroup> <colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="153"></colgroup> <colgroup width="139"></colgroup> <colgroup width="138"></colgroup> <colgroup width="129"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">MODEL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LENGTH(</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">PIECE</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LURE WEIGHT(oz)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LINE WEIGHT(lb)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">ROD WEIGHT(g)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">CODE</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">S70L</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.3inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="bottom"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/16-1/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">2-8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">95g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">028003</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">S63ML</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.3inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/16-3/8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3-8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">90g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">014757</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">S67M</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.7inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/16-3/8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">4-10</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">90g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">021349</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">S73MH US TOUR MODEL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.3inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">10-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">115g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="bottom"><span style="font-family:Arial;">*032862</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>・RIGHT MATERIAL in THE RIGHT ITEMS<br />・HIGH VERSATILE ABILITY on EACH ITEM<br />・SYNTHETIC CAPABILITY on FULLRANGE SERIES<br />・TOUGHNESS and POWERFUL against BIG-BASS FIGHTING<br />・LIGHTWEIGHT for EASY CASTING and GOOD HANDLING on FULL-DAY USING<br />・COMFORT ROD BALANCE and GOOD HANDLING GRIP LENGTH.<br />・SUITABLE GUIDE SETTING for FISHING METHOD of EACH ITEM.<br />・FUJI SiC guides are attached on all items </p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="800" height="892" /></p> <p></p> </div>
Prezzo 255,00 €


<p>Bassista Vertical The Japanese high-performance carbon blank with X4-Cross technology and superb sensitivity allows for optimum bait delivery and direct bite recognition when vertical fishing.The powerful spine allows for rapid, direct striking and makes it hard for the fish to escape the hook. Components include FUJI F-type KW guides, FUJI ACS-16 baitcast reel seats and durable Duplon handles.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Modell</td> <td>Art.-No.</td> <td>Length cm</td> <td>Length ft</td> <td>Pcs.</td> <td>Transp. length cm</td> <td>Cast gr.</td> <td>Rod weight gr.</td> <td>Guides</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>2725170</td> <td>SPORTEX BASSISTA VERTICAL CAST</td> <td>BS1902</td> <td>155192</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td>6,2</td> <td>2</td> <td>101</td> <td>40 gr</td> <td>137</td> <td>12</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 256,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Hart 25S BCAST 71H Hart 25S BCAST 71H

Hart 25S BCAST 71H

<p>Extra fast action rod, built for the most demanding anglers. Powerful, with a highly sensitive and pronounced tip action. As well as being perfect for jig fishing, thanks to its exquisite blank, it can equally be used to fish with Texas and Krank rigs. Mounted with FUJI K SIC guides, offering special protection for braided lines. FUJI PULS reel seat for improved hand stability, allowing you to place four fingers under the trigger for increased feel on the blank and improved bite detection. Featuring a BACK STOP™ mechanism for the lock nut. Padded mesh rod bag.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Azione</td><td>Casting</td><td>Peso canna</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DH25SBC71</td><td>Hart 25S Bcast 71C - 7´1´´- 2.15M/ 1Sec</td><td>7´1´´ - 2.15 m</td><td>1</td><td>Extra-Fast</td><td>14/38g</td><td>139</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 332,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>C70M A sweet rod, yet with sufficient power reserve to fight even the largest bass. Ultra-precise casting and ideal for rapid explorations with medium sized spinners and minnows. Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI SKELETON casting reel seat with carbon clamp. Padded mesh rod bag. C70MH Extremely versatile casting rod for those anglers who appreciate quality yet with no complications. Fast regular action, sensitive yet powerful, ideal for jigs, spinners, Texas rigs and small cranks. Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI SKELETON casting reel seat with carbon clamp. Padded mesh rod bag. C72H Single section casting rod, specially designed for handling jigs. Its extra fast tip action and great power reserve will allow you to handle ½ and ¾ oz. jigs just how you like, feeling safe even with heavy 1 ½ or 2 oz. jigs. It’s also perfect for fishing with Texas rigs and scraping the bottom with large, soft swimbaits in search of the big fish. Blank made from 40 Tn high modulus carbon. Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI SKELETON reel seat with custom carbon insert. Padded mesh rod bag. C75XH A powerful rod with a marked tip action, allowing you to easily cast jigs of up to 3 ounces. Perfect for enticing large pike with swim baits. Ideal for Big Baits and Deep Cranks. Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI SKELETON casting reel seat with carbon clamp.Padded mesh rod bag</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Azione</td><td>Casting</td><td>Peso canna</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>DHBCC70M</td><td>HART BOUSHIDO CARNA C70M - 2.13m</td><td>7´0´´ - 2.13m</td><td>1</td><td>M</td><td>7-18g</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>DHBCC70MH</td><td>HART BOUSHIDO CARNA C70MH - 2.13m</td><td>7´0´´ - 2.13m</td><td>1</td><td>MH</td><td>10-35g</td><td>125</td></tr><tr><td>DHBCC72H</td><td>Hart BOUSHIDO CARNA C72H SJ-2.18m</td><td>7´2´´ - 2.18m</td><td>1</td><td>H</td><td>11/52g</td><td>138</td></tr><tr><td>DHBCC75XH</td><td>HART BOUSHIDO CARNA C75XH - 2.26m</td><td>7´5´´ - 2.26m</td><td>1</td><td>XH</td><td>14-56g</td><td>158</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 153,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Smith Troutin Spin Dagger... Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream

Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream

<p>Smith Troutin Spin Dagger Stream Modello telescopico per un piccolo ingombro e una grande manovrabilità. Da maggio 2020 è stata rilasciata Smith Troutin’ Spin Dagger Stream</p>
Prezzo 445,00 €
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Valley Hill Buzztrics RB... Valley Hill Buzztrics RB Packer
  • -30%

Valley Hill Buzztrics RB Packer

<p>Made in Japan Travel Rods. An authentic multi-piece rod that goes beyond pack rods. Developed with the concept of more familiar and casual bass fishing . With the packer in one hand and the lure stretched out, the casualness that allows you to take that step without hesitation at the moment you think of it, and the smartness of the multi-piece are brought to the fore, and the same materials as the conventional model are adopted. This enables sharper action. The KR concept is adopted for the guide, and the design based on red creates a playfulness. It is a finish that you can fully enjoy the multi-piece rod. From 2018, we will release new bait models of MH and H power in response to many requests from everyone. While inheriting the sharp action from the past, we have adopted newly developed blanks that emphasize stickiness and torque that can be used for overseas fish. BTKC-68MHP It is a medium heavy power bait model with 4 piece specifications that strengthens the tension of the entire blanks and has the power to handle all fast moving lures with strong pulling resistance. Achieves a smooth bend that does not make you feel a pack rod, and even when you hang a fish, the entire rod floats while catching the pull. BTKC-611HP It is a heavy power bait model with 4 pieces that can be used not only for heavy fast moving lures but also for bottom lures such as rubber jigs and Texas rigs. The powerful and sticky versatile action is recommended not only as a sub rod when fishing, but also as a rod used for overseas fishing. BTKS-66MLP A 4-piece almighty spinning model with a standard length that supports all light rigs. With this one, you can use not only light rigs in general but also small plugs. It is also highly portable and convenient to carry, so it is also recommended for those who want to enjoy smart bass fishing with a single rod. * Fuji stainless steel frame SiC guide (KR concept) is used for all models. * AAA grade cork and EVA are used for the grip. * ACS seat (bait) and VSS seat (spinning) are used for the reel seat. (Black rubber paint) * Additional models 68MHP and 611HP are matte black paint * New Stainless steel original plate is installed. * With a special rod case.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Code</td> <td>Length (ft)</td> <td>Sections (pcs)</td> <td>Closed (cm)</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>top dia (mm)</td> <td>butt dia (mm)</td> <td>lure weight (gr)</td> <td>line weight (lb)</td> <td>power</td> <td>taper</td> <td>carbon(%)</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Buzztrics RB Packer CASTING</td> <td>BTKC-68MHP</td> <td>6'8 ”</td> <td>Four</td> <td>55</td> <td>141</td> <td>1.8</td> <td>9.5</td> <td>7 – 21 gr</td> <td>8-20</td> <td>MH</td> <td>RF</td> <td>95</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Valley Hill Buzztrics RB Packer CASTING</p> </td> <td>BTKC-611HP</td> <td>6'11 ”</td> <td>Four</td> <td>57</td> <td>153</td> <td>1.9</td> <td>9.8</td> <td>7 - 28 gr</td> <td>10-20</td> <td>M</td> <td>RF</td> <td>95</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Valley Hill Buzztrics RB Packer SPINNING</td> <td>BTKS-66MLP</td> <td>6'6 ”</td> <td>Four</td> <td>54</td> <td>108</td> <td>1.6</td> <td>8.8</td> <td>1,5 – 10 gr</td> <td>4-10</td> <td>ML</td> <td>RF</td> <td>98</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 160,30 € -30% Prezzo base 229,00 €
rating 0 recensione
SPORTEX Captor RS-2 Casting SPORTEX Captor RS-2 Casting

