List of products by brand Artico

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<table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Lungh mt</td> <td>N° Sez</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Power gr</td> <td>Ring guides</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>7 - 30</td> <td>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>10 - 35</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate</td> <td>20 - 40</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate Fast</td> <td>10 - 35</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span>C</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate Fast</td> <td>15 - 45</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Moderate Fast</td> <td>20 - 40</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>15 - 30</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>20 - 40</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ARTICO THE BOSS vs SPINNING</td> <td>2,40 m - 7'1''</td> <td> 2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Fast</td> <td>20 - 60</td> <td><span>ALPS o Fuji BNOG o Alconite o SiC</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><span> </span></p> <p align="justify">The Boss VS Spinning è la risposta italiana alle canne da spinning americane e del sol levante. The Boss (Sergio Artico), è il progettista di questa serie e non a caso è il fondatore dell'azienda Artico. The Boss è il soprannome che con stima figli e dipendenti gli hanno dato già nel 1975, agli albori dell'azienda di Pordenone. La serie da spinning The Boss prende il suo nome per i seguenti motivi:</p> <p>1) The Boss VS Spinning è una gamma completa di canne da spinning, in grado di coprire tutte le esigenze della pesca a spinning: dal mare alle acque interne, dalle monofusto alle due pezzi, dalla microgomma ai pesanti artificiali per predatori marini. Questo infatti è l'approccio che Sergio Artico ha nel suo lavoro e che ha trasferito a questa serie di canne che portano i suo nome: se devi fare una cosa falla bene e non lasciare nulla al caso!</p> <p>2) Come nella migliore tradizione Artico... e così come da sempre è stato fortemente voluto da Sergio Artico, tutte le The Boss VS Spinning sono rigorosamente fatte a mano in Italia da lavoratori italiani. Ma non solo la produzione, anche la progettazione è italiana, specificatamente studiata per la pesca nei nostri fiumi, nei nostri laghi e nei nostri mari. Qui non si tratta di un adattamento di una canna da spinning straniera che può essere utilizzata anche nelle nostre acque, ma al contrario le The Boss VS Spinning sono canne progettate da italiani per la pesca in Italia. Tutta la serie The Boss VS Spinning non assomiglia a nessun'altra canna da spinning in commercio, non è l'ennesimo clone di un prodotto trito e ritrito. The Boss VS Spinning, essendo di produzione artigianale, dispongono di azioni e reattività inconsuete, necessariamente evolute rispetto alle classiche canne da spinning.</p> <p>3) Italiano è anche il carbonio utilizzato per fare il fusto, per le The Boss VS Spinning solo il meglio... e non c'è nulla di meglio del Carbonio Alto Modulo Premium Ferrari (quello utilizzato nella F1) per ottenere da una canna da spinning prestazioni ottimali in termini di potenza e reattività. <strong>XANTU.LAYR </strong>Nella serie The Boss VS per la prima volta viene inserito nel V.AR.AM, il sistema produttivo utilizzato nella lavorazione degli unidirezionali di carbonio statificati, una fibra completamente innovativa: lo XANTU.LAYR (Continuos nanofibre performance composites). Questa è una esclusiva membrana stratificata che agisce come rinforzo migliorando le prestazioni del carbonio composito. Nello specifico mira ad eliminare le criticità e le debolezze della fibra, migliorandone la resistenza alla delaminazione ed aumentando la resistenza all'impatto. Forti di questa fibra rivoluzionaria, da oggi le canne Artico saranno ancora più resistenti e performanti.</p> <p>4) E infine la genialità di Sergio Artico... perché dividere una canna da spinning da 2,40 nel bel mezzo del fusto? Così facendo si pregiudica l'azione della canna! Le The Boss rompono gli schemi, i modelli in due sezioni sono così composti: una sezione è il fusto e l'altra sezione è il calcio che si inserisce con sistema put-in nel fusto (vedi foto sotto), così facendo si ottengono le massime performance dall'attrezzo riducendo al minimo l'ingombro. In sostanza le The Boss VS Spinning, anche quelle in due sezioni, in pesca si comportano come delle monofusto perché non hanno giunture al centro della canna! Con questa soluzione Sergio Artico ha potuto sbizzarrirsi nella produzione artigianale di ogni singolo fusto, inserendo manualmente in ognuno di questi micro fascette di carbonio al fine di ottenere ottenere quella precisa e specifica azione che gli serviva.</p> <p>5) La gamma delle The Boss VS Spinning, come vedrete dalla tabella in fondo, è davvero completa, ma vi diamo ancora una indicazione per capire come scegliere le nostre canne. Abbiamo volontariamente evitato le classiche diciture UL - L - M - H - XH - XXH perché le nostre canne non sono né medium, né heavy - né Ultralight ecc. Le The Boss sono diverse e basta! Infatti le loro tre azioni sono: Moderate - Moderate Fast e Fast... oggettivamente sembrano diciture strane ma veramente definiscono l'azione di questi stupendi attrezzi. I colori delle greche specificano le azioni: Azzurro = Moderate / Rosso = Moderate Fast e Verde = Fast. Tutta la serie The Boss VS Spinning è equipaggiata con componentistica Fuji e può essere montata a richiesta con anelli in Alconite - in SiC o, a richiesta, Torzite.<br />Queste canne sono l'ennesima dimostrazione che quando gli italiani si impegnano, nessuno al mondo può batterli.</p>
Price €405.00
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<table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Lungh mt</td> <td>N° Sez</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Power lbs</td> <td>Ring guides</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>THE BOSS vs JIGGING</td> <td>1,73 metri - 5'7'' FT</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>max drag lb.40 PE-LINE 8 gr. 80-140</td> <td>Fuji BNOG or Alconite</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p class="western"><span>Artico è stata la primissima azienda che circa una decina d’anni fà, quando si stava iniziando a parlare di vertical jigging, decise di importare attrezzi specifici dal Giappone, là dove questa tecnica ha avuto origine. Forte dell’esperienza maturata con i consulenti giapponesi della Shout oggi presenta una canna da vertical jigging in edizione limitata, tecnologicamente avanzata e rigorosamente prodotta in Italia. Un unico modello monopezzo da 1,70 metri, così ha voluto il progettista Sergio Artico (in arte The Boss), con idee molto chiare su quello che doveva essere questa canna!</span></p> <p class="western"><span>Il Fusto</span><span><br /></span><span>The Boss Vs Jigging è una canna artigianale, realizzata a mano su ordinazione e interamente prodotta in Italia nei laboratori Artico di Pordenone. Il fusto è realizzato in carbonio alto modulo di derivazione Formula 1, il carbonio Prepreg Ferrari è infatti un composito alto modulo M80 di qualità superiore, leggerissimo ed estremamente resistente. Artico è l'unica azienda che si può fregiare del logo Ferrari sulle sue canne e questo è sinonimo di eccellenza Made in Italy. Grazie alla stratificazione differenziata dei fogli di carbonio e all'utilizzo di resine epossidiche speciali, la The Boss Vs Jigging dispone di un'azione di punta ”soft” che permette di lavorare con facilità jigs anche pesanti e ad elevate profondità senza stancarsi, come invece accadrebbe con attrezzi più rigidi. La cima “morbida ed elastica” ha l’effetto di una molla perenne che conferisce all’azione di recupero del jig la giusta cadenza e ritmo. Questa canna è indirizzata al jigging pesante e tropicale e quindi progettata per l’abbinamento con grossi mulinelli a bobina fissa di classe 20000 o più e trecciati PE 8.0 cioè circa 80 e più lbs.</span></p> <p class="western"><span>Componentistica<br />Per distribuire ed agevolare l’uscita del filo e l’imbobinamento, il primo anello è di generosa sezione e dimensione, tra le tante possibilità si è scelto il meglio, la serie Fuji K-Series™ Tangle-Free, tutti a doppio ponte in Alconite fissati sul fusto con doppie legature. Sono 5 gli anelli apicale di generose dimensioni. Il portamulinello è il nuovo CAH-LX Alps in alluminio anodizzato con inserto in carbonio e doppia ghiera per bloccare stabilmente il mulinello nella sua sede: leggerissimo ma estremamente robusto e sicuro! Il manico in EVA ad alta densità si allunga sensibilmente sul fusto per offrire un adeguato appoggio durante i combattimenti più strenui e prolungati, inoltre dispone di un fighting butt in gomma per adeguarsi alle varie cinturine da combattimento. La finitura è realizzata in un bel “rosso Ferrari”, il peso complessivo della canna montata con tutti questi accessori è di circa 388 gr.</span></p> <p class="western"><span>Fuori dagli schemi<br /></span><span><span>Mentre la stragrande maggioranza delle Case costruttrici continua a produrre canne da Jigging ultrarigide, rendendo così questa tecnica troppo affaticante e impegnativa a livello fisico, Artico ha capito che occorrono canne speciali, con una azione di cima particolarmente elastica per facilitare il movimento di grossi e pesanti jigs anche a buone profondità ed un azione del fusto progressiva. La The Boss Jigging dispone infatti di una cima che flette elasticamente durante la fase della jerkata, assecondando e favorendo il movimento naturale del jig in acqua ed un restante fusto che asseconda la curva con una progressione costante durante la fase del combattimento. Una potenza probabilmente infinita con un drag max dichiarato di 40 lbs (20 kg circa) che sono decisamente più di quanto un normale pescatore possa ragionevolmente gestire senza il rischio di volare fuori bordo, quando dall’altra parte della lenza abbiamo grosse prede XXXXLarge veloci e combattive. Corta per non offrire agli antagonisti una leva favorevole e allo stesso tempo adatta al pompaggio deciso e rapido per non dare tregua all’avversario e costringere anche i pesci più ostinati a seguire le regole del pescatore, piuttosto che subire le sfuriate più potenti. Adatta sicuramente alle grosse prede, tonni e ricciole over 40 in Mediterraneo e GT, Dogtooth tuna e Big Cernie di barriera ai tropici.</span></span></p>
Price €395.00
