Mulinelli Mare


Mulinelli Mare

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<p>Mulinello Zun Zun Swinger, progettato per la pesca da bolentino e da jig casting, compatto ed ultra legero. Struttura in alluminio anodizzato con sistema dell’anti-ritorno infinito, rondore bilanciato e sistema frenate max 11 kg. Il mulinello Swinger è dotato di 7 cuscinetti e bobine di ricambio, 1 bobina in alluminio per il modello 650 e 2 bobine in grafite per il modello 850. La maniglia in alluminio con pomello in morbida EVA permette una presa estremaente confortevole.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>SIZE</td><td>LINE CAPACITY</td><td>BALL BEARING</td><td>RATIO</td><td>WEIGHT GR</td><td>MAX DRAG KG</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>101145</td><td>ZUN ZUN MULINELLO SWINGER 450</td><td>450</td><td>0.25/220</td><td>6 1 </td><td>5.0:1</td><td>290</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>101165</td><td>ZUN ZUN MULINELLO SWINGER 650</td><td>650</td><td>0.30/290</td><td>6 1 </td><td>4.5:1</td><td>439</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>101185</td><td>ZUN ZUN MULINELLO SWINGER 850</td><td>850</td><td>0.40/300</td><td>6 1 </td><td>4.5:1</td><td>626</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 54,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p><p>X-Zoga presenta il mulinello TX-S Jigging: la scelta ideale per la pesca verticale in profondità. Con un rapporto di trasmissione veloce e una Drag Force di 20 kg, è perfetto per affrontare sfide marine. Il modello TX-S SW 21 ha un telaio in alluminio di grado marino, 9+2 cuscinetti a sfera in acciaio inossidabile per un funzionamento fluido, e un sistema anti-gioco stabile. Il sistema di trascinamento in fibra di carbonio offre una forza superiore, ideale per catturare tonni, cernie e pesci spada. Con impugnatura extra lunga e manopola ergonomica, è perfetto per pescatori destrorsi e mancini. Un mulinello di alta qualità per appassionati seri di pesca sportiva off-shore.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>Modello</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Drag Max</td><td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Recupero per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>TX-S20PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>RIGHT</td><td>6.3:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE3.0(0.28mm) - 400M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TX-S21PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>LEFT</td><td>6.3:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE4.0(0.32mm) - 300M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TX-S30PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>RIGHT</td><td>6.3:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE3.5(0.30mm) - 400M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TX-S31PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>LEFT</td><td>6.3:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE5.0(0.38mm) - 300M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TX-S50PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>RIGHT</td><td>5.1:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE5.0(0.38mm) - 500M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TX-S51PG</td><td>XZOGA TX-S</td><td>LEFT</td><td>5.1:1</td><td></td><td>20 KG</td><td>PE7.0(0.43mm) - 300M</td><td>9+2</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 259,00 €
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<p></p><p>Mulinello rotante BANAX CHAMP KOIKA specifico per la pesca a calamari sia a tataki che a traina. Telaio realizzato un ultra lega resistente alla corrosione. Dotato di cuscinetti ACB realizzati con materiali non corrosivi, freno meccanico a regolazione fine e nuovo freno centrifugo applicato. Inoltre, la bobina, è facile da attaccare e rimuovere, copertura laterale del palmo della struttura di separazione one-touch. L'ingranaggio di trasmissione in ottone ad alta resistenza. Dotato di pomello ergonomico antiscivolo.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODICE</td><td>MODELLO</td><td>Modello</td><td>Gear Ratio</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Drag Max</td><td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Recupero per giro di manovella</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>BC-SW351L</td><td>X-ZOGA GAWAS BULLET CAST</td><td>LEFT</td><td>6.3:1</td><td></td><td>12 KG</td><td>PE3.0(0.27mm) - 300M / PE4.0(0.32mm) - 230M / PE5.0(0.36mm) – 180M</td><td>5 1</td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 159,00 €
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<p>KOMMAND Mulinello waterproof molto potente con corpo e rotore in metallo, ideale per tutte tecniche di pesca a grossi pesci con sforzi gravosi. Max Drag 20kg rapporto di recupero 5.3:1- sei cuscinetti schermati più uno a rulli. In questo modello non è previsto l’antiritorno. Ottimo per la pesca a spinning pesante in mare o in acque interne e per la pesca di grosse prede. Very powerful waterproof reel with metal body and rotor, ideal for all fishing techniques for big fish. Max Drag 20kg gear ratio 5.3: 1- six shielded bearings plus one roller. In this model there is no anti-reverese. Excellent for heavy spinning at sea or in inland waters and for big fish fishing.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td></td><td>MODELLO</td><td>PESO</td><td>CUSCINETTI SFERA</td><td>POTENZA FRIZIONE</td><td>RAP RECUPERO</td><td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>99255XX</td><td>MULINELLO KOMMAND 4000 </td><td>4000</td><td>500 g</td><td>6+1</td><td>44lb (20kg)</td><td>5,3:1</td><td>Ø 0,35/140</td></tr><tr><td>99256XX</td><td>MULINELLO KOMMAND 5000 </td><td>5000</td><td>550 g</td><td>6+1</td><td>55lb (25kg)</td><td>5,3:1</td><td>Ø 0,35/195</td></tr><tr><td>99257XX</td><td>MULINELLO KOMMAND 6000 </td><td>6000</td><td>580 g</td><td>6+1</td><td>66lb (30kg)</td><td>5,3:1</td><td>Ø 0,40/160</td></tr><tr><td>99258XX</td><td>MULINELLO KOMMAND 7000 </td><td>7000</td><td>600 g</td><td>6+1</td><td>66lb (30kg)</td><td>5,3:1</td><td>Ø 0,45/190</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 99,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>AP POWER YELLOW (avaiable only for italian market) Potenza ed affidabilità sono le prerogative di questi mulinelli nati per le pesche estreme sia in acqua dolce che in mare. Guarnizioni ed O-Ring rendono il corpo assolutamente saltwater ed i dischi in carbotex assicurano potenza ed una notevole modulazione della frizione. La misura 6000 è particolarmente adatta per lo spinning pesante mentre la 8000 per la pesca a verticale e di grandi prede (tonni, siluri, ecc.). Power and reliability are the prerogatives of these reels born from extreme fishing in freshwater and sea. Seals and O-rings make the body absolutely salty resistant and the carbotex disks provide power and a remarkable modulation of the drag. The 6000 is particularly suitable for heavy spinning while the 8000 for vertical fishing and big fish (tuna, catfish, etc.)</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td></td><td>MODELLO</td><td>PESO</td><td>CUSCINETTI SFERA</td><td>POTENZA FRIZIONE</td><td>RAP RECUPERO</td><td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>99375XX</td><td>MULINELLO AP POWER YELLOW 4000 </td><td>4000</td><td>310 g</td><td>5+1</td><td>10lb (5kg)</td><td>5,0:1</td><td>Ø 0,285/200 m</td></tr><tr><td>99376XX</td><td>MULINELLO AP POWER YELLOW 6000 </td><td>6000</td><td>396 g</td><td>5+1</td><td>20lb (10kg)</td><td>5,0:1</td><td>Ø 0,330/230 m</td></tr><tr><td>99378XX</td><td>MULINELLO AP POWER YELLOW 8000 </td><td>8000</td><td>570 g</td><td>5+1</td><td>20lb (10kg)</td><td>5,0:1</td><td>Ø 0,400/230 m</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 105,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Wanderer è un mulinello da surf casting o da tecniche di lancio,costruito con un telaio in alluminio e coperture in grafite. La speciale composizione del corpo, denominata Cybernetic Frame system rende questo mulinello estremamente rigido e dal peso ridotto. La meccanica è anch’essa fluida e potente, ideale per tutte le tecniche di pesca dove sono richieste oltre a dimensioni generose, potenza e affidabilità nel recupero, sia per tecniche di pesca in mare che nelle acque interne. Potenza, robustezza, affidabilita, fluidità di recupero e qualità dei materiali imnpiegati, sono le caratteristiche che meglio rendono l’idea di quale mulinello sia il Wanderer surf. 9 Cuscinetti RRB • Cybernetic frame sistem • Molla archetto potenziata • Bobine bilanciate al computer • Archetto pieno in acciaio inox • Corpo in alluminio anodizzato super leggero • Rotore anti torsione bilanciato al computer • Guidafilo anti torsione placcato al cromo • Frizione in fibra di carbonio • Dispositivo meccanico super silenzioso • Ingranaggi resistenti all’elevata pressione • Anti ritorno infinito con cuscinetto one• way• clutch • Avvolgimento a spire incrociate con vite senza fine worm shaft • Bobina in alluminio forgiato tornito, anti corrosione, con dischi • Archetto a scorrevolezza migliorata durante l’avvolgimento • Manopola in alluminio tornito cnc con innesto filettato • Manopola intercambiabile destro/sinistro</p>
Prezzo 145,00 €
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<p>Rotante nato per lo slow pitch ed il light jigging, con bobina stretta e recupero veloce (7.3). Dotato di frizione a stella con preset micrometrico, bobina in alluminio forgiato tornito, e corpo realizzato in una grafite di nuova concezione estremamente robusta e leggera. Freno magnetico sulla bobina e manopola di nuova concezione dalla particolare forma egonomica studiata per garantire una presa confortevole ma potente.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td></td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Bearing</td> <td>Max Drag (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity mm-mt</td> <td>MANOVELLA</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>D2600315</td> <td>TICA MULINELLO VICTOR</td> <td>TYA5HL</td> <td>7,3</td> <td>420</td> <td>8 RBB 1RB</td> <td>9</td> <td>0.28-230 / 0.32-200</td> <td>SINISTRA</td> </tr><tr><td>D2600538</td> <td>TICA MULINELLO VICTOR</td> <td>TYA5HR</td> <td>7,3</td> <td>420</td> <td>8 RBB 1RB</td> <td>9</td> <td>0.28-230 / 0.32-200</td> <td>DESTRA</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 339,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Rotante LOW PROFILE, ideato e costruito, per l’utilizzo in mare, sia nelle tecniche verticali che nel casting. Corpo realizzato in alluminio anodizzato, forgiato, e alleggerito da inserti in carbonio. Bobina in alluminio con fondo zigrinato, per evitare lo scivolamento del trecciato. Potente frizione da 15kg, con dischi in carbonio ad elevata tenuta, e resistenza all’aumento termico. Guidafilo con anello in titanio, e manopola regolabile con impugnatura in eva “soft touch”. Dotato di sportellino per l’accesso alla meccanica, per la lubrificazione rapida. Freno centrifugo.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600382</td><td>MULINELLO TITAN CLAW TC300H</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600339</td><td>MULINELLO TITAN CLAW TC301H</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600384</td><td>MULINELLO TITAN CLAW TC401H</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 185,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Dall’evoluzione di un best seller tra i mulinelli da traina tica, nasce la nuova serie di mulinelli TM MONO VELOCITà. Il corpo e la bobina, sono realizzati in monoblocco di alluminio tornito e trattato con uno speciale trattamento anticorrosione. Tutta la parte meccanica, gli ingranaggi e il pignone, sono in acciao inox marino anticorrosione. É dotato di 6 cuscinetti in acciaio schermato anticorrosione, oltre a due maxi cuscinetti antiritorno, posizionati su entrambi i lati della bobina. La frizione e’ realizzata con dischi in carbonio, ed il selettore ha una regolazione micrometrica. Disponibile in misure dal 12 al 50lb, é adatto a qualsiasi tecnica di pesca dalla barca, dalla traina col vivo, alla traina in altura, e al drifting al tonno.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600392</td><td>MULINELLO TM12 NG</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600393</td><td>MULINELLO TM12 NE</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600394</td><td>MULINELLO TM12 WG</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600395</td><td>MULINELLO TM12 WE</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600396</td><td>MULINELLO TM16 EWG</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600397</td><td>MULINELLO TM16 EWE</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600398</td><td>MULINELLO TM30 G</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600399</td><td>MULINELLO TM30 E</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600400</td><td>MULINELLO TM50 G</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600401</td><td>MULINELLO TM50 E</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 229,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Versione NARROW studiata per il drifting in top-shot. Corpo e bobina realizzati in monoblocco di alluminio tornito, trattati con uno speciale trattamento anticorrosione. Meccanica, ingranaggi e pignone, sono in acciao inox marino, anticorrosione. Dotato di 6 cuscinetti in acciaio schermato anticorrosione, oltre a due maxi cuscinetti antiritorno, posizionati su entrambi i lati della bobina. la frizione e’ realizzata con dischi in carbonio, ed il selettore ha una regolazione micrometrica. Monta una speciale manopola T-Bar Handle in alluminio forato.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600548</td><td>MULINELLO TM 16 N TUNA (G)</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 0,00 €