SPORTEX Captor RS-2 Casting

<p>SPORTEX Captor RS-2 Casting LONG-DISTANCE LIGHTWEIGHT What a power package! The second generation of our Captor series is extremely light and impressive with a superbly balanced action. The slim, rapid semi-parabolic blank, made of Japanese high-performance carbon, has fantastic casting properties which make any spinning fan’s heart beat faster. The perfect loading and excellent resetting capacity make casting with these rods an event to remember. Naturally, there is sufficient strength in the backbone to land every fish on the hook safely and securely. And thanks to the sensitive transfer of the bite, the famous ‘tock’ of the bait can be felt right up to the handle. Add top-quality fittings with Seaguide SIC guides, FUJI DPS reel seats, and Seaguide D-Hook hook keepers, and the result is ‘spinning to perfection.’</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Cod</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Art.-No.</td> <td>Length cm</td> <td>Length ft</td> <td>Pieces</td> <td>Transp. length cm</td> <td>Cast gr.</td> <td>Tolerance  gr.</td> <td>Weight gr.</td> <td>Guides</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>02722117</td> <td>SPORTEX CAPTOR RS-2 SPIN-CP2122 CM.210 GR.20 CASTING</td> <td>CP2122</td> <td>125222</td> <td>2,10 metri</td> <td>7</td> <td>2</td> <td>109</td> <td>20 gr</td> <td>12 - 28</td> <td>151</td> <td>11</td> </tr> <tr> <td>02722125</td> <td>SPORTEX CAPTOR RS-2 SPIN-CP2422 CM.240 GR.40 CASTING</td> <td>CP2422</td> <td>125252</td> <td>2,40 metri</td> <td>8</td> <td>2</td> <td>124</td> <td>40 gr</td> <td>16 - 52</td> <td>166</td> <td>10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>02722127</td> <td>SPORTEX CAPTOR RS-2 SPIN-CP2414 CM.240 GR.80 CASTING</td> <td>CP2414</td> <td>125253</td> <td>2,40 metri</td> <td>8</td> <td>2</td> <td>124</td> <td>80 gr</td> <td>22 - 94</td> <td>188</td> <td>8</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 217,00 €
rating 0 recensione
SPORTEX Hydra Spirit Casting SPORTEX Hydra Spirit Casting

SPORTEX Hydra Spirit Casting

<p>SPORTEX Hydra Spirit Modello Casting. Leggera, veloce e potente. La nuova serie sarà caratterizzata da una nuova estetica, un nuovo fusto ma la stessa tenacia e affidabilità del modello precedente. Proprio grazie al nuovo fusto in carbonio ad alto modulo intrecciato, sarà più sottile ma non meno potente e “fast” di quello della Hydra Speed. La canna è equipaggiata da porta mulinello Fuji DPS, anelli SIC guides di Seaguide e da un “hook keeper” sempre di casa Seaguide. L’azione: veloce e parabolica, aiuta a contrastare in sicurezza le fughe del predatore senza il rischio di slamate improvvise. Grazie al range di modelli realizzati, la nuova serie Hydra sarà in grado di assecondare tutte le esigenze di ogni pescatore. A REAL PERFORMANCE MONSTER. Lightning fast and uncannily powerful, our completely upgraded series now packs even more quality, with a new look and new blank, but still the tried and trusted heritage. Thanks to a uniquely developed highly-modular carbon material, the rod is now even slimmer, but strength and speed have not been sacrificed. A clear, fierce action makes it really difficult for any hooked fish to escape when it’s being played. And, of course, when it comes to fine sensitivity and casting capability there’s nothing more to ask for. Top-quality fittings include a superbly robust FUJI DPS reel seat, high-quality SIC guides from Seaguide, and an innovative Seaguide D-Hook hook keeper. And best of all, there is a wide range of fantastic models available for every requirement, starting with classic spinning fishing, through twitching and jigging, to trolling. And for all fans of exciting kayak fishing we have a dream come true with the HY2203 version, built to take predators from close up. Time for some monster fun on the water! HYDRA Spirit Seacast Made for the sea angler, these two innovative models were developed especially for lightweight spin fishing on the coast. The front and rear handles are somewhat longer than with the standard version. And because the division is not in the middle and the tip is perceptibly longer than the butt section, the action is pretty well continuous, as with a single-piece rod. With larger guides too, these rods make every cast a highlight!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02720204</td><td>SPORTEX HYDRA SPIRIT HY2111 CM.210 GR.20 CASTING</td><td> HY2111 </td><td>183230</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>20 gr</td><td>8 - 29</td><td>126</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>02720207</td><td>SPORTEX HYDRA SPIRIT HY2112 CM.210 GR.40 CASTING</td><td> HY2112 </td><td>183232</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>40 gr</td><td>11 - 53</td><td>149</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>02720213</td><td>SPORTEX HYDRA SPIRIT HY2219 CM.220 GR.180 CASTING</td><td> HY2219 </td><td>183238</td><td>2,20 metri</td><td>7,2</td><td>2</td><td>114</td><td>180 gr</td><td>125 - 240</td><td>209</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>02720214</td><td>SPORTEX HYDRA SPIRIT HY2412 CM.240 GR.140 CASTING</td><td> HY2412 </td><td>183240</td><td>2,40 metri</td><td>8</td><td>2</td><td>124</td><td>40 gr</td><td>12 - 55</td><td>166</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 189,00 €
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<p>Nova Twitch Catch success guaranteed! The rods in this completely upgraded series boast improvements in lightness and speed, the attributes that helped make their name. The newly-developed blank was conceived as the optimum answer for successful hunting for trout, perch and similar species. Added to that are a fine, sensitive tip, a rapid action and plenty of damping in the backbone. An absolute top choice for use with wobblers, spinners, blinkers or softbaits – and a price-performance ratio that can’t be beaten!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02720122</td><td>SPORTEX NOVA TWITCH RS-2 PT2121 CM.215 GR.20 CASTING</td><td> PT2121Baitcast </td><td>113124</td><td>2,15 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>11</td><td>20 gr</td><td>6 - 28</td><td>120</td><td>10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 165,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Nova Vertical For when you’re intent on closing in on that big catch. With these individual rods the bait can be presented at precisely the depth wanted under the boat. The ultra-sensitive tip area reliably transmits every attack, and makes sure that when the fish bites it encounters no resistance. And thanks to the taut backbone, the hook is guaranteed to strike home securely. This rod has everything needed for successful open water fishing.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02720125</td><td>SPORTEX NOVA VERTICAL RS-2 PT1921 CM.195 GR.30</td><td> PT1921 </td><td>113131</td><td>1,95 metri</td><td>6,3</td><td>2</td><td>101</td><td>30 gr</td><td>10 - 39</td><td>122</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>02720126</td><td>SPORTEX NOVA VERTICAL RS-2 PT1922 CM.195 GR.30 CASTING</td><td> PT1922 Baitcast </td><td>113132</td><td>1,95 metri</td><td>6,3</td><td>2</td><td>101</td><td>30 gr</td><td>10 - 39</td><td>129</td><td>10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 158,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Nova Jerk Travel There’s nothing more compact than the Nova Jerk Travel. Thanks to its short breakdown dimensions of only 49 centimetres, this super-light and highly stable four-piece jerk rod fits in any case or rucksack. The high-performance blank with its fast and rigid tip lets small and medium-sized jerkbaits dance seductively in a zig-zag course through the water. And that’s something no pike can resist!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02720131</td><td>SPORTEX NOVA JERK TRAVEL RS-2 PT1823 CM.180 GR.60 CASTING</td><td> PT1823 Baitcast </td><td>113160</td><td>1,80 metri</td><td>6</td><td>4</td><td>49</td><td>60 gr</td><td>31 - 74</td><td>166</td><td>10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 169,00 €
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<p>SPORTEX Trowler TROLLING MADE EASY This is great fun for all large pike hunters. We developed this small but fine quality series of rods together with the Austrian specialists in lures and trolling, Mard Reap Fishing. The slim and fast blanks of these special sideplaner-rods were configured in the tip area in such a way that unintentional releasing of the line clip is prevented as much as possible. Thanks to the robust backbone, the strike can be set perfectly well. And these powerpacks are of course also superbly suited for casting with big baits of all kinds. The guide arrangement on the 2.25m version has been designed so that a fixed spool reel or multiplier can be fitted. It also includes a gimbal with a rubber cap. The two 2.65m models are only fitted with a rubber butt cap (no gimbal). As well as this, all three rod variants come with high-quality Seaguide SIC guides, super-robust ALPS DPS reel seats and innovative D-Hook hook keepers. The Big Mamas are going to have to dress up warm!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Tolerance  gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02730026</td><td>SPORTEX TROWLER TR2619 CM.260 GR.125 CASTING</td><td> TR2619 Baitcast </td><td>108269</td><td>2,60 metri</td><td>8,5</td><td>2</td><td>133</td><td>125 gr</td><td>72 - 139</td><td>268</td><td>10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 190,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>FULLRANGE ('22 MODEL) “Unchangeable comprehensive strength once again.”</p> <p>A bass rod series that boasts a lineup with no blind spots.</p> <p>In 2015, the tailwalk field staff's pure "obsession" for catching bass and clear "intentions" toward tools came to fruition, and FULLRANGE was born with the theme of "unchanging comprehensive strength." When we developed this rod, we believed that ``bass fishing tackle is an unchanging thing.'' We have a lineup of many models that can cover many lures and fishing methods with just one rod, in order to accommodate any fishing situation such as big lakes, wild ponds, rivers, and reservoirs, and to accommodate all presentations and methods. In addition, for methods that require specialized rods such as flipping, power finesse, mid-strike, and mid-stretch, we have rods that are fully compatible with each method, solidifying our unchanging comprehensive strength.</p> <p>However, the ``thirsty for tackle that can catch more bass'' of stoic anglers who chase bass every day never ends. In order to respond to this demand, we set out to refine each model to make it "more versatile and more special" while maintaining the theme of unchanging comprehensive strength. By reviewing the blank material itself, installing tailwalk's original reel seat "Z-SHAPE REEL SEAT," and reorganizing the lineup, we have made our "immutable comprehensive strength" even more solid...A lineup with no blind spots I aimed for Those who run around the vast lake with endless horizons, chasing the most powerful pattern of the day... Those who expertly manipulate hard baits in highly transparent lakes where you can see all the way to the bottom of the water, chasing the jet-black natives... All the people in the world... What is the rod that bass anglers are satisfied with? Those who pursue the never-ending answer...The strong feelings of each staff member have been brought together once again. The desire for a tackle that can catch even more bass, just like everyone else, has come to fruition...the unchanging overall strength once again.</p> <p></p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="104"></colgroup> <colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="156"></colgroup> <colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="141"></colgroup> <colgroup width="132"></colgroup> <colgroup span="3" width="85"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="32" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">MODEL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">LENGTH(</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">PIECE</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">CLOSED LENGTH(cm)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">ROD WEIGHT(g)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">LURE WEIGHT(oz)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">LINE WEIGHT(lb)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">L1(mm)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">L2(mm)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">GRIP TYPE</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C510L/FSL</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5'10"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">179</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">120</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/8-1/2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-16</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">320</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">205</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C66L</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'6"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">198</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">94</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/32-3/8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5-12</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">350</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C62ML</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'2"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">188</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">104</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/8-1/2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-16</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">355</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">240</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C68ML/G</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'8"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">203</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">134</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-16</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">350</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">240</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C59M+</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5'9"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">176</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">101</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">315</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">200</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C65MH/G</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'5"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">196</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">142</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/4-1.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">375</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">260</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C611MH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'11"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">2(B)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">179</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">128</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/4-1.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">375</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">260</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">A</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C64M</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'4"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">193</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">104</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">345</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C66M</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'6"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">199</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">102</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">345</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">240</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C610M</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'10"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">2(B)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">177</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">112</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">365</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">250</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C68MH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'8"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">204</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">112</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">345</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C72MH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">7'2"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">2(B)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">187</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">137</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">370</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">255</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C70H</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">7'0"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">2(B)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">180</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">125</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/4-1.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10-22</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">385</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">270</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C66XH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'6"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">199</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">121</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/8-2.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">12-25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">385</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">270</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">C</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C71XH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">7'1"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">2(B)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">183</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">136</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/4-2.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">12-25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">380</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">270</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">C</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C77XXH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">7'7"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1&amp;H</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">159</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">178</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/8-5.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">12-30</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">420</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">300</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">C</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C81SXH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8'1"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1&amp;H</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">169</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">206</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/4-10</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14-30</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">470</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">360</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">C</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C67M+/SL</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'7"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">201</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">106</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1/8-1/2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5-14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">345</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C61MH</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'1"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">186</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">108</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">345</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';"><a href="">C68MH/SL</a></span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6'8"</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">203</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">105</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6-16</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">350</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">230</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">B</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 322,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Canna Spinning Favorite... Canna Spinning Favorite Arena Stream

