List of products by brand MK Quattro

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    <p><strong>Modello B-0080</strong> Super smart accessory for the Viper seat box range, the termic wallet will fit all Viper seat boxes (except the XXL and the X-Esse), will keep Your baits and drinks cool or will simply be perfect to store Your extra gears, fitting perfectly in Your seat box frame sliding under the units.</p> <p><strong>Modello B-0090</strong> Super smart accessory for this seat box range: Bomber - Shelby - Raptor - Steel e Anniversario. The termic wallet will fit all seat boxes (Bomber - Shelby - Raptor - Steel e Anniversario), will keep Your baits and drinks cool or will simply be perfect to store Your extra gears, fitting perfectly in Your seat box frame sliding under the units.</p>
    Price €105.00

      MK4 INDY BAR

      <p>Barra Frontale sviluppata per roubaisienne ma idonea anche per bolognese. Prodotto Made in Italy da abbinabile ai braccetti per barre frontali Mk4</p>
      Price €45.00

        MK4 SOFT BAR

        <p>Barra Frontale sviluppata per roubaisienne ma idonea anche per bolognese. Prodotto Made in Italy da abbinabile ai braccetti per barre frontali Mk4</p>
        Price €40.00
        MK4 BOX MK4 BOX

          MK4 BOX

          <p>Una serie di borse in pvc spalmato rigido. Diverse misure per coprire tutte le esigenze. Rigorosamente Made in Italy</p>
          Price €65.00


            <p>DOUBLE ANGLE LOOK FEEDER ARM Pratico Feeder arm concepito in modo da avere innumerevoli posizioni grazie ai due snodi collocati nella lunghezza del braccio. Lungo 88 cm peso 600 gr pinza fast finger. Practical Feeder arm designed to have countless positions thanks to the two joints placed in the length of the arm. 88 cm long, weight 600 g, fast finger pliers. TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM. 60 cm Feeder arm a sezione esagonale molto compatto, equipaggiato da snodo regolabile e pinza fast finger. Perfetto per la pesca a method nei laghetti, può essere alloggiato permanentemente sul paniere senza ingombri. Very compact feeder arm with hexagonal section, equipped with adjustable joint and fast finger gripper. Perfect for method fishing in ponds, it can be permanently housed on the seat box without bulk. TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM 110 cm Feeder ARM telescopico a sezione esagonale equipaggiato di snodo regolabile e pinza fast finger. Attrezzo perfetto sia per la pesca in laghetti sia per quella in acque libere, anche a canna alta. Telescopic ARM feeder with hexagonal section equipped with adjustable joint and fast finger gripper. Perfect tool both for fishing in ponds and for that in open water, even with high rod</p>
            Price €69.00


              <p>La caratteriscica fondamentale di queste valigette è di essere costruite su di un telaio a doppio braccio e di avere una struttura semirigida non comprimibile, così da non intaccare esche ed accessori all’interno e mantenere tutto in ordine e pronto all’uso. Costruito in trevira spalmato antigraffio e antimacchia, prefettamente impermeabile, tasca interna con cerniera e supporti per il top New concept frame feeder box made on top of a light but very strong frame and double arms, 36 mm attachments. The rigid fram will protect our baits and accessories, waterproof and scratch proof soft touch trevira cover, inner accessory zip pouch, adjustable to</p>
              Price €140.00


                <p>TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM 60 CM: Feeder Arm telescopico a sezione esagonale molto compatto, equipaggiato di snodo regolabile e boccola a sgancio rapido, attacco da 36 mm con riduttori, perfetto per il method feeder ed il lago commerciale.Può essere alloggiato permanentemente sul paniere senza ingombri. TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM 60 CM: Compact telescopic feeder arm festuring a stiff exagonal frame, ballistic plastic adjustable joint, quick set remuvable threaded buckle, 36 mm attachment with adaptors to different diameter legs. Perfect for commercial venues and method feeder fishing. TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM 110 CM: Feeder Arm telescopico a sezione esagonale, equipaggiato di snodo regolabile e boccola a sgancio rapido, attacco da 36 mm con riduttori, perfetto sia per il pago commerciale che per la pesca in acque libera anche a canna alta.. TELESCOPIC FEEDER ARM 110 CM: Strong single attachment telescopic feeder arm festuring a stiff exagonal frame, ballistic plastic adjustable joint, quick set remuvable threaded buckle, 36 mm attachment with adaptors to different diameter legs, perfect for both commercial and natural venues. UNIVERSAL CARBON FEEDER ARM: Braccio orientabile verticalmente costruito in carbonio. Questo braccio è stato realizzato per soddisfare le esigenze del moderno pescatore a Feeder, non più ingombranti e pesanti bracci da feeder ma uno strumento leggero, compatto e polivalente, adatto alla pesca in laghi commerciali ed acque libere. Equipaggiato con boccola a vite a 90 gradi con passo da 3/8. L. 83 cm. Peso 386 gr. Attacco da 36 mm con adattatori 32/30/25 mm. UNIVERSAL FEEDER ARM: a vertically adjustable arm made of carbon. A lightweight arm born to satisfy the needs of the modern feeder angler, no more bulky and heavy feeder arms but a light and compact multifunctional arm perfect for both commercials lakes and natural venues. Equipped by a 90 degrees 3/8 threaded head. L. 83 cms. Weight 386 gr. 36 mm legs attachment, 32/30/25 adapters included.</p>
                Price €59.00