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<p>Tica TEAM series si arricchisce con la nuova linea di mulinelli a doppia velocità. Corpo e bobina realizzati in monoblocco di alluminio tornito, trattati con uno speciale trattamento anticorrosione. La meccanica, gli ingranaggi, il pignone e il gruppo ingranaggi della doppia velocità sono realizzati in acciao inox marino, anticorrosione. Dotato di 6 cuscinetti in acciaio schermato anticorrosione, oltre a due maxi cuscinetti antiritorno, posizionati su entrambi i lati della bobina. La frizione e’ realizzata con dischi in carbonio, ed il selettore ha una regolazione micrometrica. La bobina in alluminio tornito da monoblocco, ha il fondo zigrinato per evitare lo scivolamento di fili e trecciati. Disponibile in 4 misure, per essere utilizzato in tutte le tecniche di pesca a traina.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600541</td><td>MULINELLO TM50TS (G)</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600542</td><td>MULINELLO TM30TS (G)</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600543</td><td>MULINELLO TM16 EW TS (G)</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600544</td><td>MULINELLO TM12 W TS (G)</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 378,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Il top di gamma Tica, un fuoriclasse indiscusso! Il Talisman è un mulinello nato per essere utilizzato in tutte le tecniche di pesca dove è richiesta estrema potenza come il popping, il vertical jigging, il bolentino di profondità, la pesca al siluro. Il corpo e il rotore sono entrambi in alluminio tornito ad alta resistenza. La bobina anch’ essa in alluminio monta degli inserti in carbonio che la rendono più leggera. Nella misura 8000 il Talisman è privo di sblocco antiritorno e di sistema automatico di chiusura dell’ archetto. Gli ingranaggi sono in acciaio e bronzo e la manopola anch’ essa in alluminio tornito può essere corredata con diversi tipi di pomello. La frizione è estremamente potente , nella misura 8000 raggiunge i 30 kg di tenuta. La meccanica è preservata grazie ad un sistema di chiusura del mulinello con viti a brucola e al posizionamento di varie guarnizioni nei punti critici. Archetto pieno, in acciaio inox • Molla dell’archetto long-life • Guidafilo anti-torsione placcato in titanio • Manovella intercambiabile destra/sinistra • Click di avviso per uno strike immediato • Frizione 30 Kg • Dispositivo impermeabile • Meccanismo di chiusura archetto manuale • 14 1 cuscinetti RRB in acciaio inox anti corrosione • Corpo, rotore e manovella in alluminio tornito da monoblocco • Bobina in alluminio forgiato con inserti in carbonio • Rotore bilanciato elettronicamente anti-torsione • Anti-Ritorno infinito con cuscinetto "One Way Clutch" • Pomello in eva con impugnatura soft touch • Avvolgimento a spire incrociate Worm Shaft</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td> <td></td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Bearing</td> <td>Max Drag (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity mm-mt</td> <td>Bobine Extra</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>D2600324</td> <td>TICA MULINELLO TALISMAN TG 8000H</td> <td>TG8000H BOBINA SINGOLA</td> <td>5,4</td> <td>700</td> <td>14RRB 1RB</td> <td>30</td> <td>0,45-280 / 0,55-190</td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>D2600298</td> <td>TICA MULINELLO TALISMAN TG 8000H</td> <td>TG8000H DOPPIA BOBINA</td> <td>5,4</td> <td>700</td> <td>14RRB 1RB</td> <td>30</td> <td>0,45-280 / 0,55-190</td> <td>1 alluminio</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 309,00 €


<p>Mulinelli rotanti creati con corpo e meccanica del OXEAN 50. Versione a mono velocità ora disponibili nelle misure 30, 20, 10 e 5 dedicati alla traina in tutte le sue varianti, dalla traina costiera alla traina col vivo. Realizzati con un corpo in grafite ad elevata resistenza, robusto ma leggero al tempo stesso. La meccanica e gli ingranaggi sono in alluminio ed acciaio e danno a questo mulinello un recupero potente, fluido e affidabile. La frizione con comando a leva è precisa e sicura. Dotato di una bobina in alluminio forgiato tornito, con fondo zigrinato per evitare lo scivolamento del filo e del trecciato.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Bearing</td> <td>Line retrieved</td> <td>Max drag</td> <td>Line capacity</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>D2600355</td> <td>TICA OXEAN</td> <td>OX30</td> <td>3.8</td> <td>1205</td> <td>6 RBB</td> <td></td> <td>15</td> <td>0.47 - 930 / 0.57 - 630 / 0.62 - 540</td> </tr><tr><td>D2600356</td> <td>TICA OXEAN</td> <td>OX20</td> <td>3.8</td> <td>805</td> <td>6 RBB</td> <td></td> <td>11</td> <td>0.37 - 860 / 0.47 - 535 / 0.57 - 360</td> </tr><tr><td>D2600357</td> <td>TICA OXEAN</td> <td>OX10</td> <td>5.4</td> <td>580</td> <td>6 RBB</td> <td></td> <td>10</td> <td>0.28 - 800 / 0.37 - 470 / 0.47 - 290</td> </tr><tr><td>D2600340</td> <td>TICA OXEAN</td> <td>OX5</td> <td>6.0</td> <td>445</td> <td>6 RBB</td> <td></td> <td>10</td> <td>0.23 - 810 / 0.28 - 550 / 0.37 - 330</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 145,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Mulinello rotante a doppia velocità e doppia frizione, di alta qualità progettato per offrire prestazioni potenti e costanti. Gioiello da traina di TICA, questo rotante a doppia velocità, è realizzato con un corpo in grafite ad elevata densità e munito di un particolare rinforzo del corpo, con struttura ad “X”, posto sia sulla parte frontale, che su quella posteriore. Il sistema e il materiale, utilizzato per la sua realizzazione, rendono il nuovo OXEAN, un attrezzo leggero e robusto allo stesso tempo. Il mulinello è dotato di una bobina in alluminio anodizzato, tornito. Doppia velocita di recupero, frizione da 18kg con comando a leva e Pre-Set con regolazione micrometrica. Ideato, progettato e costruito per la traina in ogni sua forma, il drifting al tonno, e la traina con il Monel. E’ un attrezzo perfetto per le più esaltanti battute di pesca, e a renderlo ancor più perfetto è il suo eccezionale rapporto qualità prezzo. • 6 cuscinetti RRB • Anti-Ritorno infinito stop multipli • Doppia velocità di recupero • Impermeabile • Manopola "Soft Touch" • Pignone in acciaio irrigidito • Pre-Set frizione a regolazione micrometrica • Bobina in alluminio forgiato anodizzato e anticorrosione • Frizione a dischi in carbonio per resistere al surriscaldamento</p>
Prezzo 215,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Mulinello di ultima generazione con corpo, rotore ed inserti realizzati interamente in “Carbon Composite Material” materiale innovativo che ne migliora le prestazioni in termini di rigidità, leggerezza e longevità. Dotato di 9 Cuscinetti RRB + 1 RB e meccanica in acciaio inox. Nuovo sistema Slow Oscillation che pone su un nuovo piano la disposizione del filo sulla bobina, che risulta pressochè parallela alla base della bobina. La bobina è realizzata in alluminio forgiato, il rotore bilanciato elettronicamente e l’intero design è sviluppato per rendere il movimento di questa macchina estremamente silenzioso. Un ulteriore accorgimento tecnico è rappresentato dal “Rotor Lock System” che blocca il rotore in posizione di lancio quando l’archetto viene aperto, funzione che azzera il movimento e previene grovigli e quindi rotture accidentali del filo in fase di lancio. Frizione da 15kg con dischi in carbonio, caratteristica che rende il Titan la macchina perfetta per tutte le tecniche di pesca, anche le più gravose, sia da riva che dalla barca, sia in mare che in acqua dolce. MODEL G1400 GEAR RATIO 4.1:1 WEIGHT (GR) 632 BEARING 9 RRB + 1 RB LINE RETRIEVED HANDLE TURN 100 cm LINE CAPACITY MM-M 0.25mm - 375mt </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600550</td><td>MULINELLO TITAN T14000 4.1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 149,00 €
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<p>Mulinello top di gamma tica, ha il corpo ed il rotore, in alluminio tornito, particolare che rende questo mulinello, adatto a tutte le tecniche di pesca, dove è richiesta potenza, robustezza, ed affidabilita’. è dotato di 8 cuscinetti a sfera in acciaio inox anticorrosione ed antisalsedine, e ingranaggi robusti, anch’essi in acciao inox. La bobina è in alluminio forgiato, l’archetto in tubolare ed il sitema guidafilo é antitorsione. tempest brand Tempest is a metal reel for saltwater and freshwater fishing featuring a rigid and compact aluminum body, rotor and forged aluminum spool. Its gold and matt black anodized spool is equipped with carbon drag washers that generate smooth and powerful drag force up to 25 kg to fight big fish. Made of stainless steel, the main shaft and worm shaft are tough to endure torque and pull force from fish. Inside the reel, 8 rust resistant ball brearings keep the reel smooth. With powerful aluminum handle and ball type EVA handle knob, you will exert effortlessly and feel comfortable to land and enjoy your fishing. </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600403</td><td>MULINELLO TT8000</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600404</td><td>MULINELLO TT6000</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600405</td><td>MULINELLO TT4500</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 169,00 €
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<p>Mulinello Tica Giant 14000 è un mulinello big size dedicato a tecniche come il carpfishing e il surfcasting. La sua concezione è di ultima generazione: realizzato in alluminio e sviluppato su un sistema a 5 cuscinetti con meccanica anticorrosione e resistente alle alte pressioni, con frizione con un max drag da 15 kg. La bobina realizzata in alluminio forgiato è rifinita ed ottimizzata con microscanalature per consentire un corretto imbobinamento del filo. Questo avviene mediante l'utilizzo del sistema slow oscillation, che consente di ottenere il posizionamento del filo in maniera parallela oltre che rendere il mulinello estremamente silenzioso. Diversi accorgimenti tecnici come il rotor lock system, l'impugnatura ergonomica, i dischi frizione in carbonio, il sistema oscillazione, l'impermeabilità del mulinello, rendono Mulinello Tica Giant 14000 la macchina ideale le tue uscite di pesca in tutte le condizioni. DISPONIBILE IN DUE VERSIONI, CON RECUPERO 4,1:1 E 3,3:1</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td><td>MODELLO</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>'D2600551</td><td>MULINELLO GIANT G14000 4.1</td></tr><tr><td>'D2600552</td><td>MULINELLO GIANT G14000 3.3</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 115,00 €
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<p>Nuovo mulinello Big Size, dotato dell’ormai consolidato sistema “Cibernetic Frame Sistem”, ossia un corpo bilanciato, realizzato in alluminio tornito, e provvisto di alloggiamenti per tutte le parti meccaniche ed ingranaggi. Questo sistema rende la struttura meccanica molto più robusta e resistente alle grosse sollecitazioni e torsioni, che il mulinello subisce nell’azione di recupero delle prede più grosse. Le prestazioni sono paragonabili a mulinelli di dimensioni molto più grandi, ma il nuovo design, decisamente compatto ed ergonomico, rendono questo attrezzo ideale per tecniche di pesca dove è necessaria estrema potenza, senza dover rinunciare al confort di un attrezzo leggero e fl uido nel recupero. Dotato di 8 cuscinetti “Rust Resisten Bearing”, schermati e resistenti alla corrosione, possiede l’antiritorno infi nito, un sistema di avvolgimento a spire incrociate, ed il rotore antitorsione.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Bearing</td> <td>Line retrieved</td> <td>Max drag</td> <td>Line capacity</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>D2600338</td> <td>TICA HYENA HN50</td> <td>HN50</td> <td>4.3</td> <td>702</td> <td>8 RRB+1RB</td> <td>95.9 cm</td> <td>10</td> <td>0,35-480 / 0,45-290 / 0,55-195</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 109,00 €
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<p>Mulinello dalle grandi caratteristiche tecniche, potente, ideale per pesci dalle grandi dimensioni sia in mare che in acque dolci. Il corpo ed il rotore sono realizzati in alluminio tornito e la meccanica è costituita da ingranaggi in acciaio inox e bronzo</p>
Prezzo 109,00 €
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<table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>DRAG MAX (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity</td> <td>Bearings</td> <td>Line Retrieve (cm)</td> <td>JAN CODE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>16236</td> <td>33HGX</td> <td>5.8:1</td> <td>530</td> <td>14</td> <td>PE#3 300m</td> <td>7BB 1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>100</td> <td>4516508 19071 7</td> </tr><tr><td>16237</td> <td>43PGX</td> <td>5.8:1</td> <td>535</td> <td>16</td> <td>PE#4 300m</td> <td>7BB 1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>84</td> <td>4516508 19072 4</td> </tr><tr><td>16238</td> <td>53HGX</td> <td>5.4:1</td> <td>760</td> <td>18</td> <td>PE#5 350m</td> <td>7BB 1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>116</td> <td>4516508 19073 1</td> </tr><tr><td>16239</td> <td>63HGX</td> <td>5.4:1</td> <td>765</td> <td>20</td> <td>PE#6 350m</td> <td>7BB 1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>116</td> <td>4516508 19074 8</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p>OFFSHORE CASTING MODEL with HIGH SPEED GEAR!</p> <p>4-sizes line-up<br />Good for TUNA, AMBERJACK, YELLOWTAIL, DOLPHINFISH, WAHOO etc…<br />DULABILITY,RIGIDITY,SPOOL</p>
Prezzo 309,00 €
rating 0 recensione
  • -10%