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<table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Model</td> <td>Lungh mt</td> <td>N° Sez</td> <td>Azione</td> <td>Power lbs</td> <td>Ring guides</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>The Boss Popping GT Medium</td> <td>2,32 m - 7'6" ft</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Medium</td> <td>Max Drag 60 lbs / 8 -10 PE</td> <td>Fuji BNOG or Kwag or BKwag or SiC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>The Boss Popping GT Monster</td> <td>2,32 m - 7'6" ft</td> <td>2 Blank Calcio</td> <td>Monster</td> <td>Max Drag 70 lbs / 10 -12 PE</td> <td>Fuji BNOG or Kwag or BKwag or SiC<br /><br /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p>La nuova serie The Boss GT Popping è a dir poco unica e fuori dalle righe. Il progettista, Sergio Artico (in arte “The Boss”), ha voluto creare una canna da popping in grado di domare le fughe dei GT ma che al contempo facesse divertire il pescatore. Il risultato sono questi due prodotti: La Popping GT Medium e la Popping GT Monster.<br />Ma andiamo per gradi...</p> <p>Nella pesca dei GT il mercato ci ha abituati ad utilizzare canne da popping generiche, canne che vanno bene per fare un po' tutto ma che poi nella sostanza non vanno benissimo quando si scontrano contro i Giant Trevally (Caranx Ignobilis). Il carangide in questione può arrivare ad 80 Kg e tira come una “locomotiva”, di conseguenza serve una canna dedicata al “carattere” di questo pesce e non una canna da popping “qualsiasi” riadattata per la pesca dei GT. La maggior parte delle Case costruttrici, infatti, sviluppa canne da popping che necessariamente devono accontentare le esigenze di vari mercati e che quindi devono andare bene per americani, esquimesi, africani ecc. Nel fare questo, nel cercare di accontentare tutte le esigenze di tutti i pescatori di tutti questi paesi, le canne che ne derivano sono il frutto di innumerevoli compromessi tecnici, di compromessi nei materiali, di compromessi nella componentistica ecc ecc. In sostanza le canne da popping che poi troviamo nei negozi non sono veramente sviluppate per i GT, ma sono sostanzialmente i fusti da popping più potenti e robusti che la Casa ha in gamma... e queste canne potrebbero anche andare bene per i GT... ma non saranno mai canne specifiche per GT.</p> <p>The Boss GT Popping di Artico<br />1) The Boss GT Popping è realizzata con il miglior carbonio alto modulo al mondo, direttamente dai circuiti di Formula 1 questa canna viene assemblata esclusivamente con Carbonio PrePreg Ferrari. <strong>XANTU.LAYR </strong>Nella serie The Boss VS per la prima volta viene inserito nel V.AR.AM, il sistema produttivo utilizzato nella lavorazione degli unidirezionali di carbonio statificati, una fibra completamente innovativa: lo XANTU.LAYR (Continuos nanofibre performance composites). Questa è una esclusiva membrana stratificata che agisce come rinforzo migliorando le prestazioni del carbonio composito. Nello specifico mira ad eliminare le criticità e le debolezze della fibra, migliorandone la resistenza alla delaminazione ed aumentando la resistenza all'impatto. Forti di questa fibra rivoluzionaria, da oggi le canne Artico saranno ancora più resistenti e performanti.<br />2) Il fusto della The Boss GT Popping è realizzato a mano nei laboratori Artico (a Pordenone), è una canna artigianale curata in ogni minimo particolare e incarna tutto il meglio dell'eccellenza Made in Italy<br />3) La componentistica è la migliore del mercato, The Boss GT Popping può essere montata con quattro tipi di anelli per consentire al pescatore di scegliere il modello più idoneo al mulinello che userà in pesca. Tutti gli anelli sono rigorosamente Fuji e le pietre interne vanno dalle più economiche BNOG alle più robuste SiC. Il manico è ALPS, quello Pat Pending (omolagato), per i mulinelli a bobina fissa di qualsiasi dimensione.<br />4) The Boss GT Popping è una canna sviluppata solo per il popping tropicale al GT e nessun compromesso su tecnologia, materiali e componentistica è stato accettato. Questa è una canna che va bene solo per pescare a popping i mostri tropicali.<br />5) The Boss GT Popping è una canna che non viene prodotta in serie ma solo su richiesta e quindi ad Artico non interessa venderla a tutto il mondo ma solo a chi fa la pesca dei GT. Ha infatti prodotto due modelli una GT Medium con Max drag 60 lbs 8-10 PE e una GT Monster con Max drag 70 lbs 10-12 PE.<br />6) The Boss GT Popping è una canna specializzata e come con una macchina da formula 1 non puoi girarci in città, non puoi farci fuoristrada, non puoi metterci la spesa nel baule, non puoi portarci a spasso la famiglia, non puoi fare nient'altro che quello per cui è stata progettata... The Boss GT Popping è stata progettata pescare i GT. Non è una canna semplice da usare perché: tutti sono capaci di guidare una utilitaria, solo alcuni possono guidare una Ferrari da strada ma in pochissimi riescono a guidare una Ferrari da Formula 1 in pista. The Boss GT Popping è una macchina da Formula 1: quando tiri lei tira, quando pompi lei pompa, quando forzi lei spinge, quando sbagli: ti schianti... perdi il pesce. La GT è una canna dove tutto è portato all'estremo e devi saperla "guidare". Non è una canna facile perché non è una canna tutto fare che alla fine se sbagli ti aiuta, questa è una canna specializzata che fa bene il suo lavoro ma chi la usa deve sapere quello che sta facendo.</p>
Price €555.00
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<table style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead><tr><td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Cod.</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Modello</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Versione</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Lunghezza m.</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Sezioni</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Casting gr.</strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"><strong>Ring Guides </strong></td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"> </td> </tr></thead><tbody style="padding-left:30px;"><tr style="padding-left:30px;"><td style="padding-left:30px;">3390</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Madai Inchiku</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Spinning o Casting a richiesta</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">2 m</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Blank + Calcio</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">40 - 80</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Fuji BNOG</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"> </td> </tr><tr style="padding-left:30px;"><td style="padding-left:30px;">3391-A</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Madai Inchiku</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Spinning o Casting a richiesta</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">2 m</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Mono</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">80 - 160</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Fuji BNOG</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;"> </td> </tr><tr style="padding-left:30px;"><td style="padding-left:30px;">3391-B</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Madai Inchiku</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Spinning o Casting a richiesta</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">2 m</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Mono</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">80 - 160</td> <td style="padding-left:30px;">Fuji BNOG montaggio Acid</td> </tr></tbody></table><p style="padding-left:30px;">Forte della collaborazione con la Casa Giappone Shout, leader nella progettazione delle canne da kabura e da inchiku, Artico ha deciso di sviluppare un attrezzo specifico per lo slow pitch jigging ed ecco il risultato. La struttura della Madai Inchiku è così fatta: cima sensibile ed elastica per poter gestire il particolare recupero degli speciali jigs a foglia utilizzati in questa tecnica, e un fusto in grado di contrastare prede di buone dimensioni come pagri, dentici, corazzieri e cernie, le prede di fondo più insidiate con questa disciplina.</p> <p><strong>Modelli custom</strong><br />Sono due i modelli di <strong>Madai Inchiku</strong> disponibili: una monopezzo in stile giapponese e una due pezzi con innesto “Put In” del manico. La prima può essere montata sia nella versione classica con anelli in linea, sia nella versione Acid con anelli a spirale. Per quanto concerne le grammature utilizzabili sono: 80/160gr per il modello monopezzo e 40/80 per la due pezzi. Entrambi i modelli sono lunghi due metri. Quando si parla di Artico tutti sanno che il prodotto è artigianale e rigorosamente Made in Italy e in quanto tale anche la Madai Inchiku è così. Ordinando questa canna non solo è possibile scegliere l'anellatura “in linea” o “acid a spirale” ma anche il tipo di impugnatura, nell specifico a spinning o a casting per la pesca con mulinelli a bobina fissa. Ma non solo, se vi piacciano le legature di un colore diverso, basta chiederlo e anche questo si può fare. Alcuni ci hanno chiesto anche di verniciare il fusto (di serie è nero) di altri colori... nessun problema possiamo fare anche quello. Il vantaggio di acquistare una canna italiana prodotta artigianalmente, è anche questo: puoi personalizzarla come più piace a te ed avere una canna unica e irripetibile.</p> <p><strong>Tecnologia</strong><br />Entrambi i modelli sono relaizzati con l’esclusivo Carbonio Antistress K13A10 + HR40 + TR3320, una formula originale di un mix di carbonio dalle diverse peculiarità che unisce leggerezza e diametri estremamente sottili con sensibilità e giusta reattività e resistenza alla compressione che è il primo problema con attrezzi dalla curva ampia e profonda che si genera di solito sotto sforzo. La componentistica è Fuji, sia per quanto riguarda gli anelli che il portamulinello, gli anelli sono 8+ l’apicale di cui 3 a doppio ponte nel primo tratto e 5 a ponte singolo nel punto in cui questi comincino a ruotare attorno al fusto nella tradizionale “spiralatura” adottata per il montaggio per mulinello rotante. Una scelta interessante su fusti estremamente sottili caratterizzati da curve ampie e progressive per evitare svirgolature laterali. Da rammentare sempre con questo tipo di montaggio che per rendere al meglio è subordinato alla posizione della leva di avvolgimento, se la leva è dx la curva della spirale degli anelli deve deviare verso sinistra, se invece adottiamo rotanti con leva a sx la curva si dovrà trovare chiaramente verso destra.</p> <p><strong>Madai Inchiku</strong><br />Si aggiunge alla gamma jigging e light jigging offerti da Artico, modernizzando e completando la serie delle tecniche verticali con un occhio allo slow pitch jigging. Il modello da 80/160gr è quello specifico per il recupero di quelle grammature di Inchiku adeguate ai nostri fondali. Il modello più leggero, quello da 40/80gr, invece trova applicazione anche per il kabura, il tenya style e il jigging ultraleggero su fondali medio-bassi. La canna più “potente” è quella che possiede la giusta azione di richiamo della cima con jigs da 180 grammi, quindi anche abbastanza “pesanti” e “voluminose” , è questa l’azione particolare che si richiede ad una canna da slow pitch jigging, un movimento che richiama molto da vicino quello che ritroviamo sulle migliori canne da inchiku. La cima si piega mentre in genere il resto del fusto durante il richiamo dell’artificiale rimane abbastanza poco interessato, mentre tutta la canna assume invece una curva armoniosa sotto sforzo durante i combattimenti più impegnativi. Quella che può apparire a prima vista come “cedevolezza” è in effetti l’azione tipica delle canne da light jigging che smorzano così le sfuriate delle prede salvaguardando i sottili trecciati ed i leader che in genere bisogna abbinare a queste canne. Inoltre visti gli ami di sezione ridotta utilizzati si evitano le aperture degli ami, incidenti più frequenti in combattimenti gestiti con attrezzi più robusti e frizioni chiuse a muso duro in un tira e molla esasperato. Questa è in definitiva la filosofia dello slow pitch jigging dove non sono richiesti particolari movimenti con la canna ma questa va tenuta ben orizzontale ed il recupero si attua quasi esclusivamente agendo sulla leva del mulinello rotante. La cima deve assecondare perfettamente i movimenti dei jigs con una tensione esercitata solamente recuperando filo sul mulinello. Una azione molto, molto simile anche nella tecnica dell’inchiku, a cui si ispirano tantissimo entrambi i modelli. Il manico è abbastanza lungo da favorire al massimo proprio un impugnatura che deve essere statica, e di tipo “splittato” con bottone in metallo sul figthing butt<em>.</em></p> <p><span>Carbonio Alto Modulo Antistress K13A10 + HR40 + TR3320</span></p>
Price €289.30