Canna Spinning Favorite Arena Stream

<p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Weight</td> <td>Action</td> <td>Sections</td> <td>C.W.</td> <td>Lenght. mt</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>ARNS-562SUL</td> <td>Spinning Favorite Arena Stream</td> <td>86gr.</td> <td>Super Ultralight</td> <td>2</td> <td>1-5g</td> <td>1.68m</td> </tr><tr><td>ARNS-602UL</td> <td>Spinning Favorite Arena Stream</td> <td>94gr.</td> <td>Ultra Light</td> <td>2</td> <td>2-7g</td> <td>1.8m</td> </tr><tr><td>ARNS-662UL</td> <td>Spinning Favorite Arena Stream</td> <td>96gr.</td> <td>Ultra Light</td> <td>2</td> <td>3-10g</td> <td>1.98m</td> </tr><tr><td>STR.CAST 602UL</td> <td><span style="background-color:#3399ff;">CastingFavorite Arena Stream</span></td> <td>96 gr</td> <td>Ultra light</td> <td>2</td> <td>2-7 g</td> <td>1.8 m</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <h2>Finalmente la nuova Favorite Arena Stream!</h2> <p>La collezione Arena ha raccolto unanimemente il favore di moltissimi appassionati di Area Trout in tutta Europa e sulla base di questo incredibile successo i tecnici Favorite hanno deciso di completare la gamma offrendo una piccola selezione di canne sviluppate appositamente per lo spinning Native in torrente. Ecco la nuova Favorite Arena Stream un concentrato di design, sviluppo tecnologico e praticità in pesca.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-7973 size-full" src="" alt="Favorite arena stream" width="750" height="387" /></a></p> <p>La differenza principale tra questa serie Strem e la classica Arena da Area Trout consiste nel tipico profilo Japan Style classico per la maggior parte delle canne da Native presenti sul mercato. Il fusto MLS SLIM (colore Olive), in due sezioni con innesto spigot, è realizzato con strati di carbonio di moduli diversi, assemblati con intrecci di fibre posti in direzioni opposte. Estremamente sottile pur mantenendo allo stesso tempo un’azione moderate fast. La canna ideale per pesche twitching con minnow affondanti in fiumi con molta corrente.</p> <p>Oltre alla pesca native, queste canna sono perfettamente adattabili alla pesca a spinning ultralight all-round utilizzando ondulanti.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-7971 size-full" src="" alt="Favorite Arena Stream ring" width="640" height="508" /></a></p> <p>Accessoriate con porta mulinello a vite con ghiere decorate ed inserto in legno di canfora. Primi anelli a ponte alto seguiti da micro anelli in punta, tutti con pietra SIC interna ultra sottile, montati secondo il concetto KR-concept per facilitare la fuori uscita delle spire durante la fase di lancio. Elegante impugnatura in sughero di alta qualità con fondino in acciaio anti urto e riporti in legno.</p> <p><a href=""><img class="aligncenter wp-image-7970 size-full" src="" alt="Favorite Arena Stream handle" width="640" height="480" /></a></p>
Prezzo 125,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Vagner Magic V-Baitcast Vagner Magic V-Baitcast