<p>Now we have quite new baitcasting reel - FULLRANGE REEL! It has same name of FULLRANGE rods, evolved from our coventional baitcasting reel. FULLRANGE REEL has versertile ability in various situation , various lures, various target. It is so compact size and light weight , very easy to perming. ・SUPER HIGH GEAR 8.1:1 (81R/L) ・BASIC GEAR RETIO 6.6:1 (66R/L) ・LIGHT WEIGHT - 34mm DURALMIN SPOOL ・SHAFTLESS SPOOL makes SMOOTH SPOOL ROTATION ・LIGHTWEIGHT - ALUMINUM DRIVE GEAR ・LOW-DOWN SUMBAR CLUTCH makes smooth casting ・90mm carbon crank handle and EVA handle knob ・CARBON DRUG WASHER makes toughness, power and smooth drag ・STATIONALY DRAG SYSTEM ・CENTRIFUGAL BRAKING SYSTEM (6 BLOCKS - DIFFEENT SIZE - VERY ADJUSTABLE) ・COMPACT and JUST 165g LIGHT WEIGHT BODY ・10BB+1RB ANTI-RUST BB ・DRAG MAX 6.5kg ・GOOD for SALTWATER USE</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Prodotto</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Max Drag (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity lb-mt</td> <td>Bearings</td> <td>Retrieve cm</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>017936</td> <td>MULINELLO TAILWALK FULLRANGE</td> <td>66L</td> <td>6.6:1</td> <td>168</td> <td>6,5 Kg</td> <td>16lb-100m PE#1.5-270m PE#2.0-200m</td> <td>10BB+1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>70</td> </tr><tr><td>017937</td> <td>MULINELLO TAILWALK FULLRANGE</td> <td>81L</td> <td>8.1:1</td> <td>168</td> <td>6,5 Kg</td> <td>16lb-100m PE#1.5-270m PE#2.0-200m</td> <td>10BB+1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>86</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 328,50 € -10% Prezzo base 365,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>DRAG MAX (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity</td> <td>Bearings</td> <td>Line Retrieve (cm)</td> <td>JAN CODE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20520</td> <td>71BL</td> <td>7.1:1</td> <td>315</td> <td>12</td> <td>PE#3 220m</td> <td>4BB+1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>78</td> <td>4516508 19100 4</td> </tr></tbody></table><p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 309,00 €
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<p></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Item</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>DRAG MAX (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity</td> <td>Bearings</td> <td>Line Retrieve (cm)</td> <td>JAN CODE</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>17125</td> <td>71BL</td> <td>7.1:1</td> <td>450</td> <td>14</td> <td>PE1.5 (0.215mm)700m</td> <td>5BB+1RB ANTI-RUST BB</td> <td>95</td> <td>4516508 19088 5</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p>Puoi combattere qualsiasi preda con il mulinello ELAN SUPER WIDE POWER!<br />Ha una potenza di trascinamento di 14 kg MAX,<br />Bobina da 43mm fpr per lanci a lunga distanza,<br />grande capacità di PE6 - 200 metri. <br />Sia la manovella singola che quella doppia sono in dotazione, quindi si può fare jigging, casting e qualsiasi stile.</p> <p>RATIO GEAR HI-SPEED RATIO 7.1:1:1 - 87cm LINE RETRIEVE<br />MAX DRAG 14kg - POTENZA IMMAGINE <br />INGRANAGGI DI GRANDI DIMENSIONI - POTENZA ASSICURATA<br />SYNCRO LEVEL WIND SYSTEM - MENO DANNI PER LA LINEA<br />BOBINA in ALLUMINIO da 43 mm che rende più facile OTTENERE LANCI PIù LUNGHI<br />CAPACITÀ LINEA PE#6 - 200m <br />SISTEMA DI FRENATURA CENTRIFUGA (6 LIVELLI FACILMENTE ADATTABILI)<br />MANOVELLA SINGOLA E DOPPIA IN DOTAZIONE<br />6BB+ 1RB ANTIRUGGINE.<br />COPRI BOBINA IN NEOPRENE</p> <p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
Prezzo 385,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>MULINELLO TAILWALK ELAN WIDE POWER PLUS 71L Gear ratio 7.1: 1 Bearing 10 1 Self weight 305 g Bobbling amount PE 3 No. 260 m Spool pin nylon 16 lb 240 m Maximum drag 12 kg The image of the product you are posting is displaying the representative image. Moreover the color may look different from the real one. Please be forewarned. Elan Wide power's durability drag force as it is. Plus the quantity of built-in ball bearings and wide" power of "Throw" appeared. Large bus aim using Magnum bait Ryeyo catfish sea bass Blue etc. Suitable for casting game regardless of salt fresh water." </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>Peso gr</td><td>Misura</td><td>Line Capacity</td><td>Ratio</td><td>Bearings</td><td>Max Drag Kg</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>023886</td><td>MULINELLO TAILWALK ELAN WIDE POWER PLUS 71L</td><td>305</td><td>71L</td><td>PE3-260m</td><td>7.1:1</td><td>10 1</td><td>12</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 0,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>TAIGAME WIDE VTN Special model specializing in deep &amp; power tie mule From the Thai game reel, which is a specially designed reel for tie mule &amp; light jigging, a wide body model that is most suitable for deep &amp; power tie mule has appeared. The body of the original wide power series, which is highly evaluated for its drag power, smoothness, and durability, has been reduced in weight. Although it has a wide body, it weighs 260g and is lightweight. Secured line capacity of PE1 400m. It is also effective for power games with deep tie mules and thick lines. The gear ratio of 6.4: 1 and the winding amount of 78 cm per rotation produced by the 39 mm spool diameter can be quickly brought into hoisting and hooking even at long distances. During the fight, the stationery lead lug allows you to make fine adjustments to the "drag area you want to use" (with drag click sound). Smoothness stands out especially among Tylaba and light game reels. It can be said that it is a big commitment to prevent line biting between the body and the spool even when using fine thread in the seminar loin pool. 75mm single handle specification. With drag sound, with PE1 300m lower winding. ■ Dial type 6-pin point centrifugal brake system ■ Aluminum frame, gear side cover (adopts T / S / A / L-2 with excellent corrosion resistance) ■ Graphite palm side cover ■ Narrow type forged aluminum spool (second volume + PE1 300m) (With marking) ■ 60 &amp; 75mm carbon variable power handle &amp; EVA handle knob ■ Drag tension setting &amp; drag click sound with a range of fine adjustment in the range of about 500 to 1500g, which is the most important in Tylaba ■ Aluminum drive pursuing weight reduction Gear ■ Instant anti-reverse ■ Carbon drag washer that realizes smooth sliding of drag power ■ With exclusive oil neo-plane reel cover ■ Synchro level wind system that reduces damage to threads ■ Equipped with a drag sound system that makes a click sound</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>recupero giro di manovella</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Rapporto di recupero</td><td>Drag</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>29878</td><td>MULINELLO TAILWALK ELAN TAIGAME WIDE VTN 64L</td><td>78cm / rotation</td><td>PE1-400m</td><td>260 gr</td><td>4+1</td><td>6.4: 1 </td><td>10 Kg</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 355,00 €
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<p>The Pro model for Tairubber comes with a theme “Light &amp; Compact”.</p> <p></p> <p>Recently the condition of Tairubber fishing is becoming more difficult, as this fishing style is getting popular and the population of anglers is increasing. In this situation, it’ s necessary to feel the small changes of the field more and faster than other anglers and adjust the tactics to fish. With this reel, tailwalk aimed to remove all useless things and focused completely on the</p> <p>reduction of weight. This overwhelming light weight makes a great sensitiveness reading information in the water. Not only it’ s light, the strong winding power is an important feature of this reel. The light weight and powerful winding must exist together on the reel for Tairubber because anglers must wind the reel many times even in deep water area. And TAI GAME reel has this important ability to catch big and powerful snappers even though the reel body is very slim and compact.</p> <p></p> <p>The reel also has the sensitiveness due to the light weight. The sensitiveness surely provides you clearer information in the sea.</p> <p>The smooth drag is also an important factor and 3 carbon drag washers in this reel realize the smooth and steady drag performance. Especially in the range of 500 g to 1000 g drag, the drag power can be adjusted very finely so the risk of breaking line becomes low.</p> <p>Besides, the relatively low gear ratio is set to this reel and you can beat out the most attractive rhythm to catch more red snapper.</p> <p>The 120mm long carbon handle is easy to wind even under a large load and the EVA knob helps the user to grip tightly always.</p> <p>The semi-narrow spool provides so speedy falling of Tairubber lures that you can let your lure fall faster than others.</p> <p></p> <p>■ 120mm carbon double handle that will support winding under large load</p> <p>■ 6-pin centrifugal new brake system</p> <p>■ Clicker drag sound system</p> <p>■ Stationary drag that the drag tension can be set gradually by</p> <p>■ Aluminum center frame</p> <p>■ Reinforced carbon material side cover</p> <p>■ Compact &amp; low-down design with slim side palming cap</p> <p>■ 7075 Aluminum alloy drive gear</p> <p>■ 3 carbon drag washers to make drag force and smooth slip</p> <p>■ PE1-300m spool with marking of PE1-200m with backing line</p> <p>■ Light shaftless 32mm diameter Aluminum spool reducing the friction during rotation</p> <p>■ Slide one-touch-open side cover with anti-falling function</p> <p>■ Mechanical brake knob with click sound &amp; anti-falling function</p> <p>■ With line memory</p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup span="2" width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="94"></colgroup> <colgroup width="118"></colgroup> <colgroup span="3" width="85"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">MODEL</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">Gear Ratio</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">Weight (g)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">DRAG MAX (kg)</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">Line Capacity</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">Bearings</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">Line Retrieve</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="18" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">100-DH/L</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">6.6:1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">179</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="right" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">7</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">PE1-300m</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">4+1</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left" valign="bottom"><span style="color:#000000;">66cm/per</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 419,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>SEIRENS Light and compact bait-casting reel for multi-purpose of boat lure fishing In the recent tough situation of fishing, it’s getting more important to make it sure to get more information from the water and take few small bites. To achieve these factors, tailwalk pursues “silky but powerful winding” that is always an important point for several light offshore fishing such as Tairubber, fishing on squid, seabass, rockfish, blue-backed fish. Please feel “sensitiveness and expressiveness” of this light compact reel. The compact body with the slim side palming cover lets the user grip more tightly and improves the operability of lures and the sharpness of hooking. Besides, the carbon power handle with the balancer and power knob supports the light and steady retrieving even with large load in over 100m depth. Due to the stationary drag, the reel’s drag power can be adjusted finely and gradually from 500 g to 1500 g that is the main range of drag for light jigging and Tairubber. You can set the drag precisely and catch your fish surely.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODICE</td> <td>MODELLO</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Drag Max</td> <td>CAPACITA BOBINA</td> <td>Cuscinetti</td> <td>Recupero per giro di manovella</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>31398</td> <td>MULINELLO TAILWALK ELAN SEIRENS 100HG-PH/L</td> <td>100HG-PH/L</td> <td>7.3:1</td> <td>210 gr</td> <td>7 Kg</td> <td>PE1 – 300 metri</td> <td>4 1</td> <td>73 cm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 419,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>TAILWALK ELAN OCTOPUS WIDE VTN The Octopus series, which is popular for its powerful winding from a wide body, has been upgraded with even lighter weight. While giving priority to weight reduction, body strength and drag power are kept. It can be said that it is a professional spec model that supports further technical games. ■ Domestic PE No. 2 with 200m ■ Thread winding amount No. 2 200m ■ 39mm diameter deep groove alumina loin pool ■ Drag MAX: 9kg ■ Handle one-turn winding amount: 78cm ■ Dial type 6-point centrifugal brake system ■ Recovery speed and torqueful winding 6.4: 1 normal gear that achieves both ■ Synchro level wind system that reduces damage to threads ■ 60-75mm 2-position single handle (set to 75mm at the time of shipment) &amp; EVA wide round knob specifications ■ Main frame &amp; gear side plate Is an all-die cast aluminum body that pursues strength and accuracy (the palming side cup is made of graphite)</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Codice</td><td>Modello</td><td>recupero giro di manovella</td><td>Capienza</td><td>Peso</td><td>Cuscinetti</td><td>Rapporto di recupero</td><td>Drag</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>29612</td><td>MULINELLO TAILWALK ELAN WIDEPOWER OCTOPUS VTN 64BL</td><td>78cm / rotation</td><td>PE2-200m</td><td>270 gr</td><td>4+1</td><td>6.4: 1 </td><td>9 Kg</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 369,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Il mulinello da pesca Sugoi LD 9000 è ideale per la pesca a traina. LD 9000 è robusto ed affidabile, bobina rotante in alluminio e frizione a leva, 7 1 cuscinetti a sfera in acciaio inossidabile che garantiscono una maggiore scorrevolezza. Concepito per affrontare pesci più poderosi e per pescale anche con fili trecciati.