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<p>Only a true Italian Company has the ability to create a rod range able to completely satisfy the diverse needs of the Big Game Angler. The Apache range are handmade in Artico’s laboratory so we can proudly say that these rods are Made in Italy. The Apache Trolling was specifically designed and made for competition angling. We’re talking about a very technical product that is almost exclusively dedicated to the competition angler. The rods blank is built in Dynanotex carbon making it slim and light. During the fight the power of the fish is distributed evenly throughout the blank with the top of the rod remaining rapid and efficient in order to handle powerful runs from the fish but also to prevent breakages. The lower part of the rods blank gives power and defines the control on the fish in the recovery phase. The Apache’s series prove to be the most dedicated rods for fighting the oceans most powerful marine predators on light lines. The secret of this rod is in the use of a particular carbon, the Dynanotex.</p> <p>The Dynanotex<br />With the Apache range we enter in the world of the Artico Gamma’s Top of the range tackle. Here elevated technological skill is combined with state-of-the-art materials and attention to detail that is typical of the Made in Italy artisanship. The Dynanotex is a Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber) with coated graphite and Plant Will which is a high modulus carbon PrePreg (Ferrari Formula 1 Carbon) This is treated and then overlaid in a completely different way compared to traditional machining. Carbon tissue is unidirectional and whilst the vast majority of companies overlap tissue fibers in a longitudinal and transversal way (to increase the resistance to reactivity crushing) Artico adds an additional technique which also angles this overlay. This succeeds in producing countless rod actions and allows different models to be produced according to specific fishing needs.</p> <p>Dynanotex allows the creation of blanks without “plug” namely a blank that when in action can provide a curve of work that is always optimized. The advantages of this are:</p> <p>1-Lower carbon tissue deterioration, about 30% less than traditional methods.</p> <p>2-Higher resistance to efforts, about 40% more.</p> <p>3-Higher maneuverability</p> <p>4-Higher reactivity of the tackle, more than the 50% compared to those are actually in commerce.</p> <p>Having a “spine-less” blank not only aids the action of the rod but it also enables the angler to follow and absorb any twists or lunges of the fish during the fight which helps to nullify any chance of a breakage. Artico insures the Dynanotex blanks for 20 years! You will be amazed by the “reactivity” of the rods when they are under tension as they bend themselves in a distributed way yet immediately go back in their original position (straight) which makes it so easy during the battle with big fish.</p> <p>The cosmetic<br />Artico’s strength is in its technology and craftsmanship work, though we are also proud of our aesthetics. According to Italian style standards this cannot be underestimated and our rods are both aesthetic and functional.</p> <p>The Tips<br />The tips are fully customisable, you can choose a tip with Fuji Alconite rings placed in the classic manner “in line” or with the acid “spiral” method which allows the angler to fish with thinner wires and lower poundage.There is also the option for ALPS or Winthrop roller guides with titanium guides. Usually each angler prefers to equip the Apache Trolling from 6 to 30 lb with Fuji Alconite rings. While the Apache Trolling 50/80 or 130 lb are usually built with the Roller Alps or Winthrop. Here at Artico we produce everything ourselves and for this reason we believe we are the greatest rod builders in the world.<a></a></p> <p>Fittings<br />You can choose what kind of handle you prefer, whether it be curved or straight, clad or Eva, the finest leather or even the Winthrop Butt. In conclusion we want you to know that on your demand all of the components can be personalized. We can print your name with silk-screen or customise the ligature colours. In the end, with an Artico Apache we want your rod to be unique and for that reason it is unlikely you will find two anglers with the same rod!</p> <p><span><strong>MATERIAL:</strong> High Modulus Dynanotex carbon. PrePreg Ferrari processing system.</span></p>
Price €1,079.00
rating 0 review


<p>Only a true Italian Company has the ability to create a rod range able to completely satisfy the diverse needs of the Big Game Angler. The Apache range are handmade in Artico’s laboratory so we can proudly say that these rods are Made in Italy. The Apache Trolling was specifically designed and made for competition angling. We’re talking about a very technical product that is almost exclusively dedicated to the competition angler. The rods blank is built in Dynanotex carbon making it slim and light. During the fight the power of the fish is distributed evenly throughout the blank with the top of the rod remaining rapid and efficient in order to handle powerful runs from the fish but also to prevent breakages. The lower part of the rods blank gives power and defines the control on the fish in the recovery phase. The Apache’s series prove to be the most dedicated rods for fighting the oceans most powerful marine predators on light lines. The secret of this rod is in the use of a particular carbon, the Dynanotex.</p> <p>The Dynanotex<br />With the Apache range we enter in the world of the Artico Gamma’s Top of the range tackle. Here elevated technological skill is combined with state-of-the-art materials and attention to detail that is typical of the Made in Italy artisanship. The Dynanotex is a Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber) with coated graphite and Plant Will which is a high modulus carbon PrePreg (Ferrari Formula 1 Carbon) This is treated and then overlaid in a completely different way compared to traditional machining. Carbon tissue is unidirectional and whilst the vast majority of companies overlap tissue fibers in a longitudinal and transversal way (to increase the resistance to reactivity crushing) Artico adds an additional technique which also angles this overlay. This succeeds in producing countless rod actions and allows different models to be produced according to specific fishing needs.</p> <p>Dynanotex allows the creation of blanks without “plug” namely a blank that when in action can provide a curve of work that is always optimized. The advantages of this are:</p> <p>1-Lower carbon tissue deterioration, about 30% less than traditional methods.</p> <p>2-Higher resistance to efforts, about 40% more.</p> <p>3-Higher maneuverability</p> <p>4-Higher reactivity of the tackle, more than the 50% compared to those are actually in commerce.</p> <p>Having a “spine-less” blank not only aids the action of the rod but it also enables the angler to follow and absorb any twists or lunges of the fish during the fight which helps to nullify any chance of a breakage. Artico insures the Dynanotex blanks for 20 years! You will be amazed by the “reactivity” of the rods when they are under tension as they bend themselves in a distributed way yet immediately go back in their original position (straight) which makes it so easy during the battle with big fish.</p> <p>The cosmetic<br />Artico’s strength is in its technology and craftsmanship work, though we are also proud of our aesthetics. According to Italian style standards this cannot be underestimated and our rods are both aesthetic and functional.</p> <p>The Tips<br />The tips are fully customisable, you can choose a tip with Fuji Alconite rings placed in the classic manner “in line” or with the acid “spiral” method which allows the angler to fish with thinner wires and lower poundage.There is also the option for ALPS or Winthrop roller guides with titanium guides. Usually each angler prefers to equip the Apache Trolling from 6 to 30 lb with Fuji Alconite rings. While the Apache Trolling 50/80 or 130 lb are usually built with the Roller Alps or Winthrop. Here at Artico we produce everything ourselves and for this reason we believe we are the greatest rod builders in the world.<a></a></p> <p>Fittings<br />You can choose what kind of handle you prefer, whether it be curved or straight, clad or Eva, the finest leather or even the Winthrop Butt. In conclusion we want you to know that on your demand all of the components can be personalized. We can print your name with silk-screen or customise the ligature colours. In the end, with an Artico Apache we want your rod to be unique and for that reason it is unlikely you will find two anglers with the same rod!</p> <p><span><strong>MATERIAL:</strong> High Modulus Dynanotex carbon. PrePreg Ferrari processing system.</span></p>
Price €985.00
rating 0 review


<p>Only a true Italian Company has the ability to create a rod range able to completely satisfy the diverse needs of the Big Game Angler. The Apache range are handmade in Artico’s laboratory so we can proudly say that these rods are Made in Italy. The Apache Trolling was specifically designed and made for competition angling. We’re talking about a very technical product that is almost exclusively dedicated to the competition angler. The rods blank is built in Dynanotex carbon making it slim and light. During the fight the power of the fish is distributed evenly throughout the blank with the top of the rod remaining rapid and efficient in order to handle powerful runs from the fish but also to prevent breakages. The lower part of the rods blank gives power and defines the control on the fish in the recovery phase. The Apache’s series prove to be the most dedicated rods for fighting the oceans most powerful marine predators on light lines. The secret of this rod is in the use of a particular carbon, the Dynanotex.</p> <p>The Dynanotex<br />With the Apache range we enter in the world of the Artico Gamma’s Top of the range tackle. Here elevated technological skill is combined with state-of-the-art materials and attention to detail that is typical of the Made in Italy artisanship. The Dynanotex is a Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber) with coated graphite and Plant Will which is a high modulus carbon PrePreg (Ferrari Formula 1 Carbon) This is treated and then overlaid in a completely different way compared to traditional machining. Carbon tissue is unidirectional and whilst the vast majority of companies overlap tissue fibers in a longitudinal and transversal way (to increase the resistance to reactivity crushing) Artico adds an additional technique which also angles this overlay. This succeeds in producing countless rod actions and allows different models to be produced according to specific fishing needs.</p> <p>Dynanotex allows the creation of blanks without “plug” namely a blank that when in action can provide a curve of work that is always optimized. The advantages of this are:</p> <p>1-Lower carbon tissue deterioration, about 30% less than traditional methods.</p> <p>2-Higher resistance to efforts, about 40% more.</p> <p>3-Higher maneuverability</p> <p>4-Higher reactivity of the tackle, more than the 50% compared to those are actually in commerce.</p> <p>Having a “spine-less” blank not only aids the action of the rod but it also enables the angler to follow and absorb any twists or lunges of the fish during the fight which helps to nullify any chance of a breakage. Artico insures the Dynanotex blanks for 20 years! You will be amazed by the “reactivity” of the rods when they are under tension as they bend themselves in a distributed way yet immediately go back in their original position (straight) which makes it so easy during the battle with big fish.</p> <p>The cosmetic<br />Artico’s strength is in its technology and craftsmanship work, though we are also proud of our aesthetics. According to Italian style standards this cannot be underestimated and our rods are both aesthetic and functional.</p> <p>The Tips<br />The tips are fully customisable, you can choose a tip with Fuji Alconite rings placed in the classic manner “in line” or with the acid “spiral” method which allows the angler to fish with thinner wires and lower poundage.There is also the option for ALPS or Winthrop roller guides with titanium guides. Usually each angler prefers to equip the Apache Trolling from 6 to 30 lb with Fuji Alconite rings. While the Apache Trolling 50/80 or 130 lb are usually built with the Roller Alps or Winthrop. Here at Artico we produce everything ourselves and for this reason we believe we are the greatest rod builders in the world.<a></a></p> <p>Fittings<br />You can choose what kind of handle you prefer, whether it be curved or straight, clad or Eva, the finest leather or even the Winthrop Butt. In conclusion we want you to know that on your demand all of the components can be personalized. We can print your name with silk-screen or customise the ligature colours. In the end, with an Artico Apache we want your rod to be unique and for that reason it is unlikely you will find two anglers with the same rod!</p> <p><span><strong>MATERIAL:</strong> High Modulus Dynanotex carbon. PrePreg Ferrari processing system.</span></p>