Vagner Magic V-Baitcast

<p>Le canne MAGIC V-BAITCAST sono progettate per la pesca da una barca, kayak o bellyboat, ma solo in combinazione con un mulinello da casting. Possono essere utilizzati per la pesca a vertical, la pesca con il clonk e la deriva con galleggiante. Il modello da 10 kg è progettato specificamente per il casting. Ci sono quattro modelli della serie V-BAITCAST, la versione da 10, 15, 18 e 23 kg. In questo modo puoi adattare la scelta della canna alla tua tecnica di pesca, alle dimensioni dell&amp;#39;esca e alle dimensioni del siluro.</p> <p>Real seat: Mulinello da Casting Anelli acid a spirale (Per la massima potenza del fusto)</p> <p>Blank: giapponese 100% Toray High Performance Graphite + Colorazione camo</p> <p>Lunghezza:1.95 m - Potenza: 10-80 | 50-250 | 80-300 | 100-400 GR</p> <p>Placca del mulinello: FUJI PSDDLD20GM</p> <p>Guide:Fuji Alconite BCMNAT, BCKWAG | BCLCAG</p> <p>Calcio: Calcio in sughero di alta qualità</p> <p>Imballaggio: borsa morbida in neoprene nero</p> <p>MAGIC V-BAITCAST rods are also designed for fishing from a boat, kayak or bellyboat, but only in combination with a baitcast reel. They can be used for vertical fishing, fishing with catfish clonk and drifting with a float. The 10kg model is designed specifically for spinning. There are four models in the V-BAITCAST series, the 10, 15, 18 and 23 kg version. So you can adapt your rod choice to your fishing technique, lure/bait size and the size of the catfish at your location. Blank: Japanese 100% Toray High Performance Graphite + Camo Painting</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>MISURA</td> <td>PESO</td> <td>SEZIONI</td> <td>INGOMBRO</td> <td>POTENZA</td> <td>Anelli</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>VMV10B</td> <td>Vagner Magic V-Baitcast 10, 195cm, 10-80GR</td> <td>V-Baitcast 10</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td></td> <td>1</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td>10-80 gr</td> <td>Fuji Alconite</td> </tr><tr><td>VMV15B</td> <td>Vagner Magic V-Baitcast 15, 195cm, 50-250GR</td> <td>V-Baitcast 15</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td></td> <td>1</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td>50-250 gr</td> <td>Fuji Alconite</td> </tr><tr><td>VMV18B</td> <td>Vagner Magic V-Baitcast 18, 195cm, 80-300GR</td> <td>V-Baitcast 18</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td></td> <td>1</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td>80-300 gr</td> <td>Fuji Alconite</td> </tr><tr><td>VMV23B</td> <td>Vagner Magic V-Baitcast 23, 195cm, 100-400GR</td> <td>V-Baitcast 23</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td></td> <td>1</td> <td>1,95 metri</td> <td>100-400 gr</td> <td>Fuji Alconite</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 349,95 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Favorite Alligator Attese a lungo e spesso “intraviste” in qualche video, ora sono disponibili per tutti i cacciatori di lucci, le nuove Alligator realizzate da Favorite in esclusiva per il team italiano di Old Captain e con il grande apporto tecnico di Antonio Ghiringhelli, noto ai più attenti fruitori di You Tube come Tony’s Power. Proprio da questo sodalizio e con la condivisione di idee, sensazioni e ore di pesca ha preso il via un progetto che ha messo il proprio focus sulla realizzazione di un prodotto ideato in Italia per la pesca nelle acque italiane e dei nostri predatori, in particolare il Luccio. Nella progettazione delle Alligator, abbiamo investito molte risorse nella ricerca della giusta azione partendo da un fusto di qualità incredibile realizzato in carbonio Toray 40Ton, praticamente il meglio che il mercato ha da offrire in questo momento. Lunghezza, potenze di lancio e curvatura del blank sono stati testati per 2 stagioni da Antonio e Daniele con risultati stupefacenti. Favorite Alligator hanno il pregio di essere canne che oltre alla potenza guardano alla comodità in pesca, alla maneggevolezza ad un rapporto qualità (dei materiali) prezzo davvero imbattibile. Anelli Gli anelli delle Alligator sono SeaGuide SS316 con telaio in Acciaio Inox Marine Grade SS316 (alta resistenza a ruggine e ossidazione) e pietra – LS (Zirconio ultra sottile, ultra resistente e leggera). La particolare inclinazione anti-tangle degli anelli, brevetto esclusivo SeaGuide, garantiscono performance di lancio eccezionali e non intaccano il carico di rottura dei PE convenzionali dissipando il calore in maniera uniforme e minimizzando la frizione tra i materiali mentre si combatte un over metro. Porta Mulinello Sea Guide Alien SCXCSS-DMN 17 : Blank-exposed design per avere sempre il contatto con il fusto. Ultraleggero Facilita il miglior posizionamento del mulinello. Corpo nylon soft-touch rinforzato con doppia ghiera blocca mulinello XCSS-DMN Design Blank-exposed permette il contatto diretto del dito sul fusto per maggior sensibilità Hood Localization Structure (HLS): Sistema brevettato di bloccaggio del mulinello nella parte avvitabile per maggior resistenza e stabilità dello stesso Trigger dal design esclusivo ed ergonomico per miglior maneggevolezza e minor fatica Impugnatura Ogni canna Alligator ha un proprio manico, di lunghezza diversa, per permettere la massima praticità sia in fase di lancio (soprattutto nella versione più lunga studiata per la pesca con esche voluminose) che in fase di combattimento. Realizzate in EVA ad alta densità, super resistente e performante anche quando bagnato da pioggia intensa. La parte finale del manico è sagomata a forma esagonale per permettere la perfetta aderenza con l’avanbraccio in fase di combattimento. Sul fondo il logo Alligator personalizza ogni singola canna Line-Up: Alligator 6’11” – 4 oz. / 120gr. Canna pensata per la pesca a Jerk ma perfetta anche per i grossi spinnerbait o come canna all-round per la pesca dal belly boat. La sua lunghezza è il compromesso perfetto che ci consente di lanciare senza fatica esche generose, jerkare a canna bassa e ferrare con la massima efficacia. É una canna con un’azione Heavy ma che si ammorbidisce in combattimento per ridurre le slamature. Canna Offset per offrire le migliori performance in pesca e la massima praticità durante il trasporto. Alligator 7’7” – 4 oz. / 120gr. Questa canna nasce dall’esigenza di gestire nel migliore dei modi shad di dimensioni medie, spinnerbat, ondulanti e hard swimbait. Grazie alla sua lunghezza di 7’7”ft. permette di realizzare facilmente lanci e di gestire alla perfezione le esche a grande distanza. É una canna con un’azione Heavy, che permette quindi di ferrare il pesce con la massima efficacia ma che si ammorbidisce in combattimento per ridurre il rischio di slamature. Canna Offset per offrire le migliori performance in pesca e la massima praticità durante il trasporto. Alligator 7’8” – 6 oz. / 180gr. Questa è la vera canna All-Round della serie, in grado di gestire tutte le tipologie di esche della pesca al Luccio nel migliore dei modi. La sua lunghezza consente lanci lunghi e precisi e la gestione dell’esca anche a lunga distanza. Da il meglio di se nella pesca a Shad e Swimbait. É una canna con un’azione Heavy, che permette quindi di ferrare il pesce con la massima efficacia ma che si ammorbidisce in combattimento per ridurre le slamature. Canna Offset per offrire le migliori performance in pesca e la massima praticità durante il trasporto. Alligator 8’ – 8 oz. / 240gr. Se il tuo obbiettivo è cercare di catturare i pesci più grossi questo è lo strumento che ti serve assolutamente. Questa canna lancia lontanissimo e con facilità esche che superano i 250g ed è pensata per gestirle nel migliore dei modi ma tuttavia si comporta benissimo anche con quelle di 100g di peso. Visto l’impiego per cui è pensata ha un’azione Extra Heavy ma, a differenza della maggior parte delle canne in commercio per questo impiego, possiede un’azione fantastica che limita moltissimo il numero di slamature. Canna Offset per offrire le migliori performance in pesca e la massima praticità durante il trasporto.</p> <p><iframe width="848" height="658" src="" title="Nuove Favorite ? ALLIGATOR - Presentazione" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>LUNGHEZZA</td> <td>SEZIONI</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>PE</td> <td>AZIONE</td> <td>MONTAGGIO</td> <td>Peso gr</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>FAVORITE ALLIGATOR ALGE61115</td> <td>ALGC-6115-120</td> <td>6'11" 2,10 mt</td> <td>1+1</td> <td>4 oz.</td> <td>3 - 5 PE</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>170 gr.</td> </tr><tr><td>FAVORITE ALLIGATOR ALGE7715</td> <td>ALGC-7715-120</td> <td>7'7" 2,34 mt</td> <td>1+1</td> <td>4 oz.</td> <td>3 - 5 PE</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>195 gr.</td> </tr><tr><td>FAVORITE ALLIGATOR ALGE7815</td> <td>ALGC-7815-180</td> <td>7'8" 2,38 mt</td> <td>1+1</td> <td>6 oz.</td> <td>4 - 6 PE</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>205 gr.</td> </tr><tr><td>FAVORITE ALLIGATOR ALGE8015</td> <td>ALGC-8015-240</td> <td>8'0" 2,44 mt</td> <td>1+1</td> <td>8 oz.</td> <td>5 - 8 PE</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>CASTING</td> <td>223 gr.</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 235,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Favorite X1 Casting Favorite X1 Casting

Favorite X1 Casting

<p>Come nascono le Favorite X1 Casting, ora ti diciamo tutto quello che vuoi sapere su questo progetto interamente di retto dal Team Italiano Old Captain. Siamo Italiani, siamo meticolosi attenti ai dettagli perfezionisti ed anche un po rompi balle. Un italiano non utilizza un capo d’abbigliamento non della sua taglia, e tu che sei italiano lo sai bene! Abbiamo cercato di cucirci addosso questa serie di canne per avere il massimo riducendo al minimo il prezzo. Abbiamo sentito la necessità di far produrre una canna da casting mono pezzo che potesse soddisfare le esigenze del tipico pescatore Italiano. Per “tipico pescatore Italiano” intendiamo tutti gli appassionati che vanno a pesca cercando di catturare con l’attrezzatura che li appaga sia dal punto di vista estetico che funzionale. Visto il grande successo della serie di canne da Spinning Favorite X1 non è stata snaturata l’essenza di questa linea di prodotti. Quindi anche le X1 da casting devono sorprendere per quel che riguarda il rapporto qualità prezzo. Tutto questo soprattuto perché in un periodo storico come quello che stiamo vivendo, dare l’opportunità a tutti di poter acquistare una canna da pesca di alta qualità è d’obbligo. Visto il grande successo che i nostri prodotti, i prodotti distribuiti dalla Old Captain stanno ottenendo ci siamo sentiti in dovere di ripagare al massimo la vostra fiducia. Senza di te, senza tutti voi pescatori che con la vostra passione permettete a noi di distribuire e produrre materiale da pesca, questa serie di canne non avrebbe mai visto la luce. Abbiamo pensato ad una serie “iniziale” composta da 4 canne. Se vuoi vederle nel dettagli ecco la video recensione in cui trovi tutte le specifiche. Queste 4 canne sono state concepite con un’azione potente ideale per la pesca del Black Bass che ben si adatta per la pesca di numerose specie. Quando si pensa a realizzare canne da bass, si pensa ad una vasta serie di canne con diversi modelli specifici per ogni tipologia di esca artificiale. Utilizzando la tecnologia sviluppata da favorite per rendere le canne X1 il più funzionali possibile abbiamo deciso di concepire le 4 canne che più si adattano all’utilizzo delle esche più comuni. In questa immagine Daniele Vinci che ha collaborato attivamente alla realizzazione delle serie di Favorite X1 Casting. Le sue parole sono: “Siamo riusciti a realizzare una canna che a questo prezzo era impensabile. E questo grazie all’unione della vera passione e della tecnologia. Queste canne sono nate per pescare, la pesca è al centro del progetto. Con un’altra filosofia si guadagnano più soldi, ma una canna è parte del sogno di ogni pescatore. E i sogni devono essere accessibili a tutti. Tutti i pescatori devono poter sognare.” La gamma – Come nascono le Favorite X1 Casting La gamma è composta da 4 canne concepite per coprire la grande maggioranza di tecniche ed in base alle tecniche maggiormente utilizzate in Italia. La X1C-701M la 7.0″ più leggera ha una potenza di lancio di 1/4 – 3/4. L’azione permette l’utilizzo di hardbait, esche topwater, piccole esche in gomma e spinnerbait. Grazie al tipo di carbonio utilizzato, questa canna ha un range d’azione molto ampio. Si adatta a pescare anche con spoon in cerca di trote di fiume o di Aspi. Una canna davvero polivalente che utilizzerai per svariate tipologie di esche e diversi predatori. La X1-701MH da 1 OZ. è la canna che si adatta al pitching con jig medio piccoli ed esche in gomma. Ma la puoi utilizzare anche con spinnerbait da 3/4 per la pesca “slow roling”. Una canna potente e sensibile che ti aiuta a sentire cosa sta dall’altro lato del filo. Perfetta per la pesca dell’Aspio, del Lucioperca e della spigola in mare. La X1-701H 7.0″ da 1.5 Oz. è la canna perfetta per la pesca del bass in cover. La puoi utilizzare con i jig, con la gomma, per il carolina rig e per la pesca con la rana in ambienti non troppo intricati. La potenza è elevata grazie alla rigidità del grezzo. Un attrezzo che ben si adatta anche alla pesca di altri predatori come il luccio ed il grosso Lucioperca. Le Favorite X1 Casting Monopezzo trovano la sua massima espressione di potenza nella versione X1-721EXH da 7.2″ con massima potenza di lancio 2 Oz. Una canna concepita per pescare con esche pesanti come swimbait, spinnerbait volumiunosi, e grossi jig. Ideale per pescare con la rana sopra le coperture questa versione ha la potenza necessaria per aiutarti a sradicare il pesce con estrema facilità.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Cod</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Misura</td> <td>Test</td> <td>Line Test</td> <td>Azione</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>FAX1C6020000H</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-602H</td> <td>602H</td> <td>1</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>1,83 metri</td> <td>¼ – ¾ oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C6610000L</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-661L 1/4 - 3/4 oz.</td> <td>661L</td> <td>1</td> <td>Light</td> <td>1,98 metri</td> <td>¼ – ¾ oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C7010000M</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-701M - 1/4-3/4 oz.</td> <td>701M</td> <td>1</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>2,13 metri</td> <td>3/8 – 1 oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C701000MH</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-701MH - 3/8 - 1 oz.</td> <td>701MH</td> <td>1</td> <td>Medium Light</td> <td>2,13 metri</td> <td>3/8 – 1 ½ oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C7010000H</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-701H - 3/8 - 1 1/2 oz.</td> <td>701H</td> <td>1</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>2,13 metri</td> <td>1 ½ – 2 oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C72100EXH</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-721EXH - 1/2 - 2 oz.</td> <td>721EXH</td> <td>1</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>2,13 metri</td> <td>½ – 2 oz</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>FAX1C711500EXH</td> <td>FAVORITE X1C-7715EXH 5oz.</td> <td>7715EXH</td> <td>1</td> <td>Extra Heavy</td> <td>2,13 metri</td> <td>5 oz</td> <td></td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 79,00 €
rating 0 recensione
Apia Foojin RS Apia Foojin RS