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Prodotto</td> <td>Model</td> <td>Gear Ratio</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Bearing</td> <td>Max Drag (kg)</td> <td>Line Capacity mm-mt</td> <td>Retrieve</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>105043</td> <td>MULINELLO SUGOI LD</td> <td>LD 6000</td> <td>3.4:1</td> <td>400 g</td> <td>7 1</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr><tr><td>105045</td> <td>MULINELLO SUGOI LD</td> <td>LD 9000</td> <td>3.4:1</td> <td>790 g</td> <td>7 1</td> <td></td> <td>0.50/620 – 0.60/430</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 75,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Rapp.</td> <td>Capacità</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Frizione</td> <td>Dia. Bobina</td> <td>Largh. Bobina</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>752910010</td> <td>10 lb.</td> <td>6,1:1</td> <td>lbs/yds 10/330</td> <td>gr. 400</td> <td>Kg. 10</td> <td>mm. 46,7</td> <td>mm. 33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>752910015</td> <td>15 lb.</td> <td>6,1:1</td> <td>lbs/yds 10/430</td> <td>gr. 450</td> <td>Kg. 10</td> <td>mm. 46,7</td> <td>mm. 44</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /><strong>Silver Color :</strong> Recupero Destro</p> <p> </p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Codice</td> <td>Modello</td> <td>Rapp.</td> <td>Capacità</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Frizione</td> <td>Dia. Bobina</td> <td>Largh. Bobina</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>752911015</td> <td>15 lb.</td> <td>6,1:1</td> <td>lbs/yds 10/430</td> <td>gr. 450</td> <td>Kg. 10</td> <td>mm. 46,7</td> <td>mm. 44</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /><strong>Gold Color :</strong> Recupero Mancino</p> <p>• Disponibile con recupero destro (col. Black nickel ) e sinistro (col. Gold)<br /> • Corpo e guance in DURALL HIGH STRENGTH tornite con macchine CNC<br /> • Bobina forgiata a freddo<br /> • Cuscinetti in acciaio anticorrosione<br /> • Ingranaggi, organi di movimento e trasmissione in materiali anticorrosione<br /> • Manovella tornita e fresata con macchine CNC<br /> • Gruppo freno/frizione a dischi in fibra di carbonio<br /> • Il modello Gold è fornito di 2 manovelle</p> <p> </p> <p><img src="" alt="width=600" height="600" /></p> <p><img src="" alt="width=940" /></p>
Prezzo 229,40 €
rating 0 recensione


<p><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">Il Twin Power SW-C della Shimano rappresenta l'ultima evoluzione di questa famosa serie di mulinelli per la pesca in mare! Grazie alla conoscenza e all'esperienza di Shimano, il nuovo Twin Power SW è un vero concentrato di tecnologie ed ingegneria impareggiabile. Contenendo molte delle caratteristiche che si trovano anche sullo Stella SW, il Twin Power SW-C ha la forza per far fronte a battaglie implacabili con i grandi predatori, pur mantenendo la raffinatezza e la fluidità per massimizzare prestazioni in pesca e il divertimento. L'Hagane Body, l'Hagane Gear, l'X-Ship ed il Silent Drive si combinano per aumentare le prestazioni di recupero e la scorrevolezza, l'X-Shield e l'X-Protect offrono una protezione dall'acqua insuperabile e l'Heat Sink Drag ispira sicurezza in combattimento anche nelle situazioni più estreme.</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- Hagane Gear e Hagane Body: durata e rigidità;</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- Sistema X-Protect: protezione dal sale e dagli agenti esterni;</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- Guidafilo X-Protect: tecnologia ulteriormente migliorata anche nel guidafilo e grazie all'aggiunta di guarnizioni extra è stata create una barriera aggiuntiva che tiene ben lontani sporco e salsedine con il risultato di renderlo 10 volte più duraturo;</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- X-Ship: estrema fluidità durante il recupero;</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- Infinity Drive: tecnologia costruttiva che rendere la rotazione più fluida e potente anche sotto sforzo, eliminando la resistenza allo scorrimento dell'alberino. Infatti il pignone non entra mai in contatto con l'alberino. L'abero principale è supportato da boccole ad alto scorrevolezza e possiede un particolare rivestimento che amplifica la fluidità. In questo modo l'inerzia alla rotazione è stata ridotta del 26%;</span><br style="margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;" /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;background-color:#ffffff;">- Heat Sink Drag: presenta solo nelle misure 10000 e 14000, è una nuova tecnologia che aiuta a dissipare il calore dovuto all'abrasione dei dischi frizione durante lunghi combattimenti che sono spesso causa di molteplici malfunzionamenti.</span></p> <table cellspacing="0" border="0"><colgroup span="2" width="85"></colgroup> <colgroup width="166"></colgroup> <colgroup width="169"></colgroup> <colgroup width="104"></colgroup> <colgroup width="242"></colgroup> <colgroup width="251"></colgroup> <colgroup width="190"></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="29" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">CODE</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">gear ratio</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Practical drag force (Kg)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Maximum drag force (Kg)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Own weight (g)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Thread winding amount nylon (mm-m)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Winding length for rotation of handle (cm)</span></b></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="center"><b><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">Number of bearings BB/Roller</span></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">4000XG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">7</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">11</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">350</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.30-180, 0.35-130</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">101</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">9+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5000HG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5.7</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">13</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">415</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.33-200, 0.37-150, 0.40-130</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">97</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5000XG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">13</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">415</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.33-200, 0.37-150, 0.40-130</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">105</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6000PG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">4.6</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">13</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">420</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.40-160</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">83</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6000HG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5.7</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">13</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">420</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.40-160</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">103</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6000XG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">13</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">420</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.33-240, 0.37-190, 0.40-160</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">112</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8000PG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">4.9</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">615</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">-</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">94</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">8000HG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5.6</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">615</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">-</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">107</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10000PG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">4.9</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">655</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.40-300, 0.47-210, 0.52-160</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">102</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10000HG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">5.6</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">655</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.40-300, 0.47-210, 0.52-160</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">116</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14000PG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">4.9</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">660</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.40-330, 0.47-240, 0.52-195</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">106</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" height="17" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14000XG</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">6.2</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">14</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">25</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">660</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">0.40-330, 0.47-240, 0.52-195</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">134</span></td> <td style="border:1px solid #000000;" align="left"><span style="font-family:'Liberation Serif';">10+1</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 513,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>This reel was made to realize unchanged winding in harsh saltwater situations. The roller clutch and line roller adopt X protection that enhances waterproofness. In addition, it has HAGANE gear that is cold forged for hard and tenacious precision, HAGANE body to firmly prevent deflection and distortion and X - SHIP which gives a light reeling strong against heavy loading. With improvements in operability and stronger performances, this reel is suitable for both shore games and offshore fishing with the durable carbon cloth washer and CI4+ handle knob for extra support.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Winding length cm</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Standard own weight gr</td> <td>Maximum drag force KG</td> <td>Standard spool amount Nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Standard spool amount PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Bearings / rollers</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363042415</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 4000HG</td> <td>4000HG</td> <td>95</td> <td>5.8</td> <td>300</td> <td>11.0</td> <td>3.5-170、4-150、5-125</td> <td>1-490、1.5-320、2-240</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042422</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 4000XG</td> <td>4000XG</td> <td>101</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>300</td> <td>11.0</td> <td>3.5-170、4-150、5-125</td> <td>1-490、1.5-320、2-240</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042439</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 5000PG</td> <td>5000PG</td> <td>78</td> <td>4.6</td> <td>430</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>4-200、5-150、6-130</td> <td>2-350、3-240、4-170</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042446</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 5000XG</td> <td>5000XG</td> <td>105</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>430</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>4-200、5-150、6-130</td> <td>2-350、3-240、4-170</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042453</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 6000PG</td> <td>6000PG</td> <td>83</td> <td>4.6</td> <td>440</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>4-240、5-190、6-160</td> <td>2-440、3-300、4-210</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042460</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 6000HG</td> <td>6000HG</td> <td>103</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>440</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>4-240、5-190、6-160</td> <td>2-440、3-300、4-210</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042477</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 6000XG</td> <td>6000XG</td> <td>112</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>440</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>4-240、5-190、6-160</td> <td>2-440、3-300、4-210</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042484</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 8000PG</td> <td>8000PG</td> <td>94</td> <td>4.9</td> <td>650</td> <td>12.0</td> <td>-</td> <td>3-410、4-300、5-250</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042491</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 8000HG</td> <td>8000HG</td> <td>107</td> <td>5.6</td> <td>645</td> <td>13.0</td> <td>-</td> <td>3-410、4-300、5-250</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr><tr><td>4969363042507</td> <td>20 STRADIC SW 10000HG</td> <td>10000HG</td> <td>116</td> <td>5.6</td> <td>660</td> <td>13.0</td> <td>6-300、8-210、10-160</td> <td>4-400、5-300、6-250</td> <td>6/1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 268,00 €