                  MK4 FEEDER ARMS

                  <p>HH FEEDER ARM: feeder arm senza snodo estremamente robusto e stabile ma dal peso molto contenuto, struttura in alluminio ultra leggero, doppio attacco per una maggiore stabilità, connettore filettato per il rod rest in carbonio regolabile in altezza. L. 64 cm peso 580 gr. Attacchi da 36 mm con adattatori 32/30/25 mm. HH FEEDER ARM: aluminium double attachment fixed feeder arm, extremely stiff and strong but lightweight, equipped by an adjustable threaded head carbon rod test support. L. 64 cms, weight 580 gr.36 mm legs attachment, 32/30/25 adapters included. HH FEEDER ARM EVO:Robusto e stabile feeder arm derivante dal modello HH standard, l’aggiunta dello snodo dentato frontale in plastica ballistica rende questo accessorio perfetto per la pesca sia in acqua commerciali che in acqua libere, comprese le forti correnti dove si pesca a canna alta. HH FEEDER ARM EVO: Strong and very stable evolution of our HH feeder arm, the addition of the front dented joint made of ballistic plastic will make this accessory suitable for all kind of commercial and natural venue fishing, included fast flowing waters.</p>
                  Price €79.00

                    MK4 PEDANA PANCHETTO

                    <p>Pedana per sgabello (P ZERO E PUNO ) 2 gambe teleregolabili Ø 30 L 500 mm. P ZERO end P UNO fishing chair foot-board Telescopic legs Ø 30 L 500 mm.</p>
                    Price €149.00
                    MK4 PIATTO 35x25 CON CAPOTTINA MK4 PIATTO 35x25 CON CAPOTTINA

                      MK4 PIATTO 35x25 CON CAPOTTINA

                      <p>Piatto small costruito in ABS e alluminio, oggetto molto robusto ed estremamente leggero pinza Ø 36 Misure: 350 x250 mm Small tray Made with ABS and aluminium, very stiff, but lightweight clamp Ø 36 Dimensions 350 x 250 mm</p>
                      Price €59.00

                        MK4 PANCHETTO VIPER RAPTOR VERDE

                        <p>La continua evoluzione della struttura a quattro gambe viene oggi presentata in un nuovo versione di telaio a ispirazione aeronautica, la base è stata allargata per ottenere una maggiore stabilità e per migliorare l’ampiezza della pedana. Il telaio fisso porta nella parte posteriore alta, sono stati ricavati cinque alloggiamenti circolari, protetti da anelli in EVA, per l’inserimento di eventuali manici di cane o punte di Rubasien. La struttura portare fissa è stata sapientemente alleggerita, la quale sorregge un modulo in alluminio a tre cassetti, due frontali e uno laterale. Il Raptor viene prodotto in due nuove colorazioni il verde militare e il grigio pastello, colori che in entrambi le versioni rendono unici questi due prodotti. The continuous evolution of the four-legged structure is now presented in a new version of the aeronautical-inspired frame, the base has been widened to obtain greater stability and to improve the width of the platform. The fixed frame carries five circular housings in the high back, protected by EVA rings, for the insertion of any rod handles or Rubasien tips. The fixed structure has been lightened, which supports an aluminum module with three drawers, two on the front and one on the side. The Raptor is produced in two new colors, military green and pastel gray, colors that in both versions make these two products unique</p>
                        Price €1,090.00

                          MK4 PANCHETTO VIPER RAPTOR GRIGIO

                          <p>La continua evoluzione della struttura a quattro gambe viene oggi presentata in un nuovo versione di telaio a ispirazione aeronautica, la base è stata allargata per ottenere una maggiore stabilità e per migliorare l’ampiezza della pedana. Il telaio fisso porta nella parte posteriore alta, sono stati ricavati cinque alloggiamenti circolari, protetti da anelli in EVA, per l’inserimento di eventuali manici di cane o punte di Rubasien. La struttura portare fissa è stata sapientemente alleggerita, la quale sorregge un modulo in alluminio a tre cassetti, due frontali e uno laterale. Il Raptor viene prodotto in due nuove colorazioni il verde militare e il grigio pastello, colori che in entrambi le versioni rendono unici questi due prodotti. The continuous evolution of the four-legged structure is now presented in a new version of the aeronautical-inspired frame, the base has been widened to obtain greater stability and to improve the width of the platform. The fixed frame carries five circular housings in the high back, protected by EVA rings, for the insertion of any rod handles or Rubasien tips. The fixed structure has been lightened, which supports an aluminum module with three drawers, two on the front and one on the side. The Raptor is produced in two new colors, military green and pastel gray, colors that in both versions make these two products unique</p>
                          Price €1,090.00