Price €810.00
rating 0 review


<p>Only a true Italian Company has the ability to create a rod range able to completely satisfy the diverse needs of the Big Game Angler. The Apache range are handmade in Artico’s laboratory so we can proudly say that these rods are Made in Italy. The Apache Trolling was specifically designed and made for competition angling. We’re talking about a very technical product that is almost exclusively dedicated to the competition angler. The rods blank is built in Dynanotex carbon making it slim and light. During the fight the power of the fish is distributed evenly throughout the blank with the top of the rod remaining rapid and efficient in order to handle powerful runs from the fish but also to prevent breakages. The lower part of the rods blank gives power and defines the control on the fish in the recovery phase. The Apache’s series prove to be the most dedicated rods for fighting the oceans most powerful marine predators on light lines. The secret of this rod is in the use of a particular carbon, the Dynanotex.</p> <p>The Dynanotex<br />With the Apache range we enter in the world of the Artico Gamma’s Top of the range tackle. Here elevated technological skill is combined with state-of-the-art materials and attention to detail that is typical of the Made in Italy artisanship. The Dynanotex is a Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber) with coated graphite and Plant Will which is a high modulus carbon PrePreg (Ferrari Formula 1 Carbon) This is treated and then overlaid in a completely different way compared to traditional machining. Carbon tissue is unidirectional and whilst the vast majority of companies overlap tissue fibers in a longitudinal and transversal way (to increase the resistance to reactivity crushing) Artico adds an additional technique which also angles this overlay. This succeeds in producing countless rod actions and allows different models to be produced according to specific fishing needs.</p> <p>Dynanotex allows the creation of blanks without “plug” namely a blank that when in action can provide a curve of work that is always optimized. The advantages of this are:</p> <p>1-Lower carbon tissue deterioration, about 30% less than traditional methods.</p> <p>2-Higher resistance to efforts, about 40% more.</p> <p>3-Higher maneuverability</p> <p>4-Higher reactivity of the tackle, more than the 50% compared to those are actually in commerce.</p> <p>Having a “spine-less” blank not only aids the action of the rod but it also enables the angler to follow and absorb any twists or lunges of the fish during the fight which helps to nullify any chance of a breakage. Artico insures the Dynanotex blanks for 20 years! You will be amazed by the “reactivity” of the rods when they are under tension as they bend themselves in a distributed way yet immediately go back in their original position (straight) which makes it so easy during the battle with big fish.</p> <p>The cosmetic<br />Artico’s strength is in its technology and craftsmanship work, though we are also proud of our aesthetics. According to Italian style standards this cannot be underestimated and our rods are both aesthetic and functional.</p> <p>The Tips<br />The tips are fully customisable, you can choose a tip with Fuji Alconite rings placed in the classic manner “in line” or with the acid “spiral” method which allows the angler to fish with thinner wires and lower poundage.There is also the option for ALPS or Winthrop roller guides with titanium guides. Usually each angler prefers to equip the Apache Trolling from 6 to 30 lb with Fuji Alconite rings. While the Apache Trolling 50/80 or 130 lb are usually built with the Roller Alps or Winthrop. Here at Artico we produce everything ourselves and for this reason we believe we are the greatest rod builders in the world.<a></a></p> <p>Fittings<br />You can choose what kind of handle you prefer, whether it be curved or straight, clad or Eva, the finest leather or even the Winthrop Butt. In conclusion we want you to know that on your demand all of the components can be personalized. We can print your name with silk-screen or customise the ligature colours. In the end, with an Artico Apache we want your rod to be unique and for that reason it is unlikely you will find two anglers with the same rod!</p> <p><span><strong>MATERIAL:</strong> High Modulus Dynanotex carbon. PrePreg Ferrari processing system.</span></p>
Price €799.00
rating 0 review


<p>Only a true Italian Company has the ability to create a rod range able to completely satisfy the diverse needs of the Big Game Angler. The Apache range are handmade in Artico’s laboratory so we can proudly say that these rods are Made in Italy. The Apache Trolling was specifically designed and made for competition angling. We’re talking about a very technical product that is almost exclusively dedicated to the competition angler. The rods blank is built in Dynanotex carbon making it slim and light. During the fight the power of the fish is distributed evenly throughout the blank with the top of the rod remaining rapid and efficient in order to handle powerful runs from the fish but also to prevent breakages. The lower part of the rods blank gives power and defines the control on the fish in the recovery phase. The Apache’s series prove to be the most dedicated rods for fighting the oceans most powerful marine predators on light lines. The secret of this rod is in the use of a particular carbon, the Dynanotex.</p> <p>The Dynanotex<br />With the Apache range we enter in the world of the Artico Gamma’s Top of the range tackle. Here elevated technological skill is combined with state-of-the-art materials and attention to detail that is typical of the Made in Italy artisanship. The Dynanotex is a Fluoroelastomer (fluorocarbon-based synthetic rubber) with coated graphite and Plant Will which is a high modulus carbon PrePreg (Ferrari Formula 1 Carbon) This is treated and then overlaid in a completely different way compared to traditional machining. Carbon tissue is unidirectional and whilst the vast majority of companies overlap tissue fibers in a longitudinal and transversal way (to increase the resistance to reactivity crushing) Artico adds an additional technique which also angles this overlay. This succeeds in producing countless rod actions and allows different models to be produced according to specific fishing needs.</p> <p>Dynanotex allows the creation of blanks without “plug” namely a blank that when in action can provide a curve of work that is always optimized. The advantages of this are:</p> <p>1-Lower carbon tissue deterioration, about 30% less than traditional methods.</p> <p>2-Higher resistance to efforts, about 40% more.</p> <p>3-Higher maneuverability</p> <p>4-Higher reactivity of the tackle, more than the 50% compared to those are actually in commerce.</p> <p>Having a “spine-less” blank not only aids the action of the rod but it also enables the angler to follow and absorb any twists or lunges of the fish during the fight which helps to nullify any chance of a breakage. Artico insures the Dynanotex blanks for 20 years! You will be amazed by the “reactivity” of the rods when they are under tension as they bend themselves in a distributed way yet immediately go back in their original position (straight) which makes it so easy during the battle with big fish.</p> <p>The cosmetic<br />Artico’s strength is in its technology and craftsmanship work, though we are also proud of our aesthetics. According to Italian style standards this cannot be underestimated and our rods are both aesthetic and functional.</p> <p>The Tips<br />The tips are fully customisable, you can choose a tip with Fuji Alconite rings placed in the classic manner “in line” or with the acid “spiral” method which allows the angler to fish with thinner wires and lower poundage.There is also the option for ALPS or Winthrop roller guides with titanium guides. Usually each angler prefers to equip the Apache Trolling from 6 to 30 lb with Fuji Alconite rings. While the Apache Trolling 50/80 or 130 lb are usually built with the Roller Alps or Winthrop. Here at Artico we produce everything ourselves and for this reason we believe we are the greatest rod builders in the world.<a></a></p> <p>Fittings<br />You can choose what kind of handle you prefer, whether it be curved or straight, clad or Eva, the finest leather or even the Winthrop Butt. In conclusion we want you to know that on your demand all of the components can be personalized. We can print your name with silk-screen or customise the ligature colours. In the end, with an Artico Apache we want your rod to be unique and for that reason it is unlikely you will find two anglers with the same rod!</p> <p><span><strong>MATERIAL:</strong> High Modulus Dynanotex carbon. PrePreg Ferrari processing system.</span></p>
Price €785.00
rating 0 review


<p><span>Questa serie è stata realizzata interamente a mano nei laboratori Artico. Queste sono canne Made in Italy, progettate per la pesca delle trote in torrente o a bolognese nei nostri fiumi, ma anche dagli scogli e dai porti in mare. Sismica AM 909 è una canna veramente interessante. Quando i tecnici Artico ne hanno iniziato lo sviluppo, il loro pensiero era quello di realizzare la canna con il miglior rapporto qualità prezzo del mercato quindi: “tanta sostanza e pochi fronzoli”. Così è stato, tolti gli elementi che rendono “esclusiva” una canna da pesca Artico, rimane la sostanza: produzione artigianale, carbonio alto modulo di qualità superiore e… tanta, tanta esperienza. Ecco il risultato, non sarà bella, non sarà super accessoriata ma di sicuro è una canna molto ben progettata ed estremamente efficace. L’azione è rigida, di punta. Il fusto è robusto, affidabile, ma la canna risulta leggera e ben bilanciata. In definitiva è un regalo di Artico a tutti gli appassionati della pesca con la bolognese, una canna che riassume tutte le competenze progettuali delle Top di gamma ma che viene venduta ad un prezzo da canna entry level. La Sismica AM 909 è disponibile nelle misure di 5 – 5,80 – 6,80 – 7,00 e 8 metri. In fase di acquisto è possibile richiedere un montaggio con anelli a ponte alto o a ponte corte con pietra </span><span>ALPS - </span><span>Fuji Alconite o Fuji SiC (Carburo di Silicio)</span><span>.</span></p>
Price €159.00
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<p><span>Questa serie è stata realizzata interamente a mano nei laboratori Artico. Queste sono canne Made in Italy, progettate per la pesca delle trote in torrente o a bolognese nei nostri fiumi, ma anche dagli scogli e dai porti in mare. Sismica AB 9030 è una canna polivalente, dall’azione rigida prevalentemente di punta. La canna è molto affidabile e ben bilanciata. Il fusto è potente e in pesca la canna risulta essere stabile, ferma e precisa. Fare queste canne non è facile, probabilmente troverete bolognesi simili a questa ma mai così ben progettate. La Sismica AB 9030 è una canna unica ed è così proprio perché non è prodotta in serie, ma è fatta a mano nei laboratori Artico. </span><span>Disponibile nelle misure di 5 – 6 – 7 e 8 metri, c</span><span>ome tutte le canne Artico anche la Sismica AB 9030 è personalizzabile nella componentistica, in fase di acquisto è possibile richiedere un montaggio con anelli a ponte alto o a ponte corto, a ponte singolo o a ponte doppio, con pietra </span><span>ALPS - </span><span>Fuji Alconite o Fuji SiC (Carburo di Silicio)</span><span>.</span></p>
Price €179.00