<p>Lo Stella SW-C della Shimano è il mulinello più potente, più leggero, più affidabile e più performante mai prodotto da Shimano! E' stato difficile migliorare un mulinello come il precedente SW-B, che dopo 6 anni di onorato servizio va in pensione per fare spazione al nuovo SW-C. Il nuovo Stella SW-C presenta due novità assolute ed ulteriori miglioramenti a sistemi già presenti. La prima novità è l' Infinydrive, che migliora la fluidità e la potenza di recupero, eliminando totalmente la resistenza allo scivolamento dell'alberino anche sotto trazioni importanti. In questo modo, la forza di rotazione alla manovella è stata ridotta del 26%. La seconda novità assoluta è l' Heatsink Drag (presente solo nei modelli 10000PG e 14000XG) che ha permesso di migliorare le prestazioni della frizione, riducendo considerevolmente la temperatura di esercizio in combattimento. La frizione risulta più omogenea e costante anche sotto pressione ed il trecciato viene preservato da surriscaldamenti dovuti ai lunghi combattimenti. Inoltre, è stato migliorato l'X-Protect, ovvero il guidafilo risulta essere più impermeabile, con un miglioramento 10x.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Winding length cm</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Standard own weight gr</td> <td>Maximum drag force KG</td> <td>Standard spool amount Nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Standard spool amount PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Bearings / rollers</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>40732</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 4000HG</td> <td>4000HG</td> <td>93</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>355</td> <td>11</td> <td>3.5-170 / 4-150 / 5-125</td> <td>1-490 / 1.5-320 / 2-240</td> <td>12/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40749</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 4000XG</td> <td>4000XG</td> <td>101</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>355</td> <td>11</td> <td>3.5-170 / 4-150 / 5-125</td> <td>1-490 / 1.5-320 / 2-240</td> <td>12/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40756</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 5000HG</td> <td>5000HG</td> <td>97</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>420</td> <td>13</td> <td>4-200 / 5-150 / 6-130</td> <td>2-350 / 3-240 / 4-170</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40763</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 5000XG</td> <td>5000XG</td> <td>105</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>420</td> <td>13</td> <td>4-200 / 5-150 / 6-130</td> <td>2-350 / 3-240 / 4-170</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40787</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 6000HG</td> <td>6000HG</td> <td>83</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>425</td> <td>13</td> <td>4-240 / 5-190 / 6-160</td> <td>2-440 / 3-300 / 4-210</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40770</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 6000PG</td> <td>6000PG</td> <td>103</td> <td>4.6</td> <td>425</td> <td>13</td> <td>4-240 / 5-190 / 6-160</td> <td>2-440 / 3-300 / 4-210</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40794</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 6000XG</td> <td>6000XG</td> <td>112</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>425</td> <td>13</td> <td>4-240 / 5-190 / 6-160</td> <td>2-440 / 3-300 / 4-210</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>39651</td> <td>19 STELLA SW 8000HG</td> <td>8000HG</td> <td>107</td> <td>5.6</td> <td>625</td> <td>25</td> <td>-</td> <td>3-410 / 4-300 / 5-250</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>39668</td> <td>19 STELLA SW 8000PG</td> <td>8000PG</td> <td>94</td> <td>4.9</td> <td>625</td> <td>25</td> <td>-</td> <td>3-410 / 4-300 / 5-250</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>39675</td> <td>19 STELLA SW 10000PG</td> <td>10000PG</td> <td>102</td> <td>4.9</td> <td>670</td> <td>25</td> <td>6-300 / 8-210 / 10-160</td> <td>4-400 / 5-300 / 6-250</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>41289</td> <td>19 STELLA SW 14000PG</td> <td>14000PG</td> <td>106</td> <td>4.9</td> <td>675</td> <td>25</td> <td>10-195 / 12.155 / 14-140</td> <td>6-300 / 8-200 / 10-165</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>39682</td> <td>19 STELLA SW 14000XG</td> <td>14000XG</td> <td>134</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>675</td> <td>25</td> <td>10-195 / 12.155 / 14-140</td> <td>6-300 / 8-200 / 10-165</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40800</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 18000HG</td> <td>18000HG</td> <td>129</td> <td>5.7</td> <td>875</td> <td>28</td> <td>10-310 / 12-240 / 14-200</td> <td>5-500 / 6-400 / 8-300</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40817</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 20000PG</td> <td>20000PG</td> <td>85</td> <td>4.4</td> <td>885</td> <td>28</td> <td>10-350 / 14-240 / 18-190</td> <td>5-600 / 6-500 / 8-350</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>40824</td> <td>20 STELLA SW 30000</td> <td>30000</td> <td>85</td> <td>4.4</td> <td>975</td> <td>28</td> <td>14-400 / 18-300</td> <td>8-600 / 10-475 / 12-375</td> <td>13/1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Prezzo 899,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>A high cost peformance entry reel to the bait finesse realm. The long awaited for bait finesse model enters the impressionable SLX series of baitcasting reels. The SLX BFS uses the Finesse Tune Brake (FTB) system which helps cast even the lightest of lures with finesse and purpose. A high-cost performer that brings bait finesse closer to you. The long-awaited bait finesse model has appeared in the SLX, which supports the central axis of Shimano bait reels with reliable basic performance. The braking section is FTB (finesse tune brake system) developed exclusively for bait finesse. By removing the brake unit from the spool, you can reduce the weight and cast lightweight lures without stress. Other specifications include X-SHIP and exciting drag sound. Anyone can enjoy a high quality bait finesse game.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>MODEL</td><td></td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363043696</td><td>21 SLX BFS -LEFT</td><td>LEFT</td><td>6.3</td><td>3.5</td><td>170</td><td>32/22</td><td>8 lbs – 45 metri</td><td>63</td><td>42</td><td>5+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363043689</td><td>21 SLX BFS -RIGHT</td><td>RIGHT</td><td>6.3</td><td>3.5</td><td>170</td><td>32/22</td><td>8 lbs – 45 metri</td><td>63</td><td>42</td><td>5+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363043719</td><td>21 SLX BFS XG -LEFT</td><td>XG LEFT</td><td>8.2</td><td>3.5</td><td>170</td><td>32/22</td><td>8 lbs – 45 metri</td><td>82</td><td>42</td><td>5+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363043702</td><td>21 SLX BFS XG -RIGHT</td><td>XG RIGHT</td><td>8.2</td><td>3.5</td><td>170</td><td>32/22</td><td>8 lbs – 45 metri</td><td>82</td><td>42</td><td>5+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 201,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>High end with confidence. Egging exclusive design reel, Sephia XR. What elements are required for reels in Egging? "Durability" that can withstand repeated jerk. "Lightness" to keep jerking. "Quietness" when retrieving. Sephia XR thoroughly pursues these elements. A lightweight and high-strength body molded with Shimano's unique material "CI4 " reinforced with carbon fiber. Micro module gear Ⅱ that focuses on smooth winding comfort and durability. Silent drive that suppresses minute vibrations and rattling. In addition, by installing a long stroke spool, it is a rigid support drag that pursues long throw performance and flexibly responds to strong pulls caused by squid's unique jet injection. Experience the exclusive reel for egging that focuses on egging.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>MODEL</td><td></td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363044303</td><td>21 SEPHIA XR C3000S</td><td>C3000S</td><td>5.3</td><td>9</td><td>175</td><td>47/17</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-120</td><td>78</td><td>50</td><td>9 1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363044310</td><td>21 SEPHIA XR C3000SDH</td><td>C3000SDH</td><td>5.3</td><td>9</td><td>185</td><td>47/17</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-120</td><td>78</td><td>45</td><td>9 1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363044327</td><td>21 SEPHIA XR C3000SDHHG</td><td>C3000SDHHG</td><td>6</td><td>9</td><td>185</td><td>47/17</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-120</td><td>89</td><td>45</td><td>9 1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363044334</td><td>21 SEPHIA XR C3000SHG</td><td>C3000SHG</td><td>6</td><td>9</td><td>175</td><td>47/17</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-120</td><td>89</td><td>55</td><td>9 1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 299,00 €


<p>A smooth cranking experience made possible with the Hagane gears. A low moment of intertia with the use of Magnumlite (MGL) rotor. Coreprotect technology to protect the reel from saltwater. The sense of unity between the reel and rod is achieved with the application of G Free Body. A smooth linelay from the reel helps to perform jerking actions comfortably and supports the stability of rods during falls and stays. Enhanced waterproofness. Enhances the sense of unity with the rod and supports jerking and staying The middle class has been renewed, approaching the performance of the high-end model. Strength and smooth winding comfort with HAGANE gear. The specs of the previous work, such as the Magnum Light Rotor that reduces rotational inertia, are kept as they are and the waterproofness is enhanced with core protection. Equipped with a rigid support drag that can be exchanged with peace of mind by sending out a smooth line. In addition, the adoption of the G free body brings the center of gravity of the reel closer to the hand, improving the sense of unity with the rod. Supports light jerk and rod stability during fall and stay.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>MODEL</td><td></td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363040947</td><td>19 SEPHIA SS C3000S</td><td>C3000S</td><td>3.5</td><td>9</td><td>205</td><td>46.5/14.5</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-110</td><td>73</td><td>50</td><td>7+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363040954</td><td>19 SEPHIA SS C3000SDH</td><td>C3000SDH</td><td>3.5</td><td>9</td><td>220</td><td>46.5/14.5</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-110</td><td>73</td><td>45</td><td>7+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363040978</td><td>19 SEPHIA SS C3000SDHHG</td><td>C3000SDHHG</td><td>3.5</td><td>9</td><td>220</td><td>46.5/14.5</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-110</td><td>88</td><td>45</td><td>7+1</td></tr><tr><td>4969363040961</td><td>19 SEPHIA SS C3000SHG</td><td>C3000SHG</td><td>3.5</td><td>9</td><td>205</td><td>46.5/14.5</td><td>0.6-200,0.8-150,1-110</td><td>88</td><td>55</td><td>7+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 218,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Freestyle DC that has evolved further with a low inertia spool. Freestyle bait reel for various fishing. By updating to the Magnum Light Spool, high cast performance is achieved. By further deepening the groove and increasing the line capacity, the adjustment range of the fishing species has been expanded. The drive center is a powerful micro module gear with little winding noise. With the I-DC5 brake, even if the lure suddenly stalls, the appropriate braking force can be obtained instantly. We also have a lineup of normal gear with a gear ratio of 6.2, HG (high gear) of 7.4 and XG (extra high gear) of 8.5, and you can enjoy bass, sea bass and rock fish. The "Scorpion DC" is equipped with a Magnum Light Spool that has been thinned and has a blanking on the body diameter and sides. Due to the low inertia derived from its lightness, the flight distance has been greatly increased. In addition, by increasing the line capacity from the previous model's 14lb-100m to 16lb-100m, the freestyle property is further improved. Not only for bass, but also for various fishing such as sea bass and rock fish. The line capacity has increased, it is now compatible with seawater, and the impression is that it is more versatile. The lightweight MGL spool allows the lure to fly very well, and the rotation rises at once and the trajectory is extended. The smoothness of winding is attracting attention for micro module gears, but it is durable because it has a larger contact area than normal gears, and the winding comfort is also powerful. Flying well and tough. We want you to enjoy various kinds of fishing such as bass, sea bass, rock fish, light jigging, and trout. Cast performance and winding feel have evolved. It's a reel that you can enjoy various things with one unit.