Apia Foojin RS

<p>Le caratteristiche principali delle Apia Foojin'RS sono "nitidezza nel passare le informazioni" e "flessibilità". Abbiamo creato un fusto che combina queste due caratteristiche contraddittorie ad un livello più alto che mai. La "nitidezza" porta direttamente a maggiore distanza di lancio, miglior controllo dell'esca e nessuna sfocatura: ossia massima precisione in ferrata. La "flessibilità" porta alla "Seguibilità = ossia all'assecondare le fughe del pesce e "Facilità di piegamento garantisce una Distanza di volo vicina al MAX con poco input." Foojin'RS raggiunge entrambi ad un livello senza precedenti. Ciò che ha reso tutto ciò possibile è l'esistenza del carbonio TORAYCA® di terza generazione "M40X" e "T1100G". La fibra di carbonio, che ha un elevato modulo di elasticità e la resistenza più alta al mondo, è combinata con la tecnologia "NANO ALLOY" che fornisce flessibilità, determinando una eccellente evoluzione dei materiali di carbonio. Questo nuovo materiale, utilizzato per la prima volta in Foojin'Z 5th Generation, è completamente incorporato anche in Foojin'RS. "M40X" Fibra di carbonio altamente elastica da 40 t con sorprendente "sensibilità" e "operabilità" che elimina qualsiasi vibrazione. Il materiale più recente destinato all'uso nei razzi spaziali e negli aerei di ultima generazione. Perseguendo il massimo sia in termini di modulo elastico che di resistenza, la resistenza alla compressione è stata migliorata del 30% pur mantenendo lo stesso modulo elastico dell'M40J. Il materiale è il #2574 (nanolega), che migliora le prestazioni di repellenza e la velocità durante il lancio. "T1100G" Fibra di carbonio con la classe di resistenza più alta al mondo. Fibra di carbonio media elasticità 33t. È una fibra di carbonio sviluppata per razzi, F1 e applicazioni aerospaziali di prossima generazione e attualmente vanta la più alta resistenza alla trazione di qualsiasi fibra di carbonio al mondo. Oltre alla resistenza, è un materiale che accelera la velocità dell'asta durante la fusione e fornisce flessibilità nella flessione, e la resina è n. 2574 (nanolega). NANO JOINT è un nuovo sistema di giunzione sviluppato da Apia che elimina la tensione sullo snodo, punto debole delle canne in due pezzi. Adottando la tecnologia NANO ALLOY® nella parte di giunzione, abbiamo ottenuto una curva di piegatura quanto più vicina possibile a quella di un singolo pezzo. Inoltre, i giunti sono rifiniti con lucidatura ad altissima precisione da 2 a 5 mm per evitare che si allentino durante la pesca. L'"APIA Palm Grip" installato su Foojin'RS è un grip progettato in modo che non vi sia spazio tra il palmo e il materiale EVA durante la presa. Alzando leggermente la schiena, puoi ottenere una buona vestibilità. Inoltre, il cappuccio del portamulinello utilizza materiale in gomma termoretraibile che trasmette una solida sensibilità alla punta delle dita.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lenght</td> <td>Montaggio</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Ingombro</td> <td>peso</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>PE</td> <td>Rings</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td><strong>SPRINGER 88 ML</strong></td> <td>8’8’ (2,64 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>135 cm</td> <td>140 g</td> <td>3-32 gr</td> <td>0.6-1.5</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>LYNX 93M</strong></td> <td>9’3’ (2,81 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>145 cm</td> <td>160 g</td> <td>6-42 g</td> <td>0.8-2</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>DESIRE 95MH</strong></td> <td>9’5’ (2,87 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>148 cm</td> <td>170 g</td> <td>12-50 g</td> <td>1-2.5</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>VIVOGUE 96ML</strong></td> <td>9’6’ (2,89 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>149 cm</td> <td>163 g</td> <td>6-38 g</td> <td>0.8-2</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>SKY HIGH 99M</strong></td> <td>9'9' (2,97 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>152 cm</td> <td>170 g</td> <td>8-42 g</td> <td>0.8-2</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>BELUGA 105MH</strong></td> <td>10'5' (3,17 m)</td> <td>Spinning</td> <td>2</td> <td>163 cm</td> <td>190 g</td> <td>14-50 g</td> <td>1.2-2.5</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>ARLEQUIN C79MH</strong></td> <td>7'9' (2,36 m)</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>2</td> <td>122 cm</td> <td>150 g</td> <td>15-65 g</td> <td>1.5-4</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>PRELUDE C88M</strong></td> <td>8'8' (2,64 m)</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>2</td> <td>135 cm</td> <td>158 g</td> <td>10-50 g</td> <td>1.5-4</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>BARBARIAN C90MH </strong></td> <td>9’0’ (2,74 m)</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>2</td> <td>141 cm</td> <td>190 g</td> <td>20-70 g</td> <td>2-5</td> <td>Fuji SiC</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>SPRINGER 88 ML</strong> Bay Versatile per tutto, dalla finezza ai giochi di wading. Un modello speciale per la parte interna della baia. Questo modello è adatto a tutto, dalle esche leggere alle esche superiori a 1 oncia, e ha una finitura estremamente affilata per ottenere la precisione di tiro. Un modello versatile che può essere utilizzato per qualsiasi cosa, dalle tecniche ultra leggere e la pesca immersa in acqua con i wader. Situazione: porto, golfo, fiume di piccole e medie dimensioni.</p> <p><strong>LYNX 93M</strong> Modello base RS "leggero" "potente" "altamente bilanciato" Un modello base della RS facile da usare ovunque. Ha una punta in grado di gestire esche leggere e una fusto che può facilmente strappare pesci di grosse dimensioni. Il leggero e altamente bilanciato LYNX 93M offre un diverso livello di agilità anche durante i lunghi giochi di recupero delle prede. Situazione: porto, alta marea, fiume da piccolo a grande.</p> <p><strong>DESIRE 95MH</strong> L'ultima versione del modello ranking che svolge solo le funzioni necessarie Canna medio pesante da 9 piedi e 5 pollici. È un modello da caccia alla spigola con una lunghezza altamente versatile che può essere vista semplicemente guardando le specifiche. La caratteristica più importante del Desire 95MH è la punta che lavora al meglio senza intoppi. Nonostante sia una canna potente, è leggera e ti permette di continuare a lanciare senza sforzare e consumare energie. Questa è l'ultima generazione del modello Ranker, che ha fatto un passo avanti eliminando gli eccessi e perseguendo solo le funzioni necessarie. Situazione: Fiumi medi e grandi, contro pesci di grandi dimensioni.</p> <p><strong>VIVOGUE 96ML</strong> ha un livello di potenza del fusto che superano le specifiche standard classiche di una 96ML. Il fusto da 96ML ha una punta delicata ed è altamente flessibile, è un modello estremamente versatile indipendentemente dalla stagione o dalla regione, dalle micro esche primaverili alla stagione autunnale dei grossi branzini. Situazione: Porto, fiume da piccolo a grande, pianura di marea</p> <p><strong>SKY HIGH 99M.</strong> Il grezzo più perfomante che persegue distanza e precisione. Dotato di T1100G e M40X, questo modello enfatizza la nitidezza e persegue distanza e precisione. Sebbene sia lungo quasi 10 piedi, ha la stessa sensazione operativa della prima metà di 9 piedi. Un modello versatile e altamente adattabile alle esche jerking grazie all'elevata resilienza del carbonio TORAYCA® di terza generazione. Situazione: porto, fiume da piccolo a grande, piana di marea</p> <p><strong>BELUGA 105MH</strong> Innovativo modello per lunghe distanze creato con nuovi materiali. Un modello efficace in situazioni in cui sono richieste lunghe distanze, come il surf e i grandi fiumi. Sebbene sia un grezzo flessibile, ha una forza elevata per spingere fuori l'esca e il tremolio della punta si stabilizza rapidamente dopo il lancio, quindi puoi effettuare lanci più lunghi con circa il 60% della forza. Adatto ad una vasta gamma di target, non solo spigole, ma anche serra e pesci azzurri. Situazione: grande fiume, surf, costa rocciosa</p> <p><strong>ARLEQUIN C79MH</strong> <strong>MODELLO CASTING</strong> Sharp</p> <p><iframe width="640" height="360" style="background-image:url(&quot;img/object.gif&quot;);" src="" title="Foojin'RS【CM】" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
Prezzo 439,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Snake head rod next-generation standard model Standard items that have been requested for a long time have been reorganized with cork handle specifications. SMITH MAGNUM Husky's “NEX” means “NEW GENERATION=New Generation”, “NEXT GENERATION=Next Generation”, and “NEW EXPECTATION=New Expectations”. What I asked NEX. Although it is a rigyo rod for power games, it was developed with emphasis on the two items, "improvement in operability" and "difficulty in disintegration", which are eternal themes for heavy rods. Power hooking regardless of short distance or long distance. We reconsidered the combination of taper and material that would not lead to hook-off even under the conditions such as hollow frog premised on barbless and cover game. This time, the "H" class has an outstanding operability and is useful for light covers. And I added 2pcs, which is the first attempt, which is convenient for moving. List of specifications ■ SMITH MAGNUM Husky NEX series are all bait casting models ■ Grip removable 1-piece model. 