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<p><span>Questa serie è stata realizzata interamente a mano nei laboratori Artico. Queste sono canne Made in Italy, progettate appositamente per la pesca a bolognese nei nostri fiumi. La AB 9010 è una bolognese da competizione con azione medio-rigida, dalla struttura leggera, progettata per la pesca con lenze dagli 8 fino ai 20 grammi. In pesca è rapida e precisa, la cima è molto sensibile e il sottile fusto fende l’aria consentendo di stendere al meglio le lenze. AB 9010 è un progetto ben riuscito idoneo sia alla passata in acque dolci sia alla pesca in mare dai porti: un attrezzo in grado di soddisfare tutti pescatori anche i più esigenti. Progettata e realizzata in Italia utilizzando carbonio alto modulo Pre-Preg con sistema produttivo VA.AR.AM. </span><span>Disponibile nelle misure di 5 – 6 e 7 metri, c</span><span>ome tutte le canne Artico anche la AB 9010 è personalizzabile nella componentistica, in fase di acquisto è possibile richiedere un montaggio con anelli a ponte alto o a ponte corte con pietra </span><span>ALPS - </span><span>Fuji Alconite o Fuji SiC (Carburo di Silicio)</span><span>.</span></p>
Price €219.00
rating 0 review


<p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p>
Price €465.00
rating 0 review


<p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p>
Price €459.00
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<p>A</p> <p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p>
Price €455.00
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<p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p>
Price €449.00
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<p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p> <p></p>
Price €439.00
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<p><strong>THE QUALITY “MADE IN ITALY”<br /></strong>If you are looking for a rod that is unique to all others and with distinguished style and performance then this is the trolling rod for you. The Colibrì range aims to offer a well-balanced rod that is sensitive and reactive yet with a great resource of energy. Light in the hand the blank offers adaptive progressive power to fish like Snapper and Amberjack, making it a highly versatile tool.</p> <p><strong>FISHING TIME<br /></strong>The Colibrì is very light and well-balanced and whilst fishing you will appreciate the strong action of the blanks T700 Pre-Preg Ferrari carbon. This carbon gives the rod tip a very sensitive feel and the blank remains incredibly reactive to even the most powerful Snapper and Amberjack fights. The plug-in joint, that it is commonly only used in the stronger spinning rods, is innovative and original for this rod and makes it lighter and far easy to handle. This plug-in joint is a true innovation for a trolling rod and has been designed only for the Colibrì via a carbon-on-carbon process. Artico has built a graft in which the long tip section fits into a handle with “reverse conicity”. With this structural modification, Artico was able to ensure the sensitive tip corresponded effectively with a marked rigidity of the handle, with the overall goal to ensure the rod could combat very aggressive fights from large fish. The Colibrì blanks are produced with PrePreg Ferrari carbon V.AR.AM which has been exclusively granted to Artico by Ferrari.</p> <p><strong>The High Modulus Ferrari Carbon<br /></strong>Ferrari Carbon is transversely and longitudinally matched with others kinds of carbon. This helps to obtain the specific mechanical characteristic that each model of rod must have for different fishing situations. The Colibrì contains 9 different kinds of carbon that are matched within the same blank. This insight is part of the artisan work that separates companies like Artico from the rest. The excellence which defines the Made In Italy brand are a true philosophy of work that is matured in years of experience. The others can only copy what the best Italian companies dream, plan and make.</p> <p><strong>The true artisanal product<br /></strong>The Colibrì allows the angler to fish with different trolling techniques and works especially well with live baits. The tip of the Colibrì is unique, unrepeatable and inimitable. Artico has developed a construction system based on the use of cross materials that can only be produced manually. This particular composition allows rod tips to be produced with no loss of sensitivity and breakages even under the utmost stress are all but eliminated.</p> <p><strong>The Tips<br /></strong>The Colibrì can be personalised on demand with either Fuji BNOG rings, Alconite Clag rings or Fuji SiC rings, all of which are suitable for the use with this multi-fiber. The Colibrì can also be built in the Acid version too. This mounting technique is whereby the rod guides start at the top of the blank and then rotate around the blank leaving the final guides and tip under the blank. This guide placement reduces torque allowing the angler to fight larger fish on lighter tackle, with less fatigue.</p> <p lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"><strong><span>Material: Ferrari High Modulus PrePreg carbon. Processing system V.AR.AM</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The nine differents high modulus carbon used for the rods construction</span></strong></p> <p><span style="line-height:1.5em;"><img src="" alt="" width="1200" height="684" /></span></p> <p></p>
Price €445.00
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<p align="justify">L’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca è stata progettata e realizzata specificatamente per la pesca a spinning del tonno. E’ una canna leggera e maneggevole ma al contempo letale per il pelagico più potente del Mediterraneo. La serie Testa Bianca va ad ampliare la gamma Aquila Marina aggiungendo 4 modelli di libraggio e lunghezza differenti.</p> <p align="justify">I fusti dell’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca sono tutti prodotti artigianalmente in Italia… nei laboratori Artico. I fusti vengono “rollati” singolarmente a mano utilizzando il pregiatissimo Carbonio Alto Modulo Premium Ferrari (quello utilizzato nella F1) al fine di conferire all’attrezzo prestazioni ottimali in termini di potenza e reattività pur mantenendo pesi contenuti.</p> <p align="justify">Il sistema costruttivo si basa sull’utilizzo di tre tipi di carbonio alto modulo aventi tre differenti grammature: a diminuire dal calcio verso la vetta. Questa scelta costruttiva ci ha permesso di conferire alla canna: <br />1) un’azione di punta estremamente efficace, che la rende attiva e precisa in fase di ferrata<br />2) un’eccellente manovrabilità delle esche, indifferentemente dalla loro dimensione e peso<br />3) una parabolicità adeguata ad ottenere lanci lunghi e precisi<br />4) la capacità di contrastare le fughe dei grossi predatori riducendo al minimo lo sforzo fisico del pescatore<br />5) una riserva di potenza insuperabile che permette di oltrepassare i limiti standard di massima flessione del fusto e di contrastare pesci di grossa mole anche a modeste profondità.</p> <p align="justify">Impareggiabile il manico, con il nuovo sistema di innesto “off-set”, che rende la canna ben bilanciata e garantisce la continuità d’azione del fusto. Il taglio della canna, per ridurre l’ingombro, appositamente studiato all’altezza del calcio, è uno dei punti di forza di questo attrezzo. Così facendo il fusto lavora in maniera omogenea e in combattimento la Testa Bianca garantisce prestazioni da monofusto.</p> <p align="justify">Benché sia una canna specializzata, il sistema di progettazione che la contraddistingue la rende adeguata sia al principiante sia al pescatore esperto.  Queste canne associano la più avveniristica tecnologia costruttiva con i migliori materiali al mondo e l’ineguagliabile esperienza artigianale italiana. A richiesta è possibile abbellire l’Aquila Marina Testa Bianca con una greca alla base del fusto.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Su richiesta è possibile realizzare la greca</strong></p> <p></p>
Price €699.00
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ARTICO X-POWER teleregolabile BOAT ROD

<p>Queste sono canne Made in Italy progettate appositamente per la pesca nei nostri mari. La X-Power è un progetto innovativo e chiaramente frutto della genialità italiana Artico. Artico è leader nella produzione delle canne teleregolabili da trota torrente ed ha voluto introdurre parte delle competenze acquisite in questo settore, nella pesca a bolentino. La X-Power è lunga 3,70 metri ed è sviluppata in tre sezioni, due telescopiche e una ad innesto. Le sezioni telescopiche montano due blocchi teleregolabili, realizzati in carbonio sull’elemento stesso, che servono a regolare la lunghezza della canna in base alle diverse esigenze di pesca. Praticamente la X-Power è una canna da bolentino di profondità… teleregolabile. In pesca è molto leggera e ben bilanciata: la potenza è immensa: si possono usare piombi da 30 a 250 grammi.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>X-Power</td> <td>3,80</td> <td>3</td> <td>11</td> <td> </td> <td>30 - 250</td> </tr></tbody></table><p></p>
Price €215.00
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<p>This series of telescopic rods are entirely Hand Made in Italy by Artico being designed specifically for Boat Fishing in all European waters. The Kraken NP is the latest edition to the Artico range demonstrating the design experience at the House of Pordenone, but there is more. The Kraken has been designed in conjunction with top English International and England Team Captain Neil Bryant. The Artico Kraken is a source of Pride: In addition to being powerful it is both easy to use and is well balanced…this is very difficult to achieve when the diameter is only 22mm.</p> <p>The Kraken is suitable for any type of fishing and you can use weights from 50grams to 300 grams (in testing the rod handled weights to 500grams) it is suitable for most types of fishing from top, mid water and bottom fishing for Conger, Cod and other large predators.</p> <p>Two Hand Made Nylon tips especially made for this rod, to increase the range it is available in both 3.60 meter and 4.20 meter length and to increase the flexibility also has a grommet fixed to the first section to allow you to extend or reduce the length you fish at. The rods are available in either Fuji K Guides or Fuji BNOG. (The Tips can also come with Fuji BFIH if preferred)</p> <p><span>Made from: High Modulus, unidirectional carbon composite differentiated in form and orientation-Production System V.AR.AM</span></p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>KRAKEN</td> <td>3,60</td> <td>7 2</td> <td>7 6</td> <td>166</td> <td>50 - 300</td> </tr><tr><td>KRAKEN</td> <td>4,20</td> <td>7 2</td> <td>7 6</td> <td>170</td> <td>50 - 300</td> </tr></tbody></table><br />
Price €249.00


<p>Handcrafted in Italy, the Silente 5000 Silver Silent surfcasting fishing rod is made with the exclusive V. AR. AM system using Unidirectional Carbon Composites differentiated in modulus and orientation. This series is unique in its kind for: </p><p>design of the shaft: it has a diameter of only 18 mm and is very light, but at the same time it is rigid and very powerful, allowing a quick response of the tool during the launch.</p><p>central element: it is less rigid than the handle and progressively and linearly follows the barrel parabola during work.</p><p>Double action "peak: it is a whole peak (not reported) on which, at different distances depending on the action you want to obtain, inserts of pitch fibres have been applied. These design studies have made it possible to develop spine-free pipes, making it possible for the tools to work' actively' during the launch phase, obtaining an additional boost of 25-30 % more than the products currently on the market. The Silent 5000 have a semi-distributed action that allows the most demanding agonist to fish at high distances using light weights: 80 gr. for 80-120 and 100 or 125 gr. for the most powerful 120-180. Thin and light, but at the same time powerful, versatile and adaptable to various types of fishing from our beaches Silent 5000 Silver are those tools that should not be missing in the bag of the agonist. Practically, thanks to the interchangeability of chimneys, it is as if they are three pipes in one. The most powerful chimney has three double bridge rings. On Silente 5000 Silent 5000, you can request mounting with two types of rings: Fuji Alconite K Series or Fuji BNOG.</p><p>Unidirectional High Module Stratified and Oriented High Module Carbon Unidirectional A. R. AM.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>Silente 5000</td> <td>4,50</td> <td>3 + 3</td> <td>10</td> <td>166</td> <td>50 - 75 - 100</td> </tr><tr><td>Silente 5000</td> <td>5,00</td> <td>3 + 3</td> <td>10</td> <td>170</td> <td>50 - 75 - 100</td> </tr></tbody></table><br />