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>RATIO/CRANK </td> <td>B/BEARINGS</td> <td>LINE CAPACITY</td> <td>WGT.</td> <td>DRAG</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>21 SCORPION DC 151-LEFT</td> <td>151 LEFT</td> <td>6.2:1 / 66 cm</td> <td>7 1</td> <td>12lb-130 – 14lb-110 – 16lb-100</td> <td>215g</td> <td>5,5 Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 SCORPION DC 151HG-LEFT</td> <td>151HG LEFT</td> <td>7.4:1 / 79 cm</td> <td>7 1</td> <td>12lb-130 – 14lb-110 – 16lb-100</td> <td>215g</td> <td>5,5 Kg</td> </tr><tr><td>21 SCORPION DC 151XG-LEFT</td> <td>151XG LEFT</td> <td>8.5:1 / 91 cm</td> <td>7 1</td> <td>12lb-130 – 14lb-110 – 16lb-100</td> <td>225g</td> <td>5,5 Kg</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 302,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Il mulinello Shimano Ocea Jigger F Custom rappresenta il particolare modello della famiglia Ocea Jigger dotato di leva di discesa. L'innovativa forma di questa leva ne consente un utilizzo comodo e istantaneao, da utilizzare con un solo pollice. Non solo la velocità di caduta del jig, ma anche la postura del jig in acqua può essere liberamente controllata. Inoltre, la forma del pomello, facile da impugnare e da mettere in forza, sopporta facilmente carichi elevati come la pesca in profondità, riducendo la fatica del pescatore. Ovviamente, anche questo modello si avvale della tecnologia di cui la serie Ocea Jigger è orgogliosa, come l'avvolgimento fluido e potente dell'Infinity Drive e ingranaggi Micro Module, garantiscono un'elevata rigidità, durata e prestazioni di trascinamento estremamente fluide. Il corpo in Hagane è come un'"armatura metallica" forgiatura a freddo. L'elevata rigidità protegge la struttura interna del mulinello e riduce al minimo la deflessione per migliorare la precisione degli ingranaggi. Converte la potenza del pescatore in potenza di sollevamento. Il tutto unito al sistema di protezione X Protect, che unisce una parete impermeabile e uno speciale grasso idrorepellente, impedendo l'intrusione dell'acqua nel cuscinetto laterale della bobina dell'albero dell'ingranaggio, che risulta estremamente protetta. All'interno della bobina è prevista anche una parete impermeabile per ridurre l'entrata dell'acqua di mare sul cuscinetto dell'albero della bobina e migliorare la resistenza alla corrosione del cuscinetto. <iframe width="1180" height="664" src="" title="OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Model</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Own weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm) / stroke (mm)</td><td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum hoisting length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td><td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 1000HG RIGHT</td><td>1000HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>430</td><td>49/21</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-230 / 3-200</td><td>98</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 1001HG LEFT</td><td>1001HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>430</td><td>49/21</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-230 / 3-200</td><td>98</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 1500HG RIGHT</td><td>1500HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>430</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>98</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 1501HG LEFT</td><td>1501HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>430</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>98</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 2000NRHG RIGHT</td><td>2000NRHG</td><td>6.2</td><td>10</td><td>605</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>117</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 2001NRHG LEFT</td><td>2001NRHG</td><td>6.2</td><td>10</td><td>605</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>117</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>19 OCEA JIGGER F CUSTOM 3000HG RIGHT</td><td>3000HG</td><td>6.2</td><td>10</td><td>630</td><td>60/40</td><td>3-670,4-480,5-400,6-330</td><td>117</td><td>8+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 555,00 €
rating 0 recensione


<p>Shimano Ocea Jigger reel Il mulinello Ocea Jigger di Shimano è un mulinello di alto livello,disponibile nelle versioni con manovella sinistra con codice numerico che finisce con 1 e con manovela destra con codice numerico che finisce con 0. Tutta le serie è caratterizzata dal pignone in bronzo, creato appositamente per il mercato giapponese, ideale per il jigging in acque profonde, soprattutto per un utilizzo pesante dal vertical, allo slow pitching allo slow jigging. Il sistema X-Ship aumenta di molto la potenza di recupero facilitando il combattimento con i pesci più difficili da domare e garantendo fluidità in ogni situazione di pesca. La sua bobina Super Free permette il controllo totale della profondità, anche quando peschiamo in una forte corrente, e grazie al particolare design a gola stretta (60 x 25 mm) rende facile l'avvolgimento del filo. La frizione a stella è impermeabile, ed ha un drag massimo di 10 kg, ottenuto grazie ai dischi di carbonio di diametro leggermente maggiorato. Lo Shimano Ocea Jigger è dotato di 8+1 cuscinetti S A-RB (cuscinetti in acciaio inossidabili con schermatura extra). Sul corpo è presente una ghiera di regolazione micrometrica del freno meccanico con i numeri di riferimento che permette di regolare la tensione laterale sulla bobina. La placca di attacco alla canna in acciaio inox è fissata direttamente sul telaio del rotante, in questo modo risulta molto ribassata. L’antiritorno è garantito da un cuscinetto a rullo monodirezionale integrato con una ruota dentata con dente di ritegno che offre ulteriore sicurezza. La manovella è posta sul lato sinistro e può essere montata su due posizioni differenti, una con lunghezza totale di 73 mm ed una di 85 mm. Sulla parte destra è presente un bottone che ha la funzione di operare un blocco sulla bobina, molto utile nei caso di incaglio sul fondo o quando si desidera fermare definitivamente la bobina, come nelle ultimissime fasi dell’imbarco delle prede sotto la barca. La versione HG (High Gear) ha un rapporto di recupero è di 6.3:1 e permette un recupero facile e veloce (circa 117 cm per ogni giro completo di manovella), mentre la capacità è di 0.33 mm - 400 m. Shimano Ocea Jigger 1501 HG Left Handle è il mulinello della famiglia dei baitcasting che deriva direttamente dal mercato esclusivamente giapponese. Questo è il mulinello ideale per tutte le tecniche verticali, come lo slow pitch, vertical jigging etc. Inoltre il peso (390 gr) è molto contenuto. Questo mulinello ha 7 kg di drag max e un recupero di 6.3:1 (97 cm per giro di manovella). I cuscinetti A-RB sono 8, più 1 a rulli (anti ritorno). La capacità dichiarata è 500 mt di PE 2, 400 mt. di PE 2,5 e 320 mt di PE 3. Il corpo è tornito dal pieno rivestito dal noto trattamento EI anticorrosione Shimano che gli dona quel bel colore platino. Infine il mulo è dotato di sblocco bobina a leva (nera sul lato sx) che s’innesta sia manualmente sia con il classico mezzo giro di manovella come sui normali muli da casting e il cicalino sul lato dx del mulinello. <iframe width="1180" height="664" src="" title="Shimano OCEA Jigger 4000" frameborder="0"></iframe> <iframe width="1180" height="664" src="" title="2017 New Ocea Jigger (w/ English Subtitles)" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Model</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Own weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm) / stroke (mm)</td><td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum hoisting length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td><td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1000HG RIGHT</td><td>1000HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>405</td><td>49/21</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-230 / 3-200</td><td>97</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1001HG LEFT</td><td>1001HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>405</td><td>49/21</td><td>2-300 / 2.5-230 / 3-200</td><td>97</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1500HG RIGHT</td><td>1500HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>405</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>97</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1500PG RIGHT</td><td>1500PG</td><td>5.1</td><td>7.5</td><td>405</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>78</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1501HG LEFT</td><td>1501HG</td><td>6.4</td><td>7</td><td>405</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>97</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 1501PG LEFT</td><td>1501PG</td><td>5.1</td><td>7.5</td><td>405</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>78</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 2000NR-HG RIGHT</td><td>2000NRHG</td><td>6.2</td><td>10</td><td>595</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>117</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 2000NR-PG RIGHT</td><td>2000NRPG</td><td>5.1</td><td>10</td><td>595</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>96</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 2001NR-HG LEFT</td><td>2001NRHG</td><td>6.2</td><td>10</td><td>595</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>117</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>17 OCEA JIGGER 2001NR-PG LEFT</td><td>2001NRPG</td><td>5.1</td><td>10</td><td>595</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>96</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 1500XG - RIGHT</td><td>1500XG</td><td>7.3</td><td>6</td><td>410</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>112</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 1501XG - LEFT</td><td>1501XG</td><td>7.3</td><td>6</td><td>410</td><td>49/25</td><td>2-500 / 2.5-400 / 3-320</td><td>112</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 2000NR-MG - RIGHT</td><td>2000NRMG</td><td>5.7</td><td>10</td><td>580</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>107</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 2000NR-XG - RIGHT</td><td>2000NRXG</td><td>7</td><td>10</td><td>580</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>132</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 2001NR-MG - LEFT</td><td>2001NRMG</td><td>5.7</td><td>10</td><td>580</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>107</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>21 OCEA JIGGER 2001NR-XG - LEFT</td><td>2001NRXG</td><td>7</td><td>10</td><td>580</td><td>60/25</td><td>3-400 / 4-300 / 5-220</td><td>132</td><td>8+1</td></tr><tr><td>20 OCEA JIGGER 4000 RIGHT</td><td>4000</td><td>4.4</td><td>18</td><td>785</td><td>73 / 33.4</td><td>3-1200,4-900,5-700,6-580</td><td>101</td><td>6+1</td></tr><tr><td>20 OCEA JIGGER 4000HG RIGHT</td><td>4000HG</td><td>5.1</td><td>18</td><td>790</td><td>73 / 33.4</td><td>3-1200,4-900,5-700,6-580</td><td>117</td><td>6+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 500,00 €
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<p>Shimano OCEA CONQUEST CT The Ocea Conquest CT is equipped with a fall lever that allows angler to now easily and precisely control the fall speed of the jig which was difficult to control enabling more strategic fishing such as high speed in the stratum or low speed in the the vicinity of the seabed. A digital counter is also added, displaying fall and retrieval speed on the liquid crystal screen while allowing the angler to grasp the water depth at the same time for more accurate hit pattern. The key to challenge large pelagic on light line is preparation. This style of fishing is extra demanding on the equipment used. Apart from using good quality fishing line, you also need a reel that is good and maintains smoothness even under utmost pressure. The new Ocea Conquest is a concentrate of Shimano’s technologies in a round profile reel. Pursuing reproducibility in both directions with fall and winding Ossia Conquest in the digital age A model equipped with a fall lever and a digital counter has appeared in Ossia Conquest. Next-generation fall performance is added to the robust and smooth drive system, and fall action can be freely controlled. It has become possible to consciously and accurately reproduce the falling bait and the bait that escapes toward the bottom. Of course, all the basic performance follows the Ossia Conquest as it is and supports the angler's strategy with advanced specifications equipped with all the advanced mechanisms. Its style is a proof of sophistication. Fall and roll, bidirectional performance takes offshore games to the next level. <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" title="SHIMANO OCEA CONQUEST CT" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Product name</td><td>Handle</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Own weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm) / stroke (mm)</td><td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum hoisting length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td><td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 200HG RIGHT</td><td>200HG</td><td>6.2</td><td>5</td><td>340</td><td>40/18</td><td>1-440,2-200</td><td>78</td><td>10+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 200PG RIGHT</td><td>200PG</td><td>4.8</td><td>6</td><td>330</td><td>40/18</td><td>1-440,2-200</td><td>60</td><td>12+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 201HG LEFT</td><td>201HG</td><td>6.2</td><td>5</td><td>340</td><td>40/18</td><td>1-440,2-200</td><td>78</td><td>10+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 201PG LEFT</td><td>201PG</td><td>4.8</td><td>6</td><td>330</td><td>40/18</td><td>1-440,2-200</td><td>60</td><td>12+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 300HG RIGHT</td><td>300HG</td><td>6.2</td><td>7</td><td>390</td><td>43/22</td><td>2-380,3-240,4-170</td><td>84</td><td>10+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 300PG RIGHT</td><td>300PG</td><td>4.8</td><td>8</td><td>390</td><td>43/22</td><td>2-380,3-240,4-170</td><td>65</td><td>10+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 301HG LEFT</td><td>301HG</td><td>6.2</td><td>7</td><td>390</td><td>43/22</td><td>2-380,3-240,4-170</td><td>84</td><td>10+1</td></tr><tr><td>18 OCEA CONQUEST CT 301PG LEFT</td><td>301PG</td><td>4.8</td><td>8</td><td>390</td><td>43/22</td><td>2-380,3-240,4-170</td><td>65</td><td>10+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 593,00 €