75SH/2 only 2-piece model ■ Guide: Fuji KWSG+MNSG (stainless steel frame Sic ring) adopted</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Codice</td> <td>Lunghezza</td> <td>Ingombro</td> <td>Sezioni</td> <td>Line test</td> <td>Potenza</td> <td>Mulinello</td> <td>Peso</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>SMMHN74H00000</td> <td>SMITH MAGNUM HUSKY NEX</td> <td>MHN-74H</td> <td>7'4"</td> <td>173 cm</td> <td>mono</td> <td>6 ~ 10 PE</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>252g</td> </tr><tr><td>SMMHN75SH2000</td> <td>SMITH MAGNUM HUSKY NEX</td> <td>MHN-75SH/2</td> <td>7'5"</td> <td>118 cm</td> <td>2</td> <td>6 ~ 10 PE</td> <td>Super Heavy</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>253g</td> </tr><tr><td>SMMHN77XH0000</td> <td>SMITH MAGNUM HUSKY NEX</td> <td>MHN-77XH</td> <td>7'7"</td> <td>181 cm</td> <td>mono</td> <td>6 ~ 10 PE</td> <td>Ex. Heavy</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>317g</td> </tr><tr><td>SMMHN78H00000</td> <td>SMITH MAGNUM HUSKY NEX</td> <td>MHN-78H</td> <td>7'8"</td> <td>183.5 cm</td> <td>mono</td> <td>6 ~ 10 PE</td> <td>Heavy</td> <td>Casting</td> <td>253g</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 485,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Le Artico STORM SHADOW è la nuova serie di canne da bassfishing e sea bass realizzata a mano nei laboratori Artico. La serie si compone di quattro attrezzi tutti monopezzo di cui una montata a spinning e le altre tre montate a casting. La Artico Solar Flame è canna specifica da drop shot, dedicata al BASSFISHING in freshwater. Ideata e testata in collaborazione con Alexander Wolves per la pesca dei Big Bass: è ottima da belly boat, da barca e da riva sia con piccole soft bait sia con minnow di ridotte dimensioni. La 6’9 è una lunghezza strategica sopratutto per la pesca da natante ma è talmente scattante nel lancio che va benissimo anche da riva. L’azione REGULAR su un casting da 1/16-3/8 OZ consente all’attrezzo di accompagnare ogni fuga della preda minimizzando le slamate. La Artico Killer Cover è una monopezzo da casting sviluppata per l’impiego delle gomme nella pesca dedicata al BASSFISHING e al SEABASS. È la canna specifica per le soft bait montate su ami offset. Ideata e testata in collaborazione con Alexander Wolvers per la pesca dei big bass e dei grossi branzini. La lunghezza di 7,2” e casting ¼-1 oz la rende ottimale sia da belly boat o barca sia da riva. La piega e la sensibilità accentuata permettono di gestire shad e gomme di grammature contenute, anche spiombate sinking tipo Senko. L’azione MEDIUM-FAST le conferisce rapidità e massima penetrazione nelle ferrate. La Artico Amphibian è una 6’9” monofusto montata a casting con una potenza da 3/8-1/2 oz. È la canna classica da bass e branzino sia per lunghezza sia per potenza da usare con gomme e minnow di piccola e media dimensione. La Artico Mixmaster è la monofusto da 7’2 piedi montata casting con potenza di lancio ¼ – 1 oz. L’azione è Medium Fast quindi perfetta sia in mare che in acque dolci. Tutta la serie è dotata di un rinforzo in tessuto di carbonio denominato ACTION STOPPER che ne blocca l’azione dove necessita onde evitare vibrazioni inutili consentendo a questo attrezzo di trasmettere al pescatore ogni minima toccata. Tutta la serie è montata artigianalmente da Marco Mazzon Nord Est Manufactoring, ha anelli e portamulinello Fuji, un look black carbon con abbellimenti in oro.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Cod</td> <td>MODELLO / MODEL</td> <td>LUNGHEZZA / LENGHT</td> <td>SECTION</td> <td>POTENZA (oz)</td> <td>LINE</td> <td>ACTION</td> <td>Montaggio</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>ARTICO STORM SHADOW</td> <td>ARTICO SOLAR FLAME</td> <td>6'9'' (ft) 2,06 (m.)</td> <td>1</td> <td>1/6-3/8</td> <td>3/8 lb</td> <td>Regular</td> <td>Spinning</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO STORM SHADOW</td> <td>ARTICO KILLER COVER</td> <td>7'2''(ft) 2.18 (m.)</td> <td>1</td> <td>1/4-1</td> <td>10/16 lb</td> <td>Medium-Fast-M</td> <td>Casting</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO STORM SHADOW</td> <td>ARTICO AMPHIBIAN</td> <td>6'9'' (ft) 2,06 (m.)</td> <td>1</td> <td>3/8-1/2</td> <td>10/27</td> <td>Mid-Fast-H</td> <td>Casting</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO STORM SHADOW</td> <td>ARTICO MIXMASTER</td> <td>7'2''(ft) 2.18 (m.)</td> <td>1</td> <td>1/4-1</td> <td>10/16 lb</td> <td>Medium Fast-M</td> <td>Casting</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 390,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p><span style="color:#3e3e3e;font-family:Roboto, sans-serif;font-size:14px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;">Tailwalk – Fullrange C75XXH fa parte della splendida serie di canne dedicate al bass fishing e al pike fishing che questo brand giapponese ha creato oltre che usate e amate da Luca Quintavalla. Come sempre, anche questa canna risponde a un’esigenza specifica ma con la versatilità che contraddistingue tutte le Fullrange. Nello specifico la Fullrange C75XXH è la canna ideale per chi ama il gioco pesante! Stiamo parlando di una vera canna da big bait in grado di lanciare e manovrare in modo eccellente grosse swim o Alabama rig fino a 5oz. Gli sviluppatori hanno lavorato molto per riuscire a mescolare una grande potenza con una notevole sensibilità in modo da percepire alla perfezione il nuoto dell’artificiale o le mangiate meno aggressive. La Fullrange C75XXH, lunga 229cm è realizzata in 2 pezzi offset con un ingombro di 190cm e un peso di 175g. Può gestire pesi da 3/8ozfino a 5.5oz con una classe di potenza da 12lb a 30lb. Monta anelli doppio ponte fuji alconite.</span></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Length</td> <td>Piece</td> <td>Closed Length (cm)</td> <td>Rod Weight (g)</td> <td>Lure Weight (g)</td> <td>Line Weight (PE)</td> <td>L1 (mm)</td> <td>L2 (mm)</td> <td>Grip Type</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>14753</td> <td>TAILWALK FULLRANGE</td> <td>C75XXH</td> <td>7ft5in</td> <td>2(B)</td> <td>190</td> <td>175</td> <td>3/8-5.5</td> <td>12-30</td> <td>415</td> <td>290</td> <td>CASTING</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div></div> <div id="rod_left"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup width="77"></colgroup> <colgroup width="110"></colgroup> <colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="153"></colgroup> <colgroup width="139"></colgroup> <colgroup width="138"></colgroup> <colgroup width="129"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">MODEL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LENGTH(</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">PIECE</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LURE WEIGHT(oz)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">LINE WEIGHT(lb)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">ROD WEIGHT(g)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><span style="font-family:Arial;">CODE</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C67ML/SL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.7inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/8-3/8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">5-10</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">106g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">014749</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C67M/SL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.7inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/8-1/2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">5-10</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">115g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="bottom"><span style="font-family:Arial;">32090</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C65M</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.5inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/16-3/4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">119g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">014750</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C74M+</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.4inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">2(B) - offset</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">170g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">026249</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C60MH</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.0inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">123g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">017517</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C65MH</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">6ft.5inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/16-1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">8-20</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1509</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">017097</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C70XH</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.0inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/4-2.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">10-25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">145g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">014752</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C76XH</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.6inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">2(B) - offset</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">1/4-4</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">10-25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">183g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">026250</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">C75XXH</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">7ft.0inc.</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">2(B) - offset</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">3/8-5.5</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">12-50</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial;">175g</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="top"><span style="color:#1f1f1f;font-family:Arial;">014753</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>・RIGHT MATERIAL in THE RIGHT ITEMS<br />・HIGH VERSATILE ABILITY on EACH ITEM<br />・SYNTHETIC CAPABILITY on FULLRANGE SERIES<br />・TOUGHNESS and POWERFUL against BIG-BASS FIGHTING<br />・LIGHTWEIGHT for EASY CASTING and GOOD HANDLING on FULL-DAY USING<br />・COMFORT ROD BALANCE and GOOD HANDLING GRIP LENGTH.<br />・SUITABLE GUIDE SETTING for FISHING METHOD of EACH ITEM.<br />・FUJI SiC guides are attached on all items </p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="800" height="892" /></p> </div>
Prezzo 315,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>At Halo, every fishing rod we manufacture starts with unbeatable blanks constructed of the highest-quality Japanese graphite. When we designed the all-new Halo HFX, we did exactly that with Toray graphite blanks that deliver ultimate sensitivity in casting and spinning models from 6’10” to 7’11” in medium to extra heavy actions. The HFX’s stainless steel guides are built to handle even the toughest braided lines but still super sensitive for the lightest fluorocarbon, rely on our Align guide system that ensures perfect alignment of guides from handle to tip. The Halo-exclusive 4Finger reel seat offers an exposed blank design to allow fingers to feel the slightest bait touch. Sensitivity is further enhanced with integrated Sensi-touch cork composite rings that deliver more feel through the grip than conventional foam grips. Every feature of the HFX has been meticulously thought through by our team of designers and pro anglers to create a rod with unbeatable features and value. Backed by a 5-year limited warranty and 100s of hours of product design and testing in the best office in the world – on the water! <iframe width="656" height="369" src="" title="The All new HFX Series Fishing Rods | Features" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modello</td><td>LUNGHEZZA</td><td>SEZIONI</td><td>Casting</td><td>Oz</td><td>MONTAGGIO</td><td>AZIONE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>031795</td><td>HALO ROD HFX CASTING</td><td>610MC</td><td>6’10’’</td><td>1</td><td>6-14 lbs</td><td>1/8-5/8 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM</td></tr><tr><td>031798</td><td>HALO ROD HFX CASTING</td><td>70MCC</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>8-12 lbs</td><td>1/4-1/2 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM</td></tr><tr><td>031796</td><td>HALO ROD HFX CASTING</td><td>70MHC</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>10-17 lbs</td><td>1/4-1/2 