Price €410.30
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<p>Handcrafted in Italy, they are made by distributing different types of carbon high module caged with radial G20 radial. The X-Gladius Plus surfcasting fishing rod X-Gladius Plus has been developed to handle lightweight medium weights with the use of long beams combined with small diameter terminals. It finds its maximum expression in light fishing and evolved competition. It has a purely topical action, with a slight imbalance on the stem so as to allow, with a slight thrust, to push the ballast at a considerable distance. It has a high sensitivity, thanks to the very thin glass window in full Japanese carbon, even with light weight weights. A unique tool of its kind that demonstrates the great design skills of the Italian Arctic that stands with this product, difficult to imitate, at the top of the category. Barrel indispensable for the agonists and for lovers of the most refined light casting. The beautiful three pieces reached a record: it was sold even before it went into production. The X-Gladius Plus models are equipped with Fuji components and, when purchased, you can request mounting with two types of rings: Fuji Alconite K Series or Fuji BNOG.<br /></p>
Price €266.20
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<p>Natural evolution of the Class S 9040 Class Series, the Surf Style A fishing rods are made of Prepreg Multilayer M40J+T700, a high modulus carbon that gives the tool power when launching and sensitivity during prey recovery. The choice of construction is based on a seven-section splitting in combination with a very short solid carbon line, to give the shaft maximum rigidity and at the same time eliminate the sliding rings, precisely to facilitate the loading phase and the throw range. Surf Styles are tools that "help to fish" precisely because they are developed for young people and beginners; in the sense that they allow you to start with "the right foot". The Surf Styles are not too cheap and inexpensive reeds that technically outperform each other in a few launches, but at the same time they are not even expensive and unapproachable tools. These are reeds with excellent value for money because the materials are good, and in their design much of the Arctic experience gained on Surfcasting's competition fields is contained. In Arctic, the Surf Styles define them as "passing pipes" in the sense that they are used to improve the technique to get the fisherman to a new level of "fishing pleasure" and then get to grips with the craft jewels that only we Italian builders dream, design and realize. Surf styles are available in two versions, both 4.20 meters but with different Power Casting 80-120 and 120-180 grams (the power ratings are clearly real) </p><p><br /></p><p>Carbon High Module Prepreg Multilayer Carbon Multilayer M40J+T700</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>Surf Style A</td> <td>4,20</td> <td>7</td> <td>6</td> <td>154</td> <td>80 - 120</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Surf Style A</td> <td>4,20</td> <td>7</td> <td>6</td> <td>154</td> <td>120 - 180</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br />
Price €146.30
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<p>Designed and produced in Italy, Mormora is a telescopic rod designed for medium and short distance fishing. The thin and very reactive stem has been developed for the use of ballast weights of 50 and 100 grams. The top is made of empty carbon, but the splitting system of the glass window used as a final solution on this tool, gives it excellent sensitivity. The balance is excellent and the combination of robustness and lightness is well balanced. As the name implies, the barrel is dedicated to whispering, but it is still efficient to use the barrel in combination with pasture farmers.</p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>MORMORA</td> <td>4,10</td> <td>6</td> <td>7</td> <td>154</td> <td>40-80</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br />
Price €183.70
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<p>Designed and produced in Italy, the Top Mormora is a telescopic rod designed for medium and short distance fishing. The stem, developed in seven elements, is thin and very responsive. Action in the fishing phase can be defined as semi-parabolic. The top is made of solid, white carbon, designed for non-sliding installation. The balance is excellent and the combination of robustness and lightness is well balanced. As the name implies, the barrel is dedicated to whispering, but it is still efficient to use the barrel in combination with pasture farmers.<br /></p> <table> <thead class="pestit"> <tr> <td>Modello</td> <td>Lungh. mt</td> <td>N° Sez.</td> <td>N° Anelli</td> <td>Ing. cm</td> <td>Casting gr</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="pestxt"> <tr> <td>TOP MORMORA</td> <td>4,20</td> <td>7</td> <td>6</td> <td>154</td> <td>40-180</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br />
Price €200.20
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<p align="justify">Il Vertical Jigging è ormai appannaggio di veri appassionati ed intenditori, sebbene sia ancora oggi una tecnica di pesca altamente produttiva ed entusiasmante. Artico ha posto la massima attenzione nella realizzazione delle sue canne da VJ proprio perché chi pratica questa tecnica è esigente e non ama badare a spese; la tecnica inoltre è di per se faticosa e costringe a lunghe ed impegnative sessioni di pesca con canna in mano. La Vampira nasce quindi con l’intento di stupire, già semplicemente prendendola in mano. La metratura standard di mt. 1,60 dispone di tutte le grammature a partire da gr. 60 a 350. QUESTA è LA VERSIONE TRAVEL IN TRE PEZZI</p> <p align="justify">Il fusto in carbonio Ferrari pre-preg. V.AR.AM. (esclusiva Artico) garantisce sezioni contenute, sinonimo di leggerezza e bilanciamento. La particolare struttura del carbonio alto modulo in esclusiva per Artico conferisce al fusto potenza, reattività e quella l’azione ripartita tanto cara agli amanti del VJ. Questi bellissimi attrezzi si distinguono nel riuscire a dare all’artificiale un movimento molto rapido e in modo semplice, senza affaticare il braccio dell’utilizzatore. Disponibile anche in versione Travel (3 pezzi per 60 cm d’ingombro totale)</p> <p>Il manico si innesta con sistema “put-in” è ricoperto di EVA grip e monta un bicchiere Fuji in grafite. Tutti i modelli includono diverse possibilità di montaggio: la personalizzazione è un altro punto di forza del Made in Italy.  I fusti possono essere equipaggiati con anelli KWAG Sic Fuji o con Fuji Alconite o con Fuji BNOG.</p> <p>Carbonio Alto Modulo Ferrari. Sistema di lavorazione Pre-Preg Ferrari V.AR.AM</p>
Price €369.00
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<p align="justify">Il Vertical Jigging è ormai appannaggio di veri appassionati ed intenditori, sebbene sia ancora oggi una tecnica di pesca altamente produttiva ed entusiasmante. Artico ha posto la massima attenzione nella realizzazione delle sue canne da VJ proprio perché chi pratica questa tecnica è esigente e non ama badare a spese; la tecnica inoltre è di per se faticosa e costringe a lunghe ed impegnative sessioni di pesca con canna in mano. La Vampira nasce quindi con l’intento di stupire, già semplicemente prendendola in mano. La metratura standard di mt. 1,60 dispone di tutte le grammature a partire da gr. 60 a 350.</p> <p align="justify">Il fusto in carbonio Ferrari pre-preg. V.AR.AM. (esclusiva Artico) garantisce sezioni contenute, sinonimo di leggerezza e bilanciamento. La particolare struttura del carbonio alto modulo in esclusiva per Artico conferisce al fusto potenza, reattività e quella l’azione ripartita tanto cara agli amanti del VJ. Questi bellissimi attrezzi si distinguono nel riuscire a dare all’artificiale un movimento molto rapido e in modo semplice, senza affaticare il braccio dell’utilizzatore. Disponibile anche in versione Travel (3 pezzi per 60 cm d’ingombro totale)</p> <p>Il manico si innesta con sistema “put-in” è ricoperto di EVA grip e monta un bicchiere Fuji in grafite. Tutti i modelli includono diverse possibilità di montaggio: la personalizzazione è un altro punto di forza del Made in Italy.  I fusti possono essere equipaggiati con anelli KWAG Sic Fuji o con Fuji Alconite o con Fuji BNOG.</p> <p>Carbonio Alto Modulo Ferrari. Sistema di lavorazione Pre-Preg Ferrari V.AR.AM</p>
Price €329.00


<p class="Default">The SILENTE 6016 surfcasting rods series is a proudly Italian product made in the Arctic laboratories and available on reservation from September 2014. A series designed for fishing in our seas and specific to our fishing needs, not an adapted import product... to be good for us too! The Silente 6016 series, however, is not for everyone, has been developed for capable and demanding fishermen who require special technical and mechanical characteristics from the tool. The whole series is designed in three plug-in sections: the drums are handcrafted with V. AR. AM System (an exclusive Arctic system) using Unidirectional composite carbon carbon differentiated in orientation and modules. This particular processing of carbon, made entirely by hand, allows Arctic to give the barrel different actions in various parts of the tool, making it stiffer where it is needed and more sensitive in other parts. Moreover, V. AR. AM allows to calibrate the throwing power in detail, in fact the Silent 6016 have no "range" of launch, but specific values... so we will have 100gr barrels (defined light) in the two sizes of 4.80 and 4.50 meters, and 150gr and 200gr in the size of 4.50 meters. Specific values to allow the tool to make maximum use of the kinetic energy generated by the launch. The Silent 6016 in fishing are phenomenal, during the launch phase you feel just the shaft that balances the stresses resulting from compression, traction and twisting and then catapult lead at distances unattainable for other tools. In the particular case of the 6016 series, the V. AR. AM. concept. was directed to obtain a totally Fast share. Finally, thanks to the V. AR. AM machining system, Silent 6016 are very light and the diameter of the shaft is the thinnest in the category. The range consists of 4 models customizable with FUJI BNOG or FUJI ALCONITE components. The summit is also innovative, made up of two differentiated carbon modules that give the tool an unequalled sensitivity and ease of launch. Available with FUJI BNOG and FUJI ALCONITE rings. To amaze you here are the diameters in millimetres of the 4 models 4,50 100gr =</p>
Price €449.00
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<p class="Default">Handcrafted in Italy, XGladius 4000 Special U. K. surfcasting rods. are made by distributing as many as 9 different types of carbon, with the intention of obtaining pipes much thinner in diameter and much lighter than the traditional versions. This series of reeds was born for the execution of technical launches, such as Pendulum and Ground, with truly unique performance, helping to favor the search for prey even in very strong sea conditions. The summit is unique and innovative: the last 25 centimetres are made with pitch fibres (pairing of ultralight composites). These special carbon fibers allow us to best suit the stresses and rotations impressed by the ballast, to keep the launch phase active and guarantee total sensitivity during the fish eating. Thanks to these special selvedges, you get 25% longer trips than traditional pipes. The series consists of three rods with a length of 4.50 meters with casting 80/130-150/200-180/250: the throwing powers are real and we recommend using these ballasts for better performance. The XGladius 4000 Special UK are exclusively equipped with Fuji components (even the lower rubber cap of the Fuji BRC model) and, when purchased, you can request the assembly with two types of rings: Fuji Alconite K Series or Fuji BNOG.</p> <p></p>
Price €392.70