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<p>SHIMANO OCEA CONQUEST 201 A flagship that continues to evolve in three major ways: smooth, strong, and maneuver. An offshore double-axis reel with a diverse lineup. "OCEA CONQUEST" is a double-axis reel for offshore that brings together Shimano's reel technology to maximize toughness, smoothness, and operability. Starting with the highly rigid "HAGANE body", each internal part such as the drive gear and highly durable clutch has been thoroughly reinforced, boasting the strength to withstand the power of large fish. Rotational performance reduces the burden on anglers. In the modern offshore game that makes full use of the light line, it shows its true value generously. A diverse lineup expands the area of ​​offshore games.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>gear ratio</td> <td>gear ratio</td> <td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td> <td>PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td> <td>Handle length (mm)</td> <td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>033017</td> <td>15 OCEA CONQUEST 201HG LEFT</td> <td>201HG</td> <td>6.2</td> <td>5</td> <td>285</td> <td>40/18</td> <td>2-200, 1-440</td> <td>78</td> <td>60</td> <td>10 1</td> </tr><tr><td>033536</td> <td>15 OCEA CONQUEST 201PG LEFT</td> <td>201PG</td> <td>4.8</td> <td>6</td> <td>275</td> <td>40/18</td> <td>2-200, 1-440</td> <td>60</td> <td>48</td> <td>10 1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 539,00 €
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<p>With the Forcemaster 800, we've managed to come up with a reel that is both compact and powerful! Equipped with Muteki Motor and Shimano's proprietary CI4+ carbon material which sees a 20% body weight reduction in the ForceMaster 800. High-load fishing are no longer limited to large-size reels, now large fish and high load fishing can be done with smaller-size reels as well!</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>MODEL</td><td></td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363032959</td><td>15 FORCE MASTER 800</td><td>800</td><td>4.4</td><td>11,5</td><td>545</td><td></td><td>2/470, 3/300, 4/230, 5/180</td><td>61</td><td></td><td>8+2+1</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 629,00 €
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<p>SHIMANO FORCE MASTER 3000 2022 Toughness forged with the power of trust. And the advantage that the control of information brings. Fishing species that require power and durability, such as large fish and multi-point hooking of squid. The Forcemaster 3000 has undergone a model change in pursuit of these high-load fishing. Inherited the heart of the MUTEKI MOTOR of the previous 17 Force Master 3000XP that sounded with power. Equipped with a new reinforced gear system that achieves amazing durability, it raises the offshore squid fishing to a new dimension where large blue objects, huge bottom objects, long hoisting distances, and multi-point loads continue to be applied. In addition, by installing a color fish finder display screen, you can visualize a lot of information such as the depth and shape of the seabed, the size of the school, and the trajectory of the tackle. It is now possible to always take the first tactic. Toughness forged with the power of trust. And the great advantage that the control of information brings. The Forcemaster 3000 opens up a new strong style for boat fishing. *The Search Maru Screen/Scale can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru base unit. The AccuFish function and fish school water depth display can only be used on vessels equipped with a main unit that supports AccuFish. [About power supply] The product does not contain a lithium battery. In order to fully demonstrate the performance of the reel, we recommend using a large capacity battery (manufactured by our company: BT Master 11AH). MUTEKI MOTOR with high torque and power. MUTEKI MOTOR is a brushed motor that maintains high torque even at high temperatures and exhibits powerful power. Originally, the MUTEKI MOTOR demonstrated higher performance than general motors that used plastic magnets, but the neodymium magnets used in it were changed to special rare earth magnets to achieve even higher performance. In terms of actual fishing, it has excellent response speed when driving, and in cases where it hits immediately after landing on the rig, it is a great advantage for quickly cutting the bottom. A reinforced gear system that doubles the durability*. The gear system has been greatly strengthened, such as bearing support for the reduction gear, achieving amazing durability. The synergistic effect with MUTEKI MOTOR realizes the strength and speed of hoisting, as well as a sense of stability. In particular, it supports deep offshore squid fishing, which has a deep target and high loads due to multi-point hooking. *17 Comparison with Forcemaster 3000XP Equipped with a search screen with overwhelming information power. It has evolved significantly from the conventional simple fish finder function, and the electric reel displays the seabed water search, seabed shape, fish reactions such as school size and fish body length (accufish), and the trajectory of the tackle. Without moving your eyes to the Takkeimaru CV-FISH on the boat or your smartphone, it will be displayed in vivid colors on the reel counter at hand. A new feature that motivates you just by looking at the detailed changes in the seabed and the reactions of the fish, and is directly linked to actual fishing. Especially in drop fishing, the reaction of bait (bait) is clear, and you can change the lively bait many times, so you can fish efficiently. A thick PE8 can be rolled up to 200m, and a thin PE4 can be rolled up to 450m. Forcemaster 3000 is an electric reel with a very wide range of protection, from familiar fishing such as red sea bream and yellowtail fishing to squid and light swimming. The MUTEKI MOTOR at the heart of this reel has excellent response speed when driving, which is a great advantage when quickly bottoming out. By installing a new reinforced gear system there, it has acquired the durability that the initial good condition lasts for a very long time. I felt the improvement in performance even in terms of this vs. big game. In the test, I caught 25kg class amberjack and 15kg class grouper. I think that it is perfect for light swimming, which is a trigger for the introduction of full-scale swimming fishing. In addition, a color screen, the Senkenmaru screen, was also installed. It's definitely a nice feature to have for fishing species that require a search circle, such as drop fishing. The new design is simple and more luxurious. Enjoy a variety of fishing with the Forcemaster 3000, which has the ability to respond to various fields. The power to control high loads and the Tankenmaru screen that spreads enjoyment. The Forcemaster 3000 has taken over the overwhelming power of the 3000XP and has undergone a model change. With the new reinforced gear system, not only power but also durability is further improved. In addition, the force master 3000 MUTEKI MOTOR has a spool-in motor structure, so even if the thread comes out, the spool is less thin. Winding is very stable at both high speed and low speed because there is little change in the spool diameter. In particular, the act of winding it up strongly and slowly under load puts a strain on the electric reel, but the new Forcemaster 3000 can be used with confidence in this regard. I felt that the usability and stability that cannot be expressed in numbers have increased. Individual specifications such as a maximum drag force of 20 kg are also close to high-end, so it is a versatile electric rod that can be used for various fishing such as multi-point hooking of large squid, large fish to swim, and fishing in mid-to-deep water. Finished as a reel. The Tankenmaru screen, which is the first in the Force Master series, is also a big point. For Japanese flying squid, tana can be very important depending on the season. Bait reactions such as sardines and mackerel are strongly reflected in the middle layer, and Japanese flying squid is mixed in the school. Of course, the captain will make an announcement, but by combining what you hear with your eyes and what you see with your eyes, you can quickly deliver your tricks to the range. This difference in information capacity may lead to a difference in fishing results with fellow boaters. I think that by using the Takkeimaru screen in this way, the fun of boat fishing will spread, not just squid fishing.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td> <td>Name</td> <td>gear ratio</td> <td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td> <td>Yarn amount PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363044488</td> <td>22 FORCE MASTER 3000 - MANOVELLA DESTRA</td> <td>3.9</td> <td>70</td> <td>795</td> <td>20</td> <td>4-450,5-350,6-300,8-200</td> <td>10 1</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p> <p><iframe width="1499" height="843" src="" title="【22SS新製品 船】フォースマスター3000、BTマスター11AH、バンディットBG / 高橋哲也【シマノオンラインフィッシングショー】" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
Prezzo 0,00 €
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<p>The new role that "Under 3000" should play will be covered with strength accompanied by delicacy. The importance of under 3000 is increasing because the motor power of 3000 has been improved from the ground up. Because thin and strong PE lines are becoming more popular, there was a need to support power games even in the 2000 format. The reason why ForceMaster2000 has been upgraded with MUTEKI MOTOR+ is to respond to the trend of the times. The low-profile body, super free spool, e-centering system, etc. are also equipped at the same time, for example, fishing that requires the opposite element of "targeting a big game with a small load gimmick" like a complete hook. , There is also an aim to demonstrate more ability. [About power supply] The product does not contain a lithium battery. In order to fully demonstrate the performance of the reel, we recommend using a large-capacity battery (manufactured by our company: Denryokumaru 10Ah). </p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Code</td><td>MODEL</td><td></td><td>gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td><td>Weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td><td>Thread winding amount nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td><td>Handle length (mm)</td><td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>4969363036018</td><td>16 FORCE MASTER 2000</td><td>2000</td><td>5.1</td><td>15</td><td>685</td><td>44/38</td><td>5-320,6-250</td><td>70</td><td>60</td><td>11</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 689,00 €