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM HEAVY</td></tr><tr><td>031797</td><td>HALO ROD HFX CASTING</td><td>73HC</td><td>7’3”</td><td>1</td><td>12-25 lbs</td><td>3/8-3/4 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>HEAVY</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 245,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>At Halo, every fishing rod we manufacture starts with unbeatable blanks constructed of the highest-quality Japanese graphite. When we designed the all-new Halo HFX, we did exactly that with Toray graphite blanks that deliver ultimate sensitivity in casting and spinning models from 6’10” to 7’11” in medium to extra heavy actions. The HFX’s stainless steel guides are built to handle even the toughest braided lines but still super sensitive for the lightest fluorocarbon, rely on our Align guide system that ensures perfect alignment of guides from handle to tip. The Halo-exclusive 4Finger reel seat offers an exposed blank design to allow fingers to feel the slightest bait touch. Sensitivity is further enhanced with integrated Sensi-touch cork composite rings that deliver more feel through the grip than conventional foam grips. Every feature of the HFX has been meticulously thought through by our team of designers and pro anglers to create a rod with unbeatable features and value. Backed by a 5-year limited warranty and 100s of hours of product design and testing in the best office in the world – on the water! <iframe width="656" height="369" src="" title="The All new HFX Series Fishing Rods | Features" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modello</td><td>LUNGHEZZA</td><td>SEZIONI</td><td>Casting</td><td>Oz</td><td>MONTAGGIO</td><td>AZIONE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>031793</td><td>HALO ROD HFX SPINNING</td><td>70MLS</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>6-10 lbs</td><td>1/8-1/4 oz</td><td>SPINNING</td><td>MEDIUM LIGHT</td></tr><tr><td>031794</td><td>HALO ROD HFX SPINNING</td><td>70MS</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>6-14 lbs </td><td>1/8-5/16 oz</td><td>SPINNING</td><td>MEDIUM LIGHT</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 245,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Embodying Halo’s commitment to excellence, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Casting Rods boast contemporary cosmetics and cutting-edge features that outperform other rods in its class. Designed with high-quality, tournament blanks, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Casting Rods feature EVA handles with Sensi-Touch Rings that look great, while providing improved grip and enhanced vibration to improve bite detection. To bolster performance even further, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Casting Rods utilize stainless steel guides with zirconia inserts for added strength and sensitivity. Complete with a semi-exposed reel seat for increased comfort and sensitivity, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Casting Rods deliver performance that all anglers can appreciate, from the most experienced tournament professional to the weekend enthusiast. <iframe width="656" height="369" src="" title="XDIII Pro" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modello</td><td>LUNGHEZZA</td><td>SEZIONI</td><td>Casting</td><td>Oz</td><td>MONTAGGIO</td><td>AZIONE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>031802</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO CASTING</td><td>70MHC</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>10-17 lbs</td><td>1/4-3/8 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM HEAVY</td></tr><tr><td>031804</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO CASTING</td><td>73HC</td><td>7’3”</td><td>1</td><td>12-20 lbs</td><td>1/2-1 1/4 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>HEAVY</td></tr><tr><td>031803</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO CASTING</td><td>73MC</td><td>7’3”</td><td>1</td><td>8-15 lbs</td><td>1/8-3/4 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM</td></tr><tr><td>031801</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO CASTING</td><td>73MHCC</td><td>7’3”</td><td>1</td><td>10-17 lbs</td><td>1/4-3/4 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>MEDIUM HEAVY</td></tr><tr><td>031805</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO CASTING</td><td>76XHC</td><td>7’3”</td><td>1</td><td>15-30 lbs</td><td>3/4-1.5 oz</td><td>CASTING</td><td>EXTRA HEAVY</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 149,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Embodying Halo’s commitment to excellence, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Spinning Rods boast contemporary cosmetics and cutting-edge features that outperform other rods in its class. Designed with high-quality, lightweight blanks, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Spinning Rods feature EVA handles with Sensi-Touch rings that look great, while providing improved grip and enhanced vibration to improve bite detection. To bolster performance even further, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Spinning Rods utilize stainless steel guides with zirconia inserts for added strength and sensitivity. Complete with a semi-exposed reel seat for increased comfort and sensitivity, the Halo Fishing XD III Pro Series Spinning Rods deliver performance that all anglers can appreciate, from the most experienced tournament professional to the weekend enthusiast. <iframe width="656" height="369" src="" title="XDIII Pro" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>Modello</td><td>Modello</td><td>LUNGHEZZA</td><td>SEZIONI</td><td>Casting</td><td>Oz</td><td>MONTAGGIO</td><td>AZIONE</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>031799</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO SPINNING</td><td>70MHS</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>8-15 lbs</td><td>3/16-1/2 oz</td><td>SPINNING</td><td>MEDIUM HEAVY</td></tr><tr><td>031800</td><td>HALO ROD XD III PRO SPINNING</td><td>70MS</td><td>7’</td><td>1</td><td>6-12 lbs</td><td>1/8-1/4 oz</td><td>SPINNING</td><td>MEDIUM</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 149,00 €
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<p>NOBUN Sportex NOBUN vince il "Best New Product Award"! La serie NOBUN è l'ultimo capolavoro realizzato dagli ingegneri e progettisti Sportex ispirato dall'idea di incorporare solo le migliori materie prime, componenti e tecnologie. Una canna da pesca stellare che combina enorme potenza, peso ultraleggero e un’azione inconfondibile. Il blank Helicore, potenziato dalle migliori fibre di carbonio giapponesi T1100 UHM, stabilisce un nuovo standard nei blank ultra leggeri e ad azione rapida. Gli anelli FUJI in Titanium SIC, un esclusivo porta mulinello in carbonio e un'impugnatura perfezionano questo pezzo d'arte rendendo questa canna incredibilmente maneggevole, versatile e potente. <iframe width="527" height="296" src="" title="SPORTEX NOBUN SPIN &amp;amp, CAST" frameborder="0"></iframe> </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Codice</td><td>Lunghezza</td><td>Sezioni</td><td>Casting</td><td></td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02718208</td><td>SPORTEX NOBUN NB1800 CAST CM188 GR.2-13</td><td>NB1800</td><td>1,88 metri</td><td>1</td><td>2-13 gr</td><td>814</td></tr><tr><td>02718210</td><td>SPORTEX NOBUN NB1802 CAST CM185 GR12-48</td><td>NB1802</td><td>1,88 metri</td><td>1</td><td>12-48 gr</td><td>842</td></tr><tr><td>02718212</td><td>SPORTEX NOBUN NB1804 CAST CM185 GR23-79</td><td>NB1804</td><td>1,85 metri</td><td>1</td><td>23-79 gr</td><td>885</td></tr><tr><td>02718214</td><td>SPORTEX NOBUN NB2100 CAST CM215 GR.3-18</td><td>NB2100</td><td>2,15 metri</td><td>2</td><td>3-18 gr</td><td>900</td></tr><tr><td>02718216</td><td>SPORTEX NOBUN NB2112 CAST CM215 GR.40</td><td>NB2112</td><td>2,15 metri</td><td>2</td><td>11-53 gr</td><td>928</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 814,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>ABSOLUT LEVEL 3 ABSOLUTE SPEED, ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE! The Absolut series is back and better than ever before. Engineered to epitomise angling excellence, the RS-3 version boasts our exceptional Helicore blank, meticulously woven from T-1100 carbon fibres and enriched with a bespoke epoxy resin. This marriage of materials guarantees extraordinary casting acceleration and a decisive strike impact. Tailored to modern predator fishing’s demands, the Absolut Level3 series has the range required for all your angling ambitions. From soft plastics to enticing wobblers, spinnerbaits and beyond, the Absolut Level3 seamlessly integrates with every type of lure. The new Pelagic model, featuring an extended handle section, and the Sharpshooter model tailored for LiveScope fishing, constitute the pinnacle of precision. Achieving remarkable accuracy, these rods lock onto their targets with unparalleled tautness, ensuring a rock-steady hookset during the critical moments of any fight. These are the ultimate weapons when it comes to tackling big pike and zander. Fittings: Wear-resistant SIC guides in KL / KT style, FUJI TVS or ACS (Baitcast) reel seats and tough EVA Duplon split handles.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02717737</td><td>SPORTEX ABSOLUTE L3 AB1950 195 GR.65-125</td><td>AB1950 Pelagic</td><td>190196</td><td>1,95 metri</td><td>6,4</td><td>2</td><td>140</td><td>65-125 gr</td><td>133</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>02717741</td><td>SPORTEX ABSOLUTE L3 AB2100 210 GR.3-19</td><td>AB2100</td><td>190210</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>3-19 gr</td><td>104</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>02717745</td><td>SPORTEX ABSOLUTE L3 AB2122 210 GR.11-55</td><td>AB2257 SharpShoot</td><td>190227</td><td>2,25 metri</td><td>7,4</td><td>2</td><td>186</td><td>65-125 gr</td><td>137</td><td>10</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 388,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02717825</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK PEARL BP2131 CAST.210 G.20</td><td>BP2131 Baitcast</td><td>122221</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>13 - 29 gr</td><td>109</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>02717837</td><td>SPORTEX BLACK PEARL BP2442 CAST.240 G.40</td><td>BP2442 Baitcast</td><td>122222</td><td>2,40 metri</td><td>8</td><td>2</td><td>123</td><td>21 - 52 gr</td><td>144</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 140,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>ILLUSION SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT, NOW FOR EVERYONE! Introducing an exceptional line-up of rods designed to bring specialised expertise within reach of every angler. With an impressive array of tailored rods, the Illusion series redefines the way you approach predator fishing. Engineered with specially adapted lengths and casting weights, these rods offer impeccable handling, setting the stage for exhilarating encounters. Each blank boasts Japanese high-performance carbon, ensuring an extra fast rod action enriched with the perfect blend of power and finesse. This makes for outstanding casting performance, as well as for extraordinary reserves of strength when it comes to playing the fish. The Illusion series boasts everything you need to reel in pike, zander, perch and more with complete success. The Sharpshooter model IL2202 is also ideally suited for LiveScope fishing, while the IL1950 also has a Pelagic model with an extra long handle section. The rods are fitted with KW / KL / KT style SIC guides, TVS or ACS style reel seats and tough Camou EVA Duplon split handles.