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<p>Teh spinning answer are spinning rods for specilized anglers. <span>The volcanic minds of ARTICO designers surprised even the sophisticated Japanese fishermen with the creation of these rods designed specifically for use with Answer and small Dangan. The diameters are amazingly thin to say the least, and are surprisingly flexible with fast action. There are six models, one for each action, with a standard height of about mt. 2 with plug-in reel seat: in this case the various actions give each one a different movement to the artificial jigs: from a softer and more fluid movement for AC.1 to a faster movement for AC .5. Same range of weights: gr. 30/90. Unbeatable in super light deep jigging searching for porgies and sea breams, spectacular for jigging in midwater and surface hunting for skipjack and predators. Unique on the market for use with the technique of Ground Jigging Shore in the Mediterranean. The Curiomax RD3051 and GR3051 reels (for deep sea fishing), as well as the Curiomax RD2560 and GR2545 (for Jigging in mid- and surface water), mounted on the Answer allow the fisherman to have the top for easy handling and power.</span></p>
Price €277.20
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<p class="Default"><span>New born at home Artico,the Sea Bull is at the top for quality and innovation in boat rods.</span><br /><span>Innovative product realization, three-piece coupling with spigot and two interchangeable tips, the Sea Bull has no use limits.The particular structure and refinement of workmanship make this rod a tool that lends itself to more than one technique: excellent bottom fishing in the classic, thanks to the interchangeability of the peaks, can be used with weights from 30 to 200 gr allowing. consequently, 'exploration depths ranging from 20 to 100 mt. The other strong point is using the technique of casting,where with weights up to 120 gr. can unbalance at distances remarkable.Action leading to markedly, with peaks extremely sensitive, this tool hides its power truly remarkable, and the next column in the second element that allow easy and simple recovery of fish also very challenging.The diameters thin, very good quality, the Fuji guides pose the Sea Bull among the best boat rod made to date by the Artico and on the market. Length: 3.60 m Material: Carbon Composites Unidirectional Differentiate in form and orientation, System Exclusive V.AR.AM </span></p> <p></p>
Price €329.00
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<p>This series of telescopic rods are entirely Hand Made in Italy by Artico being designed specifically for Boat Fishing in all European waters. The series consists of three models: Dinamite Medium, Strong and the Extreme. The Dinamite Medium covers the lighter casting weights from 100-160grams and is well balanced and is a good compromise between power and sensitivity but is great fun to use and you can feel the energy of the fish right through the blank, unlike softer through action rods, so you get full enjoyment from the fight. However, should you need to use additional pressure on the fish or it lunges there is sufficient forgiveness in the blank to maintain hold of your prey.</p> <p>Two Hand Made Nylon tips especially made for this rod, the first covers weights up to 100grams and the second up to 160grams.</p> <p>To increase the range the range is available in both 4 meter and 5 meter length and to increase the flexibility also have a grommet fixed to the first section to allow you to extend or reduce the length you fish at. The rods are available in both Fuji K Guides or Fuji BNOG.</p> <p><span>Made from: High Modulus carbon, Production System TLT (Transverse Layer Technology) and EOB (Ergonomically Optimised Balance)</span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €209.00
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<p>This series of telescopic rods are entirely hand made in Italy by Artico being designed specifically for Boat fishing in all European waters. Within the Series are the LA100, LA150 and the most powerful LA200 and are made with the same features of the Dinamite range, strong, powerful yet extremely light. This Series of rods were specifically designed in collaboration with Italian International Champions, Dominica and Mauro Salvatori specifically for fishing at World Championship events. They asked for specific balanced rods capable of casting weights up to 100, 150 and 200grams and that is what was developed and now these rods are one of the best for competition fishing on the market.</p> <p>They are made with a high number of sections that make them fast, powerful and feature an excellent performance when casting, only these features come from the blanks being hand crafted in Italy can provide. Each rod comes with 2 Nylon tip sections that are also hand crafted to fit each blank. To increase the range the range is available in both 4 meter and 5 meter length and to increase the flexibility also have a grommet fixed to the first section to allow you to extend or reduce the length you fish at. The rods are available in both Fuji K Guides or Fuji BNOG.</p> <p><span>Made from: High Modulus unidirectional carbon composite differentiated guidance and modules-Production System V.AR.AM</span></p><br />
Price €199.00
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<p>This series of telescopic rods are entirely hand made in Italy by Artico being designed specifically for Boat fishing in all European waters. Within the Series are the LA100, LA150 and the most powerful LA200 and are made with the same features of the Dinamite range, strong, powerful yet extremely light. This Series of rods were specifically designed in collaboration with Italian International Champions, Dominica and Mauro Salvatori specifically for fishing at World Championship events. They asked for specific balanced rods capable of casting weights up to 100, 150 and 200grams and that is what was developed and now these rods are one of the best for competition fishing on the market.</p> <p>They are made with a high number of sections that make them fast, powerful and feature an excellent performance when casting, only these features come from the blanks being hand crafted in Italy can provide. Each rod comes with 2 Nylon tip sections that are also hand crafted to fit each blank. To increase the range the range is available in both 4 meter and 5 meter length and to increase the flexibility also have a grommet fixed to the first section to allow you to extend or reduce the length you fish at. The rods are available in both Fuji K Guides or Fuji BNOG.</p> <p><span>Made from: High Modulus unidirectional carbon composite differentiated guidance and modules-Production System V.AR.AM</span></p> <p></p>
Price €209.00
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<p>Puma telescopic fishing rods set the technological standard for surfcasting fishing in the Mediterranean. Developed specifically for fishing in our seas and carefully tested by Arctic consultants, they are defined by the best surfcasting fishermen as extremely efficient canes precisely because they are well designed. three different powers characterized by 3 colors: 60-100 gr (white) / 80-150 gr (yellow) / 150-200 (blue), cover all fishing needs. The Arctic Puma are rigorously Made in Italy and handcrafted with the best carbon composite unidirectional. The drums guarantee maximum performance precisely because they are developed with the V. AR. AM system. which uses different carbon modules positioned and oriented according to the action that the barrel must produce during fishing. Nothing is left to chance: every single step in the production phase serves to modify and differentiate the action of the shaft in order to create a ttrezzo that really corresponds to the mechanical characteristics shown in screen printing. The resulting stem is very light, unassembled and weighs only 450 grams and has a diameter of just 20mm. All three models are 4.30m long, divided into seven sections, the size of the cana is 1.65m. The summit, built specifically for this series, is made of solid carbon to give the tool the maximum sensitivity and features a reflective spiral workmanship that guarantees maximum visibility even in night fishing. Excellent value for money.</p> <p></p>
Price €255.00
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<p>The state of the art of fishing rod construction in three pieces dedicated to surfcasting and technical launch: the evolution of the well-known Silente 5000 series. They are also made of unidirectional carbon composite, differentiated in modulus and orientation pre-preg Ferrari V. AR. AM, which gives it incredible diameters: only 18 mm. This results in an incredible lightness, well balanced but with a great reserve of power and rapid action. In this series there are two chimneys, specifically related to the orange 5015 model, covering weights of 30-60 grams and 60-80 grams. The real difference with respect to the 5000 series lies in the length of the couplings, the new series enjoys a continuous, uninterrupted action during the launch phase. This solution made it possible to obtain tools capable of launching such as the angled Side and Ground, widely used in fishing, with plumbing up to 100 grams for 80-120 action and up to 150 grams for 120-180 action. Fuji rings and a particularly refined elegant cosmetics complete the range of equipment.<br /></p>
Price €410.30
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<p>The state of the art of fishing rod construction in three pieces dedicated to surfcasting and technical launch: the evolution of the well-known Silente 5000 series. They are also made of unidirectional carbon composite, differentiated in modulus and orientation pre-preg Ferrari V. AR. AM, which gives it incredible diameters: only 18 mm. This results in an incredible lightness, well balanced but with a great reserve of power and rapid action. Also for this series the summit is realized with "double action", a whole and not reported showcase on which, at different distances depending on the action you want to obtain,"pitch" grafts have been inserted. Two models are available: Silent 5015 green (with range 80-120 gr) and Silent 5015 blue (range 120-180 gr). The real difference with respect to the 5000 series lies in the length of the couplings, the new series enjoys a continuous, uninterrupted action during the launch phase. This solution made it possible to obtain tools capable of launching such as the angled Side and Ground, widely used in fishing, with plumbing up to 100 grams for 80-120 action and up to 150 grams for 120-180 action. Fuji rings and a particularly refined elegant cosmetics complete the range of equipment.<br /></p><div><br /></div><br /><br /><br /><br />
Price €415.80
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<p>The state of the art of fishing rod construction in three pieces dedicated to surfcasting and technical launch: the evolution of the well-known Silente 5000 series. They are also made of unidirectional carbon composite, differentiated in modulus and orientation pre-preg Ferrari V. AR. AM, which gives it incredible diameters: only 18 mm. This results in an incredible lightness, well balanced but with a great reserve of power and rapid action. Also for this series the summit is realized with "double action", a whole and not reported showcase on which, at different distances depending on the action you want to obtain,"pitch" grafts have been inserted. Two models are available: Silent 5015 green (with range 80-120 gr) and Silent 5015 blue (range 120-180 gr). The real difference with respect to the 5000 series lies in the length of the couplings, the new series enjoys a continuous, uninterrupted action during the launch phase. This solution made it possible to obtain tools capable of launching such as the angled Side and Ground, widely used in fishing, with plumbing up to 100 grams for 80-120 action and up to 150 grams for 120-180 action. Fuji rings and a particularly refined elegant cosmetics complete the range of equipment.<br /></p><br /><br /><br />
Price €392.70
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  • On sale!