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<p>A shocking compact changes the electric light game. In order to improve the operability with one hand, the side plate area has been reduced by 20% * 1 and the weight has also been successfully reduced. Combined with the placement of the power cable on the handle side, we have achieved a palming performance that wraps around the palm of your hand. Equipped with a touch drive that adds an intermediate speed setting function and a speed clutch that allows ON/OFF switching while touching the spool. With a high gear that exceeds 60 cm per rotation of the handle, the hooking performance is improved by the rhythmic invitation operation by manual winding and the winding awase. The high-speed collection speed of the MUTEKI MOTOR+ is overwhelmingly faster and stress-free than manual winding. The main target is active light game, hairtail, marika, light komase, metal sutte, etc. Among them, the electric sea bream has an "electric constant speed winding control" that achieves almost perfect constant speed winding, a motor and clutch interlocking function that eliminates the motor sound during falling, and a handle speed that can be manually searched and reproduced on the day. convenient to display. Supports anglers with a labyrinth structure body that prevents troubles involving PE lines up to 0.8. In addition, it is equipped with a simple fish finder function that allows you to know the sea situation in real time. The lineup includes 4 types of single handle 200 (right handle) and 201 (left handle) with excellent hoisting power, and double handle 200DH (right handle) and 201DH (left handle) suitable for rhythmic lures such as hairtails. A shocking compact that condenses Shimano technology leads the electric light game to a new world. *1: Compared to 15 Forcemaster 300DH. *The Search Maru scale can be used on all ships equipped with the Search Maru main unit. The fish school water depth display is only available for ships equipped with a main unit that supports AccuFish. [About power supply] The product does not contain a lithium battery. In order to fully demonstrate the performance of the reel, we recommend using a large capacity battery (manufactured by our company: BT Master 11AH).</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td>gear ratio</td> <td>Maximum drag force (Kg)</td> <td>Weight (g)</td> <td>Spool diameter (mm)/width (mm)</td> <td>Thread winding amount Fluoro (No. -m)</td> <td>Yarn amount PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Maximum winding length (cm/1 rotation of handle)</td> <td>Handle length (mm)</td> <td>Number of bearings BB/roller</td> <td>Practical winding endurance (Kg)</td> <td>Maximum hoisting speed (m/min)</td> <td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 1kg load</td> <td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 2kg load</td> <td>Practical hoisting speed (m/min) 3kg load</td> <td>Yumeya Handle Knob Type</td> <td>Yumeya handle type</td> <td>Electric cable total length (m)</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>42583</td> <td>21 FORCE MASTER 200-RIGHT</td> <td>663</td> <td>200</td> <td>8.2</td> <td>5</td> <td>395</td> <td>25.5/19</td> <td>0.8-270, 1-220, 1.5-150</td> <td></td> <td>66</td> <td>60</td> <td>09/01/2023</td> <td>3</td> <td>195</td> <td>148</td> <td>129</td> <td>87</td> <td>B.</td> <td>BH-1</td> <td>2.5</td> </tr><tr><td>43672</td> <td>22 FORCE MASTER 201DHLEFT</td> <td>663</td> <td>201DH</td> <td>8.2</td> <td>5</td> <td>385</td> <td>25.5/19</td> <td>0.8-270, 1-220, 1.5-150</td> <td></td> <td>66</td> <td>55</td> <td>09/01/2023</td> <td>3</td> <td>195</td> <td>148</td> <td>129</td> <td>87</td> <td>A.</td> <td>BH-1</td> <td>2.5</td> </tr><tr><td>43665</td> <td>22 FORCE MASTER 201LEFT</td> <td>663</td> <td>201</td> <td>8.2</td> <td>5</td> <td>395</td> <td>25.5/19</td> <td>0.8-270, 1-220, 1.5-150</td> <td></td> <td>66</td> <td>60</td> <td>09/01/2023</td> <td>3</td> <td>195</td> <td>148</td> <td>129</td> <td>87</td> <td>B.</td> <td>BH-1</td> <td>2.5</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 669,00 €
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<p>SHIMANO FLIEGEN The line roller is equipped with "X Protect" to improve the waterproof performance so that the smooth line winding feeling can be maintained. Adopting HAGANE body ensures sufficient rigidity and durability. In addition, the newly designed "CI 4 " rotor contributes to improved sensitivity and hoisting power. Freegen SD equipped with "Large-diameter no-taper spool" and "High-speed drag" has also been released for throwing enthusiasts who want to aim at multi-purpose such as fishing rods. Since lighter rotation performance is required, a new waterproof structure has been developed exclusively. We are particular about the non-contact type that does not impair the lightness of rotation, and in addition to the conventional water repellent treatment, we have realized high waterproof performance while being non-contact by combining a labyrinth structure that suppresses the ingress of water. Due to its light rotation, it can be used for line rollers, and the durability of salt shavings on line roller bearings has been greatly improved.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>CODE</td> <td>MODEL</td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Winding length cm</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Standard own weight gr</td> <td>Maximum drag force KG</td> <td>Standard spool amount Nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Standard spool amount PE (No.-m)</td> <td>Bearings / rollers</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>36568</td> <td>FLIEGEN 35 EXTRA FINE</td> <td>35 EXTRA FINE</td> <td>83</td> <td>3.5</td> <td>440</td> <td>20</td> <td>2.4lb 300m – 4lb 200m</td> <td>1 160m</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr><tr><td>36575</td> <td>FLIEGEN 35 FINE</td> <td>35 FINE</td> <td>83</td> <td>3.5</td> <td>440</td> <td>20</td> <td>4.8lb 250m – 8lb 150m</td> <td>1 160m</td> <td>8 1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 429,00 €
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<p>Shimano 20 EXSENCE DC SS is the saltwater fine version DC bait caster with a few modifications to its original. It is specifically designed to cast around 7-28g, 1/4-1oz minnow baits the longest. i-DC4 digital brake system is tuned to cast those baits the best with braided lines. i-DC4 offers simple 4 dials to offer you very easy settings. Four dials are 1, 2, 3 and F. 1-3 are to suite well for braided lines and nylon lines. F is for fluorocarbon lines, which is the heaviest among the fishing lines in market. Body is made of aluminum alloy to offer solid performances. Aluminum alloy main frame Silky smooth, micro module gearing system i-DC4 digital control brake system Extra efficient X-SHIP gear system 90mm long handle for HG, 96mm long handle for XG EVA high grip knobs Sealed anti-rust ball bearings S-ARB Clicking star drag Line alarm when line is pulled out Super free spool design Saltwater fine Easy setting with a simple dial operation. Moreover, it flies. A practical DC reel that brings you closer to your favorite bait style. Make bait-style sea bass games more accessible! Exsense's new innovation developed in response to such demands. The I-DC4 Exsense Tune, which has been specially set for sea bass, can be used with a wide range of weight type lures in PE and Fluoro with just a simple 4-step dial operation. Equipped with advanced technology such as HAGANE body, micro module gear, and X-SHIP, it creates a comfortable long cast for sea bass and rock fish.</p><table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td><td>Product name</td><td>Gear ratio</td><td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td><td>Own weight (g)</td><td>Spool diameter (mm) / stroke (mm)</td><td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td><td>Maximum hoisting length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td><td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td></tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>20 EXSENCE DC SS HG RIGHT</td><td>HG RIGHT</td><td>7.4</td><td>5</td><td>220</td><td>34/25</td><td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td><td>79</td><td>4+2</td></tr><tr><td>20 EXSENCE DC SS HG LEFT</td><td>HG LEFT</td><td>7.4</td><td>5</td><td>220</td><td>34/25</td><td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td><td>79</td><td>4+2</td></tr><tr><td>20 EXSENCE DC SS XG RIGHT</td><td>XG Right</td><td>8.5</td><td>5</td><td>225</td><td>34/25</td><td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td><td>91</td><td>4+2</td></tr><tr><td>20 EXSENCE DC SS XG LEFT</td><td>XG LEFT</td><td>8.5</td><td>5</td><td>225</td><td>34/25</td><td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td><td>91</td><td>4+2</td></tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 335,00 €
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<p>Shimano 17 EXSENCE DC XG Control without missing even a slight change in rotation. Extraordinary braking performance brought about by technological innovation NEW 4x8 DC EXSENCE TUNE reborn by technological progress. More precise brake control is possible than ever before. In addition, the cast performance has dramatically improved due to the synergistic effect with MGL Spool III, Silent Tune, and S3D Spool. Especially when using the PE line, the possibility of high cuts due to momentary brake control is greatly reduced for troubles immediately after casting. In addition, the maximum drag force and the amount of spool have increased, making it more versatile. At times, bait reels with the potential to confront blue-backed fish were born. KEY FEATURE Key features A weapon of technology in that hand. State-of-the-art technology brings further evolution to anglers A field that is getting higher pressure year by year. In a fierce battlefield with many rivals, the value of one sea bass is increasing day by day, and many anglers should have repeated trial and error to seize less chances. The further evolved Exsense DC will surely be a new weapon that will surely expand the possibilities of sea bass anglers who do not keep such an inquisitive mind. Please experience the long-distance casting performance brought about by the latest technology and the impression of one animal that you can get from the cast feel that you are particular about. Excellent compatibility with big bait. What you can do with bait tackle The biggest advantage of using bait tackle in sea bass fishing is that it can improve casting accuracy and powerful winding. In particular, the more alert the sea bass is, the more it is necessary to attack the structure tightly, so it is important to approach the target point delicately. Also, when fishing around the structure, it is necessary to have some forcible exchanges such as pulling it off from the spot so as not to break the line. When aiming for sea bass, bait tackle has its merits as the situation becomes more severe. It goes well with thick PE lines, so it is easy to operate heavy lures such as big baits. By incorporating bait tackle, you will be able to develop sea bass fishing with a stronger commitment to one animal than ever before. Brake performance has evolved further. New NEW 4x8DC EXSENCE TUNE Newly reborn 4x8 DC EXSENCE TUNE. Due to technological advances, the CPU processes a much larger amount of information than before, and the braking force is precisely controlled, resulting in a dramatic improvement in cast performance. In particular, we have greatly improved the possibility of high cuts due to momentary brake control for troubles immediately after casting, which are common when using the PE line. Furthermore, it delicately senses the deceleration of spool rotation caused by air resistance such as wind, and prevents unexpected backlash. With high DC performance, it supports various lures and situations and helps you to reach a valuable one. Immediately detect irregular changes. Brake accuracy is more precise The image above is an image comparing the sensing accuracy of the latest DC brake and the conventional DC brake. Due to technological advances, the latest DC brakes are designed to detect changes more often and cast better than ever. Compatible with various lures. Braking force can be adjusted instantly with dial settings P5 ~ P6: Mode that is good at any lure for almighty P7 ~ P8: Recommended for beginners, strong wind / headwind mode P4 or less: Recommended mode for heavy and often flying lures X All: For tailwind only, Pro mode P: PE line mode, X: tailwind long cast mode It is safe even if you are not familiar with bait reels. Brake system with the main axis on the PE line In the first place, 4x8 DC EXSENCE TUNE is Shimano's original technology, 4x8 DC brake tuned for EXSENCE. 4x8DC is also a technology installed in conventional Antares, and its overwhelming flight distance and trouble-free performance have earned tremendous trust from core bass fishing users. Tune such 4x8DC to the lure and PE line that are frequently used in sea bass. The most unusual point is that Seabass has a system centered on long-distance casting on the main PE line. Not only the P mode (PE line mode) can be set, but also the original X mode (tailwind long cast mode) can be selected, achieving trouble-free casting performance even under adverse conditions. Magnum Light Spool Ⅲ The 3rd generation Magnum Light Spool has succeeded in thinning the overall thickness without sacrificing strength. The low inertia spool rotates smoothly as if it were not subjected to air resistance. In long-distance casting, in addition to the exhilarating and stretchy cast, you can carry the lure to a point further back in the last stretch, so it is possible to increase the possibility of hitting at a distant point that can not be easily attacked. .. In addition, pinpoint casts that emphasize accuracy will also be more accurate. Since it is possible to cast with a low trajectory and stretch, you can concentrate on the cast even in situations where you hit the shadow of the structure with a boat sea bass. S3D spool S3D spool is a technology created by reviewing the cutting method at the spool manufacturing stage. Since the spool surface is extremely free from distortion and rattling, smooth and smooth rotation has been achieved. The resistance applied to the spool that rotates at high speed during casting is thoroughly eliminated. Silent tune Silent tune is a technology that succeeds in applying a light pressure to the bearing that holds the spool by the force of the spring. The smooth cutting of the S3D spool reduces the resistance during rotation to the utmost limit, but the force of the spring suppresses the vibration of the parts to ensure further quietness during high-speed rotation. EXSENCE DC reels are packed with technology that thoroughly focuses on casting, in addition to digitally controlled brakes.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td></td> <td>Product name</td> <td>Gear ratio</td> <td>Maximum drag force (kg)</td> <td>Own weight (g)</td> <td>Spool diameter (mm) / stroke (mm)</td> <td>Capacity nylon (lb-m)</td> <td>Maximum hoisting length (cm / handle 1 rotation)</td> <td>Number of bearings BB / roller</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>17 EXSENCE DC XG</td> <td>XG RIGHT</td> <td>7.8</td> <td>5</td> <td>230</td> <td>37/19</td> <td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td> <td>91</td> <td>11+1</td> </tr><tr><td>17 EXSENCE DC XG</td> <td>XG LEFT</td> <td>7.8</td> <td>5</td> <td>230</td> <td>37/19</td> <td>12-130,14-95,16-85</td> <td>91</td> <td>11+1</td> </tr></tbody></table>
Prezzo 736,00 €
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