Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK
    • Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK
    • Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK

    Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK


    Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK


    Bee Spark Series La quantitdi pesce pescato con lesca vibrante metallica dipende dalla capacitdi vibrazione in risalita e in caduta a prescindere dalla lontananza. La particolaritdi B-spark la sua velocitiniziale. provvista di 2 ami in modo da adescare sicuramente il pesce una volta che si avvicinato e di non farlo sfuggire anche in caso di aggancio sul fondale! The difference between the catch of metal vibration is how fast it vibrates during lift and fall. "B Spark" was particular about the speed of the initial action. The 2 hooks to bring them together and make sure to eat them will not miss the bite at the time of landing! * Since 2020, only the rear hook will be available. B-SPARK B-SPARK is a vibration lure. This lure is very fast moving. It is an important factor to catch as many as one.

    BSP202Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g2 GLOW
    BSP203Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g3 TRASPARENT CHART GOLD
    BSP204Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g4 SILVER
    BSP205Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g5 DARK BROWN
    BSP206Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g6 LIGHT BROWN
    BSP207Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g7 GREEN MAJORA
    BSP208Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g8 CHART/BLACK
    BSP209Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g9 MASTARD
    BSP210Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g10 DARK OLIVE
    BS9211Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g11 PELLET BROWN
    BS9212Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g12 YELLOW SPOT
    BS9213Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g13 RED SPOT
    BS9214Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g14 BROWN SPOT
    BS9215Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g15 G CHOCOLATE
    BS9216Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g16 H TRANSFORM CHOCOLATE
    BS9217Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g17 T EXPERT CHOCOLATE
    BS9218Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g18 NOBITANOKUSENI
    BSP219Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g19 KACHAN GOMEN
    BSP220Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.0g20 OITSUNEO
    BSP2901Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g1 RED GLOW
    BSP2902Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g2 GLOW
    BSP2903Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g3 TRASPARENT CHART GOLD
    BSP2904Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g4 SILVER
    BSP2905Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g5 DARK BROWN
    BSP2906Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g6 LIGHT BROWN
    BSP2907Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g7 G Major
    BSP2908Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g8 CHARTR BLACK
    BSP2909Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g9 MASTARD
    BSP2910Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g10 DARK OLIVE
    BSP2911Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g11 PELLET BROWN
    BSP2912Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g12 YELLOW SPOT
    BSP2913Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g13 RED SPOT
    BSP2914Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g14 BROWN SPOT
    BSP29GOffice Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g15 G Chocho Gold
    BSP29HOffice Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g16 H Henshink Chocho
    BSP29TOffice Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g17 T Meijin Chocho
    BSP2918Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g18 NOBITA NO KUSENI
    BSP2919Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g19 KACHAN GOMEN
    BSP2920Office Eucalyptus B-SPARK2.9g20 OI TSUNEO
    19 Items

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