<p>This series of telescopic rods are entirely Hand Made in Italy by Artico being designed specifically for Boat Fishing in all European waters. The series consists of three models: Dinamite Medium, Strong and the Extreme. The Dinamite TNT Extreme is the most powerful and versatile of the range and you can fish for just about anything as it can handle weights from 10 to 500grams: When testing the rod easily handled fishing with 1KG. The Stem Stress M40J Carbon mixed with the HM30S Guarantees progressive power mostly seen in heavier, bulky rods. The Dinamite TNT Extreme is suitable for most types of fishing from top, mid water and bottom fishing for Conger, Cod and other large predators. This is indeed a rod to keep in your boat at all time and to lend to a friend who normally breaks every rod they use.</p> <p>Two Hand Made Nylon tips especially made for this rod, to increase the range it is available in both 2.80 meter and 3.60 meter length and to increase the flexibility also has a grommet fixed to the first section to allow you to extend or reduce the length you fish at. The rods are available in either Fuji K Guides or Fuji BNOG.</p> <p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
Price €229.00
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<p class="Default"><strong>Diabolika AT 445</strong>, per tecnologia e prestazioni è la canna con il miglior rapporto qualità prezzo sul mercato. La struttura del fusto è estremamente rigida, i diametri sono ridotti al minimo e il cimino è il più sensibile e reattivo che abbiate mai visto. Parliamo di canna estrema, realizzata artigianalmente, sulla base delle indicazioni dei consulenti Artico. Diabolika è un prodotto esclusivo... non adatto a tutti.</p> <p class="Default">Il nome Diabolika è la sintesi della tecnologia Artico, un perfetto connubbio tra:<br />- Il miglior carbonio presente sul mercato (carbonio prepreg Ferrari... lo stesso usato a Maranello) <br />- L'esclusiva lavorazione artigianale Made in Italy (le Diabolika non sono fatte in serie, vengono realizzate in numero limitato e solo su ordinazione) <br />- L'applicazione pratica dell'esperienza maturata sui campi gara dai migliori agonisti italiani trota torrente (GARISTI 93 ARTICO - GARISTI PROVINCIALI FOSSANO ARTICO - Apsd VOBARNO ARTICO).</p> <p class="Default"><strong>IL CARBONIO FERRARI<br /></strong>Il carbonio PREPREG Ferrari, gentilmente concesso dalla Casa di Maranello solo per la produzione di canne Top di gamma, è un'esclusiva Artico. Il carbonio alto modulo Ferrari è lo stesso utilizzato nella F1, è un carbonio puro: il modulo più alto presente sul mercato per questo è il più leggero e resistente. Per spiegare, le canne prodotte in Cina solitamente usano il carbonio alto modulo M40, il carbonio Ferrari concesso ad Artico è un M80. Il motivo per il quale Artico può usare il carbonio alto modulo Ferrari è semplice, entrambe sono aziende Made in Italy che rappresentano l'eccellenza nel loro settore. Questo è un po' il sunto del lavoro artigianale che ancora distingue aziende come Artico dal lavoro dozzinale e in serie della produzione asiatica. L'eccellenza che definisce il Made in Italy non deriva dal marchio, ma una vera e propria filosofia del lavoro maturata in anni di esperienza. Gli altri potranno sempre e solo copiare quello che le migliori aziende italiane sognano, progettano e realizzano. </p> <p><strong>LA LAVORAZIONE ARTIGIANALE MADE IN ITALY</strong></p> <p class="Default">La scelta dei materiali ed il loro accoppiamento. Qui ci sarebbe da aprire un mondo sui sistemi di lavorazione e produzione Made in Italy. Solo un accenno per entrare nel cuore della tecnologia Artico, le Diabolika sono canne esclusive, non vengono prodotte in serie: ogni attrezzo viene lavorato sapientemente a mano per conferirgli particolari caratteristiche meccaniche. Non sono le macchine a fare il lavoro sono gli artigiani italiani che decidono come e quando sovrapporre, piegare ed accoppiare il carbonio. Rispetto alle canne tradizionali che si trovano in commercio, le Top di gamma Artico sono veri e propri capolavori. Per fare dei paragoni: quante Ferrari "La Ferrari" vengono prodotte in anno e quante Audi R8 vengono prodotte in un anno. Due macchine eccellenti ma dal dal punto di vista sostanziale molto diverse. Le canne Artico sono come le Ferrari... sono un'altra cosa rispetto a quello che offre il mercato. Una componente è dovuta sicuramente al materiale, il carbonio alto modulo multistrato è quello Ferrari usato per la F1 e quindi più puro degli altri carboni in commercio, ma poi la differenza si fa soprattutto con la lavorazione delle fibre. Il carbonio di derivazione Ferrari viene trattato e sovrapposto in maniera completamente diversa rispetto alle lavorazioni tradizionali. I tessuti di carbonio tradizionali sono monodirezionali, la stragrande maggioranza delle aziende sovrappone in posizione longitudinale e trasversale le fibre del tessuto per aumentarne la resistenza allo schiacciamento e la reattività, Artico aggiunge a questa posa delle fibre anche degli inserimenti ad angolo riuscendo così a conferire a tutti gli attrezzi innumerevoli azioni differenti in base all'esigenza di pesca. Grazie a questa particolare lavorazione si ottengono i tessuti di carbonio eccellenti che permettono la realizzazione dei fusti specifici, "specializzati" per un determinato tipo di pesca. Ogni fusto è singolarmente collaudato per garantire massime prestazioni ed affidabilità per il tipo di pesca per cui è stato ideato e sviluppato.</p> <p><strong>LA COMPETENZA DEI CONSULENTI ARTICO</strong></p> <p class="Default">Tutte le aziende hanno dei consulenti, ci sono quelli che firmano solo le canne, ci sono quelli che le usano per fare pubblicità e poi ci sono quelli che entrano nel merito della produzione... che intervengono direttamente sul prodotto fornendo la loro esperienza ed indicando all'azienda le scelte progettuali migliori per rendere le canne efficienti. Questo è il caso di Artico, soprattutto su questo prodotto si è concentrata la collaborazione con i pluricampioni Stefano Boschiazzo e Alessio Fabiani ed il risultato è sotto i vostri occhi.</p>
Price €805.00
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<p class="Default">The AT 353 Epoca are a series of rods made of multilayer carbon V. AR. AM, a Ferrari-derived carbon produced exclusively for Arctic, which makes the reeds ultra light and very resistant. The structure of the shaft is the same as the top AT 555 series, the sections are medium-long, but the type of carbon used in this model makes the barrel action more continuous and precise. Balancing is excellent, with low weight and total reliability. The diameter of the calcium is small and is covered by an anti-slip treatment in the base part of the handle where there is a centimeter for measuring trout. The AT 353 Epochs are competitive canes and are therefore dedicated to discerning fishermen. They are decidedly technical tools, completely Made in Italy and available at low cost. </p> <p></p>
Price €205.00
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<p class="Default"><span style="line-height:1.5em;">The Epoca AT 9016 are rods made in Italy made especially for trout fishing in torrent. They are very rigid tools, with calcium with a thin diameter and small footprint (only 120cm without rings). The two high modulus carbons (M40J and Ultralight G30SHGMC) used for the production of drums make these tools very light and at the same time robust. The sections are short sized to make the tool very rigid. The barrel is mounted with ALPS rings but can be equipped with other models on request. You can lift the weight trout without the use of the wardrobe with maximum ease. The AT 9016 Epochs are ideal tools for those looking for a barrel of good quality, easy to use, very funny and does not want to spend exorbitant amounts.</span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €215.00
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<p><span>Il monofilo Red + nasce dal processo F.C.C. Fluor Carbon Coated, cioè un’anima ad altissima tenacità con un rivestimento esterno in fluoro carbonio, per garantire:</span><br /><span>-massima resistenza lineare e minimo cedimento al nodo</span><br /><span>-massima resistenza all’abrasione</span><br /><span>-buona visibilità per l’occhio umano, ma bassissima visibilità in acqua. È privo di memoria e, grazie alla ionizzazione, ha una superficie regolare. Di colore rosso porpora è particolarmente indicato per tipologie di pesca dove il filo è soggetto a molto stress, come la pesca dalla barca, trota in lago, surfcasting e spinning. </span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €16.00
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<p><span>Dedicato ai pescatori della trota in fiume, testato e consigliato da Stefano Boschiazzo, il White Silicon è la massima espressione dei monofili giapponesi solidi. Ha un’elevata visibilità, utile ad un perfetto controllo della lenza in ogni fase della pesca e, grazie al procedimento di ionizzazione, ha un’eccezionale tenuta al nodo e in linea. Grazie alla sua morbidezza e al trattamento solido risulta molto scorrevole sugli anelli, permettendo lanci molto più lunghi.</span><br /><span>I diametri e i carichi di rottura sono reali. </span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €17.80
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<p><span>Dedicato ai pescatori della trota in fiume, del surf casting e della pesca in mare in generale, il Dinamite Red Silicon è la massima espressione dei monofili giapponesi solidi. La sua elevata visibilità è ideale per un perfetto controllo della lenza in ogni fase della pesca e, grazie al procedimento di ionizzazione, garantisce un’eccezionale tenuta al nodo e in linea. La morbidezza e ill trattamento solido molto scorrevole sugli anelli permettendo lanci molto più lunghi. I diametri e carichi di rottura sono reali.</span></p> <p><strong>Diametro</strong> <strong>Carico Rottura</strong></p> <p>Ø mm. 0,18 Kg. 2,90<br />Ø mm. 0,20 Kg. 3,58<br />Ø mm. 0,23 Kg. 4,70<br />Ø mm. 0,26 Kg. 5,78<br />Ø mm. 0,28 Kg. 6,85<br />Ø mm. 0,30 Kg. 7,90<br />Ø mm. 0,33 Kg. 8,95</p>
Price €18.60


<p><span>Dall’esperienza Artico e in collaborazione con Domenico Salvatori, nasce la nuova linea di monofili giapponesi, DINAMITE "Lenze Madri", realizzati con un nuovissimo processo di ionizzazione. Molto scorrevoli nel lancio e dotati di ottima rigidità, per cui la ferrata arriva veloce, possiedono tutte le caratteristiche per essere i migliori nella pesca dalla barca. Lo confermano i ragazzi della Lenza Club Riccione, che domenica 1 novembre hanno vinto il titolo di CAMPIONI ITALIANI PESCA DA NATANTE 2009. I campioni, capitanati da Domenico Salvatori, consigliano di provarli. </span></p> <p><br /><br /></p>
Price €12.50


<p><span>Dall’esperienza Artico e in collaborazione con Domenico Salvatori, nasce la nuova linea di monofili giapponesi, DINAMITE "Mulinello", realizzati con un nuovissimo processo di ionizzazione. Molto scorrevoli nel lancio e dotati di ottima rigidità, per cui la ferrata arriva veloce, possiedono tutte le caratteristiche per essere i migliori nella pesca dalla barca. Lo confermano i ragazzi della Lenza Club Riccione, che domenica 1 novembre hanno vinto il titolo di CAMPIONI ITALIANI PESCA DA NATANTE 2009. I campioni, capitanati da Domenico Salvatori, consigliano di provarli. </span></p> <p></p>
Price €19.60
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