                            MK4 PANCHETTO VIPER STEEL

                            <p>Ricavato dal paniere Raptor, il paniere denominato STEEL si differenzia da una accattivante finitura cromatica e di rottura rispetto ai soliti canoni. La pedana ricavata da una lastra di alluminio Peraluman tagliata al laser e piegata con una geometria che la rende particolarmente rigida è adatta a formare la pedana poggiapiedi. Altra particolare differenza dal Raptor è il modulo in ABS a due cassetti verniciato a liquido che lo rende perfetto per la cromatica di questo eccezionale paniere. Lo STEEL monta un particolare cuscino sempre ricavato in Memory Foam, ma con una finitura superiore nera con effetto alcantara che al tatto rilascia una piacevole sensazione. Obtained from the Raptor, the seat box called “STEEL” has a captivating chromatic finish, totally different from the usual canons. The platform obtained from a Peraluman aluminum plate, is laser cut and folded with a geometry that makes it particularly rigid, suitable for forming the footrest. Another particular difference from the Raptor is the liquid-painted two-drawer module in ABS which makes it perfect for the color of this exceptional seat box. The STEEL features a particular cushion, also made of Memory Foam, but with a black upper finish with an alcantara effect that releases a pleasant sensation to the touch</p>
                            Price €1,230.00

                              MK4 PANCHETTO ANNIVERSARY

                              <p>• Seduta in memory foam. • Modulo con 1 cassetto frontale piccolo. • Gambe telescopiche in carbonio ø 36 . • Piedi ultra grip. • Tracolla con spallaccio. • Memory foam seat • Unit : 1 front drawer. • Equipped by four ø 36 telescopic carbon legs. • Ultra grip foots. • Padded shoulder strap.</p>
                              Price €2,250.00
                              MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY

                                MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY

                                <p>MADE IN ITALY New concept top of the range seat box, no more a single block welded frame but a lower portion one including the foot board and upper part supporting the unit system. A special nylon truss has been designed and manufactured, it slides orthogonally on a semi spherical aluminum outline. Inside this there is a locking system adjusting the vertical regulation of the unit system, allowing a 40 mm regulation of the height and will avoid the addition of extra units to increase the height of the seat and the increase of the weight of the seat box. The Shelby is a product projected and manufactured with he highest care for details and developed for high demanding anglers asking for the highest quality products on the market. The foot board has been widened of 60 mm and equipped by six no-slid inserts, it has been laser cut to remove waste materials and keep the weight down.The unit system is composed by a small front drawer for small accessories and a wider upper side drawer opening on both side of the seat. Lots of care has been taken in manufacturing and developing the new cushion seat, resulting in the highest comfort during the fishing action; made of memory foam soft material and shaped to all body size and shape.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX SHELBY</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                Price €1,335.00
                                MK4 SEATBOX BOMBER MK4 SEATBOX BOMBER

                                  MK4 SEATBOX BOMBER

                                  <p>MADE IN ITALY New concept higher quality seat box, no more a single block welded frame but a lower portion one including the foot board and upper part supporting the unit system. A special nylon truss has been designed and manufactured, it slides orthogonally on a semi spherical aluminum outline. Inside this there is a locking system adjusting the vertical regulation of the unit system, allowing a 40 mm regulation of the height and will avoid the addition of extra units to increase the height of the seat and the increase of the weight of the seat box. The Bomber is a product projected and manufactured with he highest care for details and developed for high demanding anglers asking for the highest quality products on the market. The foot board has been widened of 60 mm and equipped by six no-slid inserts, it has been laser cut to remove waste materials and keep the weight down.The unit system is made of super strong ABS and features a double front drawers. Lots of care has been taken in manufacturing and developing the new cushion seat, resulting in the highest comfort during the fishing action; made of memory foam soft material and shaped to all body size and shape.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX BOMBER</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                  Price €1,100.00
                                  MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY

                                    MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY

                                    <p>MADE IN ITALY New aerospace grade aluminium seat box, finished trough a special cataphoresis powder coating process that will result in avery strong and sctracth proof surface. This seat box is perfectly suitable to all fishing techniques, developed on the aero-z frame concept., Equipped by the new concept seat cushion, the seat is made of a first soft-gel injection followed by a second memory foam one between the first one and the outer shell resulting in a high reaction seat cushion. Other features of the new mustang seat box are the 4 cms high under units compartment and the new no-slip lasercut 6 slots footboard. Equipped by 4 telescopic 36 mm legs and 30 mm inner sliding legs. Main feature of this seat box is the extreme strongness despite the very low weight.</p> <table><thead class="pestit"><tr><td>Modello</td> <td>Peso</td> <td>Dimensioni</td> </tr></thead><tbody class="pestxt"><tr><td>MK4 SEATBOX MUSTANG GREY</td> <td>14 Kg</td> <td>70x54</td> </tr></tbody></table>
                                    Price €940.00