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Model</td><td>Art.-No.</td><td>Length cm</td><td>Length ft</td><td>Pieces</td><td>Transp. length cm</td><td>Cast gr.</td><td>Weight gr.</td><td>Guides</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>02720762</td><td>SPORTEX ILLUSION IL1950 CASTING 188 GR.110</td><td>IL1950 Baitcast Pelagic</td><td>184195</td><td>1,88 metri</td><td>6,1</td><td>2</td><td>108</td><td>55- 122 gr</td><td>144</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>02720763</td><td>SPORTEX ILLUSION IL2100 CASTING 210 GR.10</td><td>IL2100 Baitcast</td><td>184210</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>3- 17 gr</td><td>104</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>02720764</td><td>SPORTEX ILLUSION IL2111 CASTING 210 GR.20</td><td>IL2111 Baitcast</td><td>184201</td><td>2,10 metri</td><td>7</td><td>2</td><td>109</td><td>12- 34 gr</td><td>114</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>02720765</td><td>SPORTEX ILLUSION IL2412 CASTING 245 GR.40</td><td>IL2412 Baitcast</td><td>184252</td><td>2,45 metri</td><td>8</td><td>2</td><td>127</td><td>17- 53 gr</td><td>145</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>02720766</td><td>SPORTEX ILLUSION IL2414 CASTING 245 GR.90</td><td>IL2414 Baitcast</td><td>184244</td><td>2,45 metri</td><td>8</td><td>2</td><td>127</td><td>31- 107 gr</td><td>168</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 151,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>JIG XPERT THE LURE CATAPULT WITH NO COMPROMISE JIG-Xpert There will be no missed takes with this impressive series of rods. Designed with pike, perch and zander in mind, they cover the entire range of modern active fishing. We have created an ultimate catching machine in all casting weight classes, with real power at your wrist right from the start. The super fast JIG-Xpert blank made of Japanese high-performance carbon has outstandingly good casting properties for precise presentation, even at extreme distances. JIG-Xpert Perch There are a lot of different methods for bringing our red-finned friends to where we want them. Anyone who particularly wants to try their luck with small twitch wobblers, Carolina rigs, soft lures and the like will be on to a sure thing with the models in the Perch series. Fantastically fine sensitivity in the tip area really sets these models apart. No matter how cautious the nibble, it can be identified in a flash, and then comes the strike. The longer versions in particular feature an enormously wide range of use, and really earn the title of a true all-rounder. The ultimate tool for hunting stripy predators. JIG-Xpert Zander No other fish is targeted more often with the jig lazy or vertical method than the zander. Perfect contact with the bait, and that sensation of the classic ‘tock’ when it hits the bottom, these are the keys to success. We designed the blank for this series to be just as finely sensitive and ready to respond. The extra stiff action of the rods lets you feel every structure under the water, however small it may be, and then lets you strike precisely, even over long distances. JIG-Xpert Pike Soft lures, wobblers, swim baits and blinkers… just some of the lures used in modern pike fishing. But not all the options can be covered by one rod, and the more specialised the lure is, the better the rod needs to be adjusted to it. Regardless of whether this involves vertical fishing or classic pike jigging, everybody will be happy with this series of rods. There’s plenty of power at the tip so as to put the hook exactly in the right place Combined with a stiff spine, it puts you in the driving seat when it comes to playing the fish. People who are fans of large pike fishing will also find this series exactly to their liking. With the JX2507 model we have come up with the ideal solution for fishing stationary big-baits. This rod gets heavy lures flying way over the horizon, and those extra metres give that extra window of opportunity. As well as that, these no-compromise power packages have top flight fittings in the form of high quality SIC guides in the KL/KT style, solid TVS or ACS reel seats, and robust split Duplon handles. Just genius! <iframe width="446" height="251" src="" title="SPORTEX JIG-XPERT SPIN&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"></iframe></p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="327"></colgroup> <colgroup width="139"></colgroup> <colgroup span="8" width="85"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="center">Codice</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Modello</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Model</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Art.-No.</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Length cm</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Length ft</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Pieces</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Transp. length cm</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Cast gr.</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Weight gr.</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center">Guides</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720287</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2001 BAIT 188 G4-18</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2001 – PERSICO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159191</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">1,88 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">6,1</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">97</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">4-18 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">105</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720290</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX1904 BAIT 192 G21-79</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX1904 – LUCCIO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159194</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">1,92 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">6,3</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">98</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">21-79 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">137</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720295</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2000 BAIT 192 G1-11</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2000 – PERSICO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159200</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">1,92 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">6,3</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">99</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">1-11 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">104</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720296</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2111 BAIT 213 G3-15</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2111 – PERSICO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159201</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,13 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">7</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">110</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">3-15 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">112</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720302</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2101 BAIT 210 G8-29</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2101 – PERCA</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159211</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,10 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">7</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">109</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">8-29 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">117</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720308</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2204 BAIT 225 G28-85</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2204 – LUCCIO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159224</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,25 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">7,3</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">116</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">28-85 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">151</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720313</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2312 BAIT 235 G8-29</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2312 – PERCA</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159232</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,35 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">7,7</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">121</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">8-29 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">134</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">11</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720316</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2405 BAIT 245 G34-97</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2405 – LUCCIO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159245</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,45 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">8</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">126</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">34-97 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">180</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="right">2720322</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">SPORTEX XPERTJIG JX2504 BAIT 255 G28-85</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">JX2504 – LUCCIO</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">159254</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">2,55 metri</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">8,3</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">2</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">131</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left">28-85 gr</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">177</td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right">10</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p>
Prezzo 148,00 €
